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Pakistani Taliban 'delighted' Malala missed out on Nobel

Look at it this way, you're not alone in your misery.

You pick a specimen from the Taliban (Afghan or Pakistani), one from the VHP (preferably Togadia), keep adding one specimen from each knackered organisation/group/tanzeem you can think of. You will find after some observation that they are all the same, the only difference lies in the fact that some of them also happen to have guns and exist in societies which due to various socio-economic factors and governance/geopolitical issues are rife with willing recruits.

Pagalon ki kami nahi hai, the problem is that some of them have found corners within nations which are ungoverned (ergo they get operational freedom) and have acquired milspec training and arms. Capabilities and influence vary, the quantum of followers vary, intentions are the same deep down.

No,there is a huge difference of Intentions.
When you plan to investigate in order to 'improve' your internal errors and when you blame the entire universe for your misery.
Who told you that I feel miserable?and how do you come to know of my mindset?my relationship with myself and my pattern to observe and understand various things?
If facts do not match with my observation,I discard my observation and hypothesis not the fact.You become miserable when you try to change fact mate,and changing fact is impossible.
Although off-topic but let me tell you if I were one of them then I would have been support Mr.Khan's agenda blindly till now,but what I have thought of Mr.Khan by observing from his speeches was contrary to his practical approach to resolve the TTP issue,so I discard my observation and hypothesis about Mr.Khan not the fact of his statement.

Miranshah — The Pakistani Tailban said Friday they were "delighted" Malala Yousafzai, the teenage education activist they tried to kill, missed out on the Nobel Peace Prize.
The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) shot Malala in the head on her school bus on October 9 last year for speaking out against them.
After the shooting she was flown to Britain for specialist care and made a remarkable recovery, going on to become a global ambassador for children's rights.
Spokesman Shahidullah Shahid told AFP the 16-year-old had done nothing to deserve the Nobel, which went to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) for its work to rid the world of chemical arms.
"We are delighted that she didn't get it. She did nothing big so it's good that she didn't get it," Shahid said by telephone from an undisclosed location.
"This award should be given to the real Muslims who are struggling for Islam. Malala is against Islam, she is secular."

AFP: Pakistani Taliban 'delighted' Malala missed out on Nobel
Zarvan, look around, who's the Evil here? I see no secular slaughtering people, only those who claim to be 'Islam's' warriors. If the Prophet (PBUH) came right now, we would be the jahil Quraish

No sir Allah and his prophet saw has told what is right and what is wrong and Muslims are ordered to spread good and stop evil
@jaibi in Pakistan for quite sometimeoth ANP and PPPP had been involved in bomb blasts sir and even these in baluchistan its BLA sir and its secular countries who have attacked Afghanistan and Iraq and their next target is in making Pakistani seculars are mostly confused cowards other wise their thinking is more extreme than religious extremists and its mosly religious people who help poor in Pakistan not western funded secular fundos
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Pathetic, grown beared men competing against a 16 year old kid. just pathetic.

@jaibi in Pakistan for quite sometimeoth ANP and PPPP had been involved in bomb blasts sir and even these in baluchistan its BLA sir and its secular countries who have attacked Afghanistan and Iraq and their next target is in making Pakistani seculars are mostly confused cowards other wise their thinking is more extreme than religious extremists and its mosly religious people who help poor in Pakistan not western funded secular fundos

Was it the secular fundos who exploded in data darbar?or moon market? or kissa khawani bazaar? I can go on, the list goes on forever. There are very few openly secular people in Pakistan. And none of them havev ever blown themselves up in crowded markets.
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Secularism won't make you angels, no one's saying that. Everyone has bad blood but the rightist philosophy has made us bleed the most.

