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Pakistan’s dirty bomb threat

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Jun 26, 2010
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Pakistan has decided that it will have tactical nuclear weapons at sea, where a ship or submarine commander may be authorised to launch a nuclear strike against an Indian Task Force in international waters

These are difficult times for India. To counter the growing blue water capability of the Indian Navy, China has transferred designs and expertise to enable the Pakistan Navy to introduce tactical nuclear weapons (TNWs) at sea.
On November 5, 2013, the Pakistan Army’s Strategic Forces Command fired two quadruple salvos (i.e. eight missiles) of the NASR short-range (60 kilometre) battlefield ballistic missile capable of carrying a “new miniaturised” 200 kg plutonium warhead, (under development since 2011, but essentially a copy of a Chinese TNW tested in 1992 by China), thus introducing TNWs on land.
These NASR missile batteries with TNWs would be placed under local battlefield commanders (unlike strategic nuclear weapons which are under the National Command Authority, headed by Pakistan’s Prime Minister), who may use them at their discretion to blunt a conventional Indian attack (in response to a terror attack on India like 26/11).
Thus it will initiate a nuclear war, as India would respond with a massive nuclear strike in keeping with its nuclear doctrine. It is apparent from Pakistan’s posture and Chinese border incursions that these two allies do not believe that India will follow its nuclear doctrine of massive retaliation.
Pakistani NASR is a copy of the Chinese WS-2 rocket. Since the miniaturised TNWs (one to five kilotonnes or KTs) were reportedly tested by China in 1992, Pakistan does not have to test them.
Such TNWs would have a yield of about two KT each (the Hiroshima Uranium bomb was 14 KT, and Nagasaki plutonium bomb was 22 KT) and a damage radius (a combination of blast, heat, pressure and radiation) of below one km, depending on the height of bomb explosion.
The plutonium for the TNWs would come from the four Khusab nuclear plants gifted by China, which will enable Pakistan to make four to five plutonium TNWs annually, in addition to 10 uranium atom bombs (yield about 14 KT each) it produces annually.
Added to this is the known capability of the Pakistan Air Forces’ Strategic Forces Command to deliver airborne nuclear weapons by fighter aircrafts using free fall nuclear bombs or the 350-km range (450 kg nuclear warhead) Ra’ad air launched cruise missile (also of Chinese design, and this Ra’ad will be carried by the Chinese supplied JF-17 Fighter aircraft).
On December 30, 2013, the media reported that arrested Indian Mujahideen terrorist Yasin Bhatkal had confessed to the police that he was “assured” by his Pakistani handlers that a “dirty nuclear bomb” could be made available to be dropped on Surat. The dirty nuclear bomb is a simple radiological “weapon of mass disruption” (not to be confused with an atom or hydrogen bomb, both of which are “weapons of mass destruction”), which combines available radioactive materials (including those used in medical industry or research) with conventional explosives to cause mass panic and terror against civilian populations.
It contaminates the affected area with radioactive material. This has economic consequences as it leads to industrial and tourist shutdown. And thus arises the need for expensive decontamination equipment to cleanse the contaminated area by highly trained nuclear emergency response and support teams.
This dirty bomb threat (transported by sea in a repeat 26/11 type attack) is real and is merely an extension of the present Pakistani policy of using conventional terror.
In such an alarming scenario, Pakistan would be hoping that its nuclear weapons (including ready to use TNWs) would deter an Indian response.

