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Pakistan's Economy Collapse is Far Worse

With the political corruption and instability, Pakistan is quickly heading towards failed state status. Sad to say. Bangladesh and India are widening the ground between themselves and Pakistan and progressing forward. Pakistan’s leaders are the worse in the region. Corrupt and self serving.
This channel seems to be anti-China. The video is also a hit on CPEC/BRI.
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With the political corruption and instability, Pakistan is quickly heading towards failed state status. Sad to say. Bangladesh and India are widening the ground between themselves and Pakistan and progressing forward. Pakistan’s leaders are the worse in the region. Corrupt and self serving.

They are corrupt, but there's not much one can do after being hit by a once in a century pandemic, and then one year after, by a once in a century flood.
They are corrupt, but there's not much one can do after being hit by a once in a century pandemic, and then one year after, by a once in a century flood.

Pakistan was in bad shape for a long time before the floods. Of course the floods wrecked things but compare Pakistan's and Bangladesh's or India's trajectory and it's completely different. The other two countries are advancing, gaining economic momentum, building industries while Pakistan has been stagnant or declining. The main difference is the leadership. Pakistan's leadership, with the exception of Imran Khan, are primarily corrupt, self serving politicians with no vision.
Pakistan was in bad shape for a long time before the floods. Of course the floods wrecked things but compare Pakistan's and Bangladesh's or India's trajectory and it's completely different. The other two countries are advancing, gaining economic momentum, building industries while Pakistan has been stagnant or declining. The main difference is the leadership. Pakistan's leadership, with the exception of Imran Khan, are primarily corrupt, self serving politicians with no vision.
Pakistan has failed to attract FDI because of political and security issues. Other than this, there is not much that separates Pakistan from the rest of its neighbors. Same level of worker productivity and logistical efficiencies. All South Asian countries have twin deficits in their budget and services rendered by the gov. to the taxed population is unsatisfactory. This is why most young educated people try to leave South Asia.

I predict Pakistan's macro economic problems will automagically settle down when Reko Diq revenue (annually expected to be $2 or $3 billion for the federal exchequer) tilts the BoP just enough to bring basic economic stability. At that point, investors will start pumping money into the country to mask the twin deficit problem.

Corruption is a symptom of lack in per capita availability of (harvestable) resources and not the cause for misery in developing countries. People who believe that 'corruption is the problem' have simply not questioned their underlying assumptions enough to inevitably reach this realization. :pop:
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A single bid for LNG supply from around the world has not been received by Pakistan so far. In the eyes of the world, this is the credibility of the imported government.
It doesn't matter, most of Pakistanis don't even care. Why are they not dragging those responsible out on the streets?
With the political corruption and instability, Pakistan is quickly heading towards failed state status. Sad to say. Bangladesh and India are widening the ground between themselves and Pakistan and progressing forward. Pakistan’s leaders are the worse in the region. Corrupt and self serving.

The video said about political instability as the main cause

This is my take

The elites are hating each other, and then the blind followers follow........

Just look on IK, after getting dumped by democratic parliament process for what ever the reason, he left parliament and then talk about US interferent and accuse his opponent as being bribed by USA. Why dont accept it and prepare for the next election with better program? In England even PM can be dumped because of doing party during Covid, that is how parliamentary system work, just accept it........Change the system into Presidential if you want stronger President.........

I mean with current economic difficulty it should be easy for IK to win the next election without taking too much enemy in the process, no need to attack every body after he was dumped by Parliamentary process

Now we are seeing he is in trouble which is caused by his own unnecessary political move.
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They are corrupt, but there's not much one can do after being hit by a once in a century pandemic, and then one year after, by a once in a century flood.

There is a lot this country could have done to prepare over the last several decades. However, being ruled by corrupt and uneducated morons gives you the results you have in Pakistan. We have none to blame but ourselves. Even after this historic flooding, the Chief Minister of Sindh said don't ask me about dams, and none will be built; what more can this nation do short of lynching them in the public squares?
A single bid for LNG supply from around the world has not been received by Pakistan so far. In the eyes of the world, this is the credibility of the imported government.View attachment 884446View attachment 884447

No need to blame the legitimacy of current government over this lack of bidding participants, current gas supply is very tight, I believe you understand current situation (war, The Fed tightening policy, European sanction on Russia energy, flooding in Pakistan, Pakistan financial problem etc). European wants more and more gas, why traders have to chose long term supply when they can get into spot market with better price ?

It is just common sense, market mechanism

Usually to get long term deal, you need to enter new gas project when the gas hasnt been on stream yet, this kind of deal will need you to wait for several years before getting that long term gas supply.

Any way LNG is expensive, better continue pipe gas project with Iran, if necessary invest on the pipe line to fasten the project
With the political corruption and instability, Pakistan is quickly heading towards failed state status. Sad to say. Bangladesh and India are widening the ground between themselves and Pakistan and progressing forward. Pakistan’s leaders are the worse in the region. Corrupt and self serving.

All thanks to a corrupt judiciary and military establishment that benefits from the corrupt failing system.

Unless there is a bloody revolution... Nothing can save Pakistan's downward spiral into destruction.
The video said about political stability as the main cause

This is my take

The elites are hating each other, and then the blind followers follow........

Just look on IK, after getting dumped by democratic parliament process for what ever the reason, he left parliament and then talk about US interferent and accuse his opponent as being bribed by USA. Why dont accept it and prepare for the next election with better program? In England even PM can be dumped because of doing party during Covid, that is how parliamentary system work, just accept it........Change the system into Presidential if you want stronger President.........

I mean with current economic difficulty it should be easy for IK to win the next election without taking too much enemy in the process, no need to attack every body after he was dumped by Parliamentary process

Now we are seeing he is in trouble which is caused by his own unnecessary political move.

Agreed by the IK part, but things work differently in **** land, the thing u stated are of civilised country.
U won't see British court opening at midnight to interfere in parliamentary process. The lawmakers in UK cannot change party or vote other party in exchange for a phone call or cash.
The so called lawmakers are not enemies of each other its just for public show. Its just that traditional parties are now against only IK because he is challenging their status quo.
Pakistan as a whole is very polarised society, where votes are not given on policy issues but on caste creed sect.
The issues are very basic and structural it has just been made complex by the incompetence of decision makers be it politicians beaurocrats judges and off course the self proclaimed best generals of the world.
A single bid for LNG supply from around the world has not been received by Pakistan so far. In the eyes of the world, this is the credibility of the imported government.View attachment 884446View attachment 884447

Thanks for sharing.... It just goes to show that Pakistan that has survived on handouts from the West (IMF, Gulf, World Bank, Asia development Bank) have all lost confidence in the corrupt monkeys running Pakistan into the ground.

Get out as fast as you can.... Even IOK is better then this mess now!...

Dear Indians, can us Beggars Can't be Choosers please migrate to IOK?

Agreed by the IK part, but things work differently in **** land, the thing u stated are of civilised country.
U won't see British court opening at midnight to interfere in parliamentary process. The lawmakers in UK cannot change party or vote other party in exchange for a phone call or cash.
The so called lawmakers are not enemies of each other its just for public show. Its just that traditional parties are now against only IK because he is challenging their status quo.
Pakistan as a whole is very polarised society, where votes are not given on policy issues but on caste creed sect.
The issues are very basic and structural it has just been made complex by the incompetence of decision makers be it politicians beaurocrats judges and off course the self proclaimed best generals of the world.

No need to think no too deeply about Pakistan's issues... Just two words: Corruption and Treason. Period.
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