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Pakistani Taliban release video of 12 severed heads.

This is what you can expect to happen if you surrender to extremist. Pakistani soldiers need to understand that it's do or die, and there is no easy way out. Surrender and you will be butchered without mercy. Even if you die fighting, you can take these dogs along with you.
This is what you can expect to happen if you surrender to extremist. Pakistani soldiers need to understand that it's do or die, and there is no easy way out. Surrender and you will be butchered without mercy. Even if you die fighting, you can take these dogs along with you.

Agreed - no surrender and fight to kill as many TTP dogs as you can.
Yeah...one wonders if they see any difference between a human being and a sacrificial goat on Eid !

Mate, you say you've been in the thick of this ! May I be obliged to know more about the TTP ? Perhaps you can point me towards some of your earlier posts where you've discussed their origins, their structure, their backing in an exhaustive manner ?

Much obliged !

I've been discussing a lot about it for the past 3 years but it's all scattered. If there's anything particular you want to know, I'll surely answer.....

Genghis Khan used to cut off heads of people of an entire town and display the skulls on stakes at the town entrance.

Genghis Khan wasn't muslim, he was Shamanist.

LoL give me a freaking break you guys should not be talking about "redpecting the dead" i have seen how much you respect the dead soldiers of India , Nato/Us you get what you give and talking about all muscles keep that for an other war ;)

Quote examples or get infractions, your choice.........Troll
Unfortunately, a segment of pakistanis is simply too brainwashed to figure out that TTP is actually suported by Saudi Salafis and their local stooges like the JI.

And they never bother to ask, if the TTP thugs are backed by US/RAW , then why do anti-US and anti-India parties like JUI-S and Jamaat islami advocate negotiations with TTP and oppose military action in NWA? Some JI leaders were actually found to attend the funerals of slain TTP militants. Think Fools!

Fortunately, having dealt with these scumbags, our military knows exactly who funds TTP and what TTP really stands for. That said, it should publicly reveal the background profile of the TTP so this brainwashed segment of our population gets real and stops assigning blame where it does'nt belong.

You should also ask that if TTP thugs are:

1. Not backed by US/RAW
2. They are supported by Anti-India/Anti-US parties which are Pro-Pakistan.

then, they should be more anti-US/India than anti-Pakistan, but, all their barbarity is directed against the Pakistan - state and it's people. why?

Aren't TTP thugs supposed to attack the US/Indian assets in the area?
Have you ever heard TTP claiming any action against US/Indian assets?
Did they ever attack on Indian consulates along the Pak/Afghan border?
Have they ever attacked US/Indian agents in Afghanistan or Pakistan?
Have they ever hit the NATO supply vehicles? (most attacks in Pakistan were by bandits)
If they are so strong in Karachi that they can attack the Mehran base then they must be able to damage the Cargo terminals from where all the supplies are shipped to Afghanistan. Why haven't they?

The folly of the Mullahs is that they believe that every person born to Muslim parents is a Muslim no matter what he does in his life and is better than any Non-Muslim no matter how good is that Non-Muslim to God's creation (society). When such a 'Muslim' also harbors a beard and indulges in ritualised prayer five times they consider that person to be a 'Momin' - true Khalifa of Allah. Unfortunately, Deen (Islam) is not what it has been made today.
Express Tribune

Just as Pakistan is preparing to deal with its internal contradictions about tackling the Taliban in North Waziristan, it is losing its security personnel to an enemy it doesn’t know how to identify. The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has released another video that shows a terrorist commander posing with the heads of 12 Pakistani troops saying, “Praise be to God that the mujahideen in Bajaur Agency have managed to kill the infidel soldiers of Pakistan”. The carnage took place in the tribal agency where the Pakistan Army is supposed to have pushed back the militants.

Hardly a month ago, the TTP proudly claimed responsibility for the targeted killing of a brave leader of Pakistan’s paramilitary force known for his performance against the terrorists. Pakistan has acknowledged that “15 troops were missing following fighting with militants in Bajaur three days ago”. The operation during which the 12 went missing was mounted to “repel Taliban militants who had crossed over from Kunar province in Afghanistan and occupied a village in Bajaur”.

On the same day, the TTP attacked Peshawar killing 11 people including “an officer of the North Waziristan political administration, his brother, son and cousin” with an explosives-laden Alto parked in the centre of a bazaar. In Quetta, five more Shia Hazaras were cut down by bike-riding Taliban killers near Sabzi Mandi, notching up the total number of Pakistanis killed by the Taliban to 35,000 since 9/11, which most Pakistanis believe was staged by the Americans themselves. They also believe that the Taliban are our own ‘offended’ brothers who will calm down once the Americans are defeated in Afghanistan.

