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Pakistani Snipers Taking out Indian personnel on LOC

Do you know what this mistake is?

You are boasting about hitting border posts in peacetime. And claiming that Indian attacks are doing no damage. - Which is certainly not true.

How does India benefit from this?

By appearing as the victim. Even though by now casualties on your side (prob civies) will be higher since here they are already evacuated. Pretty sure India won't even mention much about their 'successful' hits. Because even though that helps our ego, it is bad for public consumption.

No it doesn't because you will just label civilians as terrorists and carry on you have indiscriminately killed civilians yet your telling us about hitting check posts your whole nation only a couple of days ago was all about war and then when ur pilot got captured you was all about peace no war and return him save him then we offered you a olive branch instead you instantly said it's our weakness we are trembling at our knees so it shows the gutter level journalism and vomit the Indian media relies on for ratings and unfortunately dont want peace
And claiming that Indian attacks are doing no damage. - Which is certainly not true.
yeah, no one is claiming that. we are openly showing the damage, both civilian and military alike.
Screenshot 2019-03-02 20.40.50.png

Indian Kicking Pakistani ***
I encourage everyone to stop speadikg twitter or social media news.

Mostly social media news are fake. Wait for offical journalists to say something or governemt etc.

So far seems like bull shiit
This Guy Jeffery is credible...
Pakistan is again shooting itself in the foot here.

Do you understand the grand narrative being set here?

Yes, another Wing Commander of yours will be landing on our soil but this time to find out that he will rot in prison forever! another cake to be rubbed on your faces.
The mentality I have is if 2 Pakistani soldiers are killed you pay back India in kind. Kill 10 times the amount to show them that Pakistan's soldiers are important and if you kill them you will be taught a lesson.

Suns of guns...

Guided artillery anyone? Pakistan would do good by either making or buying guided artillery and mortar shells because then you can target what you like while being sure your going to hit it.
it seems one is firing heavy weapons blindy and paksitanis are hitting one kill one shot
Cost effective weapon. And It Don't make such noise . We tried this method in Lal Masjid operation too. Totally worth to use it from little distance.
It saves Imran Khan's black face. If the nation hears this fiasco alongside the news of Abhinandan's release, they will kick Imran Khan back to his ex-wife in U.K.
firing at LOC never stopped, before, after or during his stay in Pakistan. india would do what it had always wanted to do, even if abhinandan wasnt returned. i too think that it wasnt the right decision, but you are being an a$$.
Listen you moron. Stay within your limits and take off the rose-tinted glasses from your eyes. Look at the world for what it is, instead of a blind faith in every messiah that comes along to sell you snake oil.
Maybe you should follow your advise and take off your glasses of hate that and see the world for what it is and that is praising IK and admitting he has check mate India on every front. As for border, the army has already been given orders to retaliate to every action India takes and so they are.
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