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Pakistan's Blunder Of Not Joining The Yemen War:---

I am saying the truth which chacha wanted Yemen war is proxy war between Iran and Saudis why should one deny that. Iran will take it as Pakistan going to war with Iran. The problem is India is supporting UAE with logistics and Iran never condemned them.
I am not showing my feeling for Iran but stating the reality which is taking place in Yemen. You tell me can Houthis fight this long with out foreign support?
We shouldnt meddle in a fight so far from home!
Unless our neighbour is involved we shouldnt....We need to focus on building OUR country first...OUR COUNTRY FIRST!
It seems u cannot grasp the simple fact that such a venture would've sparked a sectarian conflict in Pakistan. The powers that be that are always at our door step looking for clinches in our armour to exploit would've had a field day. U lack the foresight for the long con, u only see short term benefits that wouldve proved detremental in the long run. @MastanKhan

These were the same arguments used by congress and unionist party and british loyal elements in punjab before 1947, sects then were muslims, hindus and sikhs. There are times when one has to take sides, one cannot remain neutral khusra at all times.
We shouldnt meddle in a fight so far from home!
Unless our neighbour is involved we shouldnt....We need to focus on building OUR country first...OUR COUNTRY FIRST!
My friend just hold on there are much more reasons to stop us from going to war in Yemen and reality of Yemen war let my friend here finish his questions and I will explain everything and then every one can decide what should we do.
Dear bro @BHarwana .. I will not ask any more question , because things are not going any were .. We both are walking in circles , we both have our own arguments ..
My questions are there if you want to answer them you can bro..
And you are free to explain the reality of Yemen war (Whatever is the reality for you)…… Please do it honestly (Iran role and what Iran is doing in Yemen). Also please keep in Mind Pakistani Interests . Do not compare Pakistan with Sudan ..
Only History will judge … I will stand my point of view .. We have to Watch Pakistan and Pakistan's interests ( that include going in to Yemen "according to you going against Iran").
Hello chacha now I have answered most of your questions and have I answered them honestly?
For rest of your questions please post them again I will answer them but then will you also answer mine as well?

My friend just hold on there are much more reasons to stop us from going to war in Yemen and reality of Yemen war let my friend here finish his questions and I will explain everything and then every one can decide what should we do.
Ok a round of an applause for everyone who participated....

Thread closed! Go do astaghfar in Masjid now!

Don't lock the thread it will not turn sectarian just delete the posts which try to make it sectarian. This discussion is important on other levels because there is a constant wibe to place the blame on Pakistan.
Open your new thread and keep it clean!

Pakistanis I dont want you fighting EVER! I dont care if you Shia or Sunni PLEASE for the love of GOD and PAKISTAN keep it civil!

I do want you guys to "discuss" but KEEP IT CIVIL and remember you are talking to Pakistanis - your country mate...
With all respect sir...…
No we are not able to manage our relationship with any of the country you named …. We lost KSA and UAE and iran was never ours to begin with..(Just look at Iran top military command war threats against Pakistan after 27th Feb and Iran's behaviour after Pakistan staying Neutral ).
Sir . What Social fabric you talking about ? Pakistani Shia (not all of them) putting Iran and irans mullah first instead of Pakistan !! …… Not only Iran , Just look at proxies of other brotherly countries (Not enemy ) in Pakistan.
Iran in Yemen , Iraq , Syria , Pakistan , Lebanon have worth but Pakistan fighting for her interests did not ? Pakistan fighting Iran's 5th Gen war on Pakistan have no worth ?
Actually you will be surprised that Pakistan's relations with all 3 are quite alright.

Your point about Shias putting Iran first is no different than some Sunnis thinking Islamic State and prior to that TTP/AQ was above Pakistan. There will always be extreme views. As a country we need to stick to the middle path. That path has Sunnis and Shias working for, building and defending Pakistan together.

Lastly, relations with all countries go through ups and downs. This is par for the course. In each of the instances you quote above, KSA/UAE and Iran have also come half way to engage with Pakistan.

Perhaps we live in alternate universes but my reading of the situation is that Pakistan has done quite alright managing relations with all three. I also tend to be more optimistic. ;-)
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the op does not understand the implication of such idiocity on our south western border.
South Western border doesnt care about our interest! EVERYONE for themselves! Pakistan should stand up to its own interest...If its interest to go for war outweighs the feelings of South Western border so be it! However, S.W border shouldnt influence us based on their sentiments coz so far they havent cared about outs and it is a fact!

It seems u cannot grasp the simple fact that such a venture would've sparked a sectarian conflict in Pakistan.
THAT is the prob it shouldnt! Pakistanis should learn to stand WITH Pakistan no matter what Pakistan chooses! No matter which side our country chooses shouldnt be reacted to by ripping the country apart as a hostage!

Keep it CIVIL please!


@BHarwana @MastanKhan @CHACHA"G" thread is up and running...

I havent fully cleaned it but it will do for now :)
South Western border doesnt care about our interest! EVERYONE for themselves! Pakistan should stand up to its own interest...If its interest to go for war outweighs the feelings of South Western border so be it! However, S.W border shouldnt influence us based on their sentiments coz so far they havent cared about outs and it is a fact!