This article also deals with the new threat posed by Pakistan Navy, which plans to take TNWs to sea for possible use against Indian coastal cities like Mumbai, or the major oil terminal at Vadinar (Gujarat) or the Mumbai high offshore oil rigs or against the new task forces of the Indian Navy, which would be centred around the newly acquired 44,500-tonne aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya and the under construction 37,000-tonne indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant (expected to join the Navy by 2018).
In April 2011, Pakistan signed a contract with China for delivery of six Qing-class conventional submarines. Few Indians analysed the implications of this event.
These Qing subs, maybe delivered between 2017 and 2022. Each one of them would have the capability to launch the 700-km range, nuclear-tipped Babur land attack cruise missile that was produced in Pakistan but was, yet again, based on a Chinese design.
In 2012, the Pakistan Navy announced the creation of a new “Strategic Naval Command” to be headed by a vice-admiral. On December 19, 2012 and December 21, 2012, the media reports indicated that the Pakistan Navy had successfully test-fired a new land attack, nuclear tipped variant of the Chinese designed C-802 anti-ship missile with 120-km range or the 700-km range Babur nuclear capable land attack cruise missile from PNS Zulfiquar (one of four Chinese designed F-22 frigates with the Pakistan Navy).
The news further stated that the Pakistani Navy Chief Admiral Mohammad Asif Sandila was present during the test firings and this would give the Pakistani Navy a “counter value” (i.e. targeting civilian population) deterrence capability against Indian coastal cities with TNWs.
India does not have TNWs. Indeed the experience of the Cold War showed that TNWs were inherently destabilising, as their inadvertent use by a battlefield commander (on land or sea) could trigger of a nuclear holocaust.
Hence both the Warsaw Pact and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation gave up TNWs and relied on large, centrally controlled nuclear weapons for strategic deterrence.
Pakistan obviously has decided that it will have TNWs at sea, where a ship or submarine commander may be authorised to launch a nuclear strike against an Indian Task Force in international waters, on the false assumption that it will not trigger a massive Indian nuclear retaliation.
Even more dangerous is the prospect of a “rogue” jihadi Pakistan’s naval ship or submarine commander launching an unauthorised nuclear strike against a crowded city like Mumbai, thereby killing thousands in a “nuclear 26/11”.
Given that China poses an additional nuclear threat to India and that Pakistan is China’s nuclear-armed proxy in South Asia, what are the options for India?
Post-2014, the next government should take a fresh look at India’s nuclear doctrine of no-first use and also expedite operational induction of ballistic and cruise missile defence systems.
Our response mechanism to a dirty nuclear bomb or TNW or a strategic nuclear bomb needs to be exercised regularly with nuclear emergency response and support teams being tested and audited. Dedicated hospitals in each major city need to be earmarked and outfitted to provide medical assistance to victims of a nuclear attack.
The Indian Navy needs to factor in the new sea based nuclear threat emanating from Pakistan Navy and Pakistan-based sea terrorists, while maintaining a technological edge over deployable Chinese Navy units operating in the Indian Ocean region.
This means that the Indian Navy would need a capability to sanitise a belt of 350 miles around our coasts with a combination of intelligence, satellites, aircraft and warships, and simultaneously have enough nuclear tactical submarines to detect and destroy Pakistan Navy’s nuclear armed units as they leave Pakistan.
While strategic nuclear weapons are here to stay in the South Asia triangle comprising India, China and Pakistan, peace is not possible till TNWs and dirty nuclear bombs are abolished and dismantled under international supervision.

The writer retired as Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Eastern Naval Command, Visakhapatnam

Pakistan’s dirty bomb threat | The Asian Age
Well.... didn't we already have the ability to launch cruise missile off of our subs? what use are simple ballistic toys then? but still i wish that our differences could be solved so that the whole region could flourish (yeah yeah i know it's a dream for now)
We won't let India become the regional bully, that is what India needs to understand one way or another, and a fact they'd have to learn to live with !

We will build as many TNWs as we please and there is 'nothing' India can do to stop us, except playing the cry baby which is extremely enjoyable to us.

There is nothing better than seeing the enemy not get what it wants, it gives us an LSD effect.

Indian Government officials already especially Shyam Saran cleared India's policy..We dont care the size ,yield or effect of a
nuclear weapons used against us.Nuclear weapons whether strategic or tactical ,if our enemy first attack us.Then according to our no-first use policy response will be a massive retaliatory.According to this article only factor that India must acknowledge is PN submarines.We only need a resistance against it.Till now our response is P-8I poseidon aircraft,most advanced aircraft to destroy submarines .May nuclear submarines can escape from this aircraft.
IN already making efforts for attack submarines and nuclear submarines.
And after all we dont go a war against Pakistan.But if they attack us.Then no one question us when we use our full force

We won't let India become the regional bully, that is what India needs to understand one way or another, and a fact they'd have to learn to live with !

We will build as many TNWs as we please and there is 'nothing' India can do to stop us, except playing the cry baby which is extremely enjoyable to us.

There is nothing better than seeing the enemy not get what it wants, it gives us an LSD effect.


