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Pakistan's actual reserve is 1.8 or 0.8 billion dollars ?

The goose is cooked.
Pakistan has limited ability to raise feasible loans in open market. Our sovereign guarantee on our bond has become meaningless.

Our exports are shrinking.
Our imports are becoming too expensive.

Our economic activity is shrinking. Tax base is shrinking. The country's economy is broken.

Yet the crooks who are dumb duffers think that flying private jets to meet their two wives, or using army chief's jets to fly extended family for a marriage, or making trips to grave of BB, or making trips internationally for BBZ or SS, means there is some semblance of governance.

The Army leadership is playing an obstinate and dirty role. And they will rather see the house burn down than make a good decision for Pakistan. They think they'll be able to shelter themselves. They wont.

Also looks like the classic US bailout is not coming through their institutions like IMF and WB. Though I am not holding my breath but could they have realized that supporting the crooks essentially means another massive distance between them and the public. Perhaps. Or are they looking for the final nail to neuter Pakistan of its nukes.

If that is the case then the goose is cooked. The question is how hard this crash landing is going to be.
I am sick to my stomach seeing these leaders driving around in the BF Mercedes, flying private jets to visit their homes, etc. Sick leaders, sick people, sick nation. No backbone, no morals, no integrity.
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The goose is cooked.
Pakistan has limited ability to raise feasible loans in open market. Our sovereign guarantee on our bond has become meaningless.

Our exports are shrinking.
Our imports are becoming too expensive.

Our economic activity is shrinking. Tax base is shrinking. The country's economy is broken.

Yet the crooks who are dumb duffers think that flying private jets to meet their two wives, or making trips to grave of BB, or making trips internationally for BBZ or SS, means there is some semblance of governance.

The Army leadership is playing an obstinate and dirty role. And they will rather see the house burn down than make a good decision for Pakistan. They think they'll be able to shelter themselves. They wont.

Also looks like the classic US bailout is not coming through their institutions like IMF and WB. Though I am not holding my breath but could they have realized that supporting the crooks essentially means another massive distance between them and the public. Perhaps. Or are they looking for the final nail to neuter Pakistan of its nukes.

If that is the case then the goose is cooked. The question is how hard this crash landing is going to be.
I am sick to my stomach seeing these leaders driving around in the BF Mercedes, flying private jets to visit their homes, etc. Sick leaders, sick people, sick nation. No backbone, no morals, no integrity.
Brother i thought the new coas was supposed to fix things, unless ofcourse he has been left with too much to do with little left. Like a task thats impossible
seems 2023 will truly be a test.

But yet we see no reduction or austerity measures for pdm, their lavish spending, lavish protocols and security all seem like business as usual. Foreign trips for billo rani are neverending.

Thst indicates that our ppl won’t even do what srilankans did. Bcaz the armed guards/security of red zones in Islamabad won’t let people run in or disturb their peace.
Listening to Adil Raja latest vlogs also tells same sad story of establishment and its dirty hookers games.
The goose is cooked.
Pakistan has limited ability to raise feasible loans in open market. Our sovereign guarantee on our bond has become meaningless.

Our exports are shrinking.
Our imports are becoming too expensive.

Our economic activity is shrinking. Tax base is shrinking. The country's economy is broken.

Yet the crooks who are dumb duffers think that flying private jets to meet their two wives, or using army chief's jets to fly extended family for a marriage, or making trips to grave of BB, or making trips internationally for BBZ or SS, means there is some semblance of governance.

The Army leadership is playing an obstinate and dirty role. And they will rather see the house burn down than make a good decision for Pakistan. They think they'll be able to shelter themselves. They wont.

Also looks like the classic US bailout is not coming through their institutions like IMF and WB. Though I am not holding my breath but could they have realized that supporting the crooks essentially means another massive distance between them and the public. Perhaps. Or are they looking for the final nail to neuter Pakistan of its nukes.

