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Pakistani Snipers Taking out Indian personnel on LOC

man please post his real account . anyone can edit mad write anything its not authentic

His account was first opened on 2014. His language throughout it shows him as Indian, the vocabulary and dialect used (z as j etc). Someone here posted screenshots of his tweet before he disabled his account citing that 'BSF commanders had sent him death threats' so he was disabling his account, I saw his account, I can confirm it was opened in 2014, I can also confirm his last tweet before he disabled it.

It was a fake account most likely
Indians dont seem to realize that fighting against heavily armed TTP has made the infantry quite formidable. and, of course, artillery dudes got a whole lot of training too, their fire is also very accurate.
They think TTP was like their Naxals armed with shot guns and using desi bombs.
His account was first opened on 2014. His language throughout it shows him as Indian, the vocabulary and dialect used (z as j etc). Someone here posted screenshots of his tweet before he disabled his account citing that 'BSF commanders had sent him death threats' so he was disabling his account, I saw his account, I can confirm it was opened in 2014, I can also confirm his last tweet before he disabled it.

It's most likely a legit account but knowing how the Indians are totallly lying about everything to appear stronger than the enemy I suspect he was forced to suspend the account. The Indians would have reported the account and twitter auto suspends it. They are the most sick and twisted people I've witnessed.
Why the hell can't you guys accept that your army can also suffer? You think they are made of steel? They can't bleed, they can't die? 2 of our soldiers were martyred we accepted it,paid our respects to them and prayed for them. You people don't seem to accept the reality unless you stand exposed. Nevermind nobody really cares truth will come out eventually and embarrass you as it always does.

Side effects of Bollywood. Won't go away that easy.
It's most likely a legit account but knowing how the Indians are totallly lying about everything to appear stronger than the enemy I suspect he was forced to suspend the account. The Indians would have reported the account and twitter auto suspends it. They are the most sick and twisted people I've witnessed.

Agree his account seems legit, but for obvious reasons blood thirsty terrorist bhartis are trying to cover up thier huge losses because thier dreams of conquering Pakistan has been shattered.
Why the hell can't you guys accept that your army can also suffer? You think they are made of steel? They can't bleed, they can't die? 2 of our soldiers were martyred we accepted it,paid our respects to them and prayed for them. You people don't seem to accept the reality unless you stand exposed. Nevermind nobody really cares truth will come out eventually and embarrass you as it always does.

Bud, it's just text book denial. They can't explicitly accept anything against them because then they wouldn't be able to get out of bed the next day. They need these fantasies to keep going on with their existence. Make no mistake, they know the truth perfectly well, that is exactly why they deny it.
firing at LOC never stopped, before, after or during his stay in Pakistan. india would do what it had always wanted to do, even if abhinandan wasnt returned. i too think that it wasnt the right decision, but you are being an a$$.
Maybe you should follow your advise and take off your glasses of hate that and see the world for what it is and that is praising IK and admitting he has check mate India on every front. As for border, the army has already been given orders to retaliate to every action India takes and so they are.

A leader who is unable to save the blood of his own people, and is instead focused on optics, is a traitor. These are the real problems facing Pakistan:

1. The world has bought Indian narrative that Pakistan is a source of terror.

2. The world has not condemned Indian actions. Where is the Security Council Resolution condemning Indian actions? Instead, a joint American, French, and British resolution has been forwarded against Maulana Masood Azhar, thus dragging Pakistan's name once and framing us in a negative light.

3. The lack of condemnation against India becomes more grievious considering their actions were a clear violation of the Geneva Convention. And in sharp contrast, you are handing over the pilot due to Geneva convention.

4. At the same time when India was engaging in a bloodbath on the border, Sushna Suwaraj was a guest of honor in OIC. Why didn't OIC say, "Imran Khan has just shown a gesture of peace which is being reciprocated with war. We cannot receive a terrorist state as guest of honor". Instead, no one cares about your absence. The thing is, no one actually cares.

Since you are already angrybat me, consider this fictitious scenario. Imagine I am PM and I am an enemy agent. I need to serve the enemy agenda to disgrace Pakistan and demolish it's bottom line. I would ask the enemy to give me something where I can divert attention. That something is the 'world appreciation' of the so called peace gesture. Platitudes are piled up, laurels are awarded, and fools get distracted. Now look at what Imran Khan has done. And you are calling me hateful?
Do you know what this mistake is?