THAT is the prob it shouldnt! Pakistanis should learn to stand WITH Pakistan no matter what Pakistan chooses! No matter which side our country chooses shouldnt be reacted to by ripping the country apart as a hostage!

Keep it CIVIL please!


@BHarwana @MastanKhan @CHACHA"G" thread is up and running...

I havent fully cleaned it but it will do for now :)
Thanks for cleaning the mess. Much appreciated.

@CHACHA"G" if there are any questions left I will be obliged to answer my friend.

My question still remains how will going in Yemen help us? Please tell me that?
EVERYONE for themselves!
Mujhe nahi tha pata ke aap itne aqalmand ho:p:. It is time we should stop thinking about 'others', or what others think about us. It is time to realize that in geopolitics, no country is your permanent friend or enemy. Everything changes with time and conditions.

For us, Pakistanis, Pakistan should be the first and last priority, end of the story....:pakistan::smitten:
My question still remains how will going in Yemen help us? Please tell me that?
Dear bro...…. Let me answer your question with full honesty .
Going into Yemen had many benefits for not only Pakistan but also for the whole region ad innocent Yemenis.. When war started Iran denied any involvement in Yemen conflict openly (so going into Yemen means not going against Iran) If we had sent our troops war might had end even before starting properly .. Huthies may have go back to their homes , Iran wont be able to help them and Iran surly don't want open war with Pakistan because of Yemen (Do they?)……
keep in mind Huties are Sunni Muslims …….. Not Shia ……. Irans 5th gen War present them as Shia..

Now look at economical side . About 10 billion + $$$ annually fee from GCC ,, About 1 to 2 million more Visas for Pakistanis ….. about 50 to 100 Billion Investment in Pakistan...…..
Now look at strategically : Pakistani Army bases in GCC and in Yemen ……. Now look at Yemen on Map ….. Come on bro !!!!!!!! More influence in Islamic world...…..
Now we talk about Neutrality : What this so called neutrality brings to Us ? Iran still helping India ! Iran still indias best friend ! terrorist still using Irans land ! Iran tried her best for sectarian war in Pakistan (when Iran tried Killing Sunni Muffti-e-Azm of Pakistan) . Iran's top military command threatens Pakistan with war (when we were in war mod with india)……..
My answer is not in detail , but I still answered your question.. We both have our own arguments . In my point of view I only want best of Pakistan (even that mean destruction of Iran "I am sorry". because iran or Iranian will never think twice). I read history brother Abdali destroyed Muslim India and looted wealth from Muslims of India and Killed 1000s of Indian Muslims..
Iran Proxy in Syria and Iraq killing Muslims 1000s of them...……… To me Pakistan is First.. I gave a dam about any other thing..
In the end history will tell we did right or wrong !! on the face value this look like a grave mistake.
Rest I will be happy to read your take (As you said you will explain this war and Pakistan staying away from this ).

But please do not compare Pakistan with Sudan . Look after Pakistan interests , also explain why going into Yemen means going against Iran (I know you already accepted the fact that Yemen war is Iran's Proxy war) . Do touch why Iran is in Yemen ? And don't forget to put light on what we got after staying Neutral (Iran is hiring 1000s of Pakistani Youth , radicalising them , using them in Her proxy war , you even may know some personally).
Thanks a lot
Edit: Please also answer , Will Iran go to war(open or proxy) with Pakistan over Yemen ?If yes then what will be your thoughts on this !!
@Khafee , @Dubious
Thanks for cleaning the mess. Much appreciated.

@CHACHA"G" if there are any questions left I will be obliged to answer my friend.

My question still remains how will going in Yemen help us? Please tell me that?
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Consequences of what we do not do in the past come back to haunt us with grave dispositions---.

I want the reader to get out of this ' we are not mercenaries---we don't want the blood of muslims ---we are happy---we are peace loving---' and look at the world as a nuclear power that we are---.

We are not an ordinary nation---. God has given us the power of monsters with which we can start the fires of hell---fires of hell that are so explosive that can decimate the region in the blink of an eye---.

We need to look at ourselves thru the eyes of the enemy---the opponent---and then reflect on what is looking back---.

We cannot keep this veil of innocence on ourselves and believe that we are so innocent---we are a nuclear power with close to 200 weapons in stock---for that very reason we need to be in a leadership role in the region---.

In order for us to secure the source of power---we have to keep our adversaries farther away---enforce to keep peace in the region---so that major powers stay away from the region and do not influence the power balance---.

And that is where we have failed---. In our innocence---we have believed that we will not bother anyone---so no one will bother us---.

The truth is that does not even work in your household---does not work in the neighborhood---does not work in your area of influence---then how do you think it would work in the region or out of the region when you have the power to blast nations thousands of miles away---..

Pakistanis need to understand that they are not a sheep anymore---. They have the powers of a vicious monster that they have not chosen use---.

