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Pakistan's Economy Collapse is Far Worse

The mods should really step in regards to this kind of hyperbolic threads that frequently appear on PDF. Just from 2020 we have seen atleast 100.000 of similar threads..

Since the 60s they have been saying Pakistan economy collapsed so forth and so on.. Pakistan is here today 60 years later healthy and to forget Pakistan has been sanctioned at one point more then 20 years nothing came out of it... As long as the gulf countries are around Pakistan will always get bailed out.. I also noticed when something small happens in Pakistan it gets exaggerated.. Then people proceed to saying Pakistan is the most resillent country on earth but that is not the case because Pakistan never really entered any major crisis even during wars it was manageable...

Greece actually experienced a collapse and so did Sri Lanka and Lebanon including Island that is what you call collapse.. In order for Pakistan to collapse their entire market has to collapse which is mostly locally focussed market which is difficult to happen only via an asteroid strike it can happen..

If it even happened Pakistan will declare war as last option and attempt to seize territories and ressources it would be a Pakistan 100 stronger and hungrier that has nothing to lose at that point..

If Pakistans economy is even remotely enters dangerous territories then the authorities will start to beat war drums and launch offensive wars.. It will take decades for that happen and crush will not happen in Pakistan to begin with but the world economy will crash first
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Partition was the right to do you moron.

@waz false flag detected.

Talk to me in Pashto.

Ma ta wawaya che moog pa partition kee sa tarlasaa karal?

Pakistan pa 1971 kee mar sho. Da naya mutant hagha sa nadee che Jinnah pa akhpala "do qomi nazariya" kee leedley.

Angrezano har sa Pakistan ta wakaral o Pakistan Kashmir kharch kar.

Imran Khan na sirf da Pakistan lapra candidate wa, balqee hagha candidate wa, che Pashtano ye washod.

Khan Shaheed Achakzai o Baloch mashraan da Pakistani siyaasat pa ara sahi wo.

Now don't run away LMFAOOOO

Pakistan's decline began with the demise of Ayub Khan's regime. Focus shifted from economic to strategic.

Pakistan's decline began in 1971 when the original Pakistan was buried and a new lab accident of Bhutto-Zia was made.
I must have missed the plane loads of Frenchmen seeking to emigrate to richer countries

It has been always that way. One reason to pick USA over China is that USA can change some societies - South Korea, Japan (partly) for the better. China or Chinese have not demonstrated that soft power.
Pakistan has to do it by itself basically if it want change, china is not master of pakistan and cant force change on it. Japan and south korea are literally colonies of US with troops stationed there and can dictate to these two whatever US wants. Besides, the govs and societies of Japan and South Korea have the right structure and mentalities for economic development, cant say every success in these two countries economically is due to the benevolence of Americans which never existed. But, Japan and south korea do have access to Amercan markets for decades. Dont blame the state of pakistan both economically and politically on china.
Pakistan has to do it by itself basically if it want change, china is not master of pakistan and cant force change on it. Japan and south korea are literally colonies of US with troops stationed there and can dictate to these two whatever US wants. Besides, the govs and societies of Japan and South Korea have the right structure and mentalities for economic development, cant say every success in these two countries economically is due to the benevolence of Americans which never existed. But, Japan and south korea do have access to Amercan markets for decades. Dont blame the state of pakistan both economically and politically on china.
Face it -- China has not figured out how to export its system
Face it -- China has not figured out how to export its system
China is not interested in exporting its system, unlike the messianic Americans, period. If some country want to learn from chinese system by its will, then china might be of help in sharing experience.
Gradual process to reach proper democracy is something that should be accepted. We cannot change the nation suddenly, it should be gradual.

See my DP.
No gradual process there.
That is what is needed.
See my DP.
No gradual process there.
That is what is needed.

Being pragmatic for social cohesion is something that needs to be considered.

Do you think this political back lash on IK is due to his own attempt to punish Nawaz Sharif (Political opponent) and Musarraf (Representing Military) so hard ?

Something good in some particular context can be considered not good, something bad in some particular context can be considered good.

Have you seen this in Quran ? In what Surah ? I know this lesson is taught in Quran
They are corrupt, but there's not much one can do after being hit by a once in a century pandemic, and then one year after, by a once in a century flood.

PTI government managed as well as can be expected during COVID, seeing 6% grow for two years during it. PTI got its message across and people cooperated by and large.

Heck, if the PTI Government was still in charge it could probably mobilize more people to literally dig drainage canals from the flood zone into uninhabited areas of open desert to the east, perhaps making a new “Kachi Canal” in the process.

This is why this is frustrating. Enough of the people are willing to put in the “sweat equity”, escpually if they don’t have the financial means to support national development, but they want leadership and sacrifice from the top as well.

IK’s government alienated the west enough and kept on the anti-corruption drive without results for too long. He should have been more cautious with some of his words and pivoted towards balancing relations with all nations. Even the effort to help free Kashmir has to be reformulated to be pursued in a more sustainable manner.

Diplomacy and politics at a certain point is to accept something are the way they are or at least your efforts are best focused elsewhere.
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West Pakistan decline began after Ayub khan govt demise
But East Pakistan was in demise even before that
When agriculture was the backbone of the economy, it was bound to happen. That is why agrarian countries like Pakistan( East and West) pre-1971 should have followed the South Korean model and pivoted towards heavy industry, investing agricultural surplus into the industries that could allow the nation to export higher value items with higher net profits.

For Pakistan, at that time, it should have been a petrochemical industry in Karachi (with oil shipping from the gulf or a pipeline direct from the shah’s Iran) as well as mining the coal in Thar to help set up a larger steel industry in Karachi.

There should have also been more advanced agricultural joint ventures with companies from Europe, perhaps based in Dhaka. Raising agricultural productivity and boosting industrial development.

Three key failures were failure 1. to imagine the potential and plan for it. 2. The ethnic (local power brokers) competition instead of hold firm to the rule of law and democracy. 3. Socialist tendencies and the nationalization drive under PPP that got rid of entrepreneurs and FDI.
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It looks like such a protocol that Gen Bajwa is here alone for the first time in 6 years, and now we are hired again for someone else's war. There is a possibility that Pakistan is going to have a Marshal law because the US oil supply is hurting their economy and they are willing to do anything to get their economy back on its feet. Shit show again

Pakistan was in bad shape for a long time before the floods. Of course the floods wrecked things but compare Pakistan's and Bangladesh's or India's trajectory and it's completely different. The other two countries are advancing, gaining economic momentum, building industries while Pakistan has been stagnant or declining. The main difference is the leadership. Pakistan's leadership, with the exception of Imran Khan, are primarily corrupt, self serving politicians with no vision.

The real problem is geography.

Since inception, one or the other superpower has tried to maintain access and control of Pakistan.
The Soviets wanted but Americans killed our PM before he could go to USSR.
the coming cold war era, saw Pakistan on one side, which was away from our geographical interests.
Since 90s, American . western interest is to contain china and USSR and deny them access to warm waters at all cost possible.
Pakistan is again the playing ground.
I am not saying our leadership is good,
but then again, all except for maybe Imran were appointed by USA.
One needs to look inwards.

When one is a sell out, there will be incoming bids. When the politicians and establishment stop selling their souls at the expense of a country, then the situation will improve.
With the political corruption and instability, Pakistan is quickly heading towards failed state status. Sad to say. Bangladesh and India are widening the ground between themselves and Pakistan and progressing forward. Pakistan’s leaders are the worse in the region. Corrupt and self serving.

Let these fools drown in misery. People who don't want to succeed are bound to fail. A failed lackey of the USA.
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