Who cry about that?Develop TNW's as much you can ,it is your right.But we have already cleared our nuclear doctrine.We dont care it is small or large .Our response will be massive.
Dealing with Pakistan’s brinkmanship - The Hindu

May Pakistan increase their nuclear weapons ,but India dont try to increase our nuclear weapons.Nuclear weapons cause a serious drain to economy .Money that is total waste for development need massive cost ,maintenance need double cost .We need that money for prosperity of our nation.piling up nukes dont constitute technological advancement only technological folly,USSR is a best example. we have already Mega Tone range nuclear weapons .Few Mega Tone range is enough for levelling a country like pakistan,Since it dont have ABM counter measures
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THANKS CHINA :china: :china:
CONGRATS PAKISTAN :pakistan: :pakistan:



no wonder why that 1.1trillion dollar bill/treaty/gift etc. from the US showed up with strings on a 1528 paged booklet :undecided: :lol:
Massive retaliation, will not be needed. We'll hit you first and hit you to obliteration. In any nuke war MAD is the ultimate destination anyway.

We are a small nation and want to live in peace, unlike India we have no imperial hubiristic goals , nor do we aim to become a supapowa.

India's hegemonic, media frenzy addict Generals ought to reconcile with the new realities of a nuclear armed Pakistan and China. Stuck between two nuclear armed allies, Indian Generals ought not to lose touch with the changed power dynamics.

We won't invade India, but if India makes this pitiful mistake, rest assured that we wont fight a 'defensive' battle and that Pakistan will take the battle to the 'enemy's kitchen'.

Staying out of our motherland is the only option we will allow the enemy to have.

Has been discussed time and again, no point discussing same thing again and over again.
Massive retaliation, will not be needed. We'll hit you first and hit you to obliteration. In any nuke war MAD is the ultimate destination anyway.

We are a small nation and want to live in peace, unlike India we have no imperial hubiristic goals , nor do we aim to become a supapowa.

India's hegemonic, media frenzy addict Generals ought to reconcile with the new realities of a nuclear armed Pakistan and China. Stuck between two nuclear armed allies, Indian Generals ought not to lose touch with the changed power dynamics.

We won't invade India, but if India makes this pitiful mistake, rest assured that we wont fight a 'defensive' battle and that Pakistan will take the battle to the 'enemy's kitchen'.

Staying out of our motherland is the only option we will allow the enemy to have.


Sirji That is same case of India.Every country when it size increases ,economy increases,diplomatic power and technological advancements increases their investment to military power will also increases.This is also the case of India and also China.US done it a long time ago .So now they known as Superpower.Now all west media cry about China rise.They modernizing their military because their economy,diplomcy and science and technology is increased in massive way.So they need such a military to protect their interests and assets.So their neighbours including India see it as a threat. Same goes to India.During last 2 decades India's economy ,diplomatic power and science and technology increased massively.So we also invested in military power to protect our assets and interests.It is not hegemoney It is a usual business bhai.

But our western neighbour take it as a challenge only in military way.And they desperately try to anticipate it only in military at the cost of development and economy of their own country .That is problem here.So they resorted in abnormal increase in number of nuclear weapons again cost economy too badly.that all
Our Generals may make statement in media.But our foreign policy is in the hands India's best think tanks and officials not in the hands of militarymen.They dont do any mistake.But when our interests is questioned ,they will make mistake(decision) for our country.
where did you get this article ? ? from Star Plus ?:azn:
or writer must be Ekta Kapoor ? ?
what will be name of the drama ? " Kyun ki Nuclear bhi kabhi Tactical tha " :omghaha::omghaha:
where did you get this article ? ? from Star Plus ?:azn:
or writer must be Ekta Kapoor ? ?
what will be name of the drama ? " Kyun ki Nuclear bhi kabhi Tactical tha " :omghaha::omghaha:

Kya kya kya, Nahe nahe nahe.
UN should act to denuclearize pakistan for the sake of world peace and stability in the region.
UN should act to denuclearize pakistan for the sake of world peace and stability in the region.

India was the first to conduct Nuclear tests in the region.....you should be strangled/sanctioned for bringing it in the first place

FYI Pakistan came up with it to defend itself on India's alarm....

so to bring stability you will have to surrender first...then we walk into the scene

India was the first to conduct Nuclear tests in the region.....you should be strangled/sanctioned for bringing it in the first place

FYI Pakistan came up with it to defend itself on India's alarm....

so to bring stability you will have to surrender first...then we walk into the scene


1.) But we have got it to defend against the china and USA..........a deterant

pakistan was never on the radar for a atomic war in our backyard.

2.) We never involve in nuke piracy.
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