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Pakistan's Blunder Of Not Joining The Yemen War:---

Ask FC the problems they are facing form the Iranians in fencing the border, and then inform this forum.

Maybe FC should do something about it? They are a branch of the armed forces, they are a government department. The state should do what it has to do. We will stand by it.
Despite my well known partiality toward Iran, I now think it was terrible blunder on part of Pakistan not joining the Yemen wa on the side of Saudia and UAE. The reasons whatsoever do not relate to the merits of the case. There are no bad or good guys in Yemen war. However for strategic and economic reasons Pakistan should have joined on subject to following condition.

A economic package that covers two aspects. First compensation against the actual costs to be paid every month once invoices are provided [similiar to US coalition support funds] and these must cover all operational costs relating to deploying/fighting in Yemen. Second, a $10 billion annual grant to be paid in every year the force is deployed in Yemen.

Subject to this Pakistan should have been in Yemen. If that sounds mercenery, well it is. Even US follows and has followed this template.

If they pay $10 billion every year yes go to war in Yemen and fix the country.

Last time we helped USA they stole our CSF.
My friend how are our interests in going to war in Yemen. What will we gain from it? How will it help us economically?

Sudan has gone into Yemen and what did they gained?

Help me to understand this.
Dear bro, first answer my post !!! Why You running away ……. I already give my views on Sudan... And I even said I rest my case.. So no more discussion on this from my side , simply because you are not ready to take away your sectarian glasses and look at things differently. I respect you so no more post from me to you on this topic. My post is still there waiting for your answer when every you want.. Thanks a lot..
@Dubious , @Khafee
200 Percent agreed...

Need to clean our home but still....

Neutrality isn't paying at all...

Jadhav, Uzair Baloch, Ormara , Taqi Usmani attack....all happened after showing "Neutrality"

Pakistan is a regional power and about time we should act one

I agree 100%. There are steps we can take which would change the course of history, but we cannot do that from a position of weakness.
First of all where I said attack Iran? or go to war with Iran ? 2ndly how going into Yemen means Going against Iran ? 3dly , When Iran said they are not involved in Yemen so why this even bother them and their proxies and lovers (Pakistan going into yemen) ?4th Why you keep comparing Pakistan with Sudan ? (Why cant you compare with Egypt)..5th what we got after staying neutral ?? (Chabahr still under india , we still have kalbhshan , we still have so many other anti Pakistan activities from Irani Land and Most importantly Irans war threat after 27th Feb)..
Please answer my question one by one and in detail …… I rest my case after sayin , Pakistan have to watch Pakistan's own interests...…. Just look at the economical benefits we missed . Just look at great opportunity we lost .
@Khafee , @Dubious , @MastanKhan

Iran is involved in Yemen war it cannot be denied. Here is your answer.

Now how will we gain from Yemen?
Iran is involved in Yemen war it cannot be denied. Here is your answer.

Now how will we gain from Yemen?
Honorable @BHarwana , thanks for telling truth , Bro I asked 5 question in that post .. If you don't mind answer them too.....
And on gaining from Yemen war I will refer you to the post from @Indus Pakistan …. Post Number 187.
This is all about economy and watching own interests ..
Honorable @BHarwana , thanks for telling truth , Bro I asked 5 question in that post .. If you don't mind answer them too.....
And on gaining from Yemen war I will refer you to the post from @Indus Pakistan …. Post Number 187.

The answer to your rest of questions is that if we go to war in Yemen that means we are going against Iran. I will not deny that also. If you are looking for this answer I will say it that Iran will consider this as war against them. I am not going to lie for Iran.

Honorable @BHarwana , thanks for telling truth , Bro I asked 5 question in that post .. If you don't mind answer them too.....
And on gaining from Yemen war I will refer you to the post from @Indus Pakistan …. Post Number 187.
This is all about economy and watching own interests ..

The answer which Indus gave is not the answer. We were never given our CSF by USA. Previous payment need to be cleared first.
Dear bro, first answer my post !!! Why You running away ……. I already give my views on Sudan... And I even said I rest my case.. So no more discussion on this from my side , simply because you are not ready to take away your sectarian glasses and look at things differently. I respect you so no more post from me to you on this topic. My post is still there waiting for your answer when every you want.. Thanks a lot..
@Dubious , @Khafee
good job...now walk away we cant force people to accept our POV.....
The answer to your rest of questions is that if we go to war in Yemen that means we are going against Iran. I will not deny that also. If you are looking for this answer I will say it that Iran will consider this as war against them. I am not going to lie for Iran.

Who gives a damn about iran, iran can go to hell, we should always care about our own country pakistan not some f***** pariah foreign pos like iran or whatever other foreign country for that matter.
The answer to your rest of questions is that if we go to war in Yemen that means we are going against Iran. I will not deny that also. If you are looking for this answer I will say it that Iran will consider this as war against them. I am not going to lie for Iran.
So is Iran's feelings more important than Pakistan's interest? :unsure:
The answer to your rest of questions is that if we go to war in Yemen that means we are going against Iran. I will not deny that also. If you are looking for this answer I will say it that Iran will consider this as war against them. I am not going to lie for Iran.
That the answer to 2nd , 3rd .. 4th and 5th still left.. But Again Thank you for speaking truth .
Yaar , Why Iran is in Yemen on first place????????????????????? Why Iran destabilizing Region ??
Why cant we (Pakistan) do the same ????????????
Will Iran start open war with Pakistan (They already have very strong Proxy war going inside Pakistan) ?? .
Why we stay away from Yemen and economical benefits attached with this war ?? (indus Pakistan a pro iran member quoted some of the benefits )..
If Iran do the things (what iran is doing) make them hallal but if Pakistan even talk about doing same things make them haram and start crying everywhere (iran's 5th Gen war on Pakistan)!!!!!!!
@Dubious , @Khafee
Ever thought of repercussions our involvement in yemen war would have back at home? There are almost 10 millions shias living in pakistan who would support Iran over saudis any day. Ghar abi tak apna sae nae hua aur yahan dobara jang shuruh karnay ki pari hai. Unlike like Monarchs of Gulf we live in a democracy so get used to it.
Good point

Madam @Dubious .. Please ask (open thread) from Irans lover about Irans behaviour when Pakistan almost had a war with India ….. What they have to say about it ? How Irans look after her own interest (relationship with India) ?? Why we cannot do that .. why when Pakistan try to look after her own interests Irans lovers (some Shia sectarian scums) bring Islam and sectarianism ??
I am not talking about iran and her proxies in Iraq , Syria .. Here I am strictly talking about Pakistan and Pakistani interests ..

That blindness pissed me off...……. I am so much tired of mullah lovers ( here I only mean mullah lovers ,, that means not all of the Shia Muslims) …….
Unstable GCC means death to Pakistan...….. Why cant people see this very simple fact ??? WTF is wrong with people..
A good point wish Pakistanis look out for Pak interest.
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