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Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

Really? Links?

No such thing buddy. There is no real time coverage because google doesn't operate any satellites; it buys them from commercial satellite imagery companies that charge hundreds of thousands of dollars for updated satellite imagery, which is why google takes its time updating it (especially for unimportant areas). Current sat imagery date is 7/17/2011
Done it, worked it.. and now never want to hear of it again :P
sir,i am currently undergoing intern at the BEL,so i know about the radar systems,and it would come as a pleasant surprise to you that nearly all GBRs under-development in india are AESA,
i cant reveal much,though i can tell you the names of a few radar system that are under devleopment-
for example,
2)aditya radar
both of these are AESA radars,currently being devloped at BEL,the t/r modules for these have been designed at LRDE,and infact they have "PATENTED" it

@oscar,by the way,
do you work on phased array radar systems like i do?
sir,i am currently undergoing intern at the BEL,so i know about the radar systems,and it would come as a pleasant surprise to you that nearly all GBRs under-development in india are AESA,
i cant reveal much,though i can tell you the names of a few radar system that are under devleopment-
for example,
2)aditya radar
both of these are AESA radars,currently being devloped at BEL,the t/r modules for these have been designed at LRDE,and infact they have "PATENTED" it

@oscar,by the way,
do you work on phased array radar systems like i do?

Since any more discussion will be beyond this topic..
ill end it with this..
My forte was geared towards advanced modulation schemes for digital radio systems..

There were others were I worked where the sole focus with radars was phased array systems some of which are already operational but undeclared.
so,you work in pakistan?or somewhere else?if i am NOT mistaken,then pakistan has NO phased array radar,manufactured in pakistan?

Since any more discussion will be beyond this topic..
ill end it with this..
My forte was geared towards advanced modulation schemes for digital radio systems..

There were others were I worked where the sole focus with radars was phased array systems some of which are already operational but undeclared.

sir,with due respect,i dont think,pak has any indigenous phased array radar systems?though i would be glad if you can shed some more light
so,you work in pakistan?or somewhere else?if i am NOT mistaken,then pakistan has NO phased array radar,manufactured in pakistan?

sir,with due respect,i dont think,pak has any indigenous phased array radar systems?though i would be glad if you can shed some more light

Buddy, read the last line of Oscar's message, we do have undeclared operational phased array ones.

And since they are undeclared, don't think you will find any information about them.
so,you work in pakistan?or somewhere else?if i am NOT mistaken,then pakistan has NO phased array radar,manufactured in pakistan?

sir,with due respect,i dont think,pak has any indigenous phased array radar systems?though i would be glad if you can shed some more light

Pak does not work like India does when it comes to R&D..
Many of our systems are co-developed with China..
for eg.. lets take an example of a phased array system.. then the organizaton would be in a MoU with an institute in China who will be responsible for supplying the hardware(based on technical drawings made in Pakistan) to the organization working on phased array systems in Pakistan.
so .. once that Pakistani designed T/R module is fabricated in China, it gets shipped here for testing an refinement..and then gets sent back for any changes.
The DSP chip for the Phased system may be sourced as dual use hardware..
and locally made software tested on it.. then the whole process of IVTD(integration, verification, testing and deployment) is taken up locally..and the mass order for the final hardware product is placed to the Institute in China.

Security control over R&D in Pakistan is very tight.. and extremely bureaucratic at times.. which is usually a lot less rewarding and probably slower than any parallels in India.. But it is making progress fast enough.. just not as publicly as India's achievements.
Pak does not work like India does when it comes to R&D..
Many of our systems are co-developed with China..
for eg.. lets take an example of a phased array system.. then the organizaton would be in a MoU with an institute in China who will be responsible for supplying the hardware(based on technical drawings made in Pakistan) to the organization working on phased array systems in Pakistan.
so .. once that Pakistani designed T/R module is fabricated in China, it gets shipped here for testing an refinement..and then gets sent back for any changes.
The DSP chip for the Phased system may be sourced as dual use hardware..
and locally made software tested on it.. then the whole process of IVTD(integration, verification, testing and deployment) is taken up locally..and the mass order for the final hardware product is placed to the Institute in China.

Security control over R&D in Pakistan is very tight.. and extremely bureaucratic at times.. which is usually a lot less rewarding and probably slower than any parallels in India.. But it is making progress fast enough.. just not as publicly as India's achievements.

sir,with due respect,i am NOT aware of any indigenous phased array systems in pak,
havent heard of them,
and secondly,which institute in pak,does the research work on PSM modules,or t/r modules?do they have patent?
i know about the erieye and zdk-03,but they are swedish and chinese respectively
and locally made software tested on it.. then the whole process of IVTD(integration, verification, testing and deployment) is taken up locally..and the mass order for the final hardware product is placed to the Institute in China.

Mass production takes place in China?
sir,with due respect,i am NOT aware of any indigenous phased array systems in pak,
havent heard of them,
and secondly,which institute in pak,does the research work on PSM modules,or t/r modules?do they have patent?
i know about the erieye and zdk-03,but they are swedish and chinese respectively

And you will not be aware of it, because they arent standalone systems..
The ZDk and Erieye are two AEW packages purchased as it is from their manufactures.
There are other ground based systems that are deployed without any pomp and show.. (apart from the small tea party held at the handover)..
There are three institutes in Pakistan that have done their research on T/R modules.. two government and one semi-private.
One of them has a complete phased array system as part of a large C4I upgrade about to go hot.

Mass production takes place in China?

Yup, No facility exists in Pakistan to undertake the sort of substrate printing and manufacturing required for some products.
Pak does not work like India does when it comes to R&D..
Many of our systems are co-developed with China..
for eg.. lets take an example of a phased array system.. then the organizaton would be in a MoU with an institute in China who will be responsible for supplying the hardware(based on technical drawings made in Pakistan) to the organization working on phased array systems in Pakistan.
so .. once that Pakistani designed T/R module is fabricated in China, it gets shipped here for testing an refinement..and then gets sent back for any changes.
The DSP chip for the Phased system may be sourced as dual use hardware..
and locally made software tested on it.. then the whole process of IVTD(integration, verification, testing and deployment) is taken up locally..and the mass order for the final hardware product is placed to the Institute in China.

Security control over R&D in Pakistan is very tight.. and extremely bureaucratic at times.. which is usually a lot less rewarding and probably slower than any parallels in India.. But it is making progress fast enough.. just not as publicly as India's achievements.

sir as far as my knowledge of research and development goes,
1)the research lab produces a "prototype" model of the antennae element,which includes designing the t/r modules in case of AESA and PSM in case of PESA...
2)the prototype is then sent to manufacturing units/manufacturing factories where it is mass produced,
during this stage the production factory makes final changes in the hadware,and produces the final products,
so drawing on similar lines,i wonder which lab is respnisible for the production of PSM/t/r modules for the antennae in pakistan
and if pakistan does have "designed" the t/r modules as you claim,then they would have patented it as well?
i seriously dont think pak has any "indigeous" AESA program...
because for that,one would need,
1)laboratories doing research on radar systems,including t/r modules,LNA,IFA,VA,PA,
2) the manufacturing facilities which mass produce the prototypes,
now the manufacturing units doesnt produce everything in-house,for example-they procure the t/r modules or the PSM from various other companies(either pvt or goverment) after floating tenders
and if i AM NOT mistaken then pak has NOT developed any indigenous phased array GBRs,
either american/EU or chinese
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