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Pakistanis, Disengage from all Indians on PDF!

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Butt hurt supremacists keep resorting to mocks ...

They are running like headless chickens on the thought of being ostracized on PDF. Once this proposal gains momentum non-Indians can have unlimited fun.

Agreed. Don't underestimate these Congress followers. They are much worse and dangerous. They are like the Democrats in the US. Backstab with a smile.

They are running like headless chickens on the thought of being ostracized on PDF. Once this proposal gains momentum non-Indians can have unlimited fun.

And yet they think that we are doing this because 'they humiliated us' ... the twisted arrogance and supremacy on display. They want to feel valued by us! Can't hack the fact that they are actually meaningless and worthless! Their reactions comes across as if their very existence has been challenged ...
I feel the thread is targeted at u n othr sweet talkers,,, the usual anythngfor2dollarmore dimwits r intellectually incapable to confront u,,,,,,, so they congregate with like minded specially abled fraands n discuss strategies to avoid loss of face,,,,,, plus it's a proud display tht inspite of living in "evil west" for money n worldly comforts,,How very patriotic momins they r,,,atleast ON INTERNET.
So just get out of the thread n let us little people get our chuckles. :D

We must self-segregate in own named forum coz we couldn't get our way to our hearts desire (with powers that be) no matter how hard we tried (again and again) to get them to permaban all the baddy daddy indians especially the reallllly bad ones (that don't fit cleanly into the sanghi mold like we assert, thus making their nuance so much more evil!!!). REEEEEEEEE!

Its just an extreme spoiled brat complex....and its fun to see much larger group of Pakistanis (and members of forum at large) ridicule this lot (directly and even better indirectly)...lmao. Even more fun will be knowing their continued searing given this open declaration of what upsets them....simply continuing and boldly continuing...like clockwork.

Some people just don't age mentally much after 15 years old, its kind of sad. They inevitably take themselves way too seriously (as though they effect anything in real world about the projecting fantasies they develop for whatever psychological predilection/void they are in). It's the root of the problem....the stark dissonance of reality hurts the inner narcissism you see...they must be kept as separate and compartmentalised as can be.

The insulation developed from years of all of this is simply deployed here. It is very logical natural thing for these kind of people in every larger group you find them in....in the needs of retaining functionality among the group in real world. The anonymous virtual world just offers them a more brazen route so it expresses in a somewhat much more polarizing manner with time....since functionality is not really a prime consideration anymore. Lets hope for their sake it all merely borders on the sociopath realm and doesn't enter there.
And yet they think that we are doing this because 'they humiliated us' ... the twisted arrogance and supremacy on display. They want to feel valued by us! Can't hack the fact that they are actually meaningless and worthless! Their reactions comes across as if their very existence has been challenged ...

Let them burn. Isolation is the best form of punishment.
And yet they think that we are doing this because 'they humiliated us' ... the twisted arrogance and supremacy on display. They want to feel valued by us! Can't hack the fact that they are actually meaningless and worthless! Their reactions comes across as if their very existence has been challenged ...

Personally I've reached that stage where I would rather have discourse with an orangutan or Chimpanzee at Regents Park Zoo in London than with an indian. Would be far more productive. Too bad London Zoo is closed at the moment due to Covid-19.

Forgive me for being seriously OFF TOPIC:


But does anyone have the latest news on the progress of the development of the Chinese built engines for 4th and 5th generation fighter Jets? I think they're called WS-13 engines. The ones that will be used on the JF-17 Block 3 versions. Can't find the thread and there is not much out there on the net.
Personally I've reached that stage where I would rather have discourse with an orangutan or Chimpanzee at Regents Park Zoo in London than with an indian. Would be far more productive. Too bad London Zoo is closed at the moment due to Covid-19.

