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India Pakistan Military Comparison

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Mumbai attack may be the last straw, but where is the SOLID evidence?
There is no "last straw", you're just keen on showing the rest of the world how powerfull India has become, and by this, you want to teach Pakistan a lesson or 2.
India is not powerfull, neither can it threaten Pakistan or attack Pakistan whenever she likes, believe it, and if you don't want to, please join up with some Hindu fanatics who do share the same ideals as you and want Pakistan to burn down.

British and America are not taking the bait

America has already cleared ISI out of the picture in mumbi
Here in Britain news readers are grilling the Indian Ambassador of proof that Pakistan were ever behind this
pakistan has always been an underdog and it is no doubt our military currently is much better then of indias
pakistan has always been an underdog and it is no doubt our military currently is much better then of indias

Our military could have been a lot better. In no way shape or form does Pakistan's military capability have an edge over India's in any category, in fact we are on parity in most cases. This is the unfortunate fact believing it is up to you.
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Our military could have been a lot better. In no way shape or form does Pakistan's military capability have an edge over India's in any category, this is the unfortunate fact believing it is up to you.

i cant believe u dont have faith in your own country
our army is far more stronger than of indias
mark my word
if pakistan goes to war with india right now
pakistan would win :pakistan:
i cant believe u dont have faith in your own country
our army is far more stronger than of indias
mark my word
if pakistan goes to war with india right now
pakistan would win :pakistan:

Why wouldn't I have faith in my own country? Purely enthusiast minded folks tend to overlook weaknesses.
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I'm still waiting to see where confidence by itself will take us. There are other factors involved that take nations even farther, such as planning and execution.
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well i would like to start to point some facts out India has alawys have trippled army than Pakistan its not about the money its usually about the courage,pride and honour Kharian_Beast i use to live in Malir,Cantt Karachi i've know well the army life of a Pakistani Solider i've heard alot of stories but i see ordinary commission soliders are highly motivated,i've talked to some military personal of Pakistan i asked them who won the Kargil war they said the casualities on the other sides were 10:1 if favour of us but the GOP Nawaz Sheriff and all that civil bais GOVT corrupted Pakistan.India may have more men power but i take pride on my home country soliders.I myslef want to join the Pakistan Army and will do so Inshallah.The biggest mistake of India has always been underestimating thier enemy as small and always learned the hard way where we are standing in our situation right no i have no faith in GOP Mr.Zardari is now Mr.100% i dont know why we fear our enemy,we should only fear Allah rather than some Allah made Human beings...I would like to not Kayani but Mushraff come back again.Since Zardari is a president drone attacks being happened to often that no one is even paying attention Muslims are being killed all around the world more like innocent lives.India n Israel Join coopertion has always build tension in Pakistan.We often seen sucide attacks,its not Taliban who does it i believe 70% on the people on the forums doesnt or not fimilare with the term "TALIBAN".We have gurilla fighters India has always promote violence in Pakistan love to blame us and want to Label us as a terrorist state thats the whole west n India is currently working on.Pakistan is ahead in the Defence Program so i dont think we have to worry much about it we should worry more about western borders everyday innocent people are being killed."ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN" we have the world 6th largest army in the world why cant we protect Palestine? Join coperation with Iran will be vital.I've seen over the years people doesnt believe in Allah they just assume they are Muslims and prey Jummah i am not Judging anyone but the fact is...Bollywood n Hollywood is too much in our minds


I have read this article before, but always found it surprising and incomplete. I wanted someone to verify this...does India retain a serious capability to neutralize our command and control infrastructure? I mean, isn't that a little too presumptuous… Surely Pakistan has made great strides in the acquisition of precision guided weapons too (i.e. Babur and I've heard Americans are providing us with bunker busters as part of WoT), Pakistan (PA and PAF) are in the process of acquiring some serious UAV capabilities along with military satellite access as well which should help with intelligence gathering. Besides don't you think it would take a little more to seriously compromise Pakistan’s C&C than just precision weapons, i.e. air superiority which is still a long shot for the Indians at best according to most observers. I’d love some serious feedback, this article is pretty old though I know that, maybe more than 10 years. Since then the Hiz-Israeli war proved that with all the air superiority in the world, the Israelis and their technical superiority couldn't destroy the irregular outfit Hizbullah's C&C which kept raining conventional rockets on them to the very end. Is it really completely reasonable to suggest that Pakistan would ever feel so threatened to lose its sophisticated array of nuclear weapons?


There is incorrect infiormation you have about israel---israel didnot buy the bunker busaters that were offered to it by the U S earlier----they had a misconcetion about their abilities. They also sent their armoured vehuicles without the TROPHY protection system.

The defence minister of the was an ex tanker seargent major I believe---a very incompetent man---it was the arrogance of the israeli army that didnot get them the desired results---" actually not the army but actually siome of the generals specially the cinc had their heads somewhere else "----desired results meant total annihilation of the army.

Well after the skirmish---they re-assessed their status---fired the CinC and fired the defence minister----bought bunker busters from US and installed TROPHY on their armoured vehicles.

There were thousandsa of casualties on the HIB side---there were only a few israel;i soldiers dead. The HIB quoted that if he had known beforehand if so much destruction would befall the muslims---he would have not got into the confrontation with israel.
I would like to not Kayani but Mushraff come back again

I like your desires for pakistan but i dont agree with your above statement .Gen Mush did major techical mistake and submit a written statement that from now onward Pakistan will not let it soil used by militants.What does it mean?

Yesterday i heard this news on GEO .

We should not trust indians at all ,they were our enemy, are our enemy and remain our enemy.The nature of snake can not be changed

There is incorrect infiormation you have about israel---israel didnot buy the bunker busaters that were offered to it by the U S earlier----they had a misconcetion about their abilities. They also sent their armoured vehuicles without the TROPHY protection system.

The defence minister of the was an ex tanker seargent major I believe---a very incompetent man---it was the arrogance of the israeli army that didnot get them the desired results---" actually not the army but actually siome of the generals specially the cinc had their heads somewhere else "----desired results meant total annihilation of the army.

Well after the skirmish---they re-assessed their status---fired the CinC and fired the defence minister----bought bunker busters from US and installed TROPHY on their armoured vehicles.

There were thousandsa of casualties on the HIB side---there were only a few israel;i soldiers dead. The HIB quoted that if he had known beforehand if so much destruction would befall the muslims---he would have not got into the confrontation with israel.

Thank you for your answer sir. But I would still retain my opinion, according to my sources the Israelis had bunker-busters but they ran out pretty quickly and therefore had to go to the Americans for an emergency resupply. Also according to a nice report I read the Israelis were only able to hit (and I'm not talking about destroying) only 7% Hizbullah's facilities.

But you missed the point of my issue, that is the Pak-India balance. We will have a tough fight in the skies but that doesn't mean that India would be in complete control.

Yes indeed----the skirmish with india will be extremely unpredictable. With the range of cruise missile getting into mumbai dehli and beyod, smart glide bombs used during air strikes launched up from many a miles away----this war will be totally unlike any other, that the world has ever seen before. Both the nations will suffer badly.
Musharraf was a puppet folks...harsh fact but he wrote it in his own book, please read it.

Musarraf was a puppet or not, still he was there when no one else was. Also it was during this time Pakistan did saw massive development in many sectors from economy to defence. He may have knelt to the US demands but he knew how to use that to Pakistan's advantage.
We have a new government here but have they changed anything, are they not working on the same agenda, Musharraf was to fight WOT.
Anyways he is not in power nor in charge of resolving the dilemmas facing us today, quite useless to debate on Musharraf in this thread, I will go back and delete any off topic Mushy posts.
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