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Pakistanophobia & Indians

After reading the later half of the article .......just want to say "Proud to be a evil Bharati""

We swallow everything and never gets a stomach problems

Ohh Man you realised lately.. the first realization which any Indian face in PDF is that we are Evil Yindoo Bharatis :)
Even thou we are supposedly going through all these problems...we aint doing bad at all...actually we are doing way better....and on the right direction...proud to be an "EVIL BHARATHI" and will always be evil has far as you guys are concerned atleast!!:woot:
Did he mention that RAW is responsible for floods in Pakistan? Or did I miss that? lol

At-least we don't kill and eat human, by the way good try better luck next time and Happy trolling day Pakistanis.

The nizams were not an example to bemoan about..bunch of pedophiles with sole ambitions of accumulation wealth and treasures by milking their subject.
First of all the article is not entirely true.

Junagadh and Hyderabad are different cases than Kashmir.

In Kahmir at the time of independence there were 40% Hindus and 7% Sikhs and Buddhists so Muslims had a slim majority just by 3%. And if it was up to people to decide then don't you think half of the Muslims would have wanted to stay with India? Just like we had seen during partition through out the India? But they thought Pakistan would 'snatch' the Kashmir which actually cost them more than half of the Kashmir. These are the things no one talks about in Pakistan.

Plus in Junagadh and Hyderabad:
-Indian forces did not start occupying and looting like Kahmir in 1948 which forced maharaja to acede to India.
-Neither Hyderabad and Junagadh actually aceded to Pakistan they wanted to remain independent.
-Demographics of Junagadh and Hyderabad weren't permanently altered like Kashmir.

Seriously you accuse India of Goa?
I mean Portugese don't have a problem with that right now because they know we did the right thing and Pakistan is still crying about it? In fact that was the operation so many countries in Africa got inspiration from and got their independence.

And I BEG YOU not to talk about Sikkim!
You don't even know what happened there. Sikkim is full of pro-Indian Nepalis [In fact Nepalis are Indians as well who migrated there couple of hundred years ago.] so after the fall of of the King. On 10 April 1975, the Sikkim Assembly passed a resolution calling for the state to be fully integrated into India. This resolution was endorsed by 97% of the vote in a referendum held on 14 April 1975, following which the Indian Government amended the constitution to admit Sikkim into India as its 22nd state.
Ask Tshering22 he would tell you what happened there he'd give you a better idea.

Now let's talk about movies. Shall we?
The only times when Anti-Pakistan movies were made was in 1990s starring Sunny deol and this was because of Pakistan's full-fledge support to Kashmir insurgency at that time. Before 1990s the number of Anti-Pakistani movies made was not much.

-Well at least in India the government controls 100% territory we don't have any NWFP, Khber Pakhtunwala controlled by Talibans.
-We don't experience daily compulsory power cuts in fact states like Gujarat generates more power than entire Pakistan.
-We don't have to worry about any terror attacks or any drone attack which kills our civilians.
-Nor do we have to worry about Karachi type ethnic violence.
-And Maoists and Naxalites are communist groups they don't wanna SEPARATE.
-Khalistan, ULFA, Assam, Bodo [After co-operation with Bangladesh and Bhutan] are dead movement compared to your popular uprising movements like Balochistan.
-Gujarat and Mumbai riots are different story and why they happened is also a thing to think about but our minority went fro 13% at the time of independence to 15% right now compared to your Hindus 22% at the time of partition to current less than 2%.
-India might have more poor because of population but percentage of poverty is definitely less than Pakistan.
-Corruption is more in Pakistan but the only difference in India these scandals are coming in public as the public is awakening and we are going through 'transition period' where we have such a strong dislike for corruption. Which can be seen from recent protest and support to Anna Hazare.
-Most important point the economy- India's economy is growing at 8-9% per annum and is predicted to touch 10% in next decade. Whereas your economy is growing at 2-3%.
-And because of growing economy military is getting stronger even if we don't increase out budget plus now in the world India matters there was a time when India was seen 1 billion hungry people.

