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Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

Cameras, motion sensors and active/frequent patrols are the way top go - and they are cheaper relative to anything having to do with an AWA&C ship like the Saab

Or are we next going to argue that we are too poor to care for ourselves

Not poor for ourselves. AWAWCs is not your daddy's money, so why care for it? To protect our homes we will go to any length possible. But to protect state property, well the less said the better.
after several attacks i dont see any policy change..you still would not see any camera or motion sensers or double barrier with patrol in between..
i have seen ghazi air base it has very few camera ..all the terrorist have to do is just breakthe wall at one place and move in..

in peshawar air base situation is worse the walls are very old and houses are attached to it so anyone can easily jump over the wall..forget about camera etc!!

the need to build a double barrier with camera, motion sensors and frequent patrols..they should clear out surroundng population within 200-300 meters atleast..
if they cant do it than they should move high value targets to isolated bases atleast in peaceful times
When we would have delivery of all the awacs which we bought from China and How many SAAB we have right now ?

u know the answer to your question

i think u just want to here someone else who agrees with your story of the event

so why ask the same question again and again?
When we would have delivery of all the awacs which we bought from China and How many SAAB we have right now ?

2 ZDK delivered, 2 to go.

As for the Saabs, join the comedy cast my man. Some great posts to see and enjoy in the last two pages...
Better such topics are not discussed on the forum especially when comes to sitrup.
@nuclearpak wikki is showing currently we have 3 one was destroyed by the attack of Militants I am talking about Saab 2000
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ZDK-03 is better than KJ-200
[Original] how it all seems at Y8 / 9 on the balance beam with a plate better than - Air Force Forum - Jagged Community

In accordance with the requirements of combat now, apparently more and more important early warning, from the current point of view, from the appearance point of view seems to have the balance beam and plates in two ways. The AWACS early warning aircraft, which are usually high-end large aircraft as a platform is estimated that most of the 150-ton aircraft, at least 100 tons of all, this thing is basically a dish, and the dishes are big heads because the larger the plate, the probe farther away, in China, such a thing of the aircraft platform is currently IL-76 , reportedly after using Y20.

Y20 only if instructions are helpless - the body crude fat Y20 guzzling reduced endurance, lack of more large-scale platform, but if the number of 10 or so, then, can barely acceptable, where the Chinese have mixed feelings if I had H8 successful, then it is possible to use it as a large-scale early warning aircraft and aerial refueling machine platform, which is what I think a good reason Figure 95 platform, as Comac C929 , advise blooded military fans still do not expect, and that even fools are delayed 70 tons C919 did not make it.

In the following a small point, and from the appearance point of view with plates - such as the U.S. livestock E2C, early Chinese air marshals on the 1st, China's exports to Pakistan ZDK-03, as well as the balance beam - the most common is China's empty Police 200 . Such an early warning aircraft, if it is placed in the ground, took off the land, then China is undoubtedly the platform is Y8 / 9, then these two forms of early warning aircraft, which one better. Personal information read point, seems to feel the plate better. Here to talk a personal view point, AWACS effect, balance beam plate than good, and active electronically scanned phased array radar system tray, a good balance beam than mechanical scanning as installation restrictions.

Although you can do very long, but narrow at the head and the Ministry, where there will be to teach a large blind spot. Whether it be electronically scanned or mechanical scanning plate does not have this problem, people that is 360 degree coverage, there will be no blind spots. In fact, plainly was chosen balance beam, carrier aircraft platform is too small to hold large disc-shaped antenna modifications undertaken style solutions. Some may say, anyway, this Y8 / 9 is doing balance beam with IL-76 AWACS (or future Y20) AWACS formed on platter with high and low , even if there are blind spots, its own high-end early warning aircraft to make up the platter.