We also have a military force to back that up---. And on top of that---the world powers asked us to be the controller of the region a few years ago---. Our allies literally begged us to help protect them from the fears that they had of the neighborhood---.

Pakistan's tragedy is that it does not have any history of existing as a nation---. It is just a hob knob of ethnicities put together due to one common belief---the religion---.

This religion---this God given ability to fight and protect has given us respcet amongst our peers and made our opponents weary of us.

With our military in yemen---peace would have come at a faster pace---our allies would feel more secure---the threats of iran would be countered---case closed.

But it did not happen like that---. The issue has gotten out of control---. Pakistan's relationship with its old fried the US has deteriorated---iran has gotten out of control and the americans have sent its naval force and B52's to the region---and we are now sitting on a powder keg ready to be blown sky high---.

Once the US neuters iran---what else is left---you may just use your imagination---.

Just remember one thing---you will not be able to use your nucs---that is a guarantee---it won't happen---and by the time you found that out---the things had been out of your control for a while---.

You cannot live by ' this is not our war---we don't care abut it---so don't bother us '---. When the opponent has its assets in the region---and he is cleaning up the region---don't be surprised if you get dragged into the cleanup and it becomes your turn to be cleaned up---. MastanKhan
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But Now again Allah has given us opportunity to support gulf alliance, we will get long term benefits by joining war, U.S.A,K.S.A, U.A.E are strong enough to destroy Iran, we should make alliance with this Winning group. We should officially support gulf alliance. Let throw this indian proxy iran in indian sea. This is necessary to bring peace.
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We stayed Neutral ok No problem I am happy …….. But just look at what this neutrality brings to Pakistan .. Come on people...
Pakistanis still going out to fight Iran proxy war , does any one think what will happen when those well trained fighter will come back to Pakistan ?????????????????? Just look at Karachi few target killers out of control what will happen when 1000s of fighters live in Pakistan ?????
I agree with khan and stand on my point of view we did grave mistake . We provide safe passage to Proxies of Iran and other Brotherly countries ….
Rest I am out of this thread , I am not against Iran , I am against Iran's policies , If Iran have all the rights to watch her own interests (even they have to kill innocent Muslims for that throw their Proxies) , Then Pakistan also have all the right and Iran is in no position to dictate Pakistan ..
We already missed the train ,,,,, if we join at this stage , this will hurt Pakistan and wont bring any good to war or Yemen……
Just be careful for future don't miss opportunity…. Come out of false dream lands ..
Dear brothers Afghan(Sunni Muslims) still don't accept Pak-Afgan Border , Isn't this enough for you all to open your eyes..


Consequences of what we do not do in the past come back to haunt us with grave dispositions---.

I want the reader to get out of this ' we are not mercenaries---we don't want the blood of muslims ---we are happy---we are peace loving---' and look at the world as a nuclear power that we are---.

We are not an ordinary nation---. God has given us the power of monsters with which we can start the fires of hell---fires of hell that are so explosive that can decimate the region in the blink of an eye---.

We need to look at ourselves thru the eyes of the enemy---the opponent---and then reflect on what is looking back---.

We cannot keep this veil of innocence on ourselves and believe that we are so innocent---we are a nuclear power with close to 200 weapons in stock---for that very reason we need to be in a leadership role in the region---.

In order for us to secure the source of power---we have to keep our adversaries farther away---enforce to keep peace in the region---so that major powers stay away from the region and do not influence the power balance---.

And that is where we have failed---. In our innocence---we have believed that we will not bother anyone---so no one will bother us---.

The truth is that does not even work in your household---does not work in the neighborhood---does not work in your area of influence---then how do you think it would work in the region or out of the region when you have the power to blast nations thousands of miles away---..

Pakistanis need to understand that they are not a sheep anymore---. They have the powers of a vicious monster that they have not chosen use---.

We also have a military force to back that up---. And on top of that---the world powers asked us to be the controller of the region a few years ago---. Our allies literally begged us to help protect them from the fears that they had of the neighborhood---.

Pakistan's tragedy is that it does not have any history of existing as a nation---. It is just a hob knob of ethnicities put together due to one common belief---the religion---.

This religion---this God given ability to fight and protect has given us respcet amongst our peers and made our opponents weary of us.

With our military in yemen---peace would have come at a faster pace---our allies would feel more secure---the threats of iran would be countered---case closed.

But it did not happen like that---. The issue has gotten out of control---. Pakistan's relationship with its old fried the US has deteriorated---iran has gotten out of control and the americans have sent its naval force and B52's to the region---and we are now sitting on a powder keg ready to be blown sky high---.

Once the US neuters iran---what else is left---you may just use your imagination---.

Just remember one thing---you will not be able to use your nucs---that is a guarantee---it won't happen---and by the time you found that out---the things had been out of your control for a while---.

You cannot live by ' this is not our war---we don't care abut it---so don't bother us '---. When the opponent has its assets in the region---and he is cleaning up the region---don't be surprised if you get dragged into the cleanup and it becomes your turn to be cleaned up---.
This simply look like talking to your self.. Isn't it ?
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