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Pakistanis Making A Comeback To Avenge India’s Free Balochistan Campaign

You asked for one refugee i give you 4,988 hehe That's just the figures for Canada. Enjoy

Yup that's the number of people who can't handle your super powerness and have to move to a 3rd world country like Canada with a lower GDP then India. Aww i wonder why??
I mean who in their right mind would want to leave worlds biggest population of poor people, Where farmers committee sucide on daily basis? And move to a low level coutry like with small gdp like Canada? Crazy people.


So all those poor Indians took Thar train and went to the pure republic with so hunger ,poverty and then walked up to Canada .
What a moron?
Comparing refugees that took refuge in India due to continous persecution in Pakistan and economic migrants ir professionals .
Stupidities level
Want to promote in Australia as well, the brutal crimes of occupying coward forces on Kashmiri people.
I swear to you in UK I have not yet seen a single demonstration about Kashmir. However every year outside McDonalds I see our lot standing there holding "Free Palestine flags" or croaking on about freakin Syrian childen. Not a sound about Kashmir though.
I have noticed the same thing when I was in the US, though I will admit to having seen at least a float dedicated to Kashmir only once during a Pakistan independence day parade but that was about it. Before that and after that I never saw anything from the Pakistani community highlighting the plight of Kashmiris.

On the other hand when it came to Gaza, Palestine, or Syria you will see many Pakistanis from makeup caked Hijabis to the modern stylishly bearded & aspiring part time halal rapper/Islamic scholar all standing, with their Starbucks in hand, in solidarity against Western Imperialism, Zionist oppression, etc.

Now I don't see anything wrong with opposing Zionism or Western Imperialism, but then what about Indian oppression of Kashmiris? You will only hear crickets.

We are one nation. Be united and let the enemy taste defeat!
How when millions of Pakistanis are busy consuming Bollywood content on a daily basis? :lol:

It's hard to take Pakistan-India rivalry seriously when in the same breath the people from either country is praising the music and film content of the other.

I swear I have seen more hatred between a Albanian and a Serbian, a Mexican and a El-Salvadorian, a Iranian and a Saudi than I have between Indians and Pakistanis when the two meet in a foreign country.

No one will take Pakistan-India rivalry seriously when neither Pakistanis not Indians themselves do.
Good start, this needs to e intensified . India will learn a lesson pretty quickly.
I have noticed the same thing when I was in the US, though I will admit to having seen at least a float dedicated to Kashmir only once during a Pakistan independence day parade but that was about it. Before that and after that I never saw anything from the Pakistani community highlighting the plight of Kashmiris.

On the other hand when it came to Gaza, Palestine, or Syria you will see many Pakistanis from makeup caked Hijabis to the modern stylishly bearded & aspiring part time halal rapper/Islamic scholar all standing, with their Starbucks in hand, in solidarity against Western Imperialism, Zionist oppression, etc.

Now I don't see anything wrong with opposing Zionism or Western Imperialism, but then what about Indian oppression of Kashmiris? You will only hear crickets.

How when millions of Pakistanis are busy consuming Bollywood content on a daily basis? :lol:

It's hard to take Pakistan-India rivalry seriously when in the same breath the people from either country is praising the music and film content of the other.

I swear I have seen more hatred between a Albanian and a Serbian, a Mexican and a El-Salvadorian, a Iranian and a Saudi than I have between Indians and Pakistanis when the two meet in a foreign country.

No one will take Pakistan-India rivalry seriously when neither Pakistanis not Indians themselves do.

Guilty is charged, I have many good Indian friends here is Canada. Mostly Sikh punjabis even the Hindu Punjabis are cool. Once you get to know them they are just human beings like us, and have more in common with us since we share common food, Language, Culture etc

We never talk about politics or religion just out of mutual respect for each other. Get along great we just pretend we are Candadian.

So all those poor Indians took Thar train and went to the pure republic with so hunger ,poverty and then walked up to Canada .
What a moron?
Comparing refugees that took refuge in India due to continous persecution in Pakistan and economic migrants ir professionals .
Stupidities level

Are you denying the simple fact that People from India go to Western countries to claim refuge status?

Ok, You wana know why people from your country don't come to Pakistan to claim refuge status rather pick western countries instead to claim refuge status? Because we are a Majority Muslim country they wouldn't fit in. On the contrary your country has a big Muslim population. So it's obvious refugee from Pakistan would survive In India. Does that answer your question?

