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Pakistan's Economy Collapse is Far Worse

This guy is from the right wing. He will exaggerate everything and feed his audience a load of BS. Not to be taken seriously. :laugh:
Who cares.... But he is right. Pakistan is country run by retarded corrupt monkeys.
isn't funny how Pakistani about a year and half ago Pakistanis in there autistic rage with the blasphemy cased against France wished that God would destroy France now year and half later France is doing pretty well all thing considering and god has destroyed Pakistan with floods inflation and debt :disagree::disagree::cheesy::cheesy: makes you think
isn't funny how Pakistani about a year and half ago Pakistanis in there autistic rage with the blasphemy cased against France wished that God would destroy France now year and half later France is doing pretty well all thing considering and god has destroyed Pakistan with floods inflation and debt :disagree::disagree::cheesy::cheesy: makes you think

Pakistanis are reasonably rich.

We do not have any revolutions like the French yellow vests.

Vultures preparing to take the spoils ...

Thank-you Bajwa and the rest of the establishment

These are RAW funded fascist Hindu propaganda channels. Just ignore them.
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Pakistanis are reasonably rich.

We do not have any revolutions like the French yellow vests.

I must have missed the plane loads of Frenchmen seeking to emigrate to richer countries

No it’s been the general trend for the last fifteen years but with the recent coup against Imran Khan, the floods and the general lack of direction for the country, the gap is becoming impossible to ignore.

It has been always that way. One reason to pick USA over China is that USA can change some societies - South Korea, Japan (partly) for the better. China or Chinese have not demonstrated that soft power.
There is a lot this country could have done to prepare over the last several decades. However, being ruled by corrupt and uneducated morons gives you the results you have in Pakistan. We have none to blame but ourselves. Even after this historic flooding, the Chief Minister of Sindh said don't ask me about dams, and none will be built; what more can this nation do short of lynching them in the public squares?

But no one wants to hold Sindh or PPP accountable.

You reap what you sow.

I got berated by one such fine Pakistani in another thread for calling Pakistanis beghairat...

I believe rightly so, there is nothing bad happening in Pakistan, it's all good, everyone is happy and living life to the fullest. We oversears are the real beghairat ones and have the same idiotic savior complex that IK suffers from.

Who in their right mind would tolerate the indignities, injustices and subjugation, it's impossible and only a figment of our overseas imagination.

Nothing to see here, move along...

Exactly, all the "villains" of Pakistani politics and opponents to partition all ended up being correct in the end 🎯
Pakistan has failed to attract FDI because of political and security issues. Other than this, there is not much that separates Pakistan from the rest of its neighbors. Same level of worker productivity and logistical efficiencies. All South Asian countries have twin deficits in their budget and services rendered by the gov. to the taxed population is unsatisfactory. This is why most young educated people try to leave South Asia.

I predict Pakistan's macro economic problems will automagically settle down when Reko Diq revenue (annually expected to be $2 or $3 billion for the federal exchequer) tilts the BoP just enough to bring basic economic stability. At that point, investors will start pumping money into the country to mask the twin deficit problem.

Corruption is a symptom of lack in per capita availability of (harvestable) resources and not the cause for misery in developing countries. People who believe that 'corruption is the problem' have simply not questioned their underlying assumptions enough to inevitably reach this realization. :pop:

Pakistan Currency-Crisis Odds Exceed 50% as Floods Undo Progress​

The odds of Pakistan facing a currency crisis in the next 12 months now exceed 50% following floods that killed thousands of people and displaced millions more, a Bloomberg Economics risk model showed.
The probability of a currency-crisis episode involving a very large depreciation of the nominal exchange rate and extensive depletion of foreign-exchange reserves could climb to about 59% by June 2023 from 29% in August, economist Ankur Shukla wrote in a note. Shukla used a currency risk model initially applied to Pakistan but will be expanded to other emerging markets......


