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Pakistani youth take spouse visa route to success

Fake marriages are quite common here and all do it - Russians, East Europeans, Arabs and South Asians. On the marriage visa, the government here changes rules here every now and then to safeguard against new scams.

I personally know people here who got into trouble bringing a boy or girl here from Pakistan. The marriages are usually for visas and there have been instances where boy or girl landed here and disappeared!

when we were looking for a rishta for our younger sister and as soon they knew she was Canadian citizen, the tone would inevitably change and they would ask how long will it take for their son to get there? Some would even say - we have no problem, you can make him your 'beta'.

A friend here who is from Pakistan married a girl whom he loved. He thought she loved him too. But there were frictions between them and she had made it obvious that she was here only for the citizenship and as soon as she had it, she left him on the next flight to Karachi. She then took the divorce and married the man she actually wanted to. She is back in Canada. I cant tell you through which hell my friend had gone through emotionally. This is an actual story, no exaggeration here.

The values in Pakistan have changed. The love element in marriages when it comes to marrying expat is gone. Its the visa thats the currency. It has become a hell hole and everyone who could get an opportunity will leave. What has expats go to do with it?

I dont want to blame anyone for this, but Pakistanis will have to see their future tied with future of Pakistan and currently thats not the case.

When was 'love' ever involved? Arranged marriages in our culture have always been about conforming to societal norms, 'protecting one's honour', doing everything the "Islamic" way, and getting some financial benefit i.e a woman getting married off to a man with good qualifications, businesses, or contacts. I can't help but think most marriages in our culture are sham marriages where the bride and groom get married just for the sake of it, and simple because it is expected of them.

Even here in the UK, the number of Pakistanis getting arranged marriages is shockingly high, especially with 1st or 2nd cousins. There will always be this problem of fake marriages when Pakistani expat look to find a "partner" from back home. The best solution is to liberalise our culture and allow Pakistanis to date, which is still a big taboo, and marry whoever the hell they want, again a taboo if the person happens not to be a Pakistani or a muslim. Enough of these arranged marriages.
You dont need to marry anybody if you are a weirdo odd ball..
You get immigration anyway..
Gay,Crosdressers,Transgenders,Shemales..these weirdos get Priority on the immigration ladder in USA and Europe..
If you are a measly scientist,Doctor,Teacher,Engineer..you should wain at the back of the line.

Btw..asking personal questions specially those aimed at insulting others isnt right..
Shows your own stupidity.

So what you are saying is that he didn't have to marry anyone?

Indeed very sad..because I personally know two girls who suffered this ****..They have not yet recovered.
Many of those guys abuse them mentally and physically when they get the green card/permit. The innocent girls prefer to stay silent and at most they ask for divorce.

This problem occurs mainly with conservative girls in arranged marriage mostly with cousins.

Plus 1 - My friend she is also recovering from a bad relationship with a Pakistani individual, who came on student visa, bunked classes so much that he was revoked from university and deported back to Pakistan. Mind you he comes from a wealthy family in Punjab province. He then blackmailed her to come on spouse visa, relationship broke up as he was her forcing to take up Islam and things went pear shape and she withdrew her sponsorship for a spouse visa.

He then begged with immigration tribunal, is now on a bridging visa, applying for refugee Visa, which has also been rejected based on failing the character test. What do you think he will do now? you guessed he is contesting the department of immigration decision on why they had declined a refugee visa.

so i know first hand that issues like these persists, so you guys cant dismiss it off instantly saying "all is well" the fact of the matter is, the truth is far from what it seems.

this is a true story.
When was 'love' ever involved? Arranged marriages in our culture have always been about conforming to societal norms, 'protecting one's honour', doing everything the "Islamic" way, and getting some financial benefit i.e a woman getting married off to a man with good qualifications, businesses, or contacts. I can't help but think most marriages in our culture are sham marriages where the bride and groom get married just for the sake of it, and simple because it is expected of them.

Even here in the UK, the number of Pakistanis getting arranged marriages is shockingly high, especially with 1st or 2nd cousins. There will always be this problem of fake marriages when Pakistani expat look to find a "partner" from back home. The best solution is to liberalise our culture and allow Pakistanis to date, which is still a big taboo, and marry whoever the hell they want, again a taboo if the person happens not to be a Pakistani or a muslim. Enough of these arranged marriages.

Love can blossom in an arranged marriage.

By liberalising the culture and allowing free dating (not that it doesn't occur now) you are going contrary to the tenets of islam, couples will inevitably have pre marital sex etc. Whole concept of izzat etc. Dating etc is rampant but undercover, love marriages are on the increase.

