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Pakistanis becoming less Anti-Indian, but do Indians reciprocate?

Pakistan’s animosity reducing, India needs to change attitude: Indian lawmaker – The Express Tribune

WASHINGTON: A senior lawmaker from India’s ruling Congress party said Monday that Pakistan’s historic animosity toward New Delhi was fading and called for his country to change its own attitudes.
Mani Shankar Aiyar, a diplomat turned politician known for his dovish views, said he saw a shift as Pakistanis who remember the subcontinent’s partition in 1947 – and defined their identity accordingly –grew older.
Aiyar, speaking on a visit to Washington, said that Pakistanis had increasingly suffered themselves from violence by extremists and that the neighbouring country had economic and cultural interests in better ties.
“The visceral anti-Indianism of a previous generation is almost out of the picture now and will be totally out of the picture about the time that they lower me into the grave,” Aiyar, 72, said at the Atlantic Council think tank.
Aiyar said that “nothing similar has happened in India,” which has fought three full-fledged wars against its neighbor since independence.
“There is a kind of clinging to the belief that since the Pakistanis have been hostile in the past, they are necessarily hostile now, and therefore Indians should behave like housewives who heard on the radio that a convict has escaped for the nearby jail and start putting up more and more barricades.”
His optimism comes despite concerns by India and the United States over extremist groups in Pakistan such as Lashkar-e-Taiba, which investigators blamed for the November 2008 siege of Mumbai that killed 166 people.
Aiyar, who was close to slain former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi, said that India should pursue “uninterrupted and uninterruptible” dialogue with Pakistan to deprive extremists of one perceived benefit of launching attacks.
Aiyar praised overtures by Pakistan’s incoming prime minister Nawaz Sharif, while conceding that Sharif’s record on anti-India violence “is not a very happy one” during his previous two stints in office.
But Aiyar said that Sharif apparently believed that building a better relationship with India “will pay him huge domestic political dividends.”
Sharif likely sees “that the best way of doing this is not to take the Lashkar-e-Taiba on absolutely upfront, but to try and restrain them” and stop support to the group from within the Pakistani state, Aiyar said.

Though I do not agree with phraseology of Mr. Aiyar, but I have certainly felt the same over the past few years. His observations about some reactionary Indians are spot on. I have noticed the same on various forums and websites. Peaceniks among Indians seem either a minority or a silent majority.

I would like to invite opinions from fellow forum members who actually live in India and are in touch with the popular mood. @Ayush, @KRAIT, @orion Hunter, etc.... Pls contribute and ask others to comment.

well many shankar can remain in his wonder land but we Indians cant & will never change owr attitude towards pakistan as of a untrust worthy and highly adventurous and anty India & anty Hindu Nation who will back stab us as it it did in 1999 after lahore bus yatra episode when Atalji went there with similar positive intentions and pakistanies still belave one day there will be a Gazwaa e Hind and pakistan will hoist the pakistani falg on red fort of New Delhi

And as they Say Dosti aur dushmani Barabar walon me hoti hai

we indians would love to have a intellegent foe like china than having a back stabbing/stupid friend like pakistan
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Bhai aap ki kami thi, so woh bhi poori ho gaI.

If you have nothing positive to say, then why open your mouth? Arrogance is not a positive quality.

Let us leave this topic for now. I have confirmed my observation with a small sample of Indians on PDF. Mani Shankar Aiyar is onto something after all.

Thanks to those who showed empathy and flexibility. As for others, whatever you say, we are not backing down either. Arrogance vs. defiance. That is India vs. Pakistan as far as I can see. Good for South Asia.
Let me put things in less arrogant words then.

Pakistan has decided to reconsider ties with india because over the last two decades india has changed and progressed.

Has Pakistan progressed such that would make india and Indians reconsider their views on Pakistan?
Will Pakistan still be 'friendly' to India when their war in their Western Border settles down and their economy improves.
I hope you realize that no dam can store more than its design limit. To starve Pakistan would take more than a dam and would bring war. Implications and consequences.

Now time has come for India to pay back Pakistan in kind by slowly limiting the flow of Indus waters in peak season .

Pakistan's immediate response would be sporadic terror attack all over country especially in Kashmir. And Indian response would be immediate deployment of troops across border. This deployment would hardly be any constraint to Indian economy but counter deployment by PA would drain already dying Pak economy.

The demise of Pakistan is very necessary since it is only trigger that would make IM realise Islam is not for them and and their destiny lies with Hinduism.
Is the RSS is involved or implicated in any act within Pakistan? No?? I thought not!