Pakistan Currency-Crisis Odds Exceed 50% as Floods Undo Progress​

The odds of Pakistan facing a currency crisis in the next 12 months now exceed 50% following floods that killed thousands of people and displaced millions more, a Bloomberg Economics risk model showed.
The probability of a currency-crisis episode involving a very large depreciation of the nominal exchange rate and extensive depletion of foreign-exchange reserves could climb to about 59% by June 2023 from 29% in August, economist Ankur Shukla wrote in a note. Shukla used a currency risk model initially applied to Pakistan but will be expanded to other emerging markets......

I do not have research or experience in the field to provide more informed opinions than this Bloomberg article. I'm just an average joe surfing the web. My predictions are just my best guess based on factors that I'm able to perceive. Right now, I think that Pakistan will weather this storm and be on track with the other South Asian countries by the middle of this decade. Recently, there is some good news expected from FATF for Pakistan. That will also add winds to their sail. 👍
I do not have research or experience in the field to provide more informed opinions than this Bloomberg article. I'm just an average joe surfing the web. My predictions are just my best guess based on factors that I'm able to perceive. Right now, I think that Pakistan will weather this storm and be on track with the other South Asian countries by the middle of this decade. Recently, there is some good news expected from FATF for Pakistan. That will also add winds to their sail. 👍

The smaller your country better you manage things. The better you manage your risks. the powers in charge of Pakistan think otherwise. the crowd on the PDF resemble the powers in charge in terms of risk management
With the political corruption and instability, Pakistan is quickly heading towards failed state status. Sad to say. Bangladesh and India are widening the ground between themselves and Pakistan and progressing forward. Pakistan’s leaders are the worse in the region. Corrupt and self serving.
Remove the dual citizenship rule. You are either a Pakistani Citizen or a UK/US citizen. Not both. And then see the difference.

The day it's done, the top leadership (legislative, military, judiciary, administration, businesses, etc) will have a stake in Pakistan's growth and safe guard.
A single bid for LNG supply from around the world has not been received by Pakistan so far. In the eyes of the world, this is the credibility of the imported government.View attachment 884446View attachment 884447
The German chancellor went to the Middle East to buy natural gas. Pakistan sits at home waiting for someone to bid? Pakistani leaders can buy from Central Asian countries, or they can consider Iran and Russia.
While that is true, India and Bangladesh has had forward momentum in building industries and development. However nascent it still is. Pakistan has really been left behind in that regard.
Agreed Pakistan is going through a difficult time.

Pakistan needs a political revolution like a one party state system.

Pakistan needs to industrialize.

But no one wants to hold Sindh or PPP accountable.

You reap what you sow.

Exactly, all the "villains" of Pakistani politics and opponents to partition all ended up being correct in the end 🎯
Partition was the right to do you moron.

@waz false flag detected.
Pakistan's decline began with the demise of Ayub Khan's regime. Focus shifted from economic to strategic.
Corruption is a symptom of lack in per capita availability of (harvestable) resources and not the cause for misery in developing countries.
then by this logic countries low in harvestable resources should be correct no? but Japan isnt corrupt and Japan has few "harveastable resources"
COrruption KILLS in developing countries, i'm half Nigerian, i know this, so stop spewing alternative propaganda.
People who believe that 'corruption is the problem' have simply not questioned their underlying assumptions enough to inevitably reach this realization. :pop:
this proves nothing- what underlying assumptions do they make? you're the one hiding your fallacies and false conclusions and then accusing others of doing so.
then by this logic countries low in harvestable resources should be correct no? but Japan isnt corrupt and Japan has few "harveastable resources"
COrruption KILLS in developing countries, i'm half Nigerian, i know this, so stop spewing alternative propaganda.

this proves nothing- what underlying assumptions do they make? you're the one hiding your fallacies and false conclusions and then accusing others of doing so.
Japan, the former imperial power had a highly disciplined and talented human resource pool that was helped through its industrialization by US. Countries like Korea and Japan were developed because Americans have them the necessary rope to exploit the capabilities of population resource. You should question what you think you know more. :coffee:
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