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Pakistan's Artillery Upgrade Discussions

Peace of mind, finally. Now let's get back to slumber.
The reason we do not hear much about PAs procurements as compared to say IAs is because PA likes to stay very quiet.

In India they make their intentions to buy a new weapon clear before they even ask the relevant companies to send them in for testing, and to add on top of that, they start acting like the system is now already in service. If you ask them, they’ve had S400 in service for a few years already because they expressed their intentions of buying it, while the reality is that they won’t have in operational for a couple of years more.

in Pakistan, the first time we hear about a weapon is when the military decides that it’s time to send a message. By this point the talks, the trials and usually even the induction and operationalization already complete. And we basically never heard about the first few stages of this unless someone reveals it on a platform like this forum. PA has had HQ-9P for a couple of years now yet nobody even knew.

Otherwise if we look at the time taken from “intention to operation”, PA does it much faster than IA.

PA has been testing both towed and SP artillery, in fact they’ve had multiple trials at this point. They could pick a gun, order it and have it in service and we wouldn’t even hear about it until we’re meant to. So rest assured, the systems are coming, so is everything else the PA has planned. Maybe they’re already here too.
Why spoil a surprise and lose an advantage though :D
The reason we do not hear much about PAs procurements as compared to say IAs is because PA likes to stay very quiet.

In India they make their intentions to buy a new weapon clear before they even ask the relevant companies to send them in for testing and to add on top of that, they start acting like the system is now already in service. If you ask them, they’ve had S400 in service for a few years already because they expressed their intentions of buying it, while the reality is that they won’t have in operational for a couple of years more.

in Pakistan, the first time we hear about a weapon is when the military decides that it’s time to send a message. By this point the talks, the trials and usually even the induction and operationalization already complete. And we basically never heard about the first few stages of this unless someone reveals it on a platform like this forum. PA has had HQ-9P for a couple of years now yet nobody even knew.

Otherwise if we look at the time taken from “intention to operation”, PA does it much faster than IA.

PA has been testing both towed and SP artillery they’ve had multiple trials at this point. They could pick a gun, order it and have it in service and we wouldn’t even hear about it until we’re meant to. So rest assured, the systems are coming, so is everything else the PA has planned. Maybe they’re already here too.
Why spoil a surprise and lose an advantage though :D
True. This also explains protocols the army has put in place for showing training videos online. In the past shows like mahaaz have dealt significant damage to the ways our forces operate and train these videos were studied leading to alter of tactics in enemy indoctrination, especially in their special forces.
HIT told about the artillery gun they have developed but they didn't showed any picture. I really hope they reveal the Artillery Gun soon
Has been seen in satellite images, PA didn’t want it to be publicized before they had done trials on it, in case they liked it and bought it. You know how they are with the secrecy of weapons they purchase.
Here’s the gun at HITs own trials before it would be send off to the army.
True. This also explains protocols the army has put in place for showing training videos online. In the past shows like mahaaz have dealt significant damage to the ways our forces operate and train these videos were studied leading to alter of tactics in enemy indoctrination, especially in their special forces.

Enemy watch these shows ?
Has been seen in satellite images, PA didn’t want it to be publicized before they had done trials on it, in case they liked it and bought it. You know how they are with the secrecy of weapons they purchase.
Here’s the gun at HITs own trials before it would be send off to the army. View attachment 786020
What is the status of our home made Towed gun when we are going to induct after trails ??
No idea. Only the military knows. They haven’t gotten to the artillery modernizations yet, only testing has been done, if they have picked the guns then we won’t know until induction or after it. As for the local gun, the plus side is that it can be modified and improved by HIT as needed, so there’s a good chance we’ll see it in service.
your statement is factually incorrect. readup

First time I'm hearing about it. Soviets were extremely aggressive in their use of artillery in direct-fire.
Neither US or British are fond of such use of artillery, an organic development of tactics in Pakistan army.
Wondering what are the basic philosophy and tactics on how arty is used by our army
field trials take more than a year as the equipment is tested in all geographical locations in all types of extreme weather.

The first trials didn’t prove satisfactory that’s why, PA added new requirements to the second trials and made them much stricter, second trials started not more than a month ago. It does take time, so give it some time. It will come. We can’t buy 6 things at once either, money has to be considered.
No official confirmation as of yet, but we will get it soon, if PA has infact picked SH-15, they have either gotten the upgrades they wanted on it or lowered their requirements to go along with the cheaper prices.
Though I still hope they haven’t picked the Chinese system for once, given all the other Chinese weaponry they’ve bought, it makes sense for them to get the system which will easily integrate into the others.
No official confirmation as of yet, but we will get it soon, if PA has infact picked SH-15, they have either gotten the upgrades they wanted on it or lowered their requirements to go along with the cheaper prices.
Though I still hope they haven’t picked the Chinese system for once, given all the other Chinese weaponry they’ve bought, it makes sense for them to get the system which will easily integrate into the others.
Is SH15 the export version of PCL181?
I thought PCL181 is an excellent system. But you are suggesting buying it is a compromise?
It doesn’t have a fully automatic loading system (semi-automatic) and it lacks proper remote operating capabilities as PLA doesn’t consider them necessary for its doctrine. The other systems PA was testing had them and PA did seem to be wanting both of them. However in the basic attributes such as the Range, accuracy and mobility of the system, it is excellent. Even better than the others at times due to its lighter weight, it’s also cheaper due to the lack of the Aforementioned capabilities. It’ll be interesting to see if PA added them as it did with the VT-4 or bought the stock system.

At the time of the first trials however VT-4 hadn’t been inducted and Pantsir was still on the cards, now with the Chinese MBT in service and the Chinese SHORAD likely to come, it makes a lot more sense to buy the SH-15 due to its interoperability with the other systems. Plus the cheaper cost will mean we can get more of them.

Either way, it will be a good upgrade to PAs artillery capabilities if purchased, and if rumors are to be believed, there’s another system from the west coming too, The point about “remote operation capabilities” is important in that regard. The fully-automatic loader can be overlooked given how much bulkier it can make these guns.
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