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Pakistan's Artillery Upgrade Discussions

Sorry bro won't happen.

South African stuff requires too much investment because it has a high upside and lots of benefits for us in the long-term. Instead, we'll take out a loan and buy 300 units of some existing system, and like, never add to it.
Well put. No long term thinking - Your latest articles on Quwa hit the nail on the head of the malaise.

Mentality to get the toys for boys but not how to construct them from basic building blocks for future to stand on own two feet and run.

Well K-9 Thunder seems like a good option for the Pakistani Army?
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Which SP Howitzer will replace M-109s when the time comes ?
I doubt that time will be soon since most modern SPs offer too less improvements as compared to our M109s so they are not worth the dollars. Also we have atleast parity if not an edge as far as artillery is concerned and hence it is not in our priority list
Maybe PLZ-45, Hanwha K-9 / Turkish clone T-155 Firtina,
PLZ-45 is quite similar to m109s while the K9s have already been procured by IA so I think we won't go for it. BTW won't it be better to upgrade our M109s to A7 or similar level.

What about our southern Punjab and Sindh areas since that is where most of our tracked SP is depl and wheeled might not be that suitable for the soft sands. Thus wheeled SPs might be procured only in limited numbers for northern punjab are.
I doubt that time will be soon since most modern SPs offer too less improvements as compared to our M109s so they are not worth the dollars. Also we have atleast parity if not an edge as far as artillery is concerned and hence it is not in our priority list

PLZ-45 is quite similar to m109s while the K9s have already been procured by IA so I think we won't go for it. BTW won't it be better to uograde our M109s.
There is a limit to how much they can be upgraded, and despite overhauls, old eqpt becomes maintenance intensive.

What about our southern Punjab and Sindh areas since that is where most of our tracked SP is depl and wheeled might not be that suitable for the soft sands. Thus wheeled SPs might be procured only in limited numbers for northern punjab are.
Technology has improved alot, wheeled SPH's are nearly there. The biggest advantage is their rapid mobility.
The M109s aren’t going anywhere for a good while still, they’ll stay at least till the current options on the market aren’t that relevant either, so PA will likely go for something entirely new by then.
The Wheeled SP induction is still gonna happen sooner or later…SH-155…
@iLION12345_1 @Desert Fox 1

Wordings - "when the time comes".
And SH-15 is wheeled, a tracked option could be a suitable replacement. This also points towards HIT making a gun or using a platform as well as a future Turkish or Chinese option. A5 hasn't been upgraded to A6 Paladin, so technology wise it needs to keep up, not every upgrade is to match India but to suit own doctrines and inter-operability. 10-15 years ahead, technology might improve even further.
@iLION12345_1 @Desert Fox 1

Wordings - "when the time comes".
And SH-15 is wheeled, a tracked option could be a suitable replacement. This also points towards HIT making a gun or using a platform as well as a future Turkish or Chinese option. A5 hasn't been upgraded to A6 Paladin, so technology wise it needs to keep up, not every upgrade is to match India but to suit own doctrines and inter-operability. 10-15 years ahead, technology might improve even further.
Yes, I meant that by the time Our M109A5s are ready to be replaced, the current options on the market will also be 10-15 years old, so we will likely go for a system that hasn’t been developed yet. I’m hoping for a local one too. locally upgrading our M109s with Italian or Turkish support is also an option, the K9 and T-155 don’t stray too far from the same basic design of the M109. Turkey made its T-155 based off the K-9s, which were in turn based off older M109s, Pakistan can pursue something similar a few years down the line especially if our industry keeps improving, there’s already work being done on artillery guns at HIT if MoDP yearbooks are to be believed.
This will keep costs down and keep logistics easy. PA definitely has a need for tracked Howitzers as well as wheeled ones, any artillery gun we make can be used in both SP and towed roles.

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