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Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

You so innocent drum.. KSA sooner or later would be attacked and seculars are traitors they have always sold Pakistan and are pet dogs off USA and India even worse than that @Informant

The US has bases in all the GCC countries. KSA, they have their men service their planes. They have their bases. In Qatar they have the largest base in the Arabian Gulf. In UAE they have a base. They fly their F-16s. I have it on the direct authority. The French maintained their Mirages while the American maintain the F-16s. Kuwait is a regular stop for US fleet and Bahrain has another base. US will attack them? They sell US oil at 1/5th or even at 1/10th the international price. Kuwait sold them oil at 10% price for years. All their expenditures in the Bases are taken up by respective Arab countries. Open your eyes, and learn about the world instead of spouting BS.

No, US will not lose an ally of such magnitude in the GCC. The Americans learn from their mistakes and that is the reason they did not go through with their threats on Syria. USA will neither attack Pakistan. But use people like you to destabilize Pakistan. People like you are so easy to buy its not even funny. Want to know what was Latif Mehsud doing with Afghanistan Intelligence in Logar province. Taking money from them to commit bullshit Jihad in Pakistan. You and your BS doesnt work on us. It might work on idiots who have no knowledge of world's political atmosphere but not us. No attack will ever happen on KSA from USA or Western world. Only Muslims will kill each other and I promise you that people like you are the reason why Islam is ruined everywhere.

I remember how fast the TTP claimed to NOT have carried out suicide bombing in Boston, Massachusetts. This is how scared they are, the last time their failed bombing attempt by Faisal Shahzad in NYC, resulted in 2 of their Ameers bown to pieces in drone strikes. Did you see their cowardliness how quick they were to say they did not do it. All your brethren do is attack Shia pilgrims, innocent travellers who visit Pakistan, kidnap doctors, run extortion gangs, suicide bombings, car bombings. All the criminal elements in Pakistan are associated to TTP. Murder, smuggling, drugs, robbery, such are your true Jihadis. I'm talkin about evidence that we actually have with us. Unlike you I dont talk out of my ***.

All you are good at is this secular traitor this and secular traitor that. Go on i am waiting for your incoherent rambling of a reply.
The US has bases in all the GCC countries. KSA, they have their men service their planes. They have their bases. In Qatar they have the largest base in the Arabian Gulf. In UAE they have a base. They fly their F-16s. I have it on the direct authority. The French maintained their Mirages while the American maintain the F-16s. Kuwait is a regular stop for US fleet and Bahrain has another base. US will attack them? They sell US oil at 1/5th or even at 1/10th the international price. Kuwait sold them oil at 10% price for years. All their expenditures in the Bases are taken up by respective Arab countries. Open your eyes, and learn about the world instead of spouting BS.

No, US will not lose an ally of such magnitude in the GCC. The Americans learn from their mistakes and that is the reason they did not go through with their threats on Syria. USA will neither attack Pakistan. But use people like you to destabilize Pakistan. People like you are so easy to buy its not even funny. Want to know what was Latif Mehsud doing with Afghanistan Intelligence in Logar province. Taking money from them to commit bullshit Jihad in Pakistan. You and your BS doesnt work on us. It might work on idiots who have no knowledge of world's political atmosphere but not us. No attack will ever happen on KSA from USA or Western world. Only Muslims will kill each other and I promise you that people like you are the reason why Islam is ruined everywhere.

I remember how fast the TTP claimed to NOT have carried out suicide bombing in Boston, Massachusetts. This is how scared they are, the last time their failed bombing attempt by Faisal Shahzad in NYC, resulted in 2 of their Ameers bown to pieces in drone strikes. Did you see their cowardliness how quick they were to say they did not do it. All your brethren do is attack Shia pilgrims, innocent travellers who visit Pakistan, kidnap doctors, run extortion gangs, suicide bombings, car bombings. All the criminal elements in Pakistan are associated to TTP. Murder, smuggling, drugs, robbery, such are your true Jihadis. I'm talkin about evidence that we actually have with us. Unlike you I dont talk out of my ***.

All you are good at is this secular traitor this and secular traitor that. Go on i am waiting for your incoherent rambling of a reply.
@KSA don't have their planes anymore TTP is not scared they said they are not the ones who did Boston but they support and when they attacked CIA they proudly claimed it that killed 7 CIA agents you blunders in tribal areas have resulted in this you killed them on USA orders you sold them to USA betrayed Muslims in Afghanistan and tribal areas mass murdered them and made blunders in Baluchistan now where RAW is most active still don't want to learn because off these blunders you will loose lot off your areas
Blunders my ***, i dont give two shits about "Muslims" in Afghanistan. If they failed to give up Bin Laden then it is their problem. I only care about my country.
KSA has their planes, American and British pilots fly their planes, you not admitting wont change facts. I can even give you locations. Nobody is going to touch
KSA especially when The Americans are paid by your beloved Arab brothers to have their bases and fleet. Yes Bahrain, UAE, KSA all supported USA in their war on Afghanistan. I was there when UAE gave their bases to them. Haha your arab Muslim brothers are no saints. For them their country comes first, and nothing wrong with them.

