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Pakistani Taliban 'delighted' Malala missed out on Nobel

In Islam state can't be secular Mr Islam is a system which has laws for government economy crime trade and social life and Islam has to be enforced by state Mrif government will not do its job people will rise and try to do it on their own

im not talking about state im talking about indivuduals.like in the above post taliban person said malala is anti islamic because she is secular.she is muslim does'nt mean that she should belittle other religions.a secular person can also follow his religion.atheism is different from secularism
@Zarvan Quite right old chap, quite right. Rise up and ensure that the state enforces what you hold to be correct, god is with you.

On a side note- @Secur property prices here are rather steep, while India might not be your first choice, I suggest that you still think about it. Being in the neighborhood and all, familiar sights and sounds and everything. If you know what I mean...:tup: Although please bury Buttsy alive before you bail out and drag Jaibi out with you.:)
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And what evil she has spread.

She stole Mehsud and Omar's favorite goat, they've been miffed about it ever since. Little do they know that me and @Hyperion butchered the four legged beauty and prepared a divine and sumptuous biryani with its flesh.:) Don't ask me how the goat went from being with her to falling into our hands, in hindsight though it was indeed delicious.:haha:
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Hight of looser pana....

bloody sore loosers... they defame a religion which was known for peace & unity....
Truly " obsessed " with the little girl , these religious psychopaths are.

Still , people would come and say here , how Malala is a CIA agent and how Taliban are innocent and kind :hitwall:
Truly " obsessed " with the little girl , these religious psychopaths are.

Still , people would come and say here , how Malala is a CIA agent and how Taliban are innocent and kind :hitwall:

This is because of 'wild conspiracy' theories,what kind of nation we are?that instead of supporting a Pakistani girl,we are claiming her as C.I.A agent?and what is our source?BBC?
Now BBC isn't a western channel?Now BBC isn't working for foreign agenda?Now BBC isn't masonic?bravo to people of Pakistan.
Truly " obsessed " with the little girl , these religious psychopaths are.

Still , people would come and say here , how Malala is a CIA agent and how Taliban are innocent and kind :hitwall:

Forget the taliban its the people on the forum mimicking their stand on one pretext or another who need to engage in introspection.

The usual refrain permeates that all Pakistanis and Muslims are seen as terrorists or savages, how they are wrongfully profiled. Yet when a girl rises to the occasion and in her struggle presents before the world at large the surest rebuttal to said stereotype they froth and fume.

This curious contradiction is a sad commentary on the confusion that prevails. Many of them probably agree with the TTP's aim, they just disagree with the method- that too only because the TTP targets the general populace (them) and the army (the sole savior of the nation, yet often led by kaffir loving generals who sell out to the US). How much money do you want to bet that if the TTP had been smarter, limited itself to targeting strategic targets and the specific boots who are held to be agents (depending upon whichever theory is doing the rounds at the moment) then this tacit and confused nod would have turned into an overt agreement on all things from the agenda to the methods, throw in a couple of attacks in India by some TTP cell and the Mehsuds would be dining in Islu by now.
Now BBC isn't a western channel?Now BBC isn't working for foreign agenda?Now BBC isn't masonic?bravo to people of Pakistan.

Yeah , somehow the West isn't promoting her any longer now . Are the Pakistanis happy now ? Let your imagination run wild then on why she couldn't get the Noble Price . What could be the reason for it ? Oh yes , she supported negotiating with Taliban which is what displeased West the most - and voila you have another conspiracy theory . That is how they are made usually devoid of any logic and facts , for the naive and paranoid to believe blindly .
Yeah , somehow the West isn't promoting her any longer now . Are the Pakistanis happy now ? Let your imagination run wild then on why she couldn't get the Noble Price . What could be the reason for it ? Oh yes , she supported negotiating with Taliban which is what displeased West the most - and voila you have another conspiracy theory . That is how they are made usually devoid of any logic and facts , for the naive and paranoid to believe blindly .

Where are those images?If we are talking of wild conspiracy theory that I can claim one as well...
That Queen met with Malala to cover the 'propaganda story' of BBC and their British media and to show themselves as 'neutral'
Yeah , somehow the West isn't promoting her any longer now . Are the Pakistanis happy now ? Let your imagination run wild then on why she couldn't get the Noble Price . What could be the reason for it ? Oh yes , she supported negotiating with Taliban which is what displeased West the most - and voila you have another conspiracy theory . That is how they are made usually devoid of any logic and facts , for the naive and paranoid to believe blindly .

Lets add to that the other popular refrain. The Western media has unparalleled clout and influence across the world. The Western media uses this clout to highlight ONLY the extremists and the Taliban ergo painting all Muslims in the world with the same brush. This is not a coincidence but a well planned out stratagem to tarnish the image of Islam, proof of which is present in the fact that they never publicize any of the "real" Muslims or any of the good things that happen within the Muslim community.

Now we have a girl. Echoing and promoting a message as civilized as civilized can be, has never refuted Islam, not insulted the Prophet (add to this list whichever other criteria you wish to). She is provided with hitherto unseen attention, canvased and promoted by the same Western media. For anyone with an iota of intelligence the writing is clear on the wall, that their contention has been heard and addressed (in a small part albeit), here is a girl who is a Pakistani and a Muslim- who represents ideals and a stand that the whole (Islam hating) world actually agrees with and praises- and who is not being shunted into a corner by the media so that room can be made for the latest stoning or attack. Yet in this case the very answer to their lament (that only the extremists ever get coverage, exclusively) is a CIA/Mossad conspiracy.