So after all these you can call us 'cocky' or 'arrogant' but that doesn't change any of the facts. :)
After reading below, i feel like shouting from the deepest curvature of my lungs... " Kashmir Banay Ga Pakistan"..

Pakistanophobia is a habit (or I must say a disease) which is taking a heavy toll on the Indian mindset. Everyday there are countless discussions on Indian TV channels and lenghty articles written by Indian "intellectuals" about Pakistan. This everyday dose of anti Pakistan vitriol on national media has hypnotised Indian minds. Intellectuals like Parthasarthy, GC Singh and Swappan Dasgupta are always seen repeating their gospels of Pakistan bashing on live Indian television shows. This everyday "Pakistan is evil" brainwashing in Indian media has made the common Indian so arrogant that they're not ready to listen to any other argument other than the one which has been implanted into their brains.

Things like a lone Indian hero beating and killing thousands of Pakistani villains bare single-handedly in a bollywood film make the ordinary Indian viewer feel kicked up and high with the narcotic injection of imaginary patriotism. A solitary Indian soldier with a single stun Gun in his hands is often seen killing battalions after battalions of Pakistani soldiers in viewer cheering scenes. This has resulted in the loss of logic and reasoning among the Indian people.

Most of them think Pakistan is a country made up of wax. They often dream about an Indian war against Pakistan and want to see that wax melting with their own eyes. They think that the wax melting dream is not coming true because the Indian nation is so high in morality that it would never attack Pakistan unilaterally. They're even made to believe in this high morality and are made to feel proud about this at the same time. Hypnotised minds do not accept the reality and accept everything which is thrown at them by Indian masala media and its paid political analysts.

Even visits by foreign diplomats are judged by their anti Pakistan rants. Barack Obama's recent visit to India was considered as a "big failure" because he did not condemn or criticise Pakistan in any of his speeches in India whil Nicholas Sarkozy's visit was considered a "big success" by Indian media because he condemned Pakistan during his press conference. Words of Pakistan bashing are perhaps sweet music to Indian ears.

Often this "Pakistan is evil" deliberations are heard even in non political gatherings. I recently happened to be in one such gathering where white collared anti Pakistani guests were in majority and were ruling the roost without any disturbance. I am not using the word Indian patriots here, instead I am emphasizing on the word "anti-Pakistan Indians" as I believe that a true Indian patriot can never be an anti Pakistani. Anti Pakistan Indians have always been on there toes and shall remain on there toes, always preparing for a war. They will not allow both of these neighbours to breathe freely without any fear of each other. This is altogether a different subject, so I am coming back to the main topic.

They were talking to each other and helping each other to hate Pakistan more and more. As I was stuck in that rare and unpleasant company of indoctrinated white collared zombies, I had to behave a bit subdued in the gang as I was an unwelcome minority in the gathering of clowns who were suffering from a rarest forms of delusion of grandeur. Their focus was on Pakistan and that too the "evil part" of Pakistan. I however could not escape the clutches of the argument.

