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Pakistan's Artillery Upgrade Discussions

According to legends, the Cheramaan Juma Mosque in Kerala is said to have been built around 630 AD implying during Holy Prophet (PBUH) lifetime! Perhaps a member from Kerala could shed more light on it.

I'm so full of sin, that I am ashamed to comment on this, What I heard was that the King saw the moon split, and then (traveled to Arabia maybe) and accepted Islam.

Only the Lord knows best.
an estimate on the current Towed and SP Artillery pieces held and the potential regiments they could hold:

Mountain Artillery - 22 regiments (potential)
116 x OTO Italian 105mm in 6 regiments
300 x M101 105mm in 16 regiments

Field Artillery - 32 regiments (potential)
400 x Type 54 122mm in 22 regiments
179 x D-30 Chinese 122mm in 10 regiments

Medium Artillery - 29 regiments (potential)
100 x M46 130mm in 5 regiments
260 x Type 59/59-1 130mm in 14 regiments
60 x M114 Silver Barrel 155mm in 3 regiments
124 x M198 155mm in 7 regiments

Heavy Artillery - 2 regiments (potential)
26 x M115 203mm in 2 regiments

SP Medium Arty - 21 regiments (potential)
152 x M109A2 155mm in 8 regiments
115 x M109A5 155mm in 6 regiments
122/130 x M109L 155mm in 7 regiments

SP Heavy Arty - 3 regiments (optional)
40 x M110 203mm in 3 regiments

induction in process:

236 x SH-15 155mm in 13 regiments (potential)

Will be interesting to see which pieces will be retired after this induction. could be M114 and M46; phasing out of M115 too?

will appreciate feedback from sources with insight.
If HIT produced its own 105mm or 155mm, then standardisation would have helped modernise Artillery. Also more formations could be brought up in war since reservists are called for desk jobs in HQs and active personnel managing desk jobs in peacetime are sent forward for combat.
why our artillery is stuck in past
this day and age armies r focused on mbrls to bring maximum firepower in shortest time with accuracy
an estimate on the current Towed and SP Artillery pieces held and the potential regiments they could hold:

Mountain Artillery - 22 regiments (potential)
116 x OTO Italian 105mm in 6 regiments
300 x M101 105mm in 16 regiments

Field Artillery - 32 regiments (potential)
400 x Type 54 122mm in 22 regiments
179 x D-30 Chinese 122mm in 10 regiments

Medium Artillery - 29 regiments (potential)
100 x M46 130mm in 5 regiments
260 x Type 59/59-1 130mm in 14 regiments
60 x M114 Silver Barrel 155mm in 3 regiments
124 x M198 155mm in 7 regiments

Heavy Artillery - 2 regiments (potential)
26 x M115 203mm in 2 regiments

SP Medium Arty - 21 regiments (potential)
152 x M109A2 155mm in 8 regiments
115 x M109A5 155mm in 6 regiments
122/130 x M109L 155mm in 7 regiments

SP Heavy Arty - 3 regiments (optional)
40 x M110 203mm in 3 regiments

induction in process:

236 x SH-15 155mm in 13 regiments (potential)

Will be interesting to see which pieces will be retired after this induction. could be M114 and M46; phasing out of M115 too?

will appreciate feedback from sources with insight.
China use 122mm 155mm only, as well as 120mm mortar. I think 130, 105 is outdated, too many caliber is bad for Army.
105 mm can be replaced by 120 mortar. The rest can be consolidated by 122mm and 155mm. Other caliber will fade out. That's the future.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
Reddit › WarCollege › comments
conventional artillery vs MLRS?
Guys check out the above on reddit.
It is a very interesting look at MLRS how they can wreak havoc on enemy. Modern MRLS with basic INS/GPS and range extension kit rockets can also do danger close/pin point(with a margin of error just like arty of course) strike missions.
Reddit › WarCollege › comments
conventional artillery vs MLRS?
Guys check out the above on reddit.
It is a very interesting look at MLRS how they can wreak havoc on enemy. Modern MRLS with basic INS/GPS and range extension kit rockets can also do danger close/pin point(with a margin of error just like arty of course) strike missions.
Its good to have both artillery and MLRS.
Reddit › WarCollege › comments
conventional artillery vs MLRS?
Guys check out the above on reddit.
It is a very interesting look at MLRS how they can wreak havoc on enemy. Modern MRLS with basic INS/GPS and range extension kit rockets can also do danger close/pin point(with a margin of error just like arty of course) strike missions.
Its good to have both artillery and MLRS.
I'm so full of sin, that I am ashamed to comment on this, What I heard was that the King saw the moon split, and then (traveled to Arabia maybe) and accepted Islam.

Only the Lord knows best.

an estimate on the current Towed and SP Artillery pieces held and the potential regiments they could hold:

Mountain Artillery - 22 regiments (potential)
116 x OTO Italian 105mm in 6 regiments
300 x M101 105mm in 16 regiments

Field Artillery - 32 regiments (potential)
400 x Type 54 122mm in 22 regiments
179 x D-30 Chinese 122mm in 10 regiments

Medium Artillery - 29 regiments (potential)
100 x M46 130mm in 5 regiments
260 x Type 59/59-1 130mm in 14 regiments
60 x M114 Silver Barrel 155mm in 3 regiments
124 x M198 155mm in 7 regiments

Heavy Artillery - 2 regiments (potential)
26 x M115 203mm in 2 regiments

SP Medium Arty - 21 regiments (potential)
152 x M109A2 155mm in 8 regiments
115 x M109A5 155mm in 6 regiments
122/130 x M109L 155mm in 7 regiments

SP Heavy Arty - 3 regiments (optional)
40 x M110 203mm in 3 regiments

induction in process:

236 x SH-15 155mm in 13 regiments (potential)

Will be interesting to see which pieces will be retired after this induction. could be M114 and M46; phasing out of M115 too?

will appreciate feedback from sources with insight.
SH-15 alongside ERFB-BB/RA (50 Km, 30Km) and laser-guided shells have been integrated.
Pakistan has a decent sized artillery fleet. More focused should be given to self propelled artillery and MBRL systems on the other hand and also artillery tracking radars.

- Pakistan is acquiring 236 SH-15 self propelled artillery and has already acquired 90 SH-1s a few years back. Requirement is around 500 wheeled units.
- 200 pieced of heavy tracked artillery similar to the M-109 should also be acquired. On top of the current 389 M-109s and 60 M110s should be a 650 mechanized artillery units.
- Another acquisition of 100-150 heavy MBRLs similar to the A-100/Smerch. Currently Pakistan has around 70 M-100s total should be 200 units of large MBRLs
- Hundreds of units of small and truck sized artillery tracking radars to act as force multipliers in providing counter artillery battery

Would easily make up for current gaps in Pakistans artillery units providing mobile, Precise, and powerful firepower.
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I think you mean to say :rofl:
I'm so full of sin, that I am ashamed to comment on this, What I heard was that the King saw the moon split, and then (traveled to Arabia maybe) and accepted Islam.

Only the Lord knows best.
Yes this is what I have heard also. He was awake and saw it happen with his own eyes and was stunned. And as arabs used to come for trade in this region he inquired about it and he was told about Hazrat MUHAMMAD SAW. Than he decided to travel to Arabia.
R&D work is also being done for an MLRS with range greater than A-100.

Don't have exact details but we might see a prototype in next 1-2 years.

Success will be with us.


Read my signature and the word I used in the post.
Yes, I hope so.

In previous post, I meant a weapon that can be shown to media under another kamiyab tujraba head. Other than that it is already here.

1st test during same period.
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