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Pakistani strategists embrace nuclear option as answer to Indian threat

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Go do your own research. There are huge number of academic papers coming from Pakistani Universities NUST, PIEAS, LUMS and many others

Dear bossman!
Great! you're asking a research scholar to do his research properly! I really fail to understand as to why did you bring the topic of "ranking" up in our discussion,but since you have brought it up,i would like to reply with couple of links ,reports,and conferences showing the might of our IIT system and i expect you to go through each one of them with unbias-
1)Here is a video report made by americans on the rigor of our IIT system-

2)Here is another american conference video that shows how indian IIT grads have shaped american computer history!- it is highly recommended for you-

3)I would also like to inform at this juncture that my institute ranks at #46 in your very own QS rankings.
QS University Rankings: Asia 2015 | Top Universities

4)But QS rankings are based on a lot of factors,In my opinion the "quality" of research is something that we should focus,right?and thats where SJR international ranking by quantity/quality of research paper comes in-
SJR - International Science Ranking
if you again look at this ranking(which in my view is perhaps more important than your QS,as we are strictly talking about research),then india is ranked at #6 as against pakistan's #43(2014 data).
So now tell me my dear friend,where do you think both the countries "actually" stand in terms of quality of research?

As for your laundry list above why are single crystal structures needed for turbines used in a cruise missile which will be used only once? Single Crystal turbine blades are only needed in high performance turbines. This shows how well informed you are.

My friend,do you not understand what i said?in case you couldnt read it the first time,i would like to re-iterate-
"metallurgical research in structure? Like equiaxed ,directionally solidified or single crystal structures?"
What i was alluding to was- you cant really hope to design a SCB without the prior research and knowledge of equiaxed and directionally solidified structures!Off course one can always make do with gas turbines using less sophisticated equiaxed or dicrectionally solidified structures but for high performance engines one would invariably move towards SCBs!
Remember i have not even touched upon various engineering challenges that you might run into while designing one!Now you'd naturally ask,How do I know about the challenges?Umm,no,not by googling the internet but by my professors who have been at the fore-front of GAS TURBINE research in india!
They have patented a method to predict combustion instabilities in gas turbine engine,mind you combustion instability was the single most fatal reason why kaveri engine couldnt be ever operated at the optimum thrust of 85kN!
Now at this juncture i would like to cast upon some light on combustion instability(as i am afraid you wont really know the term thanks to superior pakistani technical education)
You see, the compressed gas is swirled in the chamber before injecting fuel, this swirling actually sustains the flame(otherwise the flame will die out).The flame has a natural frequency of its own(depending on the swirl).When that matches with the natural resonance frequency of the duct(combustion chamber) combustion instability is created. this leads to resonance and compressive and tensile stress on the central shaft in longitudinal axis. This results in increased mechanical fatigue on the blades etc

Now pay a lil attention to my rough note that i am posting here- as you can clearly see that the root cause of instability in a is the swirling flame as I explained above.One of The trick is to place the injectors in such a Manner that probability of combustion instability is reduced(obviously I'm talking about can annular or annular arrangement).in fact if you see section 3 in the picture we'd ideally want the temperature of 3 to be more than 3* to reduce the stress on blades.

Dear bossman!
Great! you're asking a research scholar to do his research properly! I really fail to understand as to why did you bring the topic of "ranking" up in our discussion,but since you have brought it up,i would like to reply with couple of links ,reports,and conferences showing the might of our IIT system and i expect you to go through each one of them with unbias-
1)Here is a video report made by americans on the rigor of our IIT system-

2)Here is another american conference video that shows how indian IIT grads have shaped american computer history!- it is highly recommended for you-

3)I would also like to inform at this juncture that my institute ranks at #46 in your very own QS rankings.
QS University Rankings: Asia 2015 | Top Universities

4)But QS rankings are based on a lot of factors,In my opinion the "quality" of research is something that we should focus,right?and thats where SJR international ranking by quantity/quality of research paper comes in-
SJR - International Science Ranking
if you again look at this ranking(which in my view is perhaps more important that your QS,as we are strictly talking about research),then india is ranked at #6 as against pakistan's #43(2014 data).
So now tell me my dear friend,where do you think both the countries "actually" stand in terms of quality of research?

Are you bonker's or what? Why the fcuk I care about Indian's contribution to American computer industry or the standing of your university. This is a defense forum and you come here with your condescending attitude towards Pakistan and its ability to deploy a second strike capability. I proved you totally wrong and now you go on a tangent about Indian skills and your college rankings. You are a very good example of why, not only, Indian's defense R&D, production and integration is a failure but also its defense procurement. Even your economic growth seems questionable. Last year, India increased its GDP growth rates by 2% by fudging numbers and changing methodology.

You want to impress people with your knowledge of aeronautics go a science forum as far as your turbines are concerned you can put it up you know where.
The point I made and you did not understand is that Pakistan has been launching sub-surface missiles for more than 30 years and it might learned a few things in the process and reengineered them for SL Babur. Pakistan never shows all its cards. A case in point, Pakistan did cold tested its nuclear devices in the mid 80s' while the hot test was not done until 1998 after the Indian nuclear test.

