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Pakistani Sniper in action again

Nope. Both pervez khattak and ispr not giving military casualties proved it.

Unlike the Indian Army, ISPR doesn't whistle both sides, while it openly admits own losses, it would only say that it inflicted losses to the enemy, where as your army likes to always give numbers, how many it killed, how many wounded, bunkers destroyed etc. Desperate to make impression.
Rafale deal is secret because details would reveal the number of missiles we ordered.
But there is no secret involved in giving casualties details.
yea, you spending most of your life on this forum know more than those running your country affairs.
Give it a rest fan boy .
No, you have no data to prove Pakistani casualties are lower than Indian.

And neither you can prove Pakistani casualties are higher. Except guesswork

But I can surely prove that a new record of dispatching bharatis was created. That makes me different from a veggie rat like you. :lol:
Because Indian army wants dominance in every weapons category we already dominate Pakistan in mortars, machine guns, light artillery, RCLs, ATGMs etc as we have 2-3x more of these weapons along LoC. Moreover our posts are located at higher altitude in 70% of LoC which makes Pakistani posts very vulnerable. Now we will soon have dominance in sniper category too.

This simply shows their level of unprofessionalism or your absolute ignorance of military planning. Professional militaries do not seek to 'dominate in weapon category'. They seek to meet objectives and identify the tools they need to achieve the same. Are you telling us the kids leading Indian army like to collect toys? And how exactly do you achieve 'dominance' by placing commercial ordrs against an army that manufactures its own sniper rifles and its own night vision sights? Can you share with us the number of sniper rifles ordered?
This simply shows their level of unprofessionalism or your absolute ignorance of military planning. Professional militaries do not seek to 'dominate in weapon category'. They seek to meet objectives and identify the tools they need to achieve the same. Are you telling us the kids leading Indian army like to collect toys? And how exactly do you achieve 'dominance' by placing commercial ordrs against an army that manufactures its own sniper rifles and its own night vision sights? Can you share with us the number of sniper rifles ordered?

You are taking a multiple ID clown very seriously :lol:
And despite the so called dominance record Indian soldiers died in year 2018

What a dominance :rofl:

You said that from your as$.

Obviously we won't take it seriously
And despite the so called dominance record Indian soldiers died in year 2018

What a dominance :rofl:
And despite the so called dominance record Indian soldiers died in year 2018

What a dominance :rofl:

You said that from your as$.

Obviously we won't take it seriously
and how many Pakistani soldiers were killed last year ?

given the number of videos released by Indian Army blowing apart Pakistani positions, either pakistani army has already vacated the positions or their soldiers are immortal.. so you have to decide which story you want to believe
and how many Pakistani soldiers were killed last year ?

given the number of videos released by Indian Army blowing apart Pakistani positions, either pakistani army has already vacated the positions or their soldiers are immortal.. so you have to decide which story you want to believe

How about you post all the 2018 links shared by Indian army?
and how many Pakistani soldiers were killed last year ?

given the number of videos released by Indian Army blowing apart Pakistani positions, either pakistani army has already vacated the positions or their soldiers are immortal.. so you have to decide which story you want to believe

We have similar videos too

The thing is no matter how many Pakistanis died. They weren't enough to stop Pakistan from firing at your troops. That is a fact.

We normally don't cheer deaths. But when idiots from India come and b!tch about being dominant and all that then yeah we need to respond back
What? Just injured?
We shouldnt go soft on the enemy.
Indian soldiers kill Kashmiri kids on our side of the LOC.... All those deaths should be avenged.
Pak needs to ensure that the Indian occupying forces are confined within their bunkers, bases etc. inside the IOK...
Pak needs to ensure that the Indian occupying forces are confined within their bunkers, bases etc. inside the IOK...

Yeah.. good luck trying that.

I wonder why you hate Pakistanis so much that you want them to instigate a war and suffer needlessly.
Yeah.. good luck trying that.

I wonder why you hate Pakistanis so much that you want them to instigate a war and suffer needlessly.
lol...Pak know hindus much better then others.........after all we ruled you 1000+ years ..for the world you would be a big power but for us .........you are nothing but our Bitch....:D
Here’s a reality of truth that comes from the Indian army commanders

For a start. Indian army Has a full record of lying and making things up.

Example I give is fake encounters?

Kashmir. Sadly is full of fake encounters done to the innocent civilians murdered in cold blood. By the Indian army.

Next day breaking news. Indian army claims they were hizbul commanders killed by the army. Triggers indians news outlets alive

Same day families have now come forward to collect there loved ones.

Turned out to be farmers or labourers tricked by the army promising them work

But still. Indians continue to wave there army reports here claiming all sorts of actions and missions

Because Indian army wants dominance in every weapons category we already dominate Pakistan in mortars, machine guns, light artillery, RCLs, ATGMs etc as we have 2-3x more of these weapons along LoC. Moreover our posts are located at higher altitude in 70% of LoC which makes Pakistani posts very vulnerable. Now we will soon have dominance in sniper category too.

As I already said the we have created a bigger record.
If you have dominance over everything then why is this dominance being wasted away? If you can blast Pakistan then why is this firing on the LoC not a thing of the past?

Dominance is a big word. Understand the situation then use it carefully. Armchair generals should avoid making such statements.

Also for those asking about Pakistani casualties, you should realize that for Pakistan, despite losses, the Kashmir issue is a cause worth taking casualties for. Obviously only a fool would think this is one-sided, however Pakistan cannot be cowed down militarily on the LoC. Yes, India does have more positions and personnel on the LoC, but for the kind of attrition warfare going on, that works both ways. You can fire more rounds but you also have more positions and personnel exposed as targets of opportunity across the LoC.

Its actually unfortunate that this goes on a daily basis. Indian pronouncements for local consumption about making Pakistan pay double etc. don't reflect reality for as long as Pakistan can put pressure on the Indian side on the LoC and in Kashmir and that it has done successfully. The end goal is to get India to realize that talks are the only way out and that Indian clampdown in IoK has costs. The Modi refrain on the talks about pre-conditions does not really hold water because just the other day, the Indian Army chief was suggesting to hold talks without preconditions with the Taliban so the very same can be done here.

Indian elections obviously are a big reason for the LoC staying hot, but soon the temperature will have to be cooled down.
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