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Pakistan's Elite Class - Defenders of the Establishment

Why wouldn't they defend Army ? They became multi billionaires from small traders because of their proximity with Army. Their wealth primarily, has grown at the expense of common Pakistanis. Army has ensured them a captive market of 25 crores. Its so profitable doing business in Pakistan that they dont even feel any need to export .Who in his right mind would want to disrupt this win-win situation ?

And recent events suggest that Path taken by Imran will never work. Pakistan’s status quo needs a little more violent solution. Few Malik Riaz type elite will have to be offed. Elite need to experience Fear.
IK wasn’t part of the elite when this happened - but he has rubbed shoulders with everyone and now is on the PTI trip. His downfall is his own ego and narcissistic personality.

But what he created in Shaukat Khanum and other initiatives is much better than anything that manshas or others did. Because that is where his Oxford education and knowing to listen to educated people on occasion paid off.. Benazir was the same but then Allah tied her to the devil himself.

Cannot disagree.

He did bring some compassion and an element of public service to governance rather than only gimmickry.

Let's see what the future has in store.
He is a narcissistic buffoon pied pipering his way
That's why the great Mir Bajwa had to remove Imran Khan in collusion with the US, as he was a 'threat to pakistan' according to the former, but now that your wise khaki friends had taken it upon them 'save' pakistan the nth time, no doubt these are happy days for Pakistan, Economy, brewing famine speaks volumes.. look how their appointed adminstrator is showing the French President whos boss:


Lumba 1 army in the world zindabad!
we don't need the gimmicks from the 'narcissist' Imran Khan tried to introduce i.e. basic necessities of life, when we have the b4stard khakis making Pakistan great again! Oasis for them, starvation and despair for the rest of us..
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Starting to like this term Faujeet

Sounds funny and hilarious , because they have not won a single war , jeet keisi ?

"Fau-Jeet" hmm

Who was thinking with diabolical mind ?
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Starting to like this term Faujeet

Sounds funny and hilarious , because they have not won a single war , jeet keisi ?

"Fau-Jeet" hmm

If it wasn't for the volunteers from Azad Kashmir and Gilgit taking own initiative, we wouldn't have those areas within the federation today. They shunned Jinnah, they happily licked the boots of their imperial masters, and after the British left, they started to lick the boots of the Americans.. These general swines brought Pakistan to it's knees many times, India has never defeated Pakistan, it was the Pakistani Generals who defeated Pakistan, the sons of Mir Jafar.
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Another one of those threads.

Imran Khan or not, he is irrelevant. Paradoxically, in a good way, the empire (establishment) is naked.

Unless the Pakistanis do not course correct, that is to defang the establishment, Pakistan will become a mere blip in the larger realm of history and vanish over time.
if the elite would walk with a finger up their backside to be useful but they are not even able to achieve that.

what a load of shit. I don't see anyone else doing anything positive for Pakistan in their lifespan! but he is a narcissist.
Abdul Sattar Edhi comes to mind.

And cult worshipping should take into account mistakes as well

That's why the great Mir Bajwa had to remove Imran Khan in collusion with the US, as he was a 'threat to pakistan' according to the former, but now that your wise khaki friends had taken it upon them 'save' pakistan the nth time, no doubt these are happy days for Pakistan, Economy, brewing famine speaks volumes.. look how their appointed adminstrator is showing the French President whos boss:


Lumba 1 army in the world zindabad!
we don't need the gimmicks from the 'narcissist' Imran Khan tried to introduce i.e. basic necessities of life, when we have the b4stard khakis making Pakistan great again! Oasis for them, starvation and despair for the rest of us..
You could just copy paste it from your notepad - not exactly scoring any points for repeating the usual crap when even IK has to now run to his US lobbyists.
You could just copy paste it from your notepad - not exactly scoring any points for repeating the usual crap when even IK has to now run to his US lobbyists.

When there is not even one functioning state organ, under this b4stard Military Junta, it would be logical for any sane person to try reach out on any platform availiable, as all the avenues of reason are closed within the country, so i don't see why you would have a issue if he reaches out to the likes of the human rights organisation etc.. to spread awareness of the situation when the so called PAK 'media' houses won't do it. What are his options do tell?

Theres a difference between commiting treason as it has been historically the Armys motto, from what IK asking for i.e. to the end of illegal crackdowns and false imprisonment by the current regime and instead to have a free fair elections. On one hand we have the Army colluding with the US deep state to undermine democracy, whilst all IK is asking for is to have free and fair elections. He has been man handled and has suffered prolonged phyical and mental torture, lets not forget he barely survived an assassination attempt, if he wanted to leave he could have, but he stayed.. at least have some respect for this so called 'narcissistic buffoon' if anyone of us were in his shoes, we would have cracked long ago.. And this isn't just about Imran khan, its about the peoples right to democractically choose their own leaders, and not be forced to be content with tyranical despots they did not vote for.
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When there is not even one functioning state organ, under this b4stard Military Junta, it would be logical for any sane person to try reach out on any platform availiable, as all the avenues of reason are closed within the country, so i don't see why you would have a issue if he reaches out to the likes of the human rights organisation etc.. to spread awareness of the situation when the so called PAK 'media' houses won't do it. What are his options do tell?

Theres a difference between commiting treason as it has been historically the Armys motto, from what IK asking for i.e. to the end of illegal crackdowns and false imprisonment by the current regime and instead to have a free fair elections. On one hand we have the Army colluding with the US deep state to undermine democracy, whilst all IK is asking for is to have free and fair elections. He has been man handled and has suffered prolonged phyical and mental torture, lets not forget he barely survived an assassination attempt, if he wanted to leave he could have, but he stayed.. at least have some respect for this so called 'narcissistic buffoon' if anyone of us were in his shoes, we would have cracked long ago.. And this isn't just about Imran khan, its about the peoples right to democractically choose their own leaders, and not be forced to be content with tyranical despots they did not vote for.
That is all great - then why be hypocritical about it?
Say NO to IMF under Engro genius Asad sb and then run back to them?

Absolutely Not and then back to allies?

No to corruption and then let Bushy Bibi have her way with whatever relative or mureed of hers wanted to peddle?

Be pragmatic, admit he is human and made massive blunders during his first term.. but PTI is the “Andhon mein kana raja”

That has no relationship to the rotten system Ayub began and is now showing its full colors and how that had acted like termites to Pakistan’s foundation.
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