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Pakistanis angry at Afghans for building fort on ridgeline between two countries


They can't attack Pakistan... P Not to mention that we have one of the best militaries in the world! I am pretty sure that the Americans are smarter than what you give them credit for. A fight with Pakistan would destroy them...

America has too many things to worry about, like their economy and the fact that they have two wars going on already! They need Pakistan, and want to keep us as an ally!

The only way they can fight us is through proxies like the TTP and BLA! As well as their corrupt media!

The reason why they got rid of Musharraf (although I didn't like him anyways, but hes better than what we have now) in the first place, and established a puppet like Zardari, was to keep this so called friendship going!

They know we have an advantage over them, and they don't want us to use it!

A fight with Pakistan would destroy them...:hitwall:
US is our Ally and friend in War against extremism, US has very huge contribution in our defense, Why they will fight with us?
I can't understand that why religious people see US as enemy?

America has too many things to worry about, like their economy and the fact that they have two wars going on already! They need Pakistan, and want to keep us as an ally!

Pakistan has too too too too many things to worry, Pakistan need US for our defense and our economy.

They know we have an advantage over them
What advantage we have over them? :what:

US is our Ally and friend in War against extremism,

Ohh really, so ally attack each other?

btw we are not there ally, we are forced in this mess, "either you are with us, or against us!!" we are just the victim of US's war on terror, as Afghanistan and iraq are.

May be they are in problems, and can't open up a new combat, but this wont change the fact the mess in FATA and Swat is created by them, which shows its effect throughout the country... And also, when they become free from other issue, they will be back on same stance.
I love this, the Afghanis can build a god-damn fort on the border, and we're still pussy-footing on the issue of building a stupid fence!
Haha, what a bunch of jokers they are!

First these Afghans refuse to build a fence across the border to stop these terrorists, now they want a fort on the border... Ridiculous!

Pakistan needs an aggressive foreign policy that lets these guys know who is in charge!

We all know that the US can't afford a war if we decided to block their supplies... If they don't listen to our demands simply block their supplies until they obey!

The fact is that the Americans need us, not the other way around... We must stop the building of this fort on the border!

Americans are smarter then our imaginations , they have now alternate route from Russia.:woot:
I have to wonder whether the objective behind pushing for a fence agreed to by both sides (Afghan and Pakistan) is more of an attempt by Pakistan to get the GoA to recognize the finality of the Durand (you can't construct a fence bilaterally without agreeing on the border that has to be fenced), and less so about the tangible benefits in terms of reducing cross-border movement.

If nothing else, the shiftiness of Kabul on the Durand issue does not indicate any level of sincerity or desire for a friendly long term relationship with Pakistan.

I still don't understand why the 'do more brigade' (that has no issues about lecturing the GoP on the 'abdication' of its responsibilities), cannot issue direct statements to Kabul, and exert pressure on it, over how unhelpful its position vis a vis the Durand is for regional stability.
Americans are smarter then our imaginations , they have now alternate route from Russia.:woot:

Regardless, what would the Yanks do if we bombed that fort tomorrow?

Its not like they aren't aware of the border tensions and how provocative that particular Afghan action is.
Majority of Pakistanis are convinced that Al-Qaida and Talib are not just enemies of Pakistan but that they are an immediate and existential threat to Pakistan - neither Afghanistan nor U.S are enemies nor are they existential threats to Pakistan.

Once Pakistan has destroyed the Al-Qaida and Talib and begins to consolidate it's military success by initiating structural and politcal reforms in the insurgency effected areas and thereby asserting it's authority and determination to control, the U.S presence will cease being meaningful as a potential threat and Afghan penchant for intrigue can be met with Pakistani economic imperatives.

But first things first, lets do the necessary and rid our society of the idea that Islam is militancy or that it is a utopian political ideology instead of Faith in God - once we have eradicated the ideas and the movements animated by such vile ideas, no one, no power on earth can hope to threaten Pakistan, let alone, some idiots in Kabul.

It's our percieved unwillingness, our percieved lack of determination and ability to prevail that scares others and allows some to have silly thoughts about Pakistan being a push over. These perceptions can be changed, lets change them by demonstrating our determination to eradicate the Al-Qaida/Talib combine and their enablers in the politcal realm.
Majority of Pakistanis are convinced that Al-Qaida and Talib are not just enemies of Pakistan but that they are an immediate and existential threat to Pakistan - neither Afghanistan nor U.S are enemies nor are they existential threats to Pakistan.