If that is the case then the goose is cooked. The question is how hard this crash landing is going to be.
I am sick to my stomach seeing these leaders driving around in the BF Mercedes, flying private jets to visit their homes, etc. Sick leaders, sick people, sick nation. No backbone, no morals, no integrity.
But missiles have to be launched. Into sea. I am guessing even a dummy will cost may be $10 million. This is increasingly resembling North Korea and not Sri Lanka. Missiles will be launched, even if people have to subsist on, ahem, fiber.
There is still a small difference between a person who has no money in his wallet and one who has no money in his wallet but has hordes hounding him to repay the debts. The latter is much worse psychologically. One would rather wish to go hungry occasionally than have people knocking on the door all the time (or calling on the phone in modern times). That is the difference between not having any money and defaulting.
well, if you had paid attention, i covered it in the last bit of the sentences. When a loan is not paid on given time, it would be a declared default. It could only be avoided if further loans are acquired, thus the begging to the IMF. Because their loans would open up chances to obtain further loans from other sources. But make no mistake, Pakistan's capabilities to repay its loans is gone for few months now, unless their is some inflows.

Subtract 4 billion Suadi and Chinese deposit . If the Chinese deposit is 3 billion and Saudi is 2 billion then it's 0.8 Billion reseve.
Does anyone know the actual foreign deposits?

Foreign deposits are 5 billion so reserves are .8
Actually zias time witnessed the highest gdp.
Can't make a blind cross road if he doesn't want to ..continue doing what you do... There is no self reflection in this nation that's why it keeps getting punched in face again and again.

I didn't say Zia, I said from the first time Fat Controller was brought to power by Jillani and Zia.
And if i remember correctly the bonanza was not of Zia's making but unfortunate occurance of Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. USA decided to jump in like it has jumped in Ukraine to fight a quasi war with Russia, then it was USSR.
Mind you, Pakistan is still paying for those blinded decisions by Zia in lives and limbs. How many Pakistanis have died in last week alone from terrorism eminating from those daft decisions to help USA!!

No lessons are learned Bajwa tried to follow the same path, we all can see what is happening eversince.
I didn't say Zia, I said from the first time Fat Controller was brought to power by Jillani and Zia.
And if i remember correctly the bonanza was not of Zia's making but unfortunate occurance of Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. USA decided to jump in like it has jumped in Ukraine to fight a quasi war with Russia, then it was USSR.
Mind you, Pakistan is still paying for those blinded decisions by Zia in lives and limbs. How many Pakistanis have died in last week alone from terrorism eminating from those daft decisions to help USA!!

No lessons are learned Bajwa tried to follow the same path, we all can see what is happening eversince.
You have no idea what u are talking about.. that's the time we started getting major remittances from our people in ME and west .. the gdp increased primarily because of that not the mere billion or two given by US as military aid.
Our city govt. Systems irrigation improved and overall the inflation was controlled.. baluchistan was peaceful . the afghan govt. Invited USSR in 1978 and US didn't formally until1983. For first few years pakistan fought the war on its own .. ..the extremism u are pointing to came from several regional occurences which also included the iranian revilution esp. Late 80s after the following governments failed to control madrasaas and refugee were given freedom to move all over the country.
You have no idea what u are talking about.. that's the time we started getting major remittances from our people in ME and west .. the gdp increased primarily because of that not the mere billion or two given by US as military aid.
Our city govt. Systems irrigation improved and overall the inflation was controlled.. baluchistan was peaceful . the afghan govt. Invited USSR in 1978 and US didn't formally until1983. For first few years pakistan fought the war on its own .. ..the extremism u are pointing to came from several regional occurences which also included the iranian revilution esp. Late 80s after the following governments failed to control madrasaas and refugee were given freedom to move all over the country.
I know exactly what I am talking about. The ME factor you are quoting was started by Bhutto, to open up the employment for Pakistanis in ME. At that time new deposits of oil and Gas were discovered and specially UAE was behaving like newly rich. I know someone who is a distant relative, he ran the biggest agency operation in Pakistan at the time with Chandu to sent Pakistanis in hundred of thousands. Made billions of rupees, lived like King and now living like a beggar. Or he may be dead by now, I had not been in touch.
So I know my friend what was hapening in Pakistan at the time.
Considering we have lumber 1 army, how much does 1 General sell for? Lets shore up our reserves by monetizing them in some way because current configuration isnt yielding any reserves.
The goose is cooked.
Pakistan has limited ability to raise feasible loans in open market. Our sovereign guarantee on our bond has become meaningless.

