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Pakistan’s army is building an arsenal of ”tiny” nuclear weapons—and it’s going to backfire

I just read the title of the article and then scroll down to find the source and found it to be India as usual. It really saved lots of my valuable time as i exactly know there is a crying baby inside.Thanks but No thanks.
Keep such news coming. Although the chances of a deliberate nuclear exchange between both nations, as pointed out by several members, is quite low, there are still enough risks inherent in Pakistan's nuclear weapons programme to merit a global campaign for Pakistani disarmament.

The prospects for that may look slim right now, but in time, after the dust has settled on the Middle-East, the world can focus on the REAL danger of Pakistani nuclear belligerence. Until that time, spreading awareness is the key.

There is not a single instance of even a single possible chance of reported danger to our nuclear facilities/arsenal even during the AQ episode. But U have got lots of your nuclear scientists who have mysteriously disappeared and bodies of them found sans the secret documents they were carrying. Your most of nuclear installations are in areas infested by Naxal movement. So Better get your house in order first as right now U r the looming danger for the safety of the both urself and world not us as the world has repeatedly recognised our programe as safest. Let me show U the mirror.

Top nuclear expert missing in India - Telegraph

Lessons from Kaiga

India's uranium safeguards fail on all measures

Is India’s nuclear arsenal safe? – The Express Tribune Blog

Who is killing India's nuclear scientists? - Rediff.com India News

26 Indian Nuclear Scientists Die Mysteriously. Why Is The Country Quiet? AnonHQ
Reminds me how US deployed its tac nukes against Soviet Union to deter any conventional attack by them on Western Europe. It reflected NATO's military inferiority against USSR.
But soon they realised that tac-nukes were useless military weapons and withdrew it from Europe.
Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it- US definitely learnt it's lessons, I hope others do to. :)

@Abingdonboy did he call us trolls? :confused:


Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christine Fair has huge chip on her shoulder , she is it no academic when it comes to Pakistan .. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned is what can describes her behaviour
Nothing new or unexpected in the analysis.

All Nuclear Weapons, in the first place; are weapons of dubious value. Then TacNukes arejust simply "Har-Kiri" or suicidal weapons. Tactical Nukes will not only invite a Nuclear Retaliation by Strategic Nukes but in the first place even kill and maim own forces and populace; without dealing the K.O. punch to the adversary.... now which Idiot General will lay his bets on such a weapon! :lol:
The OP is British Indian who is clearly butthurt against Pakistanis for some reasons, maybe he got bullied back here in UK by Pakistanis. :lol:
Another BULL SH*T article. Anything which Pakistan does in Military program hurts the world, specially India & we can see Indian officials crying & ruining to US to pressurize Pakistan.
Actually the writer of article has not stuck to core issues and rather is talking about other stuff . It is more of Rant than word of caution for pakistan citizen which the article is trying to convey.

What the article is basically saying is tactical Nukes is worst for pakistan public. Having personally good knowledge of pakistan nuclear bomb ( Thanks to A. Q. Khan ) & having read multiple articles and books on pakistan nuclear capabilities i can tell why tactical nuke is dangerous. The Pakistan nuke progress is nothing short of spectacular considering size of economy. ( China is also responsible for this ) , and ordinary citizens must be proud.

Basically , pakistan tactical nukes godfather is Gen. Musharraf ( Research started on his order ) , the source plant for pakistan nuke is the now 4 Plutonium plants in Khushab. The Tactical nukes i estimate is atleast below 8 Kt. in power ( not 30 Kt. as article suggest , as 30 Kt. is not actually tactical ) , it will be anywhere between 1 kt. to 5 kt. meant to target Indian Army Forward Positions , military formations etc. Nasr is ideal delivery weapon in missile and will only be used on large military positions , & artillery weapons ( Plutonium bomb weighting around 40 - 50 Kg. , size of a big football ) will be used to target live Indian Military Post at time of war. The fear is that since the bomb is so small ( any strong man can lift 40 - 50 kg. dumbbell , here it is nuke bomb ) any jihadist inspired army man ( there are lot of jihadist elements in pak. army , hence we see support for terrorist in pak. army ) may randomly fire many weapons on Indian army than actually required , ( Not even one should actually be fired to avoid nuclear Armageddon ) , say there is Kargil War and pak. army fires from other side of mountain on Indian positions , India will then have to respond , and the response will be atleast one 12 Kt. Nuke bomb ( I am estimating Indias smmallest Nuke from 1998 Shakti 2 nuke test ) , and it will destroy quite lot of things than intended and Pak. will again response. So you see how close tactical weapons can bring nuclear exchange it is this thing that U.S.A. is worried about.
Mr. Tarrar , Jaanbaaz and other forum members ,
I assume there could be pak. army , airforce members visiting the forum , so you can understand my point.
The problem is that Pakistan army knows its conventional capability in comparison to India , they will find Nuclear tactical nukes rather convenient or guaranteed method to immediately win war ( or atleast immediately stall Indian army advances ) & bring India on negotiating table , where pak. army ( via there reps. ) could do any barter deal etc.

pak military doctrine i believe is this , Say Pakistan army has occupied heights of Kargil ( Kargil is for example purposes only ) , and Indian army regained some occupied heights , the Pak. army will fire 1 x 2 kt. small Nuke from Artillery , and Indian army men are killed it is ''assumed'' here that for such small local nuke , india will not respond to avoid big nuclear exchange and will come on negotiating table. ( This is known as lowering of nuclear threshold , & that is reason why U.S.A. discarded it , this assumption is itself the dangerous part which the entire world ( not only U.S.A. ) is fearing , it has also spooked Indian army , because they know in case of any Adventure from either side Nuclear war is just too close ( Indian military analyst have already decleared that nuclear will be answered with nuclear and problem is india does not have small nukes , so it means answer is atleast a 12 Kt. nuke which means its open nuclear war ) , it is the same nuclear war fear because of which many Pak Intellect ie. Mr. Pervez Hoodbhoy ( pardon spelling error ) are against tactical nukes.)