Once Pakistan has destroyed the Al-Qaida and Talib and begins to consolidate it's military success by initiating structural and politcal reforms in the insurgency effected areas and thereby asserting it's authority and determination to control, the U.S presence will cease being meaningful as a potential threat and Afghan penchant for intrigue can be met with Pakistani economic imperatives.

But first things first, lets do the necessary and rid our society of the idea that Islam is militancy or that it is a utopian political ideology instead of Faith in God - once we have eradicated the ideas and the movements animated by such vile ideas, no one, no power on earth can hope to threaten Pakistan, let alone, some idiots in Kabul.

It's our percieved unwillingness, our percieved lack of determination and ability to prevail that scares others and allows some to have silly thoughts about Pakistan being a push over. These perceptions can be changed, lets change them by demonstrating our determination to eradicate the Al-Qaida/Talib combine and their enablers in the politcal realm.

Valid point - hostility with Afghanistan, even without Afghanistan posing a direct military threat to Pakistan currently, would distract from the immediate existential threat from extremism to Pakistan, and would therefore be very counter productive.

Looked at this way, Zardari's ostensible decision to not inflame the Afghan-Pakistan relationship is a pragmatic one.

Nonetheless, it does not excuse the behavior of the Afghans on the Durand and the implications of that position on how they perceive Pakistan - nor does it excuse the muted position of the 'Do more brigade' on an issue that has significant regional stability implications, who just can't shut up when lecturing Pakistan.
why is this bad thing ? now that they're building something on the border we should take this opportunity and say if they can build a fort then pakistan can build something too and we will take this as the green light to build the fence and then mine the whole thing too.
Nonetheless, it does not excuse the behavior of the Afghans on the Durand and the implications of that position on how they perceive Pakistan - nor does it excuse the muted position of the 'Do more brigade' on an issue that has significant regional stability implications, who just can't shut up when lecturing Pakistan.


Pakistanis mispercieve what the "do more" is about -- Serious observers and policy makers in the Non-Pakistan world are reacting to "What ifs" -- They know Pakistan is too big and too important to ever be allowed to "go south" and they don't want to have to deal with these "what ifs" - Pakistanis feed these fears when instead of seeing these "do more" as an expression of fears, react with charcteristic "defiance" - this not only confuses these policy makers, it gives those who imagine they are our enemies, ammunition to argue that Pakistan are not the solution but the problem.

Afghans in kabul are a nuissance, they seek to solve their internal problems by making them "external" problems (read Durand line) - it nothing but sillyness, but it can become a serious problem unless Pakistan demonstrates it is neither a push over nor clueless and that Pakistan want to focus on the economic uplift of it's peoples.
Afghans are idiots
their survival depands upon us

close the transit trade and they will die with hunger
Regardless, what would the Yanks do if we bombed that fort tomorrow?

yeah right, our government don't even speak up against them, can't do anything to stop US for attacking in pakistan, and you are saying they will attack afghan's fort? which is other side of the boarder?

Its not like they aren't aware of the border tensions and how provocative that particular Afghan action is.

ohh dear, we still expect something good from Americans, and united front...who have shown enough aggression against pakistan, pakistan's intelligence & pak army
Afghans in kabul are a nuissance, they seek to solve their internal problems by making them "external" problems (read Durand line) - it nothing but sillyness, but it can become a serious problem unless Pakistan demonstrates it is neither a push over nor clueless and that Pakistan want to focus on the economic uplift of it's peoples.

Actually there have been numerous clashes over the Durand because of disputes or misunderstandings (or both) over outposts and ridges and Pakistan's FC has almost always come out on top (unsurprisingly). I say we need to focus on the ball right now, which is the likes of Fazrullah and Betullah and undo all the harm they have done. But we need to keep an eye on these sorts of developments too and deal with them if and when possible. We need to use them in the domestic PR scene as well as to strengthen our diplomatic position abroad. We can't let the Afghans think that they can get away with anything because Chaca Sam is helping run their country.
I very much agree with you and would point out that the "UnKil" was not born yesterday, he knows what is what -- What we have to do is first demonstrate that we are determined to keep our house clean and that we make good partners, if we our would be interlocutors are open and know what they want.

Ask someone, a US policy maker or serviceman, what the endgame in Afghnaistan is - see what kind of answer you get and you will judge for yourself -- The game is a piece of the economic pie and the "Unkil" is alone and can use the help - we can help and Unkil can help us.
Afghanistan should simply make a Fort on their side of the border and save us all from further tension, simple as that. The have enough land on their side of the border and they could quite easily put a Fort on their side of the border, and I doubt Pakistan would raise objections to it.

Kabul is in no position to be dictating terms to Pakistan.
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