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Pakistani Sniper fire BSF trooper casualty

I guess she was being sarcastic.

Got the sarcasm, chose to ignore it. Didn't like the sweeping judgments made in the post.

Some chose to forget the violent European history and dehumanization of enemy is a western tactic which unfortunately was adopted by us.
Oh one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. If you are so ashamed of terrorism then should not have elected a terrorist to the post of the PM of your country, so we will not brook any hypocritical lectures from your side of the border. I suppose the killings and burning alive of 1000s of muslims in Gujarat was just a tea party and of course you are gonna defend Modi as though India is not a corrupt hellhole but some nirvana where there is justice and equality for all.
Are pakis thekedar of all Muslims? Bhai China will do danda if tomorrow you start talking like this about Uighurs. So calm your tits and don't poke you nose in our internal matters. As far as modi is concerned he was investigated properly by congress for years and nothing came out.
If tomorrow Hindus in Pakistan burn 60 Muslims then what will happen. In India police controlled the riots in 2 days. Many Hindus were shot by police. Muslims have same rights in India. Salman khan or amir khan are not hit coz pakis watch their pirated CDs. We had Muslim presidents and intelligence chiefs.
It takes two to tango . Response will come swift and without any prejudice .
We saw the cowardly response last year when our two Rangers were martyred when they were called for flag meeting and than you lost 5 soldiers in next one week.
The thread title has been edited.
Several posts which were inappropriately mocking the dead solider have been deleted, as they would if it were the other way round.
I hope hostilities stop.

The thread title should have the word "Alleged" in it.

A single (so called) sniper, shooting a constable, achieves what?

The OP doesn't make sense from any Pakistani POV.
The thread title should have the word "Alleged" in it.

A single (so called) sniper, shooting a constable, achieves what?

The OP doesn't make sense from any Pakistani POV.
Albeit, when a sniper picks out a target, he's oblivious of the other's rank and file, however it was most likely retaliatory fire to Indian provocations.
Not happy. These are not war killings but meaning less, purpose less losses on both sides. Cannot appreciate loss of life.. It's not peace per say but it's not war either.
recall few years back when a Pakistani soldier crossed over to Indian side in Kashmir by mistake when he lost his way due to adverse weather. he was captured alive by the Indians , they kept him for a week and then shot him and handed over his body . his killing was unnecessary as he was unarmed and was captured already but they found it essential to execute him and didnt bother with the fact that we will know that he was kept alive for few days and killed recently.

some (not all) Indians make moronic comments like how is it possible to loose way and cross border, well in bad weather it can happen to civilians, climbers and soldiers and even pilots not every place is wired and walled and marked some times an avalanche or landslide or a flood stream blocks or destroy the known route and path, add extreme weather conditions like fog, rain and snow and any one has a chance of getting lost but NO the morons are used to clear weather bollywoodised pictures of their soldiers by the fences so their little brains fail to understand how someone can cross a border without being a terrorist.

specific to this case, I dont appropriate shooting that Indian dead even if he crossed the border into our side he was not going to succeed in raiding Azad kasjhmir on his own. unless he was on a scouting mission on our side and tried to escape and was given warnings then this will be justifiable but cheap shooting someone on the other side is wrong when there are no hostilities declared. what is Pakistani version I dont know.
recall few years back when a Pakistani soldier crossed over to Indian side in Kashmir by mistake when he lost his way due to adverse weather. he was captured alive by the Indians , they kept him for a week and then shot him and handed over his body . his killing was unnecessary as he was unarmed and was captured already but they found it essential to execute him and didnt bother with the fact that we will know that he was kept alive for few days and killed recently.

some (not all) Indians make moronic comments like how is it possible to loose way and cross border, well in bad weather it can happen to civilians, climbers and soldiers and even pilots not every place is wired and walled and marked some times an avalanche or landslide or a flood stream blocks or destroy the known route and path, add extreme weather conditions like fog, rain and snow and any one has a chance of getting lost but NO the morons are used to clear weather bollywoodised pictures of their soldiers by the fences so their little brains fail to understand how someone can cross a border without being a terrorist.

