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Pakistan's Economy Collapse is Far Worse

I generally agree with @Indos here. Long term thinking is required by IK.

I also realize that corruption in South Asia is if anything a “democratic” feature. The most liberal, tolerant and educated country in South Asia happens to be Sri Lanka. Also the most corrupt. For all intensive purposes, neither India or Bangladesh truly fit the bill for a democracy anymore anyways.

Yet the not so democracies can grow because they are somewhat insulated from political economy considerations. They price commodities somewhat more reasonably than Pakistan and Sri Lanka although all of South Asia does a poor job at it.

It’s also not fair to think that there is corruption in India / India can grow/ so corruption in Pakistan is not an issue. India and Pakistan are vastly different in their political structures. India has regional ethnic politics in a country where no ethnicity region has a simple majority. So a national party forms a coalition in the center. In Pakistan, the only real national party is PTI. If a family party comes to power in center, they are able to do unlimited damage and have done so. They break the very idea of Pakistan and national cohesion.

Over time, they have also slowly gangrened all institutions so that the productivity of neutral institutions have failed. Take our bureaucracy and how quotas are in place to stop meritocracy. Now the bureaucracy is incompetent and lazy. Or how the army likes to have these corrupt PDM types so that it can continue its own eating of the pie. Yeah, this is not the case for other countries in South Asia. In Pakistan, we have too many people eating the pie.
Being pragmatic for social cohesion is something that needs to be considered.

Do you think this political back lash on IK is due to his own attempt to punish Nawaz Sharif (Political opponent) and Musarraf (Representing Military) so hard ?

Something good in some particular context can be considered not good, something bad in some particular context can be considered good.

Have you seen this in Quran ? In what Surah ? I know this lesson is taught in Quran
Social cohesion? I'm trying hard to find that after millions go hungry because the pigs at the helm can't keep their hands off public money.

The Quran also says to chop off hands of thieves; lets get to it.
Wuhan virus pandemic hit all countries thanks to criminally irresponsible CCP.

Floods and massive natural calamities are also not unique to Pakistan.

Neither is corruption and corrupt politics unique.

Real reason for Pakistan's dire straits is decades of villainous public attitude, represented and promoted by its leaders regardless of party, enabled and enjoyed by its military.

That and hypithecation of their sovereignty to CCP.
I admit that the CCP is very irresponsible. It allowed India's illegal independence in 1947. This is a serious violation of China's traditional strategy. We Chinese think. India is either a Chinese colony. Either a Western colony. Indian independence is illegal.

This is why in the 7th century AD. Tang Dynasty diplomat Wang Xuance conquered India in 3 days. He didn't even ask the Tang emperor. Conquer India just 3 days.

What Indians don't know~From the Tang Dynasty to the Republic of China, they never recognized that "India is an independent country"!

Only the CCP recognized India's illegal independence.

I hope Indians will not forget. When India begged China for oxygen generators and oxygen cylinders. Only the CCP agreed to sell to India.

oh last. India is still a poor and backward third world agricultural country. Don't misunderstand yourself too much.
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