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Pakistan's Army Chief Calls Kashmir its 'Jugular Vein'

His own country is regularly kissed by TTP .Whenever PA launch a operation against them they return that to poor Pakistanis with compound interest.
PA couldnt do anything against it.And he is still think about Kashmir dream.So much for a failed state.
A single statement by a PM candidate and that is too moderate and Pak leaders is heart beat is spike up to 200.
Who care about this so called Chief?

@Azlan Haider I know truth will hurts .And negative rating will not going to change that.
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so u want an another kargil?? and about TTP they are in waziristan where there is no civil govt presence... like areas occupied by naxals where ur army dont dare to go into those areas and still barking about capturing Lahore etc .. and some dipshit in this thread commented about Balochistan .. yea baby come to balochistan ur mom will not be able to recognize ur body after it being mutilated by Baloch Aman force like they are doing with BLA
Are you sure you want another kargil? considering how badly Pakistan was humiliated the first time.
Alright kid , tell us what do You know About UN resolutions and Indian "compliance" ??

Some more ignorance on display now.........The UN Resolution mandates compliance by BOTH PARTIES; not just "Indian" compliance.
The same ignorance was on display by Shareef.
so u want an another kargil?? and about TTP they are in waziristan where there is no civil govt presence... like areas occupied by naxals where ur army dont dare to go into those areas and still barking about capturing Lahore etc .. and some dipshit in this thread commented about Balochistan .. yea baby come to balochistan ur mom will not be able to recognize ur body after it being mutilated by Baloch Aman force like they are doing with BLA

Naxals is like a piece of cake for IA. A good operation of 2 weeks then they will be over.But that will not change the ground situation and plight of poor peoples like Adivasis .So we deployed CRPF or centre police forces.Slowly suppress naxals and get them in to mainstream.But TTP is too formidable ,hell they can even challenge mighty US Army.
About Kargil .Well you know reality and bad reputation given by world to Pakistan.
Some more ignorance on display now.........The UN Resolution mandates compliance by BOTH PARTIES; not just "Indian" compliance.
The same ignorance was on display by Shareef.

Surely a lot of ignorance on display , (And I don`t expect any better from Indian members , they have been brainwashed by their media and the state propaganda) .....

You are claiming that we don`t know a damn thing about UN resolutions ....... Care to elaborate on that ?
Are you sure you want another kargil? considering how badly Pakistan was humiliated the first time.
humiliated?? 900 fighting against how many indian army divisions and IAF?? its called bravery not humiliation bro ... humiliation is when u are 10 to 1 and still not being able to capture multiple bunkers with months gone by and ask ur masters Americans to pressurize Pakistan
humiliated?? 900 fighting against how many indian army divisions and IAF?? its called bravery not humiliation bro ... humiliation is when u are 10 to 1 and still not being able to capture multiple bunkers with months gone by and ask ur masters Americans to pressurize Pakistan

We dont ask any thing to foreigners .It was your PM at that time NAwaz Sharif ran to Washington DC.
humiliated?? 900 fighting against how many indian army divisions and IAF?? its called bravery not humiliation bro ... humiliation is when u are 10 to 1 and still not being able to capture multiple bunkers with months gone by and ask ur masters Americans to pressurize Pakistan

We have enough threads on Kargil.... The merits or kargil have been discussed, debated, fought in length in them... A brief visit to that thread would give you a different perception.....
Naxals is like a piece of cake for IA. A good operation of 2 weeks then they will be over.But that will not change the ground situation and plight of poor peoples like Adivasis .So we deployed CRPF or centre police forces.Slowly suppress naxals and get them in to mainstream.But TTP is too formidable ,hell they can even challenge mighty US Army.
About Kargil .Well you know reality and bad reputation given by world to Pakistan.
TTP is not formidable they just change places like whenever operations are conducted they cross the border to Afghanistan where as for naxals their are no supports from other country or no country is bordering them so they can not escape from those areas but still why is ur army not doing any operations against them why sacrificing poor CRPF personal who are not properly trained
humiliated?? 900 fighting against how many indian army divisions and IAF?? its called bravery not humiliation bro ... humiliation is when u are 10 to 1 and still not being able to capture multiple bunkers with months gone by and ask ur masters Americans to pressurize Pakistan

Bravery? you mean Musharraf sending Nawaz Sharif to Washington DC to plead Clinton for a ceasefire after the fall of Tololing peak while your nuclear weapon couldn't stop it. :laugh::laugh:
humiliated?? 900 fighting against how many indian army divisions and IAF?? its called bravery not humiliation bro ... humiliation is when u are 10 to 1 and still not being able to capture multiple bunkers with months gone by and ask ur masters Americans to pressurize Pakistan
what was the end result of it? did you got your jugular vein back?
We have enough threads on Kargil.... The merits or kargil have been discussed, debated, fought in length in them... A brief visit to that thread would give you a different perception.....
yea i know but i was correcting him about his statement .. difference between humiliation and bravery
TTP is not formidable they just change places like whenever operations are conducted they cross the border to Afghanistan where as for naxals their are no supports from other country or no country is bordering them so they can not escape from those areas but still why is ur army not doing any operations against them why sacrificing poor CRPF personal who are not properly trained

In India our troops fight insurgents in gun battles successfully, in case of TTP your troops have to use tanks, airforce, heavy artillery and fight a war in your own territory but still you can't do anything significant against rag-tag TTP.
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