Our exports are shrinking.
Our imports are becoming too expensive.

Our economic activity is shrinking. Tax base is shrinking. The country's economy is broken.

Yet the crooks who are dumb duffers think that flying private jets to meet their two wives, or using army chief's jets to fly extended family for a marriage, or making trips to grave of BB, or making trips internationally for BBZ or SS, means there is some semblance of governance.

The Army leadership is playing an obstinate and dirty role. And they will rather see the house burn down than make a good decision for Pakistan. They think they'll be able to shelter themselves. They wont.

Also looks like the classic US bailout is not coming through their institutions like IMF and WB. Though I am not holding my breath but could they have realized that supporting the crooks essentially means another massive distance between them and the public. Perhaps. Or are they looking for the final nail to neuter Pakistan of its nukes.

If that is the case then the goose is cooked. The question is how hard this crash landing is going to be.
I am sick to my stomach seeing these leaders driving around in the BF Mercedes, flying private jets to visit their homes, etc. Sick leaders, sick people, sick nation. No backbone, no morals, no integrity.
The one thing Pakistan is, is resilient.

You guys have historically swung between bouts of prosperity to adversity. Each time you sprang back. If the current trends saddens you, history might provide a positive outlook. A nation of 200 million does not fail easily.

If nothing else, have faith in the 'jazba' you guys have to teach us Indians a lesson. Nothing else unites the people of this subcontinent better than the desire to punch the ever loving shite out of our neighbors across the fence:yay:
Considering we have lumber 1 army, how much does 1 General sell for?

Mir Bajwa nay rate bohat ooper ker diya hae. Noora, Speedo, 10% aur US, sub nay paesay daalay, tau jarnael khareeda geya.
I read somewhere that in public meeting with someone dar was saying dafault is good, they cant take away money. our airports is here etc so everything will remain here they cant take these to their country.

Dont know how true is this
What happens when 1 billion is paid next week.. Saudis are taking too much time..
I read somewhere that in public meeting with someone dar was saying dafault is good, they cant take away money. our airports is here etc so everything will remain here they cant take these to their country.

Dont know how true is this
Do you remember mulk bachao , qaraz utaro ....and behind the scene what Nawaz did .... lolllll