One's mind is left boggled.:hang2:
Lets add to that the other popular refrain. The Western media has unparalleled clout and influence across the world. The Western media uses this clout to highlight ONLY the extremists and the Taliban ergo painting all Muslims in the world with the same brush. This is not a coincidence but a well planned out stratagem to tarnish the image of Islam, proof of which is present in the fact that they never publicize any of the "real" Muslims or any of the good things that happen within the Muslim community.

Now we have a girl. Echoing and promoting a message as civilized as civilized can be, has never refuted Islam, insulted the Prophet (add to this list whichever other criteria you wish to). She is provided with hitherto unseen attention, canvased and promoted by the same Western media. For anyone with an iota of intelligence the writing is clear on the wall, that their contention has been heard and addressed (in a small part albeit), here is a girl who is a Pakistani and a Muslim- who represents ideals and a stand that the whole (Islam hating) world actually agrees with and praises- and who is not being shunted into a corner by the media so that room can be made for the latest stoning or attack. Yet in this case the very answer to their lament (that only the extremists ever get coverage, exclusively) is a CIA/Mossad conspiracy.

One's mind is left boggled.:hang2:

Mate,there is no cure for such mindsets who are cesspit of dirty conspiracy theories,such people are confused themselves and the entire world is a threat for them,they always hear death knell and follows blindly anything which matches with their conspiracy theory or they find such theories which consists of similar traits of their weak observation.
Successful nations consists of such mindsets who even learn from their worse enemies,but such intolerant people who are full of ego,confusion and hatred does not have enough caliber and tolerance to understand the existence of different religions,diversity of race,color etc due to which they become extremist and the only solution they have is 'annihilation of anything which is different from them',it is time for such people to identify of their own lapses,diagnose,re-investigate before it is too late,before they reach to PNR.
Forget the taliban its the people on the forum mimicking their stand on one pretext or another who need to engage in introspection.

The usual refrain permeates that all Pakistanis and Muslims are seen as terrorists or savages, how they are wrongfully profiled. Yet when a girl rises to the occasion and in her struggle presents before the world at large the surest rebuttal to said stereotype they froth and fume.

This curious contradiction is a sad commentary on the confusion that prevails. Many of them probably agree with the TTP's aim, they just disagree with the method- that too only because the TTP targets the general populace (them) and the army (the sole savior of the nation, yet often led by kaffir loving generals who sell out to the US). How much money do you want to bet that if the TTP had been smarter, limited itself to targeting strategic targets and the specific boots who are held to be agents (depending upon whichever theory is doing the rounds at the moment) then this tacit and confused nod would have turned into an overt agreement on all things from the agenda to the methods, throw in a couple of attacks in India by some TTP cell and the Mehsuds would be dining in Islu by now.

Precisely , which is the most worrying part in the whole story . They are there to condemn Taliban for shooting her but do not seem to " approve of " the thing , for which she was shot and nearly killed .

The thinking pattern of " All that is endorsed , adopted , supported and promoted by the West must be wrong and evil and should be stopped or discouraged at all cost " seem to be deeply integrated in the mind of my dear countrymen . Remember the ban on loud speakers , I told you about ? How Sir Syed Khan became a " kaafir " ? Had she been dead , it would have been better for some , who would have fulfilled the formality of saying " RIP " and just moved on with their life . How many courageous men were there in Swat to even do ten percent of the same thing , which a little girl Malala did ?

Totally agreed :tup: . Yes , they do believe that the aim is truly fine and divine and complies with religion , its just the method they seem to have a " little " disagreement with . Had it been that the TTP just didn't kill the common Pakistan in revenge of the " American aggression on other Muslim countries " and get the dislike " not hate " for them , but just the infidel armed forces of Pakistan , trust me most would have had no problem accepting them in Govt with total majority in Islamabad . You present a worrying scenario much worse than what I have , surely the ideological war would have been totally lost then , mate .
Mate,there is no cure for such mindsets who are cesspit of dirty conspiracy theories,such people are confused themselves and the entire world is a threat for them,they always hear death knell and follows blindly anything which matches with their conspiracy theory or they find such theories which consists of similar traits of their weak observation.
Successful nations consists of such mindsets who even learn from their worse enemies,but such intolerant people who are full of ego,confusion and hatred does not have enough caliber and tolerance to understand the existence of different religions,diversity of race,color etc due to which they become extremist and the only solution they have is 'annihilation of anything which is different from them',it is time for such people to identify of their own lapses,diagnose,re-investigate before it is too late,before they reach to PNR.

Well it should rest you soul then to know that their tribe is growing and not just in Pakistan. Jidhar pi pathar pheko, ek na ek fundoo toh jhaadi se bahar nikalta hi hai. :cheesy:
Well it should rest you soul then to know that their tribe is growing and not just in Pakistan. Jidhar pi pathar pheko, ek na ek fundoo toh jhaadi se bahar nikalta hi hai. :cheesy:

Why would it rest my soul?:laughcry:
Why would it rest my soul?:laughcry:

Look at it this way, you're not alone in your misery.

You pick a specimen from the Taliban (Afghan or Pakistani), one from the VHP (preferably Togadia), keep adding one specimen from each knackered organisation/group/tanzeem you can think of. You will find after some observation that they are all the same, the only difference lies in the fact that some of them also happen to have guns and exist in societies which due to various socio-economic factors and governance/geopolitical issues are rife with willing recruits.

Pagalon ki kami nahi hai, the problem is that some of them have found corners within nations which are ungoverned (ergo they get operational freedom) and have acquired milspec training and arms. Capabilities and influence vary, the quantum of followers vary, intentions are the same deep down.
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