Point is people from your country go to Western countries to Claim refugee status. Im assuming it's because of hunger , could very well be other reasons like the genocide of Sikh Punjabis in 1984. Or some poor woman who doesn't feel safe with all the rapes happening, Or some religious scholar cough cough dr. Naik.

Pakistan takes refugees too , we have a big number of refugees living in Pakistan. I don't think i need to provide a link do I?

What are you really trying to prove here?

Why are so many sikhs banning your government from entering Gurdawars in 2018? In foreign Countries of course?

The following pictures are of a gurdawa In Toronto, Canada. In 2018 gooogle street view shows.. It's On Dixie road ..Enjoy

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Guilty is charged, I have many good Indian friends here is Canada. Mostly Sikh punjabis even the Hindu Punjabis are cool. Once you get to know them they are just human beings like us, and have more in common with us since we share common food, Language, Culture etc

We never talk about politics or religion just out of mutual respect for each other. Get along great we just pretend we are Candadian.

Are you denying the simple fact that People from India go to Western countries to claim refuge status?

Ok, You wana know why people from your country don't come to Pakistan to claim refuge status rather pick western countries instead to claim refuge status? Because we are a Majority Muslim country they wouldn't fit in. On the contrary your country has a big Muslim population. So it's obvious refugee from Pakistan would survive In India. Does that answer your question?

Point is people from your country go to Western countries to Claim refugee status. Im assuming it's because of hunger , could very well be other reasons like the genocide of Sikh Punjabis in 1984. Or some poor woman who doesn't feel safe with all the rapes happening, Or some religious scholar cough cough dr. Naik.

Pakistan takes refugees too , we have a big number of refugees living in Pakistan. I don't think i need to provide a link do I?

What are you really trying to prove here?

Why are so many sikhs banning your government from entering Gurdawars in 2018? In foreign Countries of course?

The following pictures are of a gurdawa In Toronto, Canada. In 2018 gooogle street view shows.. It's On Dixie road ..Enjoy
View attachment 451080 View attachment 451081

You are totally done after that post of mine .
Now dont need to roll on the ground .
Before you post a link double check that whether that is a double edged sword or not .
Check the Graph .China is second largest after Colombia .SL,Pakistan all are in above places than India .
China ,the so called second largest economy .:D

Means that is not poverty but luxury .Same goes to India also.

Only an immature brain can compare the desparate journey of minorities from Pakistan to India with that of luxury trip from India to Canada .:D
Then ridiculous points like rape etc.
Dont know how much happens in Pakistan.One Zainab is out there.

Indians wont opt other countries unless that is a developed country .
Pakistan ,Indians wont even think about to go to Pakistan.

Lakhs of refugees stays in temporary camps for Indian citizenship
You are totally done after that post of mine .
Now dont need to roll on the ground .
Before you post a link double check that whether that is a double edged sword or not .
Check the Graph .China is second largest after Colombia .SL,Pakistan all are in above places than India .
China ,the so called second largest economy .:D

Means that is not poverty but luxury .Same goes to India also.

Only an immature brain can compare the desparate journey of minorities from Pakistan to India with that of luxury trip from India to Canada .:D
Then ridiculous points like rape etc.
Dont know how much happens in Pakistan.One Zainab is out there.

Indians wont opt other countries unless that is a developed country .
Pakistan ,Indians wont even think about to go to Pakistan.

Lakhs of refugees stays in temporary camps for Indian citizenship

Personal insults won't make a difference, they only further prove you are losing the argument and have to resort to cheap shots i.e personal attacks, insults.

1st it was tiger zindha hai crap i proved you wrong. then it was there is not a single refugee from India, i proved you wrong.

So to qualify as a refugee a person can't do air travel? Air travel is strictly for pleasure? haha! Your second point refugee's don't take airplane rides lol another claim im going to prove wrong with a link as proof as always. Here is a link to syrian refugee's traveling to Canada by a Plane. Prime Minister of Canada welcomes them at the Toronto International Airport. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/12/...n-canada.html?referer=https://www.google.com/

Next up, why China has so many refugee's? If you didn't know China is a communist country it has its own set of problems, hence the refugees. China definitely dosn't have hunger problems tho. I haven't seen a Chinese temple with signs that say genocide, Or a separate country claim in Canada.

You have people waiting in refugee camps for a citizenship. So does Pakistan. Your point is?I could ask you the same question why don't all of the Afghanistani refugee's living in Pakistan travel to the super power country next door?