If you are up for so much liberalisation can you please send me your daughters, sister or cousins phone number as i am a young male looking for some dating. LOL
So there was some talk about the "exemplary" behaviour of expats... if Pakistanis are welcomed by other nations with both arms, then why are people resorting to such desperate measures? :blink:

Clearly, the image created by Pakistanis abroad is less than exemplary...

Pakistani youth take spouse visa route to success | DAWN.COM

Young, old, fat, short, tall, fair, dark, smart, intelligent, caring – it doesn’t matter for young Pakistani men seeking prospective brides as a shortcut exit overseas. The only criterion is that you must hold a foreign passport and be able to financially support yourself as a young woman because this type of man isn’t in it for the long run.

Simple, innocent and conservative overseas-born or raised Pakistani girls are an easy target for these men. Most Pakistani families living abroad raise their children in a sheltered and protective environment, where they try to maintain their traditional ties with their native country and expect the same respect in return.

Marriage is a sacred union. Majority of overseas Pakistanis and respectable families in Pakistan cherish this system, adhering to the values and upholding the sacred union. However, seeing the latest matrimonial advertisements in the leading Pakistani national newspapers and online websites, marriage has become a business agreement. A culturally arranged marriage has become rather a business deal, where the groom needs to chalk out a business plan, conduct a SWOT analysis and check their return on investment.

It’s not only Pakistani men but also Pakistani women that are being married to foreign-passport-holding Pakistani men regardless of checking their compatibility, education, personality, age and long-term commitment, just to secure a better life for their family back home.

Frustrated by the economic and political instability and limited opportunities within their own country, Pakistani men and women are seeking refuge in other countries through any means. According to a British Higher Education Statistics Agency report, Pakistan accounts for 54 per cent of UK’s (non-EU) international students. In 2009-2012 there were over 9, 815 Pakistani students enrolled in higher education institutes. Furthermore, popular countries such as Canada, North America, several North European countries, including Sweden and Finland are attracting thousands of Pakistani students to their universities. More than 8, 458 Pakistani students studied in Australia in 2009-2010, increase of 11.4 per cent over 2008-2009.

Unless there is financial backing, life is tough for these Pakistani students overseas. Expensive college/university tuition fees, low-wages, odd jobs and unstable living conditions lead them to resentment and bitterness towards their country of stay. Moreover, they become opportunistic individuals that are willing to compromise and deceive others in order for them to gain permanent residency. An easy shortcut solution is to marry a local citizen.

The Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) recently stated that there are a record number of fraudulent weddings and spouse claims being made by visa cheats in order to gain entry in the county and obtain Australian-citizenship.

According to the Herald Sun special DIAC report (August, 2012) more than 1,300 overseas-born partners have been sent packing in the past four years after their relationships with Australian residents and citizens were exposed as lies – 406, or eight a week, in the past year alone. Four in 10 partner visa applications came from foreigners already in the country on student, work or holiday visas in the past year, and they were most often rejected.

In New Zealand, nearly 500 people were turned away by immigration officers in the previous financial year after claiming to be in a long-term and stable relationship with New Zealanders.

Increasing number of statistics of Pakistani men involved in polygamous marriages and unregistered marriages in Pakistan is alarming; this is where Pakistani men have married foreign-residents despite being in relationship with women and having wives back home. They are not only spoiling the lives of innocent women in Pakistan for their self-vested interest abroad but leaving a social stigma for both these women residing abroad and in Pakistan.

According to a BBC report, Pakistani woman, Dr Zabina Shahain married a well-known man Mr Pervez Choudhry, former Conservative party leader residing in United Kingdom, who did not disclose but was still married. He did not realise that marriage in Pakistan was legally valid in the UK and was given a community order after admitting bigamy.

Similar cases are now emerging among young Pakistani men overseas that are taking part in dual marriages without disclosing information to their prospective spouses. Once these men secure their permanent visas, and achieve their goals they take the exit route. Left behind, are distraught and mentally disturbed women that have no option but to either stay due to family commitments or face social challenges if they leave them behind.

Common signs that Pakistani families need to be cautious of when assessing prospective spouses for their dear ones is to have a thorough background check, assess their emotional involvement towards their spouse to-be, disclosing of personal information and whereabouts and be wary of excessive blandishment.

A time where Pakistan already faces political, economic and social challenges domestically and in the international arena, the country cannot afford individuals to further damage its image.

Sarwat Hassan is an Australia-based journalist, educationist, writer and community representative.

This explains how RazPak came to America :D
relationship broke up as he forcing to take up Islam and she withdrew her sponsorship for a spouse visa.