Pakistan is acting more effectively against the Americans than against the Taliban. Its last act of derring-do was the arrest and conviction of Dr Shakeel Afridi through a jirga for “looking after the Taliban wounded” (sic!) while his real ‘crime’ was that he had helped in tracing Osama bin Laden to Abbottabad and thus facilitating the American commando attack that killed the father of terrorism. Pakistan has shown misplaced bravado by refusing to consider the idea of exchanging Dr Afridi with Dr Afia Siddiqi. The new ISI chief has said that “the US should consider the chapter of Dr Shakeel Afridi, who helped the US locate al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, as closed”.

It is clear that Pakistan sees America as its enemy, not the Taliban whom everybody now believes to be the dominant factor in Karachi. The ‘logic’ that shifts the onus of terror from the Taliban to the Americans is the assertion made by Pakistani officials that the TTP is being sheltered and funded by the US from Afghanistan. To make the case more convincing, they add India to the ‘evil conspiracy’ against Pakistan even as we make efforts to normalise ties with India.

Pakistan has been subjected to a massive misdiagnosis of the disease of terrorism that it suffers from. The people of Pakistan are now more or less totally anti-American in response to these official concoctions about who the real enemy of Pakistan is. They look askance at any realistic move made by the Pakistan Army to end the country’s international isolation by negotiating a common strategy against terrorism with the US and its Nato allies. So intense is the public self-deception that when the army chief said the war against terrorism was Pakistan’s war, no one accepted it. Pakistan is wriggling in the vice of its self-deceptions.

What is coming next is the people’s choice of government in 2013 when the country goes to polls. Anyone who does not depict himself as an enemy of America will not get their vote. Pakistan is fast moving to the state of popular mind in South America where leaders are putting their countries at risk by posing as anti-American warriors: Venezuela and Bolivia are now followed by Ecuador in what looks like an unrealistic pantomime as the lives of the people they lead are endangered by faltering economies. Pakistan has even fewer choices because, unlike South America, its people are at risk from its own terrorist gangs.
You should also ask that if TTP thugs are:

1. Not backed by US/RAW
2. They are supported by Anti-India/Anti-US parties which are Pro-Pakistan.

then, they should be more anti-US/India than anti-Pakistan, but, all their barbarity is directed against the Pakistan - state and it's people. why?

Aren't TTP thugs supposed to attack the US/Indian assets in the area?
Have you ever heard TTP claiming any action against US/Indian assets?
Did they ever attack on Indian consulates along the Pak/Afghan border?
Have they ever hit the NATO supply vehicles? (most attacks in Pakistan were by bandits)

For your information, the TTP has attacked US assets on numerous occasions including NATO supply lines.

The TTP was also invloved, and admitted as much to its role in the December 2009 suicide attack on CIA facilities in Camp Chapman in Afghanistan.

As far as attacks on Indian consulates in Afghanistan go, their cousins in the Haqqani network are doing pretty damned 'good' job!

But lets focus on a simple point. See if you can follow the logic.

In August 2009, a missile strike from a suspected U.S. drone killed Baitullah Mehsud. The TTP soon held a shura to appoint his successor. Government sources reported that fighting broke out during the shura between Hakimullah Mehsud and Wali-ur-Rehman. While Pakistani news channels reported that Hakimullah had been killed in the shooting, Interior Minister Rehman Malik could not confirm his death. On 18 August, Pakistani security officials announced the capture of Maulvi Omar, chief spokesperson of the TTP. Omar, who had denied the death of Baitullah, retracted his previous statements and confirmed the leader's death in the missile strike. He also acknowledged turmoil among TTP leadership following the killing.

Pray do tell...if the TTP is a US asset, why would the US target and kill TTP's most feared and effective leader (Baitullah Mehsud) who was running circles around our military???

The attack is part of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) campaign using unmanned aerial vehicles in the region by the agency's Special Activities Division. U.S. missile strikes targeting Mehsud territory in South Waziristan became more common after June 2009 when Pakistan, while having been publicly critical of the missile strikes, declared a military offensive against Mehsud.

On 1 September 2010, the United States designated the TTP as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and identified Hakimullah Mehsud and Wali ur-Rehman as "specially designated global terrorists." The designation of the TTP as an FTO makes it a crime to provide support or to do business with the group and also allows the U.S. to freeze its assets. The State Department also issued a $5 million reward for information on the two individuals' locations.
This is what you can expect to happen if you surrender to extremist. Pakistani soldiers need to understand that it's do or die, and there is no easy way out. Surrender and you will be butchered without mercy. Even if you die fighting, you can take these dogs along with you.