TTP is a terrorist scum and their death is coming soon, cowards hide behind children and women and then cry when they die. Pussies.
may be S/N 11-004

Hah! Aren't you the same guy who claimed that all Arabs will vanish? - according to a prophecy he made up off his own religion - :lol:

Your " claims " and the info you gave come at no shock at all. Let's start dissecting them one by one.

In this world clowns are brought to make people laugh, but I'm afraid that you had gone far beyond where you can make them laugh, to the point where you are incredibly delusional :lol:

See! these pilots aren't Saudis :lol:


I have it on the direct authority

These connections you brag about obviously lied to make you look like a fool :lol:

I remember how fast the TTP claimed to NOT have carried out suicide bombing in Boston, Massachusetts.

Had these connections on the authority told you that the Boston marathon bombings were a suicide attack? :lol:

Just for the record, Boston bombing wasn't a suicide attack smarty :lol:

And the TTP statement came in parallel with Al-Qaida! If any of the aforementioned terror groups would take full responsibility on that attack it definitely will be a disgrace to them.

Basically, the Boston bombing was carried by a fanboy, a firecracker attack on US soil isn't their thing, they want to target something of great value, significance, and important to the infidel US :lol:

So it isn't about how " scared " the Taliban or Al-Qaida was, it is about the significance of the target. Other than that, you will want to look at how quick they were when they took full responsibility on the Afghan-based USAF base a few mounts ago - when they could have the chance to blame the Northern alliance for it after the US proposal to resume talks with the Taliban, something that had always angered the Northern Alliance.

KSA has their planes, American and British pilots fly their planes


RSAF exercise with the USAF

You see how American these RSAF pilots look like?



RSAF recent exercise with the RAF



you not admitting wont change facts.

Every claim - I countered - you made is a blatant lie, you lack evidence, and coherence.

I can even give you locations.

Can you give me the locations where British and American pilots operate the RSAF fighter jets? I'm in the KSA's Security Agency, I would be interested to hear what you have got in hand :lol:

I only care about my country.

Tbqh, Idk what is your country but let it burn in hell or prosper, just don't say lies :agree:

@JUBA @Arabian Legend @BLACKEAGLE @Armstrong @Aeornaut @BATMAN

The US has bases in all the GCC countries. KSA, they have their men service their planes. They have their bases. In Qatar they have the largest base in the Arabian Gulf. In UAE they have a base. They fly their F-16s. I have it on the direct authority. The French maintained their Mirages while the American maintain the F-16s. Kuwait is a regular stop for US fleet and Bahrain has another base. US will attack them? They sell US oil at 1/5th or even at 1/10th the international price. Kuwait sold them oil at 10% price for years. All their expenditures in the Bases are taken up by respective Arab countries. Open your eyes, and learn about the world instead of spouting BS.

No, US will not lose an ally of such magnitude in the GCC. The Americans learn from their mistakes and that is the reason they did not go through with their threats on Syria. USA will neither attack Pakistan. But use people like you to destabilize Pakistan. People like you are so easy to buy its not even funny. Want to know what was Latif Mehsud doing with Afghanistan Intelligence in Logar province. Taking money from them to commit bullshit Jihad in Pakistan. You and your BS doesnt work on us. It might work on idiots who have no knowledge of world's political atmosphere but not us. No attack will ever happen on KSA from USA or Western world. Only Muslims will kill each other and I promise you that people like you are the reason why Islam is ruined everywhere.

I remember how fast the TTP claimed to NOT have carried out suicide bombing in Boston, Massachusetts. This is how scared they are, the last time their failed bombing attempt by Faisal Shahzad in NYC, resulted in 2 of their Ameers bown to pieces in drone strikes. Did you see their cowardliness how quick they were to say they did not do it. All your brethren do is attack Shia pilgrims, innocent travellers who visit Pakistan, kidnap doctors, run extortion gangs, suicide bombings, car bombings. All the criminal elements in Pakistan are associated to TTP. Murder, smuggling, drugs, robbery, such are your true Jihadis. I'm talkin about evidence that we actually have with us. Unlike you I dont talk out of my ***.

All you are good at is this secular traitor this and secular traitor that. Go on i am waiting for your incoherent rambling of a reply.

Blunders my ***, i dont give two shits about "Muslims" in Afghanistan. If they failed to give up Bin Laden then it is their problem. I only care about my country.
KSA has their planes, American and British pilots fly their planes, you not admitting wont change facts. I can even give you locations. Nobody is going to touch
KSA especially when The Americans are paid by your beloved Arab brothers to have their bases and fleet. Yes Bahrain, UAE, KSA all supported USA in their war on Afghanistan. I was there when UAE gave their bases to them. Haha your arab Muslim brothers are no saints. For them their country comes first, and nothing wrong with them.

