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Pakistan's allegedly Vindictive Judges' Relentless Pursuit of Musharraf

Like the political parties of Pakistan - PPP, MQM, ANP and PML-N have shown true colors and their lack of leadership in past 5 years, the judiciary has also shown its true colors recently. Its a PML judiciary. Not a single PML leader was dragged off the line and bothered about outstanding cases or loan write offs.

Ultimately all tax thieves, loan defaulters, fake degree holders, liars under oath, urban and sectarian terrorists were found to be in compliance with articles 62 and 63 of the constitution.

While CJ is out on a mission to cleanse corruption other than PML's, his own son is known corrupt man. He drives a Range Rover and other expensive cars while being a govt. officer. Will CJ begin charity from his own home?
What a fickle people we are.

The same judges when punishing the corrupt PPP government were heroes. When they are applying the same laws to dictators like Gen Musharraf, we call them vindictive just because we favor one side over the other due to our own favorites and biases.

I say let the courts work as they work, respecting the authority given to them by the Constitution, whether we like it or not.
Judge contested in election on MMA ticket

GeoTV news anchor Mansoor Ali Khan has tweeted it.
@mansoorGeoNews Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui, who cancelled #Musharraf's bail, contested General Elections in 2002 on MMA ticket from NA-54 ...

Election 2002 website shows Shaukat Siddiqui got 12,676 votes and placed third in NA-54 Rawalpindi. The winner was PPP's Zamarrud Khan with 31,491 votes.

NA 54 Rawalpindi V Detail Election Result 2002
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Like the political parties of Pakistan - PPP, MQM, ANP and PML-N have shown true colors and their lack of leadership in past 5 years, the judiciary has also shown its true colors recently. Its a PML judiciary. Not a single PML leader was dragged off the line and bothered about outstanding cases or loan write offs.

Ultimately all tax thieves, loan defaulters, fake degree holders, liars under oath, urban and sectarian terrorists were found to be in compliance with articles 62 and 63 of the constitution.

While CJ is out on a mission to cleanse corruption other than PML's, his own son is known corrupt man. He drives a Range Rover and other expensive cars while being a govt. officer. Will CJ begin charity from his own home?

The fact that mainstream media sat on these stories raises serious questions about whose interests are its journalists serving? Why are they afraid to expose the top judges? What kind of illegal payments and other favors are they accepting from the rich and the powerful? How are the commercial interests of the media owners influencing the editorial opinions and news coverage? Are they trying to hide their own guilt? And to what end?

Haq's Musings: Pakistan's Familygate & Mediagate Scandals Broke on Youtube
- Public is not pathetic, it has been given that message in 35 years of Dictatorship and it is finally waking up to see a ruined Pakistan thanks to 'strategic depth' of PA which has made wonderful achievement of pissing every side.

Public is pathetic. Again you are delusional you can't feel that. Public is such a fool they don't care about strategic depth or TTP or anything. what they care about is the feudal whom they gonna vote elections after elections. Strategic depth is another issue and requires separate debate. However India is an enemy and it is good they are pissed. They should be if they aren't already.

The great failure of strategic doctrine can be gauged by the fact that Pakistan is the most hated country in Afghanistan after all Pakistan has done in their support.

Again it is not just because of strategic depth policy. Those idiot jahil Afghanis think we occupy their land(KPK, FATA and Balochistan). And this dates back to 1947 years before we though of strategic depth. Educate yourself more on this kid. Things aren't simple as you think them to be.

. Both factions in Afghanistan, Pashtoon and Tajik hate Pakistan with a passion.

As I said this stupid hatred dates back to formation of Pakistan. no wonder those jahils ruined there own country because of this hate.

Pakistan is about to face a civil war in KPK and 40,000 people have died due to PA' s inability to deal with TTP

It is painful to teach someone delusional like you. TTP has been successfully countered in Swat, Bajaur and some other areas. Where as your favorite corrupt politicians have failed to play there responsibility in this situation. The army still needs to work in swat to provide health and education facilities since govt is too inept to do that. Not to forget that your judiciary doesn;t have balls to hang even one terrorists. Terrorists are let go free by your judges. Even the so called chief justice Iftikhar doesn't have guts to hang even a single terrorist.

was it up to judiciary to fire down drones?

So isn't it your favorite corrupt politicians job to order army at least once in public to shoot them down? But kid the thing is that those corrupt politicians are pretty happy with those attacks according to wikileaks.

did judiciary allowed drone strikes in Pakistan?

But judiciary supported terrorism in Pakistan in one way or the other.

