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Pakistani teenagers stranded in India

If we wanted to send them IN COFFINS to Pakistan, we could have let them float around in the middle of ocean for couple of more days.:hang2:

if you want to assume some fiction then its possible this time Indian Navy might thought of having some glory by presenting these children as big fishes.

Anyway we had a bad experience of Indian jails for innocent Pakistanis so lets not spoil the good gesture of Indian Navy and send the poor kids back to home without any harm.

The longer the process the more suspicious will be their safety in India.

Its been more than a month already
if you want to assume some fiction then its possible this time Indian Navy might thought of having some glory by presenting these children as big fishes.

Anyway we had a bad experience of Indian jails for innocent Pakistanis so lets not spoil the good gesture of Indian Navy and send the poor kids back to home without any harm.

The longer the process the more suspicious will be their safety in India.

Its been more than a month already

Jana they them selves told that we are treating them nicely and I understand that they are missing their parents ..A person like you who is a reporter and also visited India should know about the legal proceedings more than any one of here...I dont understand what pisses you off?is it Indian Navy rescued those children or is it we are not torturing them??
Please stop this non-sense.

The kids were found within Indian boundaries (whatever may be the reason). They were saved and are kept in good conditions. Now this is already more than you can ask for.

They entered Indian territory, so it's India who will decide what to do with them and when. The Indian authorities are not out of their minds to waste the resources on some Pakistani kids. They have more pressing matters to deal with too. Its how we work here. None of your concern.

@ Jana
You make it look like it's our mistake that we saved the kids. There is nothing you can do, but to wait. So chill. By talking in this manner, you are making us feel sorry for saving few Pakistani souls. If this is **** attitude, Indian Navy should think twice before doing it again.

Over and out.
Oh for heavens sake. We save them from a cyclone. We nourish them back to health. We place them in a secure , clean environment. We appoint a psychologist to ensure that they are counselled over their trauma. We feed them and clothe them. Yet they and their kin have complaints complaints complaints just because we want to follow due process. Perhaps we should just wait for the next cyclone to return them to the Arabian sea before radioing the Pakistan Navy to fetch them :hitwall:
Oh for heavens sake. We save them from a cyclone. We nourish them back to health. We place them in a secure , clean environment. We appoint a psychologist to ensure that they are counselled over their trauma. We feed them and clothe them. Yet they and their kin have complaints complaints complaints just because we want to follow due process. Perhaps we should just wait for the next cyclone to return them to the Arabian sea before radioing the Pakistan Navy to fetch them :hitwall:

We appreciate that.

We are just asking you to send them back as soon as possible before them develop any mental illness due to prolonged confnment in an enemy territory.
Why don't you ask your Government to fast track their transition back to Pakistan...I am not sure what the process is...But Pakistani Authorities must be having a part to play in that process....
Why don't you ask your Government to fast track their transition back to Pakistan...I am not sure what the process is...But Pakistani Authorities must be having a part to play in that process....

Yeah and there are a few thousand other people we would like to send to Pakistan. perhaps that process could be fast tracked as well :rofl:
We appreciate that.

We are just asking you to send them back as soon as possible before them develop any mental illness due to prolonged confnment in an enemy territory.

Talk for yourself and not the whole of Pakistan. Many or most Pakistanis do not view India as the "enemy". If you are delusional about India's intention towards Pakistan then satisfy your delusions by confining it to your own mind and not the minds of millions of your other countrymen. If India was the 'enemy" then those kids would be languishing in a jail cell eating cockroaches and not being given the treatment which they are receiving now.
Talk for yourself and not the whole of Pakistan. Many or most Pakistanis do not view India as the "enemy". If you are delusional about India's intention towards Pakistan then satisfy your delusions by confining it to your own mind and not the minds of millions of your other countrymen. If India was the 'enemy" then those kids would be languishing in a jail cell eating cockroaches and not being given the treatment which they are receiving now.

We know how much India is friendly towards Pakistan.

Its a known fact that any Pakistani in India feels like in an enemy territory keeping in view what happend to Pakistanis in Indian jails.

And oh please do not give us the moral lesson because we have already seen the brutal killing of an Innocent Pakistani who went to India to watch cricket.

Now get to the topic. I want the early return of these Pakistani kids.

btw we were talking about jihadis and you mentioned ISI. What's the ISI connection? I thought jihadis were non- state actors.
We know how much India is friendly towards Pakistan.

Its a known fact that any Pakistani in India feels like in an enemy territory keeping in view what happend to Pakistanis in Indian jails.

And oh please do not give us the moral lesson because we have already seen the brutal killing of an Innocent Pakistani who went to India to watch cricket.

Now get to the topic. I want the early return of these Pakistani kids.

Is it already established that that innocent cricket fan has sensitive documents in his hand while captured by Indian authorities?? :hitwall:
and I already asked you how many times you visited here and how many times you being tortured and send back in a body bag??what happend to Pakistanis in Indian jails are happening to Indians in Pakistan jails too..so no one can take the moral high ground..

If you want immediate return of those kids i suggest you to give a petition to Pakistan govt to take appropriate actions to make the releasing procedure fast
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We know how much India is friendly towards Pakistan.

Its a known fact that any Pakistani in India feels like in an enemy territory keeping in view what happend to Pakistanis in Indian jails.

And oh please do not give us the moral lesson because we have already seen the brutal killing of an Innocent Pakistani who went to India to watch cricket.

Now get to the topic. I want the early return of these Pakistani kids.

India is little less friendly to Pakistan then Pakistan is to India.
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