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India Pakistan Military Comparison

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well i would like to start to point some facts out India has alawys have trippled army than Pakistan its not about the money its usually about the courage,pride and honour Kharian_Beast i use to live in Malir,Cantt Karachi i've know well the army life of a Pakistani Solider i've heard alot of stories but i see ordinary commission soliders are highly motivated,i've talked to some military personal of Pakistan i asked them who won the Kargil war they said the casualities on the other sides were 10:1 if favour of us but the GOP Nawaz Sheriff and all that civil bais GOVT corrupted Pakistan.India may have more men power but i take pride on my home country soliders.I myslef want to join the Pakistan Army and will do so Inshallah.The biggest mistake of India has always been underestimating thier enemy as small and always learned the hard way where we are standing in our situation right no i have no faith in GOP Mr.Zardari is now Mr.100% i dont know why we fear our enemy,we should only fear Allah rather than some Allah made Human beings...I would like to not Kayani but Mushraff come back again.Since Zardari is a president drone attacks being happened to often that no one is even paying attention Muslims are being killed all around the world more like innocent lives.India n Israel Join coopertion has always build tension in Pakistan.We often seen sucide attacks,its not Taliban who does it i believe 70% on the people on the forums doesnt or not fimilare with the term "TALIBAN".We have gurilla fighters India has always promote violence in Pakistan love to blame us and want to Label us as a terrorist state thats the whole west n India is currently working on.Pakistan is ahead in the Defence Program so i dont think we have to worry much about it we should worry more about western borders everyday innocent people are being killed."ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN" we have the world 6th largest army in the world why cant we protect Palestine? Join coperation with Iran will be vital.I've seen over the years people doesnt believe in Allah they just assume they are Muslims and prey Jummah i am not Judging anyone but the fact is...Bollywood n Hollywood is too much in our minds


I agree with you that Indian casuality was more in Kargil war but it is a known fact that Nawaz Shariff and Pakistani Government stabbed India in its' back as they broke LOC and international treaty. We let you go just as such because of America otherwise we could have killed all of you in a minute. We started a ground operation because of International pressure. Don't under estimate Indian army. It is a known fact that because of American base in Pakistan, Pakistan is getting more benefits. Otherwise, Indian fighter jets would have done the job in 1 day of killing all those insurgents including some disguised pakistani army soldiers to. So, if you are proud to be a soldier like that who stab in the back and don't have courage to fight face to face, do so. I will think that one more backstabber added to an army of backstabbers.
I agree with you that Indian casuality was more in Kargil war but it is a known fact that Nawaz Shariff and Pakistani Government stabbed India in its' back as they broke LOC and international treaty. We let you go just as such because of America otherwise we could have killed all of you in a minute. We started a ground operation because of International pressure. Don't under estimate Indian army. It is a known fact that because of American base in Pakistan, Pakistan is getting more benefits. Otherwise, Indian fighter jets would have done the job in 1 day of killing all those insurgents including some disguised pakistani army soldiers to. So, if you are proud to be a soldier like that who stab in the back and don't have courage to fight face to face, do so. I will think that one more backstabber added to an army of backstabbers.

hmmm you have a interesting ideas...shame they are not borne out in reality. It's easy to talk of what you "would have done"

AT the end of the day, despite all your best efforts, we are still here :wave:
hmmm you have a interesting ideas...shame they are not borne out in reality. It's easy to talk of what you "would have done"

AT the end of the day, despite all your best efforts, we are still here :wave:

I dont understand, what is that driving pakistanis to belive india is trying to cook up war, and that they will run over this 1 billion strong people.. No brother you cannot. India is far more supierior and developed ecnomically, military wise and populationwise but we are logical enough to understand that if a war is to happen, no one is going to gain out that... So respect your opponent and talk about peace rather than aiding these stupid terrorists organisations who believe that they can turn the will power of this 1 billion strong people. We are a country which gained independance through non-vilonce.. and i am sure.. there are still lot more patience left in us.. and its better for both countries if we both work peacefull without mistrusting each other..!!!
1 billion strong people..

:rofl: LOL strong prople if 1 person have trillinz of money dosnt mean that everyone have the same. Few days back i was watching a video on youtube some of conference in which a European countries members and few indians also in debut. One of European country member said "what is India??" thr 70 % of population livin under very low areas even they dun earn 1 $ in 1-2 months so They call "SHINING INDIA ? or Indian super power??" LOLZz look at there bollywood movies thry showd Taj mahal style homes etc but inner side 10000 of problems in thr country 1 billionr dosnt mean that whole country have the same money DAMN IT STRONG PEOPLE we know how much u strong and whole world see ur stronge stuff from last month LOL @ INDIA
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