specific to this case, I dont appropriate shooting that Indian dead even if he crossed the border into our side he was not going to succeed in raiding Azad kasjhmir on his own. unless he was on a scouting mission on our side and tried to escape and was given warnings then this will be justifiable but cheap shooting someone on the other side is wrong when there are no hostilities declared. what is Pakistani version I dont know.
Sir as for me its simple if they do something stupid we have to answer and best way is Sniper, but as Muslims despite them being enemy we should not celebrate their death if that would have been allowed I would have been the first and the biggest celebrator but it's simply not allowed in our faith.
Sir as for me its simple if they do something stupid we have to answer and best way is Sniper, but as Muslims despite them being enemy we should not celebrate their death if that would have been allowed I would have been the first and the biggest celebrator but it's simply not allowed in our faith.
we once killed an Indian sniper who had crossed over to our side in Bhimber sector and would come and go and had killed soldiers, and villagers and was harassing people offering prayers in the local mosque courtyard , coming out of their houses and our troops am talking late 90s he was eventually tracked and killed in his spot on a tree some say he was taken out with an RPG but most likely he was gunned down though multiple gun fire. the tree was removed too.
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we cannot calculate the answer when we don t know the question,,, so we don t know the ground realities,, useless
The BSF soldiers death aside, all this bravado is not needed, escalations on the border only hurt Pakistan more. During last years mini war escalation Pakis lost well over 100 soldiers to India's more than disproportionate response. Over 60 of your posts completely destroyed. We can escalate all day. Till your people start running to the UN and start begging. Such a shameless nation.
..pakistani towns are near to the border....
Rangers used Mortars and shelled Indian towns and were replied in Mortars..the pakistanis civilians suffered...( body count of pak military personal will never come to light- will never be acknowledged).
Now they want to exchange sniper fire. Bad omen for pakiistanis....men in arms and civilians
A BSF jawan was killed today when Pakistani troops opened snipper fire at Indian forward post along the Line of Control (LoC) in Baramulla of North Kashmir, officials said here.

The incident took place at around 3.30 PM when the jawan, posted in Karam post in Uri area of Baramulla sector, collapsed after being hit in his right eye by a bullet from across the border, the officials said.

The jawan has been identified as Krishna Kumar Dubey, a constable in BSF.

This is the first time that Pakistani troops have opened fire in this sector this year.

The Pakistani firing was retalited by the troops and some casualities were inflicted on the other side, the officials claimed.

BSF jawan killed in sniper fire by Pak troops in J&K

Very very ironically if u notice the attitudes of both sides in this thread u wud feel like crying. Each time bsf initiates firing and does damages to our side, these indians , very indians here and on other sites literally celebrate our jawans deaths, and say there must be a reason for bsf to open fire. But here when for some reason idont know who started the exchange, but lets say our side has done,now how indians are going all melodramatic and hurt, but when the same rejoice over our losses then God knows where do their conscience go?.

What is even more interesting is that look at the reaction of all pakistani posters here, no one is feeling happy. It felt like a loss of life..and ppl are sorry despite not knowing details...........

This is the difference between indians and pakistanis.

We always end up showing sympathy but only to be backstabbed by indians yet another time.
Do u guys remember january killing of 2 of our jawans that bsf had deceptively callled over for flag lowering and then shot them and werent even letting our rangers retrieve their wounded bodies for treatment.

And bsf is very shameless, it blatantly purposefully targets civilians , like trustme they can see they are ordinary citizens in civilian attire yet they open fire at them.

I was watching a very old west made documentary on siachin conflict,in that a pakistani major was telling that there are some areas where indian forces use the citizens inside indian border as human shields. Oh welll!!! Why i am not shocked!

See this below post is an epic example of their mindsets:

The BSF soldiers death aside, all this bravado is not needed, escalations on the border only hurt Pakistan more. During last years mini war escalation Pakis lost well over 100 soldiers to India's more than disproportionate response. Over 60 of your posts completely destroyed. We can escalate all day. Till your people start running to the UN and start begging. Such a shameless nation.
Congratulations Pakistan for doing it. Since I am new to this forum so i am taking responsibility to keep a record of it. I will keep on sharing the records (casualities) time and again so that later on you people don't abuse me if in case you find out few body count less on other side of the card. So once again congrats Pakistan. You have a reason to cheer and for Indians no need to lose hope your day will come soon.

Keep the spirits high guys. Kudos.
Why u indians join the forums with false flags??? Netherland and dane flags ,english name and defending india.
Basically warning India that if they try anything during CPEC they will be met with strict revenge
Something must have happened. Where are the reports of casualties on the other side as they say?
Pakistan never divulges the number of casualties on their side due to morale and ego problems. The info about Pak casualties generally comes from SIGINT.
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