However, individuals do not think so, after all the high-end early warning aircraft, China will certainly not much equipment, it must end every time out AWACS flying a go? If only Y8 / 9 for the stage of medium-sized AWACS out, if it is the balance beam blind certainly exist, and if the plate will not have this problem, nothing more than a small carrier aircraft platform, the dish made ​​small point, because it is low end of the medium-sized AWACS , detection range small point, nothing.

Electronic scanning plate 120 degrees each piece seems total three fixed, only the electronic scan pitch and azimuth detection, the so-called phased array radar , characterized by an antenna does not rotate, the radar antenna beam direction is changed by the assembly to complete the Scan, intercepted the target. Obviously such a thing, with the sweeping surface rapid response quickly, even if the plate three bad one, but also have little effect. While the mechanical transfer by mechanical scanning antenna, not only sweep the surface a little slower reaction time - after all, from this moment to the next moment sweep sweep side to this position against mechanical rotation takes time, and if the plate is damaged part, then this part of the sweep surface unlikely.

It appears that more advanced electronic scanning. But here there is a problem, that is, the larger plates, detection distance farther, if it is the same size plates, only 1/3 of the dish electronic scanning, detection range, the better mechanical scanning, but for medium-sized AWACS originally Y8 / 9 platform speaking, shorter distance is not a problem, on the contrary, fast response, separable area scan is even more important. And from small aircraft, such as fighter aircraft is concerned, the United States seems to livestock F16 three generations of machines using mechanical scanning radar , but the U.S. livestock four generations of machines F22 has chosen the electronic scanning phased array radar, it should be said more advanced electronic scanning is better .

2, from the platform perspective, more than 60 tons of Y8 / 9 enough to install the plate early Chinese AWACS air marshals on the 1st, that dish, using the aircraft as a platform to Figure 4, Figure 4 parameters; captain 30.179 meters, wingspan 43.08 m, height 8.46 m, wing area of 161.7 square meters, empty weight 35.3 tons, maximum takeoff weight of 66 tons, the maximum level flight speed of 557 km / h, maximum range of 6200 km (payload of 3 tons), the crew 7. And according to the year of air marshals on the 1st person said, was also strengthened the position of parts, and so becomes empty weight of air marshals on the 1st after only increase, not decrease, the maximum takeoff weight load after subtracting the empty weight (including fuel and various types of equipment) should not be more than 30 tons.

The Y8 data: captain 34.02 meters, wingspan of 38.0 meters, height 11.16 m, wing area 121.86 m 2, 13.5 meters wide and 3.2 meters long cargo height of 2.3 meters, maximum takeoff weight of 61 tons, empty weight 35 tons. Both basically close, Y8 although wingspan as Figure 4, but the captain larger, Y8 and Y9 is longer than a few meters, maximum takeoff weight also increased slightly. And when air marshals on Figure 4 One warning system component miniaturization certainly nowhere near now, so Y8 / 9 installed on a middling but detection distance plate full enough competent.

America livestock early warning aircraft E2C is a little man, all with plates, America livestock E2C data: captain 17.54 meters, wingspan 24.56 meters ( wings folded 8.94 m), height 5.58 m, wing area of 65.03 square meters, empty weight 17.3 tons, maximum takeoff weight of 23.4 tons, while the E2C radome diameter of 7.32 m, thickness 0.79 m radome. Of course, the detection distance carrier AWACS early warning aircraft, with ground-based immeasurably, but it illustrates that even the little man E2C carrier aircraft platform, but also can dish, then a much larger Y8 / 9 with a plate of its detection range should be ideal.

While Pakistan buy Y8 / 9 as a platform plate AWACS ZDK-03 it shows sufficient competence, while Pakistan contrast collected from the balance beam produced in Sweden, "Saab 2000" type "Erieye" early warning aircraft, Pakistan said China's ZDK-iron 03 AWACS radius of activity to be larger. Above is a personal opinion, the overall feeling is Y8 / 9 sold a similar Pakistani amount ZDK03 plate AWACS air marshals 200 than it is now to be better than some of the balance beam, and with the electronic components miniaturization technology, the same size, weight plates
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