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Pakistanis Happier

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If you want an honest answer, its because Pakistan isn't as populated & overpopulated as India, it doesn't have poverty, scams & other stuff on the same levels as India. There is better wealth distribution in Pakistan as compared to India. While there are all these problems in India, it also has to deal with the label of 'shining India' & the 'next superpower' by its own leaders, & the common Indian does not see what is this great 'shining India' in light of all the problems in the country. There are no such labels for Pakistan, Pakistanis face difficulties with optimism, & they find happiness in the smallest things in life. When Pakistan lost to India in the cricket semi finals, people lauded Afridi & called him a hero, & when he arrived back at the Karachi Airport, he was greeted with hugs, flowers, & Pakistani flags. That's the truth. If you guys want to keep hating Pakistan & maintaining your misconceptions about it, be my guest.
If you want an honest answer, its because Pakistan isn't as populated & overpopulated as India, it doesn't have poverty, scams & other stuff on the same levels as India. There is better wealth distribution in Pakistan as compared to India. While there are all these problems in India, it also has to deal with the label of 'shining India' & the 'next superpower' by its own leaders, & the common Indian does not see what is this great 'shining India' in light of all the problems in the country. There are no such labels for Pakistan, Pakistanis face difficulties with optimism, & they find happiness in the smallest things in life. When Pakistan lost to India in the cricket semi finals, people lauded Afridi & called him a hero, & when he arrived back at the Karachi Airport, he was greeted with hugs, flowers, & Pakistani flags. That's the truth. If you guys want to keep hating Pakistan & maintaining with your misconceptions about it, be my guest.

How do you explain chinease being so unhappy? Is it because of lack of political freedom? Definitely not due to poverty.
Pakistanis have big heart so they are happy .

Indians have small heart so we are less happy .

Plz donate us some part of u r heart :D
The reason could be because Indians, like Chinese, aspire for much higher than their present condition. They have much to look forward to a better future. Whereas some poor and troubled countries see a bleak future and try to resign themselves to their present situation.
For example: The north Koreans may be the happiest people because they are made to believe that they have the best lifestyle in the world and they have no idea how the rest of the world lives.
may be they didnt know the meaning of thriving..Chinese are not happy, Indians and BD are also not happy, what is with Pakistan that they are thriving

Yeah we are not from this planet that's why we don't know what it really means to be happy.
How do you explain chinease being so unhappy? Is it because of lack of political freedom? Definitely not due to poverty.

I believe a large population leads to large problems. While they do have a problem with poverty, its not on the same level of India. They also have a land area as compared to India, so its not as overpopulated & congested as India. I also believe political repression could be one of the causes for their unhappiness. Also, with the label of being 'a superpower' come huge expectations, & if you don't really meet them, then that is a huge cause for unhappiness too. China has also been cut off from most of the world for many years, & its only since its become an economic superpower that the whole world's attention has turned towards them. Could also be because of the one-child policy j/k j/k :D
It may also have to do with having had a lot more tough times than India..
compared to them.. we have been through crap.. hell etc.
so we are pretty used to it.. used to being disappointed.. used to seeing our neighbors do better.
So .. we are generally more happy and thankful with what we have.. and things arent that bad on the surface either..
unlike India where events like Mumbai stop their lives.. ours go on.
we arent scared of much anymore.. be it terrorism, natural disasters.. or economic collapse..
Zindagi ka saath nibhana is our motto.
The reason could be because Indians, like Chinese, aspire for much higher than their present condition. They have much to look forward to a better future. Whereas some poor and troubled countries see a bleak future and try to resign themselves to their present situation.
For example: The north Koreans may be the happiest people because they are made to believe that they have the best lifestyle in the world and they have no idea how the rest of the world lives.

Everyone aspires for a bright future. What makes you think that we don't aspire for a better future?
As you said I think this has more to do with our burgeoning Middle class and its aspirations than anything else. If you see both the poor and the extreme rich will be happy in their own way. It is the middle class which is not.

There is also a burgeoning middle class in Pakistan, but they're not as discontent as Indians. Also, how can you say the poor class in India is happy in their own way?
Everyone aspires for a bright future. What makes you think that we don't aspire for a better future?

The difference is the probability of converting that aspiration into reality.
If that probability is high and realistic, I'll try to work harder to achieve my goal, which will basically make me unhappy with the present situation.
If the probability is low, I'll try reconcile myself to my present lot and try to stay happy in it.
I wish a 100% Pakistanis say they are content at all times, blessing and calamity alike. Alike. That is the sign of a mu2min - the fortified person (among possible translations). If that happened, He who created them will ensure their deliverance by his own hand.

God I'm sounding like a Jehova's Witness! Let me just stop.
This survey will make a day for many pakistanis

Not really, unlike Indians Pakistanis don't need the approval of others to make them feel good about themselves. We couldn't care less what you think about us.
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