Another area is any pakistan army personnel who is jihadist sympathizer will take control of atleast one of these football sized nukes and use them randomly without any reason against India. ( Tactical nukes are most difficult to secure and rarely are fitted with security codes or other safety methods as they are meant to be used quickly and in short duration targeted on enemy positions )
There is not a single instance of even a single possible chance of reported danger to our nuclear facilities/arsenal even during the AQ episode. But U have got lots of your nuclear scientists who have mysteriously disappeared and bodies of them found sans the secret documents they were carrying. Your most of nuclear installations are in areas infested by Naxal movement. So Better get your house in order first as right now U r the looming danger for the safety of the both urself and world not us as the world has repeatedly recognised our programe as safest. Let me show U the mirror.

Top nuclear expert missing in India - Telegraph

Lessons from Kaiga

India's uranium safeguards fail on all measures

Is India’s nuclear arsenal safe? – The Express Tribune Blog

Who is killing India's nuclear scientists? - Rediff.com India News

26 Indian Nuclear Scientists Die Mysteriously. Why Is The Country Quiet? AnonHQ

Hmm....I wonder who might be trying to sabotage India's nuclear programme?:coffee:

You claimed that the US found tactical nukes obsolete. The INF treaty led to the withdrawal of such weapons, including other short range missiles and cruise missiles.

Please look beyond the obvious. The treaty was formulated after realization that "tactical" nukes have no different ramifications and serve no enhanced deterrence.
He He He He Jacob , are you saying the Usual Suspects.....
Unfortunately there has been no investigation , the police files were abruptly closed showing suicide. :o::o::o::o::o::o: His relatives have already doubted the claim and called it Murder. :(:(:(:(:(

I still remember a hilarious local Pakistani anchor who was speaking on that scientist lying in gutter in India etc. etc. ,,He was even frustrated with Iran being successful in obtaining a Iran US Nuclear deal & Iranians happy about it. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

This anchor was actually telling how Indias nuclear programme is unsafe ( I also personally feel it is worst as far as safety of nuclear assets is concerned , it has already been ranked one of worlds worst protected , just about any one can steal uranium from India's mines ( Just recently a gang was caught on Nepal's Border , even US had spoken with Mr. Modi about this Nuclear Safety )

Jacob & other forum members ,

The problem is tactical nukes give command over nukes to small group of soldiers who can fire it as will and ramifications of random nuke weapon fired is far worst as big nukes will never be used so easily as they will need missiles or F-16 and use will be decided by Pakistan state not some random corps unit., this threshold is very very low , again Imagine the soldiers will them self suffer from nuclear radiation , as such small nukes have less protection covers against the internal plutonium inside , and while firing what if the artillery guns misfires ( main reason u.s. dropped battlefield nukes ).
Well i may agree about the danger of the tactical nukes. But i can tell also that Nasr is the perfect answer for the new threat from India named "Cold Start".
The fear is that since the bomb is so small ( any strong man can lift 40 - 50 kg. dumbbell , here it is nuke bomb ) any jihadist inspired army man ( there are lot of jihadist elements in pak. army , hence we see support for terrorist in pak. army ) may randomly fire many weapons on Indian army than actually required , ( Not even one should actually be fired to avoid nuclear Armageddon ) , say there is Kargil War and pak. army fires from other side of mountain on Indian positions , India will then have to respond , and the response will be atleast one 12 Kt. Nuke bomb ( I am estimating Indias smmallest Nuke from 1998 Shakti 2 nuke test ) , and it will destroy quite lot of things than intended and Pak. will again response. So you see how close tactical weapons can bring nuclear exchange it is this thing that U.S.A. is worried about.

Correcting a few assumptions which are 100% wrongly placed here. If you are on a brain washing or Propaganda mission, please find some other place to lay your ideas.

There are two main reasons which makes me think that your claims are quite erratic and you are talking nonsense.

1. Your example of kargil is ridiculous and reading it is a waste of time. Cold start by India is poised with major armoured forces in the south of Pakistan, not mountains. Basically you have no idea about cold start and the utilization of nasr.

2. Your example of Jihadi inspired army man and weapons falling in wrong hands means you have no idea about command, control and promotion methods of PA. You have not done your homework boy.

There are no "jihadi inspired army man" in PA. If there were, things would have gone wrong in the PA by now. This is not a GI JOE movie, this is real life. Stop watching hollywood crap. However, if this fear makes you lose your sleep at night, consult a good psychiatrist.

PA is not a rogue army, its a professional army. There is a proper command and control structure for nuclear weapons and other missiles. You can forget random missiles being fired at the Indian army unless you know about the structure and how the officers are chosen to lead such formations. Putting weapons in hands of a group of soldiers, laughable statement.

If you dont know, then ask, but stop talking rubbish.

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