Unearthing Qarz Utaro Mulk Sanwaro Scam​


Date: January 26, 2016Author: MasterShake1 Comment
A Japanese loan of $250 million (value Rs 11 Billions at the then time), given on 27th March 1998 through Loan Agreement No. PK-C18 between Govt. Of Pakistan and Govt. Of Japan for education and health projects under the Rs 500 billion Social Action Programme (SAP) has mysteriously disappeared and even the Musharraf government failed to trace it.
As per Loan Agreement the GOP was required to create a Counterpart Fund for the implementation of SAP projects (equivalent to the amount of the loan.) The amount of the Counterpart Fund was to be utilized by 27th March 2000.
During the audit of Federal SAP Secretariat the audit team while scrutinizing files pertaining to Loan No. PK-C18, it observed that the loan was not accounted for in the Federal Consolidated Fund Account. Neither the equivalent amount credited to the Counterpart Fund nor allocation for utilization arranged.
The scam was unearthed by Auditor General of Pakistan (Shabbir Ahmed Dahar DG Audit SAP) in Nov 2000 when its auditors reached Federal SAP secretariat to conduct the audit and were told that this huge amount was never transferred to any SAP account so there was no question of an audit.
During the audit of Federal SAP Secretariat the audit team while scrutinizing files pertaining to Loan No. PK-C18, it observed that the loan was not accounted for in the Federal Consolidated Fund Account. Neither the equivalent amount credited to the Counterpart Fund nor allocation for utilization arranged.
The Chief Executive Secretariat, in the light of the audit report in 2000, ordered an inquiry into the disappearance of this big sum in mid 2000 against PM Nawaz Sharif but nothing came out and then the Sharifs were flown to Saudi Arabia into exile.
The then chief of SAP one, Qizilbash, was picked up from his office located in F-8 Markaz by Nawaz Sharif’s son-in-Law Captain Safdar and his political secretary Mushtaq Tahir Kheli and brought to the PM office. There he was asked to educate the prime miniter and his Finance Minister Ishaq Dar on how this money could be diverted to the famous “Qarz Utaro, Mulk Sunwaro” scheme launched by Sharif.
Qizilbash had explained him the way to gobble down that money. It never went into any debt repayments not into any government of State Bank Account.
An official report reveals that till date there is great confusion about the utilization of this money as even the Auditor General of Pakistan has expressed its inability to conduct the audit of this loan saying not a single penny has so far been allocated or released to SAP accounts since 1998 by the Finance Ministry/State Bank of Pakistan as required under the loan agreement.
View Audit Report below or click relevant pages Page1 | Page2 | Page3 | Page4 | Page5
Not a single penny has so far been allocated or released to SAP accounts since 1998 by the Finance Ministry/State Bank of Pakistan as required under the Japanese loan agreement.
An insider who was involved in the scam at the then time, on a condition of anonymity claimed that Prime minister Nawaz Sharif and his finance minister Ishaq Dar actually played a major role in blocking the transfer of this money from the SBP accounts to SAP accounts and did not allow its utilization for the purpose for which the loan was obtained.
Reportedly, Mr Dar and Nawaz Sharif had utilised this huge money in the name of “Qarz Utaro Mulk Sanwaro” (Repay debts for Country’s Prosperity) scheme. Under this scheme, billions were collected from all over the country from the emotional people soon after the massive victory of PML in the 1997 elections.
The utilization of this fund collected from the public remains a mystery till date as neither this money was used for debt retirement nor its audit was conducted as required under the law with regard to use of public funds.
Some senior officials of the finance ministry and those associated with the SAP were believed to be hand in glove with the former rulers in depriving the nation of the fruits of this loan sought for the execution of primary health and education projects.
This huge fraud surfaced when the Japan government asked Islamabad in 2001 to provide it the audit reports of the nine projects that were to be financed from this loan besides its evolutionary report as agreed to at the time of signing of this grant.
Consequently, Auditor General of Pakistan was asked to conduct the audit but it expressed its inability to do so saying “since no fund has been allocated to SAP, the auditors can not do this job”.
According to available information, in March 1998, an agreement was signed for the Loan No PK-C between the Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (OCEF) and the then President of the Pakistan, Farooq Leghari.
The government of Japan provided an amount of Yen 32,032 million equivalent to $250 million on 27.3.98 in lump sum as a soft loan. At that time the total in Pak rupees came to Rs 11 billion.
The purpose of the loan was to support a program of action, objectives and policies designed to achieve structural adjustment of the banking sector adjustment loan BSAL extended by the World Bank.
The Government of Pakistan was required to deposit the equivalent in Pak rupees of amount of Japanese Yen disbursed by the OCEF in the bank account titled “Counterpart Fund Account” with the SBP.
Accordingly, a counterpart fund account was opened in the blocked account on 27.3.1998 and an amount of Rs10.92 million was deposited therein by the Government as the total amount of Rs 11 billion was not available.
According to the agreement with the Donors, at federal level three programs were to be implemented “National Programme for Family planning and primary health care; Expanded Program for Immunisation EPI and Aids Control Program.
Qizilbash had explained Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his finance minister Ishaq Dar the way to gobble down that money. It never went into any debt repayments not into any government of State Bank Account.
In Punjab, up-gradation of 2000 primary schools to elementary level, consolidation/ strengthening of 5000 primary and mosque schools and sewerage/ drainage treatment facilities for rural areas of Punjab were to be provided.
In Sindh Mithi, Nuakot Diplo Adjoining village water supply schemes (total 143) and in Balochistan consolidated and improvement of middle level education projects were to be executed.
Rs 4.1 billion were to be given to the provinces in 1998-99 and Rs 6.9 billion in 1999-2000 to the provincial governments for the execution of these projects.
The record and account of expenditure financed out of the proceeds of the loan was required to be maintained as agreed under the agreement.
The audit of the record account was required to be conducted annually by AGP in accordance with appropriate auditing practices consistently applied. And certified copies of the audit report was required to be submitted to the Fund not later than nine months after the end of each financial year. The loan was to be utilized by March 27, 2000.
But the AGP disclosed the entire amount of loan and the deposit in counterpart fund account was never transferred to the federal consolidated fund account, which is violation of article 78 of the Constitution.
The AGP said the government was required to deposit Rs15 bn but only Rs10.9 million was deposited. The details of neither the deposit in the counterpart fund not the expenditure financed out of it was available, the AGP observed.
Even basic documents of projects to be financed out of this fund, approval of the competent authority and OCEF, technical section, allocation and releases of funds are not available with the federal SAP secretariat and so have not been produced before the audit.
The sad part is that the then Musharraf Government has also accepted quietly that Rs 11 billion were missing and nothing could be done about it.

