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Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

About 'integrated flights'?
4 Indian awacs with 450km range each,cannot cover indian air space. On the other hand 7 or 8 pakistani awacs with same range more than cover pakistani air space,but also detect anything that goes airbirne deep inside india.
4 Indian awacs with 450km range each,cannot cover indian air space. On the other hand 7 or 8 pakistani awacs with same range more than cover pakistani air space,but also detect anything that goes airbirne deep inside india.

Its 5 AWACS aircraft,and phalcons have more range.
India has total of 5 Bereva-
About yours pal.For DRDO one,It will come in 2015.
India had 5 Russian A-50 AWACS with Russian Radars and early warning system. later 3 were upgraded to Israeli . Tenders were floated for the remaining two to be upgraded,but haven't been done yet.
So yes three Phalcons and two older Russian A-50
no offtopic rants here. keep it on paf awacs.
does ZDK-3 have capability to share data with f16 and mirage?

Does ZDK-3 have capability to share data with f16 and mirage?
India has total of 5 Bereva-

India had 5 Russian A-50 AWACS with Russian Radars and early warning system. later 3 were upgraded to Israeli . Tenders were floated for the remaining two to be upgraded,but haven't been done yet.
So yes three Phalcons and two older Russian A-50

I was talking abut PAFs ZDK 03 & Erieyes.
Except PAF chiefs interview with Alan Warnes where he talks about the destroyed AWACS at Minhas and in statement by pakistani defence secretary in the national assembly.

The AWACS are kept in separate locations in separate squadrons, 3 planes per squadron I think. There was a reason why first Minhas and then the other base was attacked as that's where two squadrons were supposed to be located at.
One Erieye's airframe was destroyed totally but the Radar and majority of the internal systems (workstations, servers, sensors) were salvageable. So more than likely, these will be put on a new SAAB airframe, however, some damaged items will be replaced with OEM parts, all wiring, sensor connections and testing will have to be done as part of this work.

Another AWACS was destroyed beyond repair, that was one of the ZDK's along with Orion. Due to the fact that terrorists are using sophisticated google maps, etc. PAF has started to hide these assets / shift the locations with limited knowledge so that not everyone knows about their schedules and movements. I think they keep 1 ZDK at Minhas because it is going through extensive maritime training and flight testing for feature enhancements. Once that's done, they might start to shift that ZDK to other locations too. What PAF desperately needs is a 12 - 14 feet concrete security wall around these sensitive hangers. As soon as there is gun fire, you close the gate, so no visibility to attackers as it's hard to target something over a 14-16 feet wall that then has hangers inside. Once an attack is discovered, the crew can immediately start to close hanger doors, which would form the second security tier inside the concrete wall. Plenty of safety from RPG's. It'll give time to security forces to take the bad guys down.

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