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Pakistani school teacher teaching beheading and extreamism to students

I've often witnessed within my community as to when it is Eid Milad, Pakistanis from all sections of society will attend marches in full 'Josh' shouting from the top of their voices their ultimate love for the Noble Prophet PBUH. However many within the community know very little about islam and the absolute necessity of performing 5 daily prayers.
someone check this Mullahs laptop

will be full of p0rn

They like live gay p0rn in madrasahs.

All arrests and condemnations are cosmetic measures by the state. If only state was sincere, she would have made it impossible for people to misuse it. The day state thought that it was okay to negotiate with the supporters of terrorists, was the day when state allowed them to murder more people. I refuse to believe that state of Pakistan is sincere about this issue.
Good work by police..
But problem is he may be released after few days, like other terrorists of ttp, tlp, ssp

These people wont be released bcz these people are phudus and not Saad Rizvi or so other big peer. No one will come to their rescue bcz these chutiyas are just fodder for TLP molvis. They will sit in jails for years thinking saad rizvi will come save their arse but no one will come. You might have seen no TLP molvi has come to media or even made a statement on social media on this issue. These molvis know this is an international incident so they will not get involved.
And that is why i always teach my daughter at home to never listen to such people in life. I would rather have my daughter as uneducated than to have these Animals brain wash her in school. I had a huge argument with my dad when he told me to go move to australia. I had just returned from UK and wanted to work in Pakistan. It took 2 weeks to change my mind. On work place i met a molvi who was preaching to everyone that Washing feet of a Syed and drinking water will bless you for life. These people preach anything but Islam. These are the khawarij who will destroy our country.
You made a wise decision my friend
This country is already destroyed. The fabric of society has completely deteriorated. There is no rule of law, the country is ruled by molvis, mafias, the ultra rich and those in power(politicians, army men, bureaucrats). The rest who are living here(aka lambs and sheep) are either in denial or are unable to move abroad.
Pakistan needs a brutal dictator that takes these creatures head on, leave them to preach and you are literally creating a newer much deadlier generation of TTP/ISIS/AQ on steroids. If it was up to me, I'd court martial Bajwa and other top Generals, and put civil leadership behind bars for their incompetency. This country is going on a dark path, and this fire will spread like crazy in our cities.

All dictators rely on left wing or right wing. Leftists are decimated in Pakistan for many many decades. So, what will this new brutal dictator rely on? Right wing thought?? Isn't that what you had most of your past?
Close down religious madrassas funded by crazy GCC Arabs.
All arrests and condemnations are cosmetic measures by the state. If only state was sincere, she would have made it impossible for people to misuse it. The day state thought that it was okay to negotiate with the supporters of terrorists, was the day when state allowed them to murder more people. I refuse to believe that state of Pakistan is sincere about this issue.

Let's call it how it is. The state is the main facilitator of this menace. Has been from day one. We took and continue to take petrodollars from so-called friends. The state has destroyed unity. Every Tom, Dick and Harry wants to fight and raise his/her voice for different causes except Pakistan. We are an incredibly pathetic people.

Pakistan desperately needs a patriotic and autocratic leader who can lead from the front. A leader who isn't intoxicated by religion or other distractions. An autocratic leader who cannot be bought or sold by others. An autocratic leader who can lay the foundation of an educated and confident society. Not a leader who shivers to choose a camp and appeases both sides. We must have our version of Lee Kuan Yew.
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TLP have radicalised people for votes. Congratulations you have given birth to another snake. This is TTP 2.0 :lol:
these kidswill behead us tomorrow.
they might not even need an excuse.

we, not being in TLP will be Blasphemous enough to get us lynched.

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