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Pakistan's Blunder Of Not Joining The Yemen War:---


Some say ' hindsight 20/20 '---other say---' you should have thought about the consequences before hand'---' you should have thought about who you are---what your assets are---what your friends and allies need---what concerns your enemy---what assets that you have that your enemy does not want you to have---& what could the enemy do to remove those assets '---.

I seriously think that is a statement that shows like something too much to ask---even to a pakistani military General officer in command---because most of their interest lies in housing schemes---property---commissions---war on terror & things on similar line & length---India---.

The there is the mantra of tactical nucs---. Well the problem with that mantra is that the super power does not like that mantra---. The religionist evangelicals in the regime want to de-fang pakistan---and the only people who did not know abut that was the pakistani military generals---who sitting secure in their offices believed their assets are secure---I mean to say the nucs---.

What america does in front of everyone's face is that it keeps its enemies farthest away from the mainland---and keeps troops at out posts distant from the mainland and tells everyone what the reason is---yet the pakistani generals never understood it---the current pakistani prime minister does not understand it either---.

Pakistanis in general have a belief---don't bother us---we will not bother you---what they tend to forget is that they have around 200 nucs that can destroy the world---so the baby that wants to make itself look innocent singing gaga maybe innocent in its own mind---but to the outside world---it looks like a death wish come true---.

So---the nation that does not know its own strength---does not understand what steps it needed to take to expand to protect its assets---has no understanding and concept of having military bases outside of pakistan at critical locations---having no concept of having those assets---is basically clueless of its environment---.

And that was very obvious when the Yemen crisis started---. That was the time for pakistan to have understood what was at stake---what was going to happen---what was coming in the short term near future and what the long term future game plan of the opponent was---and then it should have gone ahead and firmed firmed up its grip on the region as was being permitted by the super power---.

The super power USA gave the region of the gulf states on a platter to pakistan---and the fools rejected it---. The terms used were---we don't want a war---we will not participate in a war---we are not mercenaries---even though all the conquests of the muslim empire were mercenary armies---all the great muslim warriors were mercenaries---payment was in loot and plunder---'maal a ghanimat '---.

Why did pakistan not do what it should have done---was just to please iran---and what was iran to pakistan---a muslim brother---and what was pakistan to iran---a fcking inferior dark skin nuc capable country---.

Pakistani generals have sold the integrity of the pakistani nation and the future welfare of the country trying to side with a pariah nation---a nation whose sole and only purpose is to create havoc in the region---.

If pakistan had a 150 K battle group in the gulf states---backed by a seperate air force---armor--- navy & transporation---the US would not be sending in its naval battle group and there would not have been any talk of 100K american troops in the region or the B52's striking iran---.

There would not have been any pulwama type attacks---because the indian power would have been neutered or lessened by the presnce of pakistani troops in the region---thus no attacks by indian air force on the night of the 26th---.

General Raheel---sir---you truly failed pakistan---when it was time to make some hard & timely decisions to move the pakistani military influence from outside of its borders and into the gulf region---.

I write this post seeing what is happening in the gulf---what the US military is doing in the gulf in the last few weeks and what their plans are---. Mastankhan
Economies of Saudi and UAE took a hit from the war. Imagine Pakistan's economy today but worse due to war
The dumbest thread ive ever seen. Sad that everyone is talking about geopolitics no ones mentioning the horrid war crimes and livelyhood of the Yemeni people. Those poor people are suffering more than Syrians and Palestinians are right now. Its a tragic situation and people are starving and u want us to get involved in it???? The best decision Pakistan ever made was the stay out of it. Have some fear of Allah you freaking nationalists dont you care about the humans suffering there?

Read history how Muslim conquered the world and ruled it for centuries. Don't act like chicken.
Most of the blood is in the hands of the European colonialists and today the American imperialists that you liberals worship so much. Uncle Toms.
This Mastan guy reminds me of my Chacha...He believes the queen is behind all the evils in the world and if someone disagrees with him he grunts:

‘Son! You don’t know shit....and what do you know hey?’
Read history how Muslim conquered the world and ruled it for centuries. Don't act like chicken.
For your info, it's a human thing, not Muslim thing. Humans are like that. And you only want to concentrate on Islam and Muslims, then be concentrated on the massacre of Muslims by Mongols, Crusader, Britain and USA and Russia, and now Israel.

But here, by our, I meant Pakistanis, not medieval Muslims.

Some say ' hindsight 20/20 '---other say---' you should have thought about the consequences before hand'---' you should have thought about who you are---what your assets are---what your friends and allies need---what concerns your enemy---what assets that you have that your enemy does not want you to have---& what could the enemy do to remove those assets '---.