He then begged with immigration tribunal, is now on a bridging visa, applying for refugee Visa, which has also been rejected based on failing the character test. What do you think he will do now? you guessed he is contesting the department of immigration decision on why they decline a refugee visa.

so i know first hand that issue like these persists, so you guys cant dismiss it off instantly saying "all is well" the fact of the matter is the truth is far from what it seems.

this is a true story.

Firstly there can't be any compulsion in making anyone adhere to islam so forcing someone to islam can't happen as they won't be a muslim.

secondly there is no such thing as refugee visa in the UK. You probably meant he is applying for asylum. So you chatting gibberish here. So not a true story
that is the result your idiotic leader and the Taliban who rule your country = Square root of being a state which harbors and sponsors terror.

you only have yourself to blame for that.

He lives in the US of A.

Elmo... What did you do for the floods? I bet jack sh1t

Way more than that what you outlined there ;)

Nobody is judging your patriotism, or rather lack of it, my question was, if the image is so exemplary then why do men who should be able to find decent employment in foreign countries using sham marriages as a way out?

desi Parents overseas with ugly children should avoid marrying them with good looking individuals.

Now dude... that was too much.

After all these year here on the forum, and your obsession with looks, we ALL want to see how you look!
Actually p4pakistan... don't say anything... from what you wrote in post number 41 here to post number 50, you have given a fine display of what expats are like in building the image for Pakistan.

Kudos... a job well done!


(sarcasm intended entirely...)
Firstly there can't be any compulsion in making anyone adhere to islam so forcing someone to islam can't happen as they won't be a muslim.

secondly there is no such thing as refugee visa in the UK. You probably meant he is applying for asylum. So you chatting gibberish here. So not a true story

Firstly there can't be any compulsion in making anyone adhere to islam so forcing someone to islam can't happen as they won't be a muslim.

secondly there is no such thing as refugee visa in the UK. You probably meant he is applying for asylum. So you chatting gibberish here. So not a true story

Applying for Asylum - has its own paper's in AUS, Protection visa (Class XA) (Subclass 866)

Onshore – Protection

i am not talking Gibberish, i am talking to someone who represents the the face of DENIAL all too well, do some research before you discard my comments you stubborn ostrich, and get your head out of the sand.
Love can blossom in an arranged marriage.

By liberalising the culture and allowing free dating (not that it doesn't occur now) you are going contrary to the tenets of islam, couples will inevitably have pre marital sex etc. Whole concept of izzat etc. Dating etc is rampant but undercover, love marriages are on the increase.

If you are up for so much liberalisation can you please send me your daughters, sister or cousins phone number as i am a young male looking for some dating. LOL
What is wrong with dating. What is so glorious about having sex with a stranger after giving party to others.
And no, nobody needs to send anybody for dating, it is free choice. Applies to your sister as well as mine. (and you and me too)
I dont want to comment about tenets of islam, I would rather argue about morality or ethics of an action than try to prove it is islamic or not (next thing we know we will be posting random verses)
Love can blossom in an arranged marriage.

By liberalising the culture and allowing free dating (not that it doesn't occur now) you are going contrary to the tenets of islam, couples will inevitably have pre marital sex etc. Whole concept of izzat etc. Dating etc is rampant but undercover, love marriages are on the increase.

Yes it does go against Islam but regardless many people don't care. A religion trying to suppress natural desires was never going to work.

The concept of "izzat" is a farce. Families still stick on to their "izzat", contrary to their children's happiness due to their own selfishness - that is abiding by the social norms and religion(s). God forbid if a relative finds out about one's own son or daughter dating, or even worse, angering God. :)

If you are up for so much liberalisation can you please send me your daughters, sister or cousins phone number as i am a young male looking for some dating. LOL

If thats what you want, you'd be better off getting off your backside and making some effort yourself, instead of relying on mummy or daddy to find a rishta sometime in the future.

And I'm not an insecure chauvinist who find it necessary to look over my sister's shoulders 24/7. It their life to live and not mine to control. :coffee:
I dont want to blame anyone for this, but Pakistanis will have to see their future tied with future of Pakistan and currently thats not the case.

That is true. The answer to the question posed is clearly given in the 5th paragraph of the article:

.............Frustrated by the economic and political instability and limited opportunities within their own country, Pakistani men and women are seeking refuge in other countries through any means............

Ample opportunities created by economic progress and political stability would be the correct way to reducing and even removing the frustrations that cause people to seek migration in the first place. This holds true for all countries that are the sources for such migratory trends, not just Pakistan.
its the most shameful way for a man to emigrate. by marrying .. sheee

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