TTP is a terrorist scum and their death is coming soon, cowards hide behind children and women and then cry when they die. Pussies.

Snippity Snip!

Boston bombing, as it was i mustve made a mistake calling it a suicide, was a pressure cooker bomb by 2 Chechnian immigrant bros i suppose having delusional dreams of Jihad.

The TTP are a bunch of opportunists they will attach their names wherever it helps them, you need to realize these guys spew hatred with religion in the mix. And trust me they did get scared, had you seen the situation closely in Pakistan they only took claim to attacks the people were impervious or at the least had "less" civilian casualties. Such is the state of my country where killings in the name o religion is not condemned.

They didnt take claim to a series of significant blasts that rocked my city, **** man the whole country, but we knew it was them. Thats how the game is played, im sure you know that. My people are easy to sway over religion than Arabs which is one thing I seriously wish we had, nationalism > Ummah.

My claims about KSA and other Arab world doesnt belittle them but it is only said so that you guys take nationalism very seriously which is what i admire, and want my country men to drop their goggles of Islam and Ummah BS.

When i mentioned the things about Arabs being wiped out it was in reply to that crzy nutjob fundo who believes in this exactly and the Islamic renaissance from Pakistan area. Do you not realise their support for extremist organizations in Pakistan is on that basis? I only used his beliefs to counter his bs loyalty. I have serious reservations over our religion so I am the last person to believe in this Arab wiping out and Islamic reniassance bs from our Area. My god these make me cringe as they have no timeline, can happen tomorrow or another billion years and i was using it show him the err of his thinking ways.

I have no hate for Arabs, except for the shawarmas in KSA i had in buns for ****'s sake, buns! Buns! WTF. Growin up in UAE I have seen what it is like, the way the locals would tow to Westerners would make anyone sick and cringe. The blatant disregard to societal norms and unmasked institutionalised prejudice man. This is the UAE i grew up in, its better now, the prejudice is still there, but its waning. My family is in UAE, best place after Lahore. You can hate a few things about the people where you grew up in.

Oh we have complete details of UAE's Dhafra airbase, these guys need to have their security upped. I'll tell you a bit about the nature of my work. What we do is mine for data, open ended, encrypted data that is "secured" but not really. If you're into networks and data transmission it's mind boggling even the most secure transmissions are unsafe, depending upon the timeframe and resources. My organization works on anything related to software. From JF-17 SD-10 integration to data mining. You being in security i am sure you are well versed in such knowledge.

One thing might have pissed you off would be my claims about KSA's AF? I speak on behalf of our data and info from our staff who have been stationed there. Now you might say i am BSing which may be true, but i seriously doubt my info. I dont mean whities flying your jets ( in case of UAE that shit is guaranteed ) just means that you guys have trainers and ground staff there.

My country as you might have deduced is Pakistan, and we have seen the effect of Saudi funded madrassas, which I believe is more of our fault as beggers cant be choosers. And we love to beg. Our short sighted goals and lack of hindsight displayed by our leaders is bearing fruits. You guys have a strict interpretation of Islam and when that collides with the style of worship over here, then we see what is happening. No this isnt a jab at KSA, the govt is good intentioned, it just doesnt seem to bear fruit as much as we need it to.

I actually am dejected at the state of my country but what can i say we strive for future. I'm in a 3rd world country busting my *** to make it a better place, so far all the efforts seem useless.

I hate saudi drivers though, you guys seriously need to re evaluate your licensing dept. In the end all my over the top post is in response to this Zaravan character. All he does is call one sir this sir that, and the next thing he does is espouse religious dogma mixed with violence and delusions. It gets too much when you deal with these likes daily at a personal level.
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3 technicians named; Zafar Abbas, Waseem Iqbal & Chavez are found guilty of damaging erieye.

That's the head line... in detail is formal process.

You mean to say that the remaining Erieye has now been damaged by our own PAF people. What the heck? what is wrong with us? Why?

Has PAF gone completely nuts? That is the image being given by this article.

A technician being blamed for the destruction of an aircraft, and that technician was the one who was the first to respond and tried to extinguish the flame!

This is so effing ridiculous.

The base commander and DSG in charge should be the ones being court martialled, not 3 technicians.
Has PAF gone completely nuts? That is the image being given by this article.

A technician being blamed for the destruction of an aircraft, and that technician was the one who was the first to respond and tried to extinguish the flame!

This is so effing ridiculous.

The base commander and DSG in charge should be the ones being court martialled, not 3 technicians.
Sir they were most probably partners of attackers they were the insiders who gave them information Sir just like Mehran base attack
for two nights till the dawn, zdk_03 is roaming the karachi skies
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