Dont think its easy.

1] TTP are pakistanis , hence they have to fight their own nationals
2] on top of that , they have to fight the ideology too............this will weaken the morale
3] Since the TTP ideology id deeply embedded in some segment of Pak society ....this cancer will grow back
Dont think its easy.

1] TTP are pakistanis , hence they have to fight their own nationals
2] on top of that , they have to fight the ideology too............this will weaken the morale
3] Since the TTP ideology id deeply embedded in some segment of Pak society ....this cancer will grow back

Besides there's the issue of ethnicity. Most if not all the Taliban are Pashtuns and over the years most if not all the security forces who have surrendered to Taliban are also Pashtun.

At one instance some 250 of them surrendered, including one colonel and 8 officers.
Besides there's the issue of ethnicity. Most if not all the Taliban are Pashtuns and over the years most if not all the security forces who have surrendered to Taliban are also Pashtun.

At one instance some 250 of them surrendered, including one colonel and 8 officers.

Was it the same instance when they surrendered to the 20 odd teenager Taliban?
Poor Pakistani soldiers have to pay for the adventures of Pak Army generals who have send their kids abroad. Its is the poor pakistani junta that has to bear the brunt of worsening economic and security situations.
Save Pakistan before bothering about having strageic depth in Afghanistan.
This is what you can expect to happen if you surrender to extremist. Pakistani soldiers need to understand that it's do or die, and there is no easy way out. Surrender and you will be butchered without mercy. Even if you die fighting, you can take these dogs along with you.

They didn't surrender, I clarified this in my earlier post in the same thread. They were martyred while fighting, the TTP terrorists took the bodies with them and then beheaded them, just for their propaganda videos.
Poor Pakistani soldiers have to pay for the adventures of Pak Army generals who have send their kids abroad. Its is the poor pakistani junta that has to bear the brunt of worsening economic and security situations.
Save Pakistan before bothering about having strageic depth in Afghanistan.

I don't know how to make heads or tails of your post so I'll just leave it at that...........
Ordinary Pakistani wants to leave in peace isn't bothered about having stratgeic depth in Afghanistan.

That's because the average Pakistani need not worry about strategic affairs, that's the PA's job.

It is these Pak Army generals who live life of luxury ,whose children live abroad and it is abroad where they would finally settle are the real reason for this whole mess.

And I guess you know plenty of Pakistani generals, news flash buddy Pakistani Army Officers and families are ineligible for holding dual nationalities so neither they nor their children can settle outside the country unless the officer has been in retirement for over 5 years.

Pak army generals and their families are well protected and brunt of Taliban ire is Borne Hapless Pakistani junta and Ordinary Pakistani soldiers.

Nobody is protected with the TTP insurgency however things are much better now, by the Lt. Gen and Maj. Gen that the PA lost in this conflict would like to disagree and I haven't even started counting the Brigadiers and other officers.

Pak Army should decide whose side it is, Talking money and weapons from Americans for killing Taliban and then passing % of this money and weapons to taliban to attack american Intersts in afghanistan ,now this makes American very unhappy.

And you can prove this how? Have you seen a Talib in real life? An American soldier maybe? For you the leprechaun, the talib and the American soldier are just fairy tale creatures, so don't act like your an expert on them. Give proof that Pakistan is passing American weapons (that Pakistan get none of BTW) to Taliban or infractions will ensue.

And by letting American drones kill these Taliban makes Taliban unhappy.

Do I look concerned that the Taliban are pissed off?

So this policy of PA running with the hare and hunting with the hounds gives Pakistan two very powerfull enemies.

There is no such policy, your argument is flawed.

America is destroying Pakistan politically , Taliban is destroying Pakistan economically.

Both can continue for so long, we can continue for generations.

You seem to forgetting PA fav hobby is surrending, back in 71 90k of their soldiers surrendered to Indian fauj.

Actually it was 54,000 soldiers against 0.5 Million Indians and over 3 Million Bengali insurgent, get your facts right.

Post Reported

PLA Soldiers also await the same fate if you guys keep denying uighurs their very basic rights.


1) Have you seen a Uigher?
2) Have you talked to a Uigher?
3) Has an Uigher complained to you of ill-treatment?
4) Have you witnessed ill-treatment in Xinjiang?

Nope, your just being a dic*.
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