With all the extra time freed from debating the same useless points with thick headed trolls, we can utilize that time effectively to push forward the Pakistani narrative and post threads on Ancient Pakistani History, Islamic Pakistan History and Poetry, Cultural heritage of Pakistan, Thought of Allama Iqbal, Partition and the struggle of Quaid e Azam, and the Direction in which Pakistan is headed in the future under Imran Khan and afterwards.
With all the extra time freed from debating the same useless points with thick headed trolls, we can utilize that time effectively to push forward the Pakistani narrative and post threads on Ancient Pakistani History, Islamic Pakistan History and Poetry, Cultural heritage of Pakistan, Thought of Allama Iqbal, Partition and the struggle of Quaid e Azam, and the Direction in which Pakistan is headed in the future under Imran Khan and afterwards.

Excellent suggestion. There is great need to increase Pakistani content on this forum.
Its just an extreme spoiled brat complex....and its fun to see much larger group of Pakistanis (and members of forum at large) ridicule this lot (directly and even better indirectly)...lmao. Even more fun will be knowing their continued searing given this open declaration of what upsets them....simply continuing and boldly continuing...like clockwork.

Sometimes silence speaks louder than shouted words. :D
It is about time we Pakistanis do something about the Supremacist Indians infesting PDF, and that we must do without breaking the forum rules.

Proposal/request is simple:

Stop all engagement and dialogue with Indians

Ignoring these supremacists is the 'best' thing you can do to them. They absolutely hate being ignored, it makes their blood boil. So stop all engagement, this includes quoting and replying to them.

Post whatever you want to post on the topic, but without quoting them. Report every single derailment, report every single abuse, have their propaganda threads shut down, just do not engage directly.

The so-called seculars of them are the most dangerous, far more dangerous than the open fascists. They will go for brownie points by saying the things we sometimes like to hear/read, do not fall for such traps. None that I have come across here have good intentions towards us, no matter how much they claim otherwise. They will even make up stories of how they have so many Pakistani friends who they get on so well with and whatnot including how their Pakistani friends understand them and that the Pakistanis on PDF do not.

Gandhiites, Nehruiites, Modiites - whatever shape and form they come, they are all the SAME! Fascists to the core!

There is absolutely no need for any dialogues with them - nothing new &/or positive will come from them. Echo Chamber won't apply - they can't help by being here, they are addicted so no need to worry about echo chamber problem! They want the dialogue, they may even beg for it, just do not comply. They manipulate by sucking in with sweeteners and then turning us towards or accepting their way - and for that weapon to be effective they need us to engage.

Keep reminding Pakistani members in threads to stop engaging these supremacists.

Aman Ka Tamasha is history. They are open and declared enemy, and they should be treated as one!

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Musings @Ace of Spades @masterchief_mirza @Mangus Ortus Novem @omegalamba7XL9
please tag others.
I totally disagree, in fact on the contrary we should act against troll but we should all other Indians and invite them on this forum.
I totally disagree, in fact on the contrary we should act against troll but we should all other Indians and invite them on this forum.

Can we make a list of Indians who do not troll on PDF?
But does anyone have the latest news on the progress of the development of the Chinese built engines for 4th and 5th generation fighter Jets? I think they're called WS-13 engines. The ones that will be used on the JF-17 Block 3 versions. Can't find the thread and there is not much out there on the net.

The only one i'm aware of is the WS-13IPE but i don't know if it will be used for Block 3, i thought they would stick with the RD-93
With all the extra time freed from debating the same useless points with thick headed trolls, we can utilize that time effectively to push forward the Pakistani narrative and post threads on Ancient Pakistani History, Islamic Pakistan History and Poetry, Cultural heritage of Pakistan, Thought of Allama Iqbal, Partition and the struggle of Quaid e Azam, and the Direction in which Pakistan is headed in the future under Imran Khan and afterwards.


The next stage in our journey should be to educate our people about Pakistani history and heritage so that they develop a better sense of self and identity. They become more responsible and nationalistic aswell. Two countries that have done this really well are the Egyptians and Iranians. Even Afghans have a better understanding of their identity and heritage than we do of ours. Problem with us Pakistanis is that we are too nice to outsiders but neglect ourselves. South American people have this problem too.

The only one i'm aware of is the WS-13IPE but i don't know if it will be used for Block 3, i thought they would stick with the RD-93

Thanks for the update. Any idea of the progress of the development of WS-13IPE?
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