I seriously think that is a statement that shows like something too much to ask---even to a pakistani military General officer in command---because most of their interest lies in housing schemes---property---commissions---war on terror & things on similar line & length---India---.

The there is the mantra of tactical nucs---. Well the problem with that mantra is that the super power does not like that mantra---. The religionist evangelicals in the regime want to de-fang pakistan---and the only people who did not know abut that was the pakistani military generals---who sitting secure in their offices believed their assets are secure---I mean to say the nucs---.

What america does in front of everyone's face is that it keeps its enemies farthest away from the mainland---and keeps troops at out posts distant from the mainland and tells everyone what the reason is---yet the pakistani generals never understood it---the current pakistani prime minister does not understand it either---.

Pakistanis in general have a belief---don't bother us---we will not bother you---what they tend to forget is that they have around 200 nucs that can destroy the world---so the baby that wants to make itself look innocent singing gaga maybe innocent in its own mind---but to the outside world---it looks like a death wish come true---.

So---the nation that does not know its own strength---does not understand what steps it needed to take to expand to protect its assets---has no understanding and concept of having military bases outside of pakistan at critical locations---having no concept of having those assets---is basically clueless of its environment---.

And that was very obvious when the Yemen crisis started---. That was the time for pakistan to have understood what was at stake---what was going to happen---what was coming in the short term near future and what the long term future game plan of the opponent was---and then it should have gone ahead and firmed firmed up its grip on the region as was being permitted by the super power---.

The super power USA gave the region of the gulf states on a platter to pakistan---and the fools rejected it---. The terms used were---we don't want a war---we will not participate in a war---we are not mercenaries---even though all the conquests of the muslim empire were mercenary armies---all the great muslim warriors were mercenaries---payment was in loot and plunder---'maal a ghanimat '---.

Why did pakistan not do what it should have done---was just to please iran---and what was iran to pakistan---a muslim brother---and what was pakistan to iran---a fcking inferior dark skin nuc capable country---.

Pakistani generals have sold the integrity of the pakistani nation and the future welfare of the country trying to side with a pariah nation---a nation whose sole and only purpose is to create havoc in the region---.

If pakistan had a 150 K battle group in the gulf states---backed by a seperate air force---armor--- navy & transporation---the US would not be sending in its naval battle group and there would not have been any talk of 100K american troops in the region or the B52's striking iran---.

There would not have been any pulwama type attacks---because the indian power would have been neutered or lessened by the presnce of pakistani troops in the region---thus no attacks by indian air force on the night of the 26th---.

General Raheel---sir---you truly failed pakistan---when it was time to make some hard & timely decisions to move the pakistani military influence from outside of its borders and into the gulf region---.

I write this post seeing what is happening in the gulf---what the US military is doing in the gulf in the last few weeks and what their plans are---. Mastankhan
The reason for all the negative comments in reply is that you are too blunt and aim too high.

For a nation still finding its feet in in international politics to this day, for a nation which got scared when bhutto went on building the Islamic block and got cut to size, even the thought of such excursions are nothing short of blasphemy itself.

I have a milder sugestion that may fare far better but still not even going for that is indeed bordering on incompetence and as usual, another opportunity missed.

If involvement in another regions conflict was deemed too much of a discomfort, then the next best thing was not that bad either.

Pakistan's second best option - to draw some sort of line against India's Chabahar port investment loving, Kalbhoshan harbouring and Uzair Baloch etc facilitating Iran - was to send at the very least, it's regular Airforce in aid of Saudi Arabia to - lets just say - guard Makkah and Madina and it's aerial sovereignty and free up Saudia's own Air Force to take care of regional conflicts.

That would also have been a clearly advantageous prospect for Pakistan as well without involving directly in any conflict but sending a clear message across at the same time while reaping the benefits of actually helping our Arab allies.

What friggin lala land are you living in---.

All your great muslims warriors were mercenaries---.

You and the likes of you are the enemies of pakistan---. Pak military could have gone in ---and who would have control of the region---pak military---and who would be kicked out---the indians---.

Mastan easy for someone living in the US to say. We've seen the fallout of militarism, we've been at constant war. This was a great decision to stay neutral. There is peace in our cities now, we have had enough of this Saudi-Iran proxy fallouts.

First of all Yemen is Muslim Vs scenario, no need for Pakistan to take sides. And no logic in playing the muslim Umma card when the others aren't cutting ties with India for Kashmir issue.
So we shud have a joined a sectarian Shia sunni war??

@Horus kindly check this poster... I mean there are limits
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