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Pakistan's Blunder Of Not Joining The Yemen War:---

So is Iran's feelings more important than Pakistan's interest? :unsure:
I am saying the truth which chacha wanted Yemen war is proxy war between Iran and Saudis why should one deny that. Iran will take it as Pakistan going to war with Iran. The problem is India is supporting UAE with logistics and Iran never condemned them.
I am not showing my feeling for Iran but stating the reality which is taking place in Yemen. You tell me can Houthis fight this long with out foreign support?

That the answer to 2nd , 3rd .. 4th and 5th still left.. But Again Thank you for speaking truth .
Yaar , Why Iran is in Yemen on first place????????????????????? Why Iran destabilizing Region ??
Why cant we (Pakistan) do the same ????????????
Will Iran start open war with Pakistan (They already have very strong Proxy war going inside Pakistan) ?? .
Why we stay away from Yemen and economical benefits attached with this war ?? (indus Pakistan a pro iran member quoted some of the benefits )..
If Iran do the things (what iran is doing) make them hallal but if Pakistan even talk about doing same things make them haram and start crying everywhere (iran's 5th Gen war on Pakistan)!!!!!!!
@Dubious , @Khafee

Chacha I think you are making me speak too much truth. :) Will answer you in 15 to 20 mins have to go somewhere but I will answer you.
Wrong on so many counts.

1. The people of Yemen are innocent. Why should we destroy thier country for dollars? We agreed to do that to Afghanistan and look at the cost we paid back home. Our own country was destroyed, some parts are as bad as Afghanistan is.
On one hand you admit that people of yemen are innocent and on other hand you don't want to help those innocents against a cult. Why?
We get involved in Afghanistan to avenge 71, we choose to fight there instead of our own country. Dollars were just gravy. That same decision gave you window to develop nukes.
When was last time Islam gained so much land?

And don't confuse with war with administration.

2. Nobody respects a whore. You draw parallels to Trump forcing money out of MBS, but don't realise that we don't have the same clout. First impressions count. You can't ask for loans and play the hard man at the same time, especially when someone has leverage over you and you gave no leverage over them. Trump forced MBS to pay, he didn't do a nice trade.
Again wrong example. We are not forcing them that we want to go in yemen , MBS is requesting us to clean the mess on their behalf. And we have our own intersets and we should thank God that somebody is paying us money for that

3. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. We live next door to Iran, we have a huge porous border with them, the leadership of the PPP is more loyal to them than Pakistan, we have millions of people in our population who are more loyal to their Ayatollah than our government. If we engage militarily with Iranian proxies, they'll engage us with thier proxies all over our country particularly in Balochistan and Karachi.

So you admit that we have some people who will go against state and government of Pakistan for sake of another country even when they are Army chiefs, Intelligence chiefs, judges of supreme and high courts,bureaucrats, ambassadress, members of senate,national and provincial assemblies, minister in govt, so why not state of Pakistan should also go against them? For how long we will tolerate hijacking of our foreign policy, judicial system, strategic interests, economic policy by people who are just 10-15 % of total population? Although Laskar-e-jhangvi and sipa-e-sahaba are evil but don't you think they are necessary evil?
Every nation is a mix of cowards and brave ones at all times, sometimes the majority of the brave ones are holding the key positions of the state and the state makes the braver decisions during their times. Sometimes the other group I mean the majority of the cowards are in hold of the key positions of the state and their decisions reflect their cowardice and scared souls. Pakistan before 1990 was primarily headed by people of vigor and bravery, we used to be war lovers and not those running from the wars on the state level. It all changed when the Mushi the coward took over and planted the seeds of cowardice permanently in the power corridors. Since then Pakistani state is running away from the wars. Sometime I feel that if we had same kind of majority cowards in the power corridors before 1990 , Pakistan would never ever have developed the nuclear weapons, participated in the war on the soil of a foreign country Afghanistan, would not have fought wars of 1948, 1965 for Kashmir inside the territory of india. @MastanKhan Pakistan has majority cowards in charge of key positions post 1990s and particularly post 2000s, their natural coward instinct is to run away from any kind of challenge which involves a foreign power.
Sometimes the economy forces the hand and the corruption has helped grow the cowardice
Sir our friends now need us but forgot us when we needed them. GCC went to war in Yemen way late than Pakistan went to war with terrorist or India. GCC are not the only one is war we lose daily more soldiers than Saudis every day on loc. It is not us who needs to fix this friendship our soldiers are still on their soil ready to defend them with their lives but it is them who need to come to Pakistan and fight on LOC. Pakistan never went to Yemen because we are fighting every day and losing men to terrorism and India.

Why did GCC never came to help and why are there only Pakistani in this picture?

View attachment 560703

There are no Iranians and there are no Arabs fighting for us but we always defend them.