So your saying your country is somehow Better because refugees from your country only claime refugee status in developed countries? Seriously that's your take on this whole issue? Haha. No, It means your country is a third world country, which has some serious issues that it needs to fix. No person wants to leave their home country, unless they have some serious problems.

Refugee tend to move to a country they feel safe and welcomed in, a place they can fit in and call home. Why would a Hindu from India move to lahore? There is not many hindu temples in Lahore, specially the ones that ring bells out loud. On the contrary Mosques in India blast Azan out loud speakers 5 times a day. If that same hindu person say, move to Canada he would have access to far more Temples v.s Pakistan. There is no denying we are a consevative Muslim country.

Another fun fact, Any person who claims refugee status from India could never return to India. if they do they would be sent to jail. Futher deterring them from clamming refugee status in another country. While Pakistan has no such law at all. So much for the freedom . Another reason why sucide seems a better alternative.

I didn't get a response on regards to a Gurdawara in Toronto posting "1984 genocide, Khalistan" ?? Those are refugees from India in action here in Canada. That your government butchered in 1984. It still Happens, some Punjabi farmers who don't have the luxury of air flight just hang them selves others are lucky enough to escape as refugee's by airplane. I don't think anyone would attempt to swim to Canada would they? Hanging is the last resort.

Im still confused as what exactly you are trying to prove here? You country has refugees so does mine. People from your country claime refugee status in other countries so do ours. We are a developing country with problem so are you. Every developing country has refugees.. Like wtf is your point?

Also go read the definition of the word refugee.
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Personal insults won't make a difference, they only further prove you are losing the argument and have to resort to cheap shots i.e personal attacks, insults.

1st it was tiger zindha hai crap i proved you wrong. then it was there is not a single refugee from India, i proved you wrong.

So to qualify as a refugee a person can't do air travel? Air travel is strictly for pleasure? haha! Your second point refugee's don't take airplane rides lol another claim im going to prove wrong with a link as proof as always. Here is a link to syrian refugee's traveling to Canada by a Plane. Prime Minister of Canada welcomes them at the Toronto International Airport. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/12/...n-canada.html?referer=https://www.google.com/

Next up, why China has so many refugee's? If you didn't know China is a communist country it has its own set of problems, hence the refugees. China definitely dosn't have hunger problems tho. I haven't seen a Chinese temple with signs that say genocide, Or a separate country claim in Canada.

You have people waiting in refugee camps for a citizenship. So does Pakistan. Your point is?I could ask you the same question why don't all of the Afghanistani refugee's living in Pakistan travel to the super power country next door?

So your saying your country is somehow Better because refugees from your country only claime refugee status in developed countries? Seriously that's your take on this whole issue? Haha. No, It means your country is a third world country, which has some serious issues that it needs to fix. No person wants to leave their home country, unless they have some serious problems.

Refugee tend to move to a country they feel safe and welcomed in, a place they can fit in and call home. Why would a Hindu from India move to lahore? There is not many hindu temples in Lahore, specially the ones that ring bells out loud. On the contrary Mosques in India blast Azan out loud speakers 5 times a day. If that same hindu person say, move to Canada he would have access to far more Temples v.s Pakistan. There is no denying we are a consevative Muslim country.

Another fun fact, Any person who claims refugee status from India could never return to India. if they do they would be sent to jail. Futher deterring them from clamming refugee status in another country. While Pakistan has no such law at all. So much for the freedom . Another reason why sucide seems a better alternative.

I didn't get a response on regards to a Gurdawara in Toronto posting "1984 genocide, Khalistan" ?? Those are refugees from India in action here in Canada. That your government butchered in 1984. It still Happens, some Punjabi farmers who don't have the luxury of air flight just hang them selves others are lucky enough to escape as refugee's by airplane. I don't think anyone would attempt to swim to Canada would they? Hanging is the last resort.

Im still confused as what exactly you are trying to prove here? You country has refugees so does mine. People from your country claime refugee status in other countries so do ours. We are a developing country with problem so are you. Every developing country has refugees.. Like wtf is your point?

Also go read the definition of the word refugee.

Where the personal insults ?

Noone from India moves to Canada because poverty .What kind of stupidity is that ?
Khalistanis ,those were rich elite sikhs ,tried for separatism.
Real Indian Sikhs are here without any issue .But they are not rich ,they are common people.