Audit Report Pages​

Director General Audit Report (SAP) – Page 1
Director General Audit Report (SAP) – Page 2

Director General Audit Report (SAP) – Page 3
Director General Audit Report (SAP) – Page 4
Director General Audit Report (SAP) – Page 5

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Do you remember mulk bachao , qaraz utaro ....and behind the scene what Nawaz did .... lolllll

Unearthing Qarz Utaro Mulk Sanwaro Scam​


Date: January 26, 2016Author: MasterShake1 Comment
A Japanese loan of $250 million (value Rs 11 Billions at the then time), given on 27th March 1998 through Loan Agreement No. PK-C18 between Govt. Of Pakistan and Govt. Of Japan for education and health projects under the Rs 500 billion Social Action Programme (SAP) has mysteriously disappeared and even the Musharraf government failed to trace it.
As per Loan Agreement the GOP was required to create a Counterpart Fund for the implementation of SAP projects (equivalent to the amount of the loan.) The amount of the Counterpart Fund was to be utilized by 27th March 2000.
During the audit of Federal SAP Secretariat the audit team while scrutinizing files pertaining to Loan No. PK-C18, it observed that the loan was not accounted for in the Federal Consolidated Fund Account. Neither the equivalent amount credited to the Counterpart Fund nor allocation for utilization arranged.
The scam was unearthed by Auditor General of Pakistan (Shabbir Ahmed Dahar DG Audit SAP) in Nov 2000 when its auditors reached Federal SAP secretariat to conduct the audit and were told that this huge amount was never transferred to any SAP account so there was no question of an audit.

The Chief Executive Secretariat, in the light of the audit report in 2000, ordered an inquiry into the disappearance of this big sum in mid 2000 against PM Nawaz Sharif but nothing came out and then the Sharifs were flown to Saudi Arabia into exile.
The then chief of SAP one, Qizilbash, was picked up from his office located in F-8 Markaz by Nawaz Sharif’s son-in-Law Captain Safdar and his political secretary Mushtaq Tahir Kheli and brought to the PM office. There he was asked to educate the prime miniter and his Finance Minister Ishaq Dar on how this money could be diverted to the famous “Qarz Utaro, Mulk Sunwaro” scheme launched by Sharif.
Qizilbash had explained him the way to gobble down that money. It never went into any debt repayments not into any government of State Bank Account.
An official report reveals that till date there is great confusion about the utilization of this money as even the Auditor General of Pakistan has expressed its inability to conduct the audit of this loan saying not a single penny has so far been allocated or released to SAP accounts since 1998 by the Finance Ministry/State Bank of Pakistan as required under the loan agreement.
View Audit Report below or click relevant pages Page1 | Page2 | Page3 | Page4 | Page5