The title of this thread should be GCC made a mistake by leaving Pakistan alone in the battle. Pakistan never made a mistake. Pakistan is fighting it's own war.
Saudis always help Pakistan financially not Iran
Chacha I think you are making me speak too much truth. :) Will answer you in 15 to 20 mins have to go somewhere but I will answer you.
I am waiting … Please also Answer the question in the post you quoted .. :enjoy:
Thank you..
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I know that. Your point?
so hadith is not fabricated its just one of the person in the chain is week. And this hadith don't deal with our faith but foreign and military policy, so I don't think there is any reason that we don't develop our military and foreign policy while keeping this hadith in mind.
The Arabs fought against the Ottoman Muslims and Today the Saudis are campaigning against Turkey, Funding PKK terrorists who kill Turkish soldiers and making anti Turkish Policies.

The Saudis have no shame
KSA should not do that and Iran should not have proxies against any country too. Can all these countries talk. By Iran having proxies in Lebanon, Syria and now Yemen has caused a lot of bloodshed in those counties. Sure there could have been a better approach. Look at Iraq Iran war, what it did certainly nothing good.
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So is Iran's feelings more important than Pakistan's interest? :unsure:
That is what I am asking!!!!!!!!! He agree Iran is involved in Yemen ! I ask him Why ? (Iran is already in Syria and Iraq and Lebanon ) .. I did not bring Irans Proxies in Pakistan..
Iran openly deny any involvement in Yemen , but If Pakistan try to stop war in Yemen by sending troops , how can this become war against Iran ? Why Iran and Irans lovers start propaganda against this move ?
He bring in Sudan ! I asked him why cant he look at Egypt ? and why is he comparing Pakistan with Sudan on first place ? ?
And he is not ready to look at economical benefits and Pakistani interests..
I thank the Almighty each and every day that Pakistan stayed away from this fray and yet was able to manage its relations with KSA/UAE and Iran. This was statesmanship and maturity displayed by Pakistan.

Having others fund our military hardware in "return" for taking sides which will destroy the social fabric of Pakistan completely is not worth it. Never was and never will be.
I thank the Almighty each and every day that Pakistan stayed away from this fray and yet was able to manage its relations with KSA/UAE and Iran. This was statesmanship and maturity displayed by Pakistan.

Having others fund our military hardware in "return" for taking sides which will destroy the social fabric of Pakistan completely is not worth it. Never was and never will be.
With all respect sir...…
No we are not able to manage our relationship with any of the country you named …. We lost KSA and UAE and iran was never ours to begin with..(Just look at Iran top military command war threats against Pakistan after 27th Feb and Iran's behaviour after Pakistan staying Neutral ).
Sir . What Social fabric you talking about ? Pakistani Shia (not all of them) putting Iran and irans mullah first instead of Pakistan !! …… Not only Iran , Just look at proxies of other brotherly countries (Not enemy ) in Pakistan.
Iran in Yemen , Iraq , Syria , Pakistan , Lebanon have worth but Pakistan fighting for her interests did not ? Pakistan fighting Iran's 5th Gen war on Pakistan have no worth ?
It seems u cannot grasp the simple fact that such a venture would've sparked a sectarian conflict in Pakistan. The powers that be that are always at our door step looking for clinches in our armour to exploit would've had a field day. U lack the foresight for the long con, u only see short term benefits that wouldve proved detremental in the long run. @MastanKhan
It seems u cannot grasp the simple fact that such a venture would've sparked a sectarian conflict in Pakistan. The powers that be that are always at our door step looking for clinches in our armour to exploit would've had a field day. U lack the foresight for the long con, u only see short term benefits that wouldve proved detremental in the long run. @MastanKhan

We never did anything and we still ending up with thousands going to fight for Iran in it's sectarian wars. We even have pakistanis, being trained in Iran for target killing. who allegedly tried to assassinate the most respected shaykh in the country.

It doesn't matter whether we're sectarian or not or whether we stay neutral or not. Iran doesn't care. Those crazy Ayotollah's who lead the regime are bent on expanding.
Please keep it civil! And remember both sides of the team ARE Pakistanis so STOP working for another country and remember Pakistanis are YOUR fellows whether they are Sunni or Shia!
It seems u cannot grasp the simple fact that such a venture would've sparked a sectarian conflict in Pakistan. The powers that be that are always at our door step looking for clinches in our armour to exploit would've had a field day. U lack the foresight for the long con, u only see short term benefits that wouldve proved detremental in the long run. @MastanKhan
Well that is the problem sect is more important than religion or humanity, neighbor is more important than the motherland interest so Pak problem is misplaced priorities of Pakistanis
I am waiting … Please also Answer the question in the post you quoted .. :enjoy:
Thank you..

That is what I am asking!!!!!!!!! He agree Iran is involved in Yemen ! I ask him Why ? (Iran is already in Syria and Iraq and Lebanon ) .. I did not bring Irans Proxies in Pakistan..
Iran openly deny any involvement in Yemen , but If Pakistan try to stop war in Yemen by sending troops , how can this become war against Iran ? Why Iran and Irans lovers start propaganda against this move ?
He bring in Sudan ! I asked him why cant he look at Egypt ? and why is he comparing Pakistan with Sudan on first place ? ?
And he is not ready to look at economical benefits and Pakistani interests..

Hello chacha now I have answered most of your questions and have I answered them honestly?
For rest of your questions please post them again I will answer them but then will you also answer mine as well?
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