Noone from India moves out to another country because of constant oppression majority of landlords ,raping of minority girls ,forced conversion etc.
Those who seeks refugee in India from Pakistan was suffered all of this .
So why they are here .
Of Course ,there is too much freedom in Pakistan that is why any Raymond Davis or Afghanis can come ,shit and go in Pakistan.
But in India once you took arms against nation, you are done .
Those who take refugees from India actually is elite , separatists .
Rest are economic migrants ,again for good life .

What tiger Zinda hai ?

Afghanis are there because you interfere in there ,Pakistanis is here because your majority tortured them.
Where the personal insults ?

Noone from India moves to Canada because poverty .What kind of stupidity is that ?
Khalistanis ,those were rich elite sikhs ,tried for separatism.
Real Indian Sikhs are here without any issue .But they are not rich ,they are common people.

Noone from India moves out to another country because of constant oppression majority of landlords ,raping of minority girls ,forced conversion etc.
Those who seeks refugee in India from Pakistan was suffered all of this .
So why they are here .
Of Course ,there is too much freedom in Pakistan that is why any Raymond Davis or Afghanis can come ,shit and go in Pakistan.
But in India once you took arms against nation, you are done .
Those who take refugees from India actually is elite , separatists .
Rest are economic migrants ,again for good life .

What tiger Zinda hai ?

Afghanis are there because you interfere in there ,Pakistanis is here because your majority tortured them.
Pehlay Ghusal Khanna bana lo apnay logo kay liye phr 1000 ft ki batein choro !
As I said before its a battle of perception. The plot of that movie was largely Anti ISI/ anti-Pakistan. Its surly going to effect the gullible.

Anyways, what I was trying to say is that, while you "SPEND" trying to portray Indian atrocities in which you are failing, OTOH, while we are doing the same to you and yet we are "EARNING". And you yourself are a good judge on how effective you and us have been.

Anyways, I thought there were more Mirpuris in UK than in Pakistan. I don't see them come coming out in support of Pakistani stance on J&K. Where are the huge rallies?

Either you don’t know how to model a perception or you portray yourself to be naive. The way you build a perception in the movie was nothing but was taken as an opinion of one of the herbivorous brains and nothing else!!
Where the personal insults ?

Noone from India moves to Canada because poverty .What kind of stupidity is that ?
Khalistanis ,those were rich elite sikhs ,tried for separatism.
Real Indian Sikhs are here without any issue .But they are not rich ,they are common people.

Noone from India moves out to another country because of constant oppression majority of landlords ,raping of minority girls ,forced conversion etc.
Those who seeks refugee in India from Pakistan was suffered all of this .
So why they are here .
Of Course ,there is too much freedom in Pakistan that is why any Raymond Davis or Afghanis can come ,shit and go in Pakistan.
But in India once you took arms against nation, you are done .
Those who take refugees from India actually is elite , separatists .
Rest are economic migrants ,again for good life .

What tiger Zinda hai ?

Afghanis are there because you interfere in there ,Pakistanis is here because your majority tortured them.

Haha lmao. So your saying only rich elite from India, go to other countries and claim refugee status? With documents which Candian government verifies to grant refugee status? Any articles to support this absurd claim? there is absolutely no problems in India? Why would anyone want to leave their wonderful super power India and move to a poor country with a smaller GDP then India? Next time you make a claim like this i want to see a source. I couldn't careless about you opinion. So show me a source where is says only rich Elite sikhs from India go to other countries to claim refugee status?

So when Sikhs are committing suicide everyday out of hunger, moving to other countries to claim refugee status, Protest how they want a separate country. It's nothing? While few wealthy Bloch's start shit it's a legitimate movement? Mera kutta, kutta tumhare kutaa, tommy?

Another bs claim by you, The real Indian Sikhs are happy in India? I will prove you wrong with links of course as always. Care to explain the Punjabi farmers suicide? 1,309 Sikh committed suicide in 6 years, its on the rise. Thats 18 farmers dying of hunger everyday. Those are you common Real Sikh's of Punjab? The cause is clearly stated by Hindu times as "
Mounting debts"(Hunger) I rest my case.

constant oppression majority of landlords ,raping of minority girls ,forced conversion etc."

All of the above also exist in India as well. It's funny you included rape in there too, look who's talking haha I can prove it with links but you already know that. it's not like we are talking about U.S , it's India just another 3rd world country in Asia.


We let Raymond Davis slide because we are Allies with the US on War on terror.. We got Yadiv didn't we? After all your crying to the International courts and chest thumping by your media on how you were going get him released him.
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