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Pakistan's Economy Collapse is Far Worse

All thanks to a corrupt judiciary and military establishment that benefits from the corrupt failing system.

Unless there is a bloody revolution... Nothing can save Pakistan's downward spiral into destruction.

Pakistan has already in democracy, it is already a good thing compared to Bangladesh in this matter. In revolution, you will not know what will be the result, it can be like Syria, or Libya....

What is needed for Pakistan to reform their nation is to have 2/3 of parliament seats and change the system into Presidential. This strong Presidential system will be strong enough to do gradual reform on many things in Pakistan.

What is needed is playing safe by IK, no need to attack many power in Pakistan, concentrate on program since this current government will lost in the next election due to external economic situation
Lol... Sorry... I stopped reading after this... Really????

Flaw democracy, it is still being intervened by military, but you have already got it, I mean it is still better than in Syria, Iran, and Bangladesh

Vultures preparing to take the spoils ...

Thank-you Bajwa and the rest of the establishment
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Agreed by the IK part, but things work differently in **** land, the thing u stated are of civilised country.
U won't see British court opening at midnight to interfere in parliamentary process. The lawmakers in UK cannot change party or vote other party in exchange for a phone call or cash.
The so called lawmakers are not enemies of each other its just for public show. Its just that traditional parties are now against only IK because he is challenging their status quo.
Pakistan as a whole is very polarised society, where votes are not given on policy issues but on caste creed sect.
The issues are very basic and structural it has just been made complex by the incompetence of decision makers be it politicians beaurocrats judges and off course the self proclaimed best generals of the world.

Gradual process to reach proper democracy is something that should be accepted. We cannot change the nation suddenly, it should be gradual.

Do you want to see your nation being ruled by Khameini style ? Bashar Al Assad style ?

At least the democratic system is present, just how to make it function as it should be needs gradual process. Improving education of the people to make them better voter, improving civil society influence by making several respected NGO are some of the tasks that needs to do

Something that should be avoided is to giving up on the situation and thinking that revolution can be the only solution. Remember what happen with Iran revolution ? They also dont like previous ruler, and then current government is just another authoritarian ruler with different format
Do you want to see your nation being ruled by Khameini style ? Bashar Al Assad style ?

At least the democratic system is present,
Lol... What democracy are you dreaming of.

It's being ruled by the selected revolving door Dynastic family rulers with the Head of the snake behind the curtain the corrupt military establishment. Period.

Pakistanis also suffer from stunted growth syndrome so the population thinks they have "democracy"!!!! Lol
It doesn't matter, most of Pakistanis don't even care. Why are they not dragging those responsible out on the streets?
I got berated by one such fine Pakistani in another thread for calling Pakistanis beghairat...

I believe rightly so, there is nothing bad happening in Pakistan, it's all good, everyone is happy and living life to the fullest. We oversears are the real beghairat ones and have the same idiotic savior complex that IK suffers from.

Who in their right mind would tolerate the indignities, injustices and subjugation, it's impossible and only a figment of our overseas imagination.

Nothing to see here, move along...
Pakistan has failed to attract FDI because of political and security issues. Other than this, there is not much that separates Pakistan from the rest of its neighbors. Same level of worker productivity and logistical efficiencies. All South Asian countries have twin deficits in their budget and services rendered by the gov. to the taxed population is unsatisfactory. This is why most young educated people try to leave South Asia.

I predict Pakistan's macro economic problems will automagically settle down when Reko Diq revenue (annually expected to be $2 or $3 billion for the federal exchequer) tilts the BoP just enough to bring basic economic stability. At that point, investors will start pumping money into the country to mask the twin deficit problem.

Corruption is a symptom of lack in per capita availability of (harvestable) resources and not the cause for misery in developing countries. People who believe that 'corruption is the problem' have simply not questioned their underlying assumptions enough to inevitably reach this realization. :pop:
While that is true, India and Bangladesh has had forward momentum in building industries and development. However nascent it still is. Pakistan has really been left behind in that regard.
While that is true, India and Bangladesh has had forward momentum in building industries and development. However nascent it still is. Pakistan has really been left behind in that regard.
Yea, it is because of the political and security instability in the country. Pakistan's last few years have been better than the previous decade when Taliban was running amok. This by itself is a big difference for future investment prospects in the country.

At a fundamental level what decides the prosperity of a country would be either the availability of resources or the quality of labor force. South Asians are pretty much the same in this aspect.
With the political corruption and instability, Pakistan is quickly heading towards failed state status. Sad to say. Bangladesh and India are widening the ground between themselves and Pakistan and progressing forward. Pakistan’s leaders are the worse in the region. Corrupt and self serving.

You make it sound like this happened overnight
You make it sound like this happened overnight
No it’s been the general trend for the last fifteen years but with the recent coup against Imran Khan, the floods and the general lack of direction for the country, the gap is becoming impossible to ignore.
Wuhan virus pandemic hit all countries thanks to criminally irresponsible CCP.

Floods and massive natural calamities are also not unique to Pakistan.

Neither is corruption and corrupt politics unique.

Real reason for Pakistan's dire straits is decades of villainous public attitude, represented and promoted by its leaders regardless of party, enabled and enjoyed by its military.

That and hypithecation of their sovereignty to CCP.
Flaw democracy, it is still being intervened by military, but you have already got it, I mean it is still better than in Syria, Iran, and Bangladesh

you forgot to add North Korea and Afghanistan
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