Was judiciary responsible for watching the borders when some American fks laughingly came in two choppers and killed Osama?

So what? Didn't your favorite corrupt politicians supported that operation saying it is a mutual success. Did judiciary took notice of it? And if it did to score a few browny points then what practical it did after that?

Musharraf's freedom will cost PA dearly, it will lose support in public.

Doesn't matter. Musharraf can't be made scapegoat just for the satisfaction of few idiots.

I don't like those women but I understand how they can be brainwashed into what they did. Those 'jahil aurtain' are an outcome of Ziaulhaq

Those jahil aurtain belong to the caste of the judge(Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui,) who rejected musharraf's bail.

Looks like you want Pakistan to have Jungle Laws :rolleyes:

I want a corrupt thug to be eliminated. This isn't jungle law.
Here's an excerpt of a Tribune Express Op Ed by Prof Hasan Askari Rizvi on relentless pursuit of Musharraf:

As the Islamabad High Court has taken the initiative to nail down former president General (retd) Pervez Musharraf, most civilian political leaders are happy and blame him for Pakistan’s political ailments. The Senate passed a resolution on April 19 asking for initiation of legal proceedings against him on the charge of high treason that carries the death sentence. Some of the civilian leaders want Musharraf to be tried as a common criminal so as to show that everybody is equal before law.

It is interesting to note two ironies of history. First, Pakistan’s Supreme Court has never delegitimised a military ruler when he was in power. Yahya Khan was declared usurper in April 1972, four months after he was forced out of office. General Pervez Musharraf was declared to have acted in violation of the Constitution in November 2007 by imposing what he described as an emergency, in a Supreme Court judgment delivered July 2009, only 11 months after he lost power.

Second, whereas Musharraf who demonstrated the arrogance of power while in office is now down and under, the key issue is to maintain a distinction between justice and revenge on the part of the political forces who suffered during the Musharraf years. There is a long tradition in Pakistan for seeking ‘exemplary punishment’ or death sentence for former rulers. In all such cases, the argument is that it would establish the supremacy of law in Pakistan.

Now suddenly, this caretaker government is faced with the unexpected question of the arrest and trial of Pervez Musharraf. The Supreme Court wants the caretaker federal government to explain its position on initiating the trial of Pervez Musharraf on high treason under Article 6 of the constitution....Given Pakistan’s delicate civil-military relations, it is important that the political leaders and civilian state institutions ensure that overenthusiasm to pin down Musharraf does not turn into a propaganda drive against the military. Any strain in civil-military relations can be destabilising, especially when the military is doing election duties and fighting terrorism.

Who rules Pakistan? – The Express Tribune
Here's Daily Times on Chusdhry Shujaat Husain of PML (Q) warning to consequences of haste in prosecuting Musharraf:

Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain on Sunday urged all those concerned with the Pervez Musharraf treason case to avoid taking any step whose consequences they will not be able to control afterwards. Talking to the media, the PML-Q president said that it was a sensitive issue that could have wider repercussions. “When the election campaign is in full swing, this is certainly not the time for taking such hasty steps, as it would be detrimental to national interest and the interests of democracy,” he said. The senator said that he had always spoken up against the politics of revenge and victimisation, adding that any attempt to humiliate either an individual or an institution would be counterproductive and dangerous. Shujaat warned that this was not simply a matter pertaining to one personality, as it could also open up a Pandora’s box.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Here's Daily Times on Chusdhry Shujaat Husain of PML (Q) warning to consequences of haste in prosecuting Musharraf:

Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain on Sunday urged all those concerned with the Pervez Musharraf treason case to avoid taking any step whose consequences they will not be able to control afterwards. Talking to the media, the PML-Q president said that it was a sensitive issue that could have wider repercussions. “When the election campaign is in full swing, this is certainly not the time for taking such hasty steps, as it would be detrimental to national interest and the interests of democracy,” he said. The senator said that he had always spoken up against the politics of revenge and victimisation, adding that any attempt to humiliate either an individual or an institution would be counterproductive and dangerous. Shujaat warned that this was not simply a matter pertaining to one personality, as it could also open up a Pandora’s box.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain is trying to save his own skin, he was the head honcho in Musharraf cronies. Majority of public trusts CJ and judiciary. Musharraf must be tried under article 6, come what may.

Caretakers refuse to try Musharraf for treason | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

Caretakers refuse to try Musharraf for treason
DAWN.COM and Abdul Shakoor Khan

ISLAMABAD: The caretaker government in a written response refused to initiate proceedings against Pervez Musharraf under Article 6 of the Constitution, saying it was not in its mandate to do so.

