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Pakistan's 111th Brigade

which way r u guys going with this thing?
dear moderator. put a stop to this thread
Ok lets get back to the topic.

Or the forum will be in deep ****!
The system is good, and it has been modelled well and the well defined rules are kept in place. It is the armed forces that break the rules. Lets blame people who should really be blamed. Armed forces like politicans are not above criticism or blame.

You say this not knowing Pakistan's political history in my humble opinion. I have said this earlier as well, Armed forces do not jump in just for the hell of it to take over. They have been invited, incited and even plainly asked by the Civilians to come in and take sides in the past 50 years or so.
What are u guys trying to say... The army only broke the rules because a corrupt freak was on the throne and would have drowned the country with him! He was going to let a plane with more than 250 people go down! The armed forces have always been the saviors and have set things right whenever things were going wrong! One thing i can say about Mush. is that he is not corrupt like the idiots we have had before and if anyone thinks otherwise i want him to prove it!!! Also our GDP is the 3rd fastest growing today! Without good leadership it was not possible...

I am not pro-musharraf or a lover of all his policies but i know that he is not here to steal from the nation and i know that he loves his nation and that is more than enough!
What are u guys trying to say... The army only broke the rules because a corrupt freak was on the throne and would have drowned the country with him! He was going to let a plane with more than 250 people go down! The armed forces have always been the saviors and have set things right whenever things were going wrong! One thing i can say about Mush. is that he is not corrupt like the idiots we have had before and if anyone thinks otherwise i want him to prove it!!! Also our GDP is the 3rd fastest growing today! Without good leadership it was not possible...

I am not pro-musharraf or a lover of all his policies but i know that he is not here to steal from the nation and i know that he loves his nation and that is more than enough!

No rational being can deny that an elected person carries people's mandate whereas an Army Chief has 'NONE'.

What you say is very true. It is essentially the moral bankruptcy of the politicians and the ruling elite which results in the Army take-overs time and again. However ther is a difference. First Martial was imposed by a civilan beaurocart president; Iskander Mirza. Second Martial Law was result of a concerted political agitation meant solely to bring an elected government down.

Musharraf's Martial Law had, however, no such back ground. It was a result of a maglomaniac elected Prime Minister, who didnot like any opposition to his whims. Nawaz Sharif first engineerd an attack on the Supreme court and later orchestrated removal of a sitting irritating Chief Justice. Subsequently, he removed the President and the Army Chief.

Musharraf take over was a result of Nawaz Sharif's attempt to remove Army Chief second time. That is why people and the opposition welcomed the martial law. Basic question however remains. Should an Army Chief take over if an elected prime minister wants to remove him??

Problem becomes even more complicated when a non elected Head of the State proves better for the country than an incompetent maglomaniac such as Nawaz Sharif. Poor Joe public of Pakistan faces catch 22. I, however, will have to admit that it is wrong for an Army chief to remove an elected Representative, no matter what the circumstances.
i belong to a army family/background
the role of the armed forces/esp army chief is not to rule the country. the politicians are corrupt no doubt about it but the more the army stays in power, the more it is alienating itself from the people.
furthermore (this is what my dad used to say to me. he retired from the army in 1972 as a Brig.) by staying as army chief for 8/9 years, mush has deprived some very good generals of their basic right - to be COAS!!!
Zia did it for 11 yrs
Ayub did it for 8 yrs
To me, Pakistan is one of the country where political processess have not been fully fostered may be because of politician corruptions or may be becuase of army take overs.
My opinion is that a political process in its full essence should be continued with out any army support and peoples should be educated enough to evaluate the goverments.
i am all for it.totally agree with shaikh spair (good call sign)

You explained it quite well, it's just an independent infantry brigade falling under 10 Corps at Rawalpindi. By the way talking of elite, the units which 111 comprises of are certainly among he finest of 5 infantry regiments of Pakistan Army. If you want a little tour for sure check out their quarter guards if you are familiar with a place called Westridge III in Rawalpindi.

3 battalions = 1 bde => 3 brigades = 1 Div. This is the usual deal in Pakistan Army.

I see that from battalion to Div you use the triangle structure.
Out of interest are your battalions on the triangle structure or are they the square structure and platoons back to the triangle?
What are u guys trying to say... The army only broke the rules because a corrupt freak was on the throne and would have drowned the country with him! He was going to let a plane with more than 250 people go down! The armed forces have always been the saviors and have set things right whenever things were going wrong! One thing i can say about Mush. is that he is not corrupt like the idiots we have had before and if anyone thinks otherwise i want him to prove it!!! Also our GDP is the 3rd fastest growing today! Without good leadership it was not possible...

I am not pro-musharraf or a lover of all his policies but i know that he is not here to steal from the nation and i know that he loves his nation and that is more than enough!

I agree with you he was a grate leader
look at this
Pakistan’s economy grew by 100% — to become $ 160 billion

Revenue grew by 100% — to become $ 11.4 billion

Per Capita Income grew by 100% — to become $ 925

Foreign Reserves grew by 500% — to become $ 17 billion

Exports grew by 100% — to become $ 18.5 billion

Textile exports grew by 100% — to become $ 11.2 billion

Karachi Stock Exchange grew by 500% — to become $ 75 billion

Foreign Direct Investment grew by 500% — to become $ 8.4 billion

Annual Debt servicing decreased by 35% — to become 26%

Poverty decreased by 10% — to become 24%

literacy rate grew by 10% — to become 54%

Public development Funds grew by 100% — to become Rs 520 billion

Pakistan Flourished under Musharraf's policies.Musharraf Era
All i heard about 111 is who ever gets in this brigade is lucky person. Then promotion is rapid and its political wing of Pak army.
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