You are boasting about hitting border posts in peacetime. And claiming that Indian attacks are doing no damage. - Which is certainly not true.

How does India benefit from this?

By appearing as the victim. Even though by now casualties on your side (prob civies) will be higher since here they are already evacuated. Pretty sure India won't even mention much about their 'successful' hits. Because even though that helps our ego, it is bad for public consumption.

Well well well... still at peace time;
  • is it OK for India to cross LOC, + international border and
  • drop 4 laser guided bombs on villagers in Pakistan, and
  • be judge, jury and executor without any evidence of Pakistan's involvement, and
  • lie about JuD camps and bomb Pakistani territory despite Pakistan's willingness to cooperate India?
Now if India could do all that at peace time, what ground do you have to step Pakistan from punishing India? Is it hearting much? India should not have poked Pakistan based on lies. Now go through what you have earned.
Well well well... still at peace time;
  • is it OK for India to cross LOC, + international border and
  • drop 4 laser guided bombs on villagers in Pakistan, and
  • be judge, jury and executor without any evidence of Pakistan's involvement, and
  • lie about JuD camps and bomb Pakistani territory despite Pakistan's willingness to cooperate India?
Now if India could do all that at peace time, what ground do you have to step Pakistan from punishing India? Is it hearting much? India should not have poked Pakistan based on lies. Now go through what you have earned.
India is ruled by Hindus. What do you expect them to do?

Feed you jalebis?
A leader who is unable to save the blood of his own people, and is instead focused on optics, is a traitor. These are the real problems facing Pakistan:

1. The world has bought Indian narrative that Pakistan is a source of terror.

Please do point me out on this where the world is buying Indian narrative because this is the first time in the history of Pakistan that the world has actually rejected Indian stance and other than lip service of two countries US and France none have tagged along Indian version.

2. The world has not condemned Indian actions. Where is the Security Council Resolution condemning Indian actions? Instead, a joint American, French, and British resolution has been forwarded against Maulana Masood Azhar, thus dragging Pakistan's name once and framing us in a negative light.

Yes they haven't because they thought it will be business as usual until Pakistan struck back. And that is where Pakistan made headlines by returning the pilot. That was diplomatic moves even Indians acknowledge that is checkmate Modi

3. The lack of condemnation against India becomes more grievious considering their actions were a clear violation of the Geneva Convention. And in sharp contrast, you are handing over the pilot due to Geneva convention.

This is where i think we should call in the security council and put up our complain as well.

4. At the same time when India was engaging in a bloodbath on the border, Sushna Suwaraj was a guest of honor in OIC. Why didn't OIC say, "Imran Khan has just shown a gesture of peace which is being reciprocated with war. We cannot receive a terrorist state as guest of honor". Instead, no one cares about your absence. The thing is, no one actually cares.

As a result of that OIC not only got a clear message from Pakistan but also made OIC realize that they made a mistake, hence the clear condemnation of Indian aggression on Pakistan and human rights violations in Kashmir while the so called Suwaraj was the guest of honour.

Since you are already angrybat me, consider this fictitious scenario. Imagine I am PM and I am an enemy agent. I need to serve the enemy agenda to disgrace Pakistan and demolish it's bottom line. I would ask the enemy to give me something where I can divert attention. That something is the 'world appreciation' of the so called peace gesture. Platitudes are piled up, laurels are awarded, and fools get distracted. Now look at what Imran Khan has done. And you are calling me hateful?

My point is simple, you agree with certain decision, you dont with others, that gives you no right to insult a PM of Pakistan when he is actually doing a good job considering what kind of Pakistan was left to him. Its easy to sit behind a computer screen and talk back while sitting in Australia however if we put ourselves in his shoes we realise that not everything is so easy and clear when you are a PM who has to make decisions affections millions of Pakistanis, when he has to tread a delicate balance in responding to aggression and at the same time not upsetting your friends which have just started pouring money into you. Lets be realistic of our expectations here specially when the rest of the whole world is actually praising PM.
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