An insider who was involved in the scam at the then time, on a condition of anonymity claimed that Prime minister Nawaz Sharif and his finance minister Ishaq Dar actually played a major role in blocking the transfer of this money from the SBP accounts to SAP accounts and did not allow its utilization for the purpose for which the loan was obtained.
Reportedly, Mr Dar and Nawaz Sharif had utilised this huge money in the name of “Qarz Utaro Mulk Sanwaro” (Repay debts for Country’s Prosperity) scheme. Under this scheme, billions were collected from all over the country from the emotional people soon after the massive victory of PML in the 1997 elections.
The utilization of this fund collected from the public remains a mystery till date as neither this money was used for debt retirement nor its audit was conducted as required under the law with regard to use of public funds.
Some senior officials of the finance ministry and those associated with the SAP were believed to be hand in glove with the former rulers in depriving the nation of the fruits of this loan sought for the execution of primary health and education projects.
This huge fraud surfaced when the Japan government asked Islamabad in 2001 to provide it the audit reports of the nine projects that were to be financed from this loan besides its evolutionary report as agreed to at the time of signing of this grant.
Consequently, Auditor General of Pakistan was asked to conduct the audit but it expressed its inability to do so saying “since no fund has been allocated to SAP, the auditors can not do this job”.
According to available information, in March 1998, an agreement was signed for the Loan No PK-C between the Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (OCEF) and the then President of the Pakistan, Farooq Leghari.
The government of Japan provided an amount of Yen 32,032 million equivalent to $250 million on 27.3.98 in lump sum as a soft loan. At that time the total in Pak rupees came to Rs 11 billion.
The purpose of the loan was to support a program of action, objectives and policies designed to achieve structural adjustment of the banking sector adjustment loan BSAL extended by the World Bank.
The Government of Pakistan was required to deposit the equivalent in Pak rupees of amount of Japanese Yen disbursed by the OCEF in the bank account titled “Counterpart Fund Account” with the SBP.
Accordingly, a counterpart fund account was opened in the blocked account on 27.3.1998 and an amount of Rs10.92 million was deposited therein by the Government as the total amount of Rs 11 billion was not available.
According to the agreement with the Donors, at federal level three programs were to be implemented “National Programme for Family planning and primary health care; Expanded Program for Immunisation EPI and Aids Control Program.

In Punjab, up-gradation of 2000 primary schools to elementary level, consolidation/ strengthening of 5000 primary and mosque schools and sewerage/ drainage treatment facilities for rural areas of Punjab were to be provided.
In Sindh Mithi, Nuakot Diplo Adjoining village water supply schemes (total 143) and in Balochistan consolidated and improvement of middle level education projects were to be executed.
Rs 4.1 billion were to be given to the provinces in 1998-99 and Rs 6.9 billion in 1999-2000 to the provincial governments for the execution of these projects.
The record and account of expenditure financed out of the proceeds of the loan was required to be maintained as agreed under the agreement.
The audit of the record account was required to be conducted annually by AGP in accordance with appropriate auditing practices consistently applied. And certified copies of the audit report was required to be submitted to the Fund not later than nine months after the end of each financial year. The loan was to be utilized by March 27, 2000.
But the AGP disclosed the entire amount of loan and the deposit in counterpart fund account was never transferred to the federal consolidated fund account, which is violation of article 78 of the Constitution.
The AGP said the government was required to deposit Rs15 bn but only Rs10.9 million was deposited. The details of neither the deposit in the counterpart fund not the expenditure financed out of it was available, the AGP observed.
Even basic documents of projects to be financed out of this fund, approval of the competent authority and OCEF, technical section, allocation and releases of funds are not available with the federal SAP secretariat and so have not been produced before the audit.
The sad part is that the then Musharraf Government has also accepted quietly that Rs 11 billion were missing and nothing could be done about it.

Audit Report Pages​

Director General Audit Report (SAP) – Page 1
Director General Audit Report (SAP) – Page 2

Director General Audit Report (SAP) – Page 3
Director General Audit Report (SAP) – Page 4
Director General Audit Report (SAP) – Page 5

Someone said in video that in all meeting and the video maker was also there all nawaz sharif focus was on nihari samosa etc to bring that on table lol. I will share the video later if I come across that video again.

First I thought it's fake but then gave it a thought that he couldn't speak without parchi so it's true that he didn't even know what to do and how to do yet people gave him 2/3 majority 2 times and he delivered nothing.
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