Sry....you dont get to choose the boundary,perimeters and standards on who is classed as a threat and who is not........so what if the RSS has not had the chance to attack pakistan, it has killed pakistanis on the samjohta express.
Just as long the LeT kill indians outside india its okay is it?

Neither of that is in the territory controlled by you. No one in the rest of the world will draw that equivalence.

Kashmir is a part of pakistan......you have invaded kashmir and are are killing our citizens......we have every right to bring it up.
Will Pakistan still be 'friendly' to India when their war in their Western Border settles down and their economy improves.

This is what WKK brigade wants us to think. But given Nawaz's Jihaadiii ties and with some very credible stories of him being fully aware of Kargil makes me think , Pakistani elite just want to bring a level normalcy in Pakistan and then they would be back to their usual.

Peace with India would be great Pak economy and 10-15 years of good economic growth would mean that Pakistani underclass would be better empowered and economically more prosperous and they would ultimately start questioning why whole feudal system of Pakistani society and this would certainly not go down well Nawaz and PA who are the major part of this Pak Feudal gang who controls Pakistani society.

It would be stupid to expect this more empowered and educated Pak underclass would be any less hostile to India compared to its predecessors. Hatred for India\Hindu is ingrained in their DNA and For example look at the Saudis who never had any strained relations with India but still these folks from middle east hate Hindus and Bollywood with Khan brigade at its helm though has had its calming effect to their attitudes towards India.

Nawaz and his gang would want illiterate and poor citizenry whom they can easily control and a underclass that wouldn't question the whole structure of Pak society. Roboust Pak economy would mean a strong PA which wouldn't necessarily depend on substandard Chinese weaponry and do you think British would even blink if Pak would ask them to sell a couple of squadrons of their Typhoons.

For India it is better to have hostile poor Pakistan than a Hostile prosperous Pakistan. Prosperous Pakistan would also challenge India for FDI and owing to ballooning population and its proximity to oil rich nation and easy availability of saudi credit . Pakistan can easily transform itself into a major manufacturing hub and And just as Saudis it would also become a major source of encouragement and patronage for IM which only make them more assertive and our goal of making IM come back to dharmic fold would never be fulfilled.

Last time IM became assertive country was partitioned and millions of Hindus were butchered and raped.
And at time of kargil there was plenty of structure , then how come you kept getting uninterrupted water ???
And it is stupid to expect that there were no dams at time of 71 and 65 wars.

why dont you check...

The Indian government`s project update revealed that about 33 billion Indian rupees sanctioned for the 330MW Kishanganga project on Jhelum river in January last year had been increased to Rs37 billion. “Work has restarted after settlement of outstanding issues. The project is expected to be completed by January 2016

The first phase of the Baglihar Dam was completed in 2004. With the second phase completed on 10 October 2008, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India dedicated the 900-MW Baglihar hydroelectric power project to the nation.

Just two quick examples.......india could not stop the water because it did not have the infrastructure.
Please stop raising this false herring of "india has never stopped kashmir water"......its because at the moment, you are not capable at the moment of doing that, in the near future india will have the infrastructure to stop the water and then we will see what you do.

An outfit responsible for ghastly attacks like 26\11 and attack on Indian parliament is being equated with RSS.
Could you kindly tell for which terrorist attack you hold RSS responsible for ?

10 accused in blast cases have RSS links
10 accused in blast cases have RSS links: R.K. Singh | The Hindu

Long list but i think i will let you check wiki to give you a start.
Saffron terror - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Samjhauta Express bombing

2008 Malegaon blasts

Mecca Masjid bombing
I don;t support blocking of water.

Not good to play with nature.
I don;t support blocking of water.

Not good to play with nature.

well i do when we get bad name and hate for what we have not done then why not do it and enjoy it to most and make owr people more prospourus than wasting it to those who are still greedy and unthanksfull
well i do when we get bad name and hate for what we have not done then why not do it and enjoy it to most and make owr people more prospourus than wasting it to those who are still greedy and unthanksfull

At the end of the day, nobody can beat nature.

Nature will always win.
Normal citizen in India is anti- ISI and PA not civil republic of pakistan.

If there is no terrorism, we don't have any grudges with anyone.

Off coarse

On Topic> I am afraid the opinions of common citizens don't matter much in Pakistan, when it comes to Pak's India policy

The trust deficit will continue between both governments
At the end of the day, nobody can beat nature.

Nature will always win.

well nature dint made the boundries men did and he is and will be responsible and controls the bounty of nature who has the capabilty to do so
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