One of my old acquaintances whom I unfortunately met there incidentally after a gap of 15 years initiated the discourse along with his other friends. Considering me as the one among the persons of his like, he started with this: " Pakistan is in mess". I replied, "Yea, of course". He then added, "I pity the people of that country. There is so much of violence, corruption, inflation and mismanagement in that land. Their President is called Mr. 10% and he takes commission on everything. Their army is corrupt, their bureaucrats, their sportsmen everyone is corrupt. Their country is falling apart because of this." After he lowered his pitch of voice, I got a chance to reply. I said, "Yes, but what about India? Is not corruption more rampant in India than in Pakistan? Thousands of billions of Indian Rupees are being siphoned off every now and then by India's top most elite. Kalmadi Commonwealth, Raja 2G, Chavan Adarsh, Modi IPL and Kargil coffins are most talked about scams everyday one after another in a single news bulletin". He seemed to be a bit annoyed by my reply. He started to raise his pitch of voice again and said, " Oh Ho! Who says there is no corruption in India. But India is such a big economy that this corruption is hardly making any impact on us but corruption in Pakistan is eating up that country." I had to keep his delusional point of view intact and not to hurt his fake sensibilities and replied, "OK, I understood" though I replied back to him sarcastically. I think he was drunk with the hatred of Pakistan to such a level that he did not understand my sarcasm. He continued further. "And see the inflation there. Everything is so expensive there. Food stuff, medicines, petrol, gas, electricity and everything which matters is expensive. Common people there are finding it too difficult to make their two ends meet." I had just earlier in the day read about the onions of India and suicides by farmers due to poverty in one of their poorest states. This time I preferred to keep quite as I knew that the man I am talking to is ****** rich and how come he experience the inflation in his pocket as everything which he buys seems so extremely cheap to him in comparison to his fat income. He was talking about the inflation in Pakistan because of his predominantly programmed mind, otherwise things like inflation and poverty would hardly find a place in his brain box.

Then he went further ahead, " Pakistan is home to extremism. Jamait e Islami, Jamaat u Dawaa, LeT, Taliban and Al Qaida are controlling that country. Suicide bombings, target killings and gun running is order of the day in that country". I could not stay quiet this time. So I replied, "What about RSS, Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal and VHP are they not terrorising people? What about Babri Masjid demolition, Gujrat pogrom, Malegoan blasts and the Mumbai riots? What about Raj Thakerey and his bunch of thugs? What about injustices against minorities and Dalits? What about burning alive of Christian missionaries and raping of Christian nuns by Hindu zealots? What about Maoism, Naxalism and North-Eastern insurgencies? Don't you think that India is bound together only because of a huge army and ruthless as well as faceless paramilitary and above all abject poverty of common masses? Minus army and paramilitary, India will not sustain for a day."

This outburst of mine triggered an hysterical reaction from them. They said, " You are brainwashed anti-Indian bigot. You cannot digest Indian greatness". I said, " Did I say something wrong or is it that I did not utter anything against Pakistan which made you to feel that I am an anti-Indian? Your parameter of patriotism is inversely proportional to the hate against Pakistan. Let me tell you I am not an Indian but a Kashmiri and let me add more, I do not care whether India is great or not. To me India is an occupier of my nation and that is it." He in his hysteria cried at me and subsequently was supported by others in the group all in a one go, "Pakistan is Khatam" (Pakistan has come to an end)! It is in tatters and you are still banking upon that failed nation, come out of this illusion. Pakistan is Khattam accept this".

I replied, "Pakistan is Khattam", OK I accept it for your sake. But me accepting this will not make that country vanish. It's your wishful thinking. I first heard this sentence "Pakistan is Khattam'" in 1978 when Bhutto was hanged, and then in 1988 when Gen. Zia died and since then I've been hearing this every now and then. But to my surprise and to your dismay, Pakistan is still there.

Very good article....,,,,,,,,,,
keep reading thos ethings to satisfy your Indian hate,,,,,,,,,
by that time we will still grow stronger & better,
and nothing will change, situation in Kashmir is like Syria or Libea
At-least we don't kill and eat human, by the way good try better luck next time and Happy trolling day Pakistanis.


I don't think cannibals are found in Pakistan, at least I am not aware of... Can you give me the link? However, I have seen youtube videos of Indians eating dead humans from rivers.
I don't think cannibals are found in Pakistan, at least I am not aware of... Can you give me the link? However, I have seen youtube videos of Indians eating dead humans from rivers.

Guys dont respond to her, will just make u get a infraction, dont know how she isnt pink yet but she is getting there.
Guys dont respond to her, will just make u get a infraction, dont know how she isnt pink yet but she is getting there.

Well well... I was just replying to the post of your fellow Indian...I think moderators missed his post... :chilli:
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