@jaibi in Pakistan for quite sometimeoth ANP and PPPP had been involved in bomb blasts sir and even these in baluchistan its BLA sir and its secular countries who have attacked Afghanistan and Iraq and their next target is in making Pakistani seculars are mostly confused cowards other wise their thinking is more extreme than religious extremists and its mosly religious people who help poor in Pakistan not western funded secular fundos
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Secularism won't make you angels, no one's saying that. Everyone has bad blood but the rightist philosophy has made us bleed the most.

Sir secular slaves have blessed more sir and they have also killed several in past and in bomb blasts Mr and for funded seculars these days its their master who is doing job for these traitors their beloved USA and NATO
Secularism won't make you angels, no one's saying that. Everyone has bad blood but the rightist philosophy has made us bleed the most.

Let him define the word ' secular ' first and differentiate it from ' liberal ' . But , the righteous ones aren't killing the people as per them , its the Western funded secularists preaching hate in Mosques and other religious institution , carrying out barbaric and inhumane things and acts of terror in F.A.T.A and assorted places , forcing their ideology on others and blowing themselves up . You see it ? Even the wrong doesn't want it to seen as wrong even if that is its Mode of Operation and ideology , mate . What extent then there lies of human ability to rationalize the truth ? :D
No sir Allah and his prophet saw has told what is right and what is wrong and Muslims are ordered to spread good and stop evil

You are absolutely right my friend.

Well, you can start by delaring Jihad on Al Qaeda and Taliban, since they are evil

Also, the Taliban seems more scared and more spiteful against a 16 year old girl.

That is what Religious conservatives all over the world are scared of, educated women. Because they no longer buy into the religious bullshit

Also, the Taliban seems more scared and more spiteful against a 16 year old girl.

That is what Religious conservatives all over the world are scared of, educated women. Because they no longer buy into the religious bullshit
Son , you cant handle the truth ! :D

Don't tell me that @jaibi whispered something in your ears..:woot:
Why not,I can handle,mate...Pakistanis are damn hard to break,according to UN survey, Pakistanis are one of the most happiest nations in world although they face issues like terrorism,economical damage and infrastructural lapses.
Anyways,what I have concluded till now that Malala didn't deserve this hatred and humiliation,if such claims are true,then it is the responsibility of civil regime to initiate proper investigation rather then putting blame game.
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Don't tell me that @jaibi whispered something in your ears..:woot:
Why not,I can handle,mate...Pakistanis are damn hard to break,according to UN survey, Pakistanis are one of the most happiest nations in world although they face issues like terrorism,economical damage and infrastructural lapses.
Anyways,what I have concluded till now that Malala didn't deserve this hatred and humiliation,if such claims are true,then it is the responsibility of civil regime to initiate proper investigation rather then putting blame game.

I cant think of anything he can whisper , that I already do not know . :D Nah , maybe you took it too seriously , its a famous dialogue from a movie . Nah , I know that . No one needs to cast doubt or make her controversial seeing her " achievements and courage against all odds " to be really honest . What claims ? The ones published in Mullah tabloids and mouth pieces and friday sermons and religious lectures calling it all a conspiracy theory or at times equating Malala with Dajjal and what-not ? What do you want the civil regime to investigate , mate ? Should have saved and provided her protection in the first place .
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I cant think of anything he can whisper , that I already do not know . :D Nah , maybe you took it too seriously , its a famous dialogue from a movie . Nah , I know that . No one needs to cast doubt or make her controversial seeing her " achievements and courage against all odds " to be really honest . What claims ? The ones published in Mullah tabloids and mouth pieces and friday sermons and religious lectures calling it all a conspiracy theory or at times equating Malala with Dajjal and what-not ? What do you want the civil regime to investigate , mate ? Should have saved and provided her protection in the first place .

Bravo,you see mate,some people are trying to sort out this riddle of mine if I do not know that they know that what I don't want them to know...:laugh:
Well,on point...I want civil regime to 'investigate' of Abeera rape case by deployed US professionals as claimed by Auriya Maqbool Jan and it's connection with people who are surrounding Malala,rather then Malala is Hungarian by DNA or Anti-Christ:lol:
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