The interim government said it had a limited mandate, which was mainly to ensure the holding of a free and fair election.

The Supreme Court (SC) was hearing on Monday the treason case against the former military ruler.

A three-judge bench, headed by Justice Jawwad S. Khawaja, of the apex court reconstituted last week is hearing the case.

The retired general is currently residing in his farmhouse at Chak Shehzad which was declared a sub-jail last week.

Prior to the hearing, the counsels representing Musharraf said that they weren’t allowed to meet their client, deterring them from receiving fresh instructions on the case, despite permission from the SC.

The Adiala Jail administration is managing the detention responsibilities of Musharraf at his residence.

Legal analysts believe that this case will prevent aspiring military dictators to overthrow democratic governments and suspend the Constitution. However, some politicians are cautioning that the trial may open a Pandora’s box.

Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain, chief of Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q), made a statement on Sunday suggesting that the trial should not target any specific institution of the state.

Shujaat was an ally of the former president when he unlawfully ruled the country for nine years(1999-2008).
Here's an AP report on Pak caretaker govt's decision not to charge Musharraf:

Pakistan's caretaker government told the Supreme Court on Monday it will not file treason charges against former military ruler Pervez Musharraf but will leave the decision on that to the winner of the upcoming election.

The petitions before the Supreme Court alleging Musharraf committed treason while in power constitute just one of several legal challenges he is facing following his recent return to Pakistan from self-imposed exile.

The former military strongman was placed under house arrest over the weekend in connection with a different case, which involves his decision to fire senior judges while in power.

Musharraf's detention was the latest in an array of setbacks he has faced since returning home last month with hopes of making a political comeback.

Lawyers have filed private petitions before the Supreme Court alleging Musharraf committed various treasonable offenses, including toppling a civilian government, suspending the constitution and declaring a state of emergency.

But according to Pakistan's constitution, the government is the only one with authority to file treason charges against Musharraf.

Attorney General Irfan Qadir submitted a statement to the Supreme Court on Monday, saying caretaker officials have decided not to file treason charges because it was not part of their mandate....

Pakistan Government Says It Won't Charge Musharraf - ABC News

Let he who's without cast the first stone...

Charity starts at home, and so should accountability. Iftikhar Chaudhry needs to look in the mirror and see the massive warts on his own face...like his own PCO oath in 1999, his nepotism, his son's corruption which has swept under the rug by stalling, and his sympathy for the terrorists hundreds of whom have been released by him and his crony judges to kill more innocent people.
Let he who's without cast the first stone...

Charity starts at home, and so should accountability. Iftikhar Chaudhry needs to look in the mirror and see the massive warts on his own face...like his own PCO oath in 1999, his nepotism, his son's corruption which has swept under the rug by stalling, and his sympathy for the terrorists hundreds of whom have been released by him and his crony judges to kill more innocent people.

So Sir, were you saying this same thing when Justice Iftikhar was unseating a serving Prime Minister for not writing a letter, which even after it was written failed to achieve anything?

We need to be fair in our stances too. What is judicial overreach now was also overreach a few months ago.
So Sir, were you saying this same thing when Justice Iftikhar was unseating a serving Prime Minister for not writing a letter, which even after it was written failed to achieve anything?

We need to be fair in our stances too. What is judicial overreach now was also overreach a few months ago.

Talking about fairness, here's what I wrote back in June 2012:

A coup is still a coup regardless of who removes a duly elected government by unconstitutional means. Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani's government did not lose a vote of confidence in parliament, nor was he impeached. He has been overthrown by three unelected and unaccountable judges of Pakistan Supreme Court.

The action of the three-member bench of the Supreme Court is being seen as a power play to assert its view that it is better suited to represent the people of Pakistan than those they have chosen to elect themselves.

Haq's Musings: Welcome Judicial Coup in Islamabad?
A coup is still a coup regardless of who removes a duly elected government by unconstitutional means. Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani's government did not lose a vote of confidence in parliament, nor was he impeached. He has been overthrown by three unelected and unaccountable judges of Pakistan Supreme Court.

Interesting point you made.
Who are the judges accountable to? Who is going to judge them on their misjudgements ?? Are they really answerable to anyone ?

@Argus Panoptes,
IMO, judicial over-reach was as bad as the aggressive comtempt of court notices that the SC threatened critics with. It's all messed up. Crooks judging other crooks for the crimes that they were both party to.
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