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Pakistan's actual reserve is 1.8 or 0.8 billion dollars ?


May 21, 2006
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Subtract 4 billion Suadi and Chinese deposit . If the Chinese deposit is 3 billion and Saudi is 2 billion then it's 0.8 Billion reseve.
Does anyone know the actual foreign deposits?

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For a nation and economy of Pakistan's size, $20 Billion represents low water mark i.e., point at which there is a foreign currency crisis. That is about 2 to 3 months' worth of imports. Most imports take a minimum of 3 months from placing an order to landing at docks. Hence, $20 billion is the money needed for imports in the pipeline. So, any argument between 1.8 and 0.8 is essentially a debate akin to "How many angels can dance on a pinhead". Does it matter to you if all you have in your wallet is $5 or $10? It is the difference between one fast food meal and two. Essentially, Pakistan has no reserves and is running on fumes. Imports will be paid for as and when there are inward flows, either through remittances or receipts on account of exports.

Subtract 4 billion Suadi and Chinese deposit . If the Chinese deposit is 3 billion and Saudi is 2 billion then it's 0.8 Billion reseve.
Does anyone know the actual foreign deposits?

It's 0.821 bil with SBP and 5ish bil with commercial banks. And it's just the bad part. The worst part is the external loans that pak needs to repay foreign lenders which is around 8 billion in current quarter. Out of which only 2 bil is sovereign of uae which can be rolled over. Rest is the actual time bomb.
I don't understand why the people are mislead that Pakistan is about to default, or will not default debate!
Pakistan is already in default mode for last few months, it is defaulted technically. It would be officially announced the day a loan is not repaid on given time. Pakistan in reality has lost the capability and reserves to pay its debit few months back. The reserves which are touted at arnd $6bn are basically deposit from SA and China, which can not be used. So Pakistan has lost its liquidity completely. What is default, if this is not!!
In simple terms, Pakistan is like a man, who had no money in the pocket of his own. But carries 600 dollars by friends to keep it for show off, but not allowed to pay from them any of its purchases or debt. Would you call that man liquid and able to pay for his purchases, i.e. food and other necessities!! Forget about the debts. Pakistan is not able to pay for its imports, which includes some food items and fertilisers, how it would make payments on its loans, unless it gets more loan!! That's why begging to IMF is going on.
But with Dar incharge, IMF is not willing to trust this criminal, they know his past record to submit fake and fudged figures.
I don't understand why the people are mislead that Pakistan is about to default, or will not default debate!
Pakistan is already in default mode for last few months, it is defaulted technically. It would be officially announced the day a loan is not repaid on given time. Pakistan in reality has lost the capability and reserves to pay its debit few months back. The reserves which are touted at arnd $6bn are basically deposit from SA and China, which can not be used. So Pakistan has lost its liquidity completely. What is default, if this is not!!
In simple terms, Pakistan is like a man, who had no money in the pocket of his own. But carries 600 dollars by friends to keep it for show off, but not allowed to pay from them any of its purchases or debt. Would you call that man liquid and able to pay for his purchases, i.e. food and other necessities!! Forget about the debts. Pakistan is not able to pay for its imports, which includes some food items and fertilisers, how it would make payments on its loans, unless it gets more loan!! That's why begging to IMF is going on.
But with Dar incharge, IMF is not willing to trust this criminal, they know his past record to submit fake and fudged figures.
The what will happen of this bhikari person who holds $600 in his pocket which belongs to other people. What will happen of this Bhikari?
I don't understand why the people are mislead that Pakistan is about to default, or will not default debate!
Pakistan is already in default mode for last few months, it is defaulted technically. It would be officially announced the day a loan is not repaid on given time. Pakistan in reality has lost the capability and reserves to pay its debit few months back. The reserves which are touted at arnd $6bn are basically deposit from SA and China, which can not be used. So Pakistan has lost its liquidity completely. What is default, if this is not!!
In simple terms, Pakistan is like a man, who had no money in the pocket of his own. But carries 600 dollars by friends to keep it for show off, but not allowed to pay from them any of its purchases or debt. Would you call that man liquid and able to pay for his purchases, i.e. food and other necessities!! Forget about the debts. Pakistan is not able to pay for its imports, which includes some food items and fertilisers, how it would make payments on its loans, unless it gets more loan!! That's why begging to IMF is going on.
But with Dar incharge, IMF is not willing to trust this criminal, they know his past record to submit fake and fudged figures.
There is still a small difference between a person who has no money in his wallet and one who has no money in his wallet but has hordes hounding him to repay the debts. The latter is much worse psychologically. One would rather wish to go hungry occasionally than have people knocking on the door all the time (or calling on the phone in modern times). That is the difference between not having any money and defaulting.
Whatever man, rupee is like 224, look at that power of rupee, so what if it costs 300 mil per week to maintain that? We have like 3 weeks before it runs out, til then enjoy wedding season! It’s 225 with SBP? Just don’t go in open market. (sarcasm)