I rest my case my dear friend,either PROVE your hypothesis based on valid reasoning or papers or you'd cease the right to be taken seriously,unfortunately world doesnt go by the pakistani way,it believes in published verifiable results!
PS- i agree,pakistan did her first cold nuclear test back in 1984(i hope i got the year correct?). But i am afraid cold test of nuclear device is entirely a different subject as against cold launch of missiles from cannisters.Kindly refer to wiki to understand the difference between a hot launch and cold launch philosophy!
And no,just because a country x has been operating a system y for 30 years doesnt mean x can design y,for if they did any such thing,they would have gotten into a lot of serious technical challenges as we face it here.But the very fact that the research and patent output of pakistan is so abysmally low tells a very important story -one that is entirely different from what you are trying to paint!
Good day my friend,i am leaving for my lab! take care
And this relates to the topic... how?

I was just praising you man. Don't disappoint me. A sane voice like yours won't be heard over all the "noise" in Pakistan. Get it?
Are you bonker's or what? Why the fcuk I care about Indian's contribution to American computer industry or the standing of your university.

my dear friend,who actually brought the topic of ranking up in our discussion?i am afraid it was not me?you were the ones who posted the link of QS ranking and kindly post research instead of calling me names- an educated and well informed person doesnt divulge in such cheap tactics
This is a serious forum sir. If you want to crack jokes do whatsapp/tweat to your followers.
I would be surprised if Pakistan doesn't resort to nuclear bombs. But can Pakistan resort to nuclear bombs to India's conventional superiority. I think not.
I rest my case my dear friend,either PROVE your hypothesis based on valid reasoning or papers or you'd cease the right to be taken seriously,unfortunately world doesnt go by the pakistani way,it believes in published verifiable results!
PS- i agree,pakistan did her first cold nuclear test back in 1984(i hope i got the year correct?). But i am afraid cold test of nuclear device is entirely a different subject as against cold launch of missiles from cannisters.Kindly refer to wiki to understand the difference between a hot launch and cold launch philosophy!
And no,just because a country x has been operating a system y for 30 years doesnt mean x can design y,for if they did any such thing,they would have gotten into a lot of serious technical challenges as we face it here.But the very fact that the research and patent output of pakistan is so abysmally low tells a very important story -one that is entirely different from what you are trying to paint!
Good day my friend,i am leaving for my lab! take care

Good luck in your lab! I hope the experiments they will do on you in the lab are not very painful.

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Even your economic growth seems questionable. Last year, India increased its GDP growth rates by 2% by fudging numbers and changing methodology.

Do you even understand an iota of what you're saying they didnt change the methodology,all they changed was the "base-year'.Well why did they do so?
- they did that because with every passing year the "older" base year gives not- so clear picture of your current year's gdp growth rate. They didnt fudge anything. the base year of 2005 wont give a clear picture of your countrys gdp rate of 2014,hence they changed the base year to 2012!- every country do the revision of base year,it is nothing unprecedented!

India GDP Annual Growth Rate | 1951-2015 | Data | Chart | Calendar
Here is a report from WSJ
India Changes GDP Calculation Method - WSJ
even if we go by older base year method,india's growth rate was 5.7% as against 2%(as you have claimed out of jealousy)

Good luck in your lab! I hope the experiments they will do on you in the lab are not very painful.

why my friend does it hurt that india is ranked at #6 in research ranking and pakistan at abysmally #43? perhaps,research does matter in "real" world
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[QUOTE="Bossman, post: 7653078, member: 29758"]I proved you totally wrong and now you go on a tangent about Indian skills and your college rankings[/QUOTE]

You proved me totally wrong based on your fantasies,kindly next time prove me wrong based on credible research that restof scientific ccommunity understands and not your hypothesis that are loose,vague and most importantly not backed by credible research.
I think you don't read your own posts clearly, it was "YOU" who first brought the topic of "QS" rankings of Pakistani universities when I wasn't even discussing them.Hence, just to show where we stand,I posted a plethora of western links(from conference and documentaries that are way more credible than what you can possibly throw up).
My dear friend, next time, kindly post research literature to prove me wrong and not your "loose hypothesis,fanboy imaginations,and assumptions"
I cannot understand why people of pakistan cannot understand the fact that Nukes on India, wll wipe off Pak forever.
Do you even understand an iota of what you're saying they didnt change the methodology,all they changed was the "base-year'.Well why did they do so?
- they did that because with every passing year the "older" base year gives not- so clear picture of your current year's gdp growth rate. They didnt fudge anything. the base year of 2005 wont give a clear picture of your countrys gdp rate of 2014,hence they changed the base year to 2012!- every country do the revision of base year,it is nothing unprecedented!

India GDP Annual Growth Rate | 1951-2015 | Data | Chart | Calendar
Here is a report from WSJ
India Changes GDP Calculation Method - WSJ
even if we go by older base year method,india's growth rate was 5.7% as against 2%(as you have claimed out of jealousy)

why my friend does it hurt that india is ranked at #6 in research ranking and pakistan at abysmally #43? perhaps,research does matter in "real" world

What is the base year used by Top world economies and in how many years do they revise it ??
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We are going to be destroyed ourselves if we use nukes.. we know that. Rather we are going to suffer from more painful death cuz of radiations. But that doesn't means we are ruling that options out. Hum to dooben gay tum ko b lay dooben gy sanam.

Dushmani Jam Kar Karo
Magar Ye Gunjayish Rahe
Jab Kabhi Hum Dost
Ho Jaye To Sharminda Na Ho
Didn't US offer India a nuke deal which they refused to offer even us?
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