This default was completely unnecessary. Only normal things needed to be done. It was a much easier situation than when IK took over in 2018. The blame is on Dar/PDM but ultimately on the military establishment who has reinforced a losing position possibly losing our whole country for ego of few generals. The will of people has been clear since April, obvious in May and through the year. Do elections. At this point it is too late.
I don't understand why the people are mislead that Pakistan is about to default, or will not default debate!
Pakistan is already in default mode for last few months, it is defaulted technically. It would be officially announced the day a loan is not repaid on given time. Pakistan in reality has lost the capability and reserves to pay its debit few months back. The reserves which are touted at arnd $6bn are basically deposit from SA and China, which can not be used. So Pakistan has lost its liquidity completely. What is default, if this is not!!
In simple terms, Pakistan is like a man, who had no money in the pocket of his own. But carries 600 dollars by friends to keep it for show off, but not allowed to pay from them any of its purchases or debt. Would you call that man liquid and able to pay for his purchases, i.e. food and other necessities!! Forget about the debts. Pakistan is not able to pay for its imports, which includes some food items and fertilisers, how it would make payments on its loans, unless it gets more loan!! That's why begging to IMF is going on.
But with Dar incharge, IMF is not willing to trust this criminal, they know his past record to submit fake and fudged figures.

For last several years actually..gotta remember when shabbar zaidi was fired for being a whistle blower on this.. the big alert was March of this year
if you want to apply that criterion, it has defaulted from the time the Fat Controller was brought to loot and ruin Pakistan by General Gilani and Zia ul Haq.
6th most populas country not able to produce enough to pay for its imports!! No advances in technology and industries, in Education, in medical facilities, in infrastructure, in social care, in human betterment index, etc. All shown the problems existing.
But deliberately kept illiterate never realised that becuase they are left purposefully in the dark and away from knowledge and information.
I am sad to see some stupid fools still follow thugs like Sharif brothers and Zardari and his children. Even animals would have learned by now who is responsible for their destruction, but alas, Pakistani awam is still behaving like lost sheeps, not able to come out in numbers to end this charade, which is created by Army Establishment and corrupt politicians alike for last 60 years. enoug of that shit.
if you want to apply that criterion, it has defaulted from the time the Fat Controller was brought to loot and ruin Pakistan by General Gilani and Zia ul Haq.
6th most populas country not able to produce enough to pay for its imports!! No advances in technology and industries, in Education, in medical facilities, in infrastructure, in social care, in human betterment index, etc. All shown the problems existing.
But deliberately kept illiterate never realised that becuase they are left purposefully in the dark and away from knowledge and information.
I am sad to see some stupid fools still follow thugs like Sharif brothers and Zardari and his children. Even animals would have learned by now who is responsible for their destruction, but alas, Pakistani awam is still behaving like lost sheeps, not able to come out in numbers to end this charade, which is created by Army Establishment and corrupt politicians alike for last 60 years. enoug of that shit.
Actually zias time witnessed the highest gdp.
Can't make a blind cross road if he doesn't want to ..continue doing what you do... There is no self reflection in this nation that's why it keeps getting punched in face again and again.
For last several years actually..gotta remember when shabbar zaidi was fired for being a whistle blower on this.. the big alert was March of this year
Zaidi mentioned this in December 2021
It’s just the pti were playing a balancing act which worked out??
With pdm we lost balance
Zaidi mentioned this in December 2021
It’s just the pti were playing a balancing act which worked out??
With pdm we lost balance
Let’s be honest the recovery was always fragile but another 3 years at trajectory IK was taking Pakistan, we would be rid of the chronic CAD. Increase in good and IT exports were exponential. Now all exports are down, IT, textiles. We have taken so many steps back and are years away (and massive package from China) from where we were headed. If we get through 2024 intact there’s hope but only if we can crush the treasonous snakes in our army behind this. They r responsible for everything not Dar.
6th most populas country not able to produce enough to pay for its imports!! No advances in technology and industries, in Education, in medical facilities, in infrastructure, in social care, in human betterment index, etc. All shown the problems existing.
But deliberately kept illiterate never realised that becuase they are left purposefully in the dark and away from knowledge and information.
I am sad to see some stupid fools still follow thugs like Sharif brothers and Zardari and his children. Even animals would have learned by now who is responsible for their destruction, but alas, Pakistani awam is still behaving like lost sheeps, not able to come out in numbers to end this charade, which is created by Army Establishment and corrupt politicians alike for last 60 years. enoug of that shit.
Pakistan is 5th most populous. Nigeria is 6th.
Zaidi mentioned this in December 2021
It’s just the pti were playing a balancing act which worked out??
With pdm we lost balance

He was fired in 2020.in one of his interviews he says the present state came in 2018.
Let’s be honest the recovery was always fragile but another 3 years at trajectory IK was taking Pakistan, we would be rid of the chronic CAD. Increase in good and IT exports were exponential. Now all exports are down, IT, textiles. We have taken so many steps back and are years away (and massive package from China) from where we were headed. If we get through 2024 intact there’s hope but only if we can crush the treasonous snakes in our army behind this. They r responsible for everything not Dar.
You have a memory of ant like the regular awaam.. Dar was FM during the crucial 2013 to 2017 period the reason we are in mess today.
This is his 4th stint as finance minister.. 98 2008 2013 and now.
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