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Pakistani response to Indian allegations in UN

Statement by Mr. Bilal Ahmad, Counselor Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations in Exercise of Right of Reply
(2015-10-01) Mr. President,

We have requested for the floor in response to India's statements in this debate.

India's attempts to deny its illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir are a travesty of history. To perpetuate its occupation, India has deployed over seven hundred thousand security forces in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Only the occupier would oppose the implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions that promised self-determination to the people of the disputed State of Jammu and Kashmir. Over 100,000 Kashmiris have been killed, thousands of women widowed and raped, and children orphaned by this brutal occupation and the most egregious form of state terrorism by India. Independent human rights organizations have confirmed the existence of over 6000 unnamed mass graves in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

If India had respect for international law and moral courage, it would end its reign of terror, withdraw its troops and let the Kashmiris freely decide their future in the UN mandated plebiscite as promised to them by the UNSC resolutions.

UN Security Council Resolutions 47 of 21 April 1948, 51 of 3 June 1948, 80 of 14 March 1950, 91 of 30 March 1951, 122 of 24 January 1957 and the Resolutions of UNCIP of 13 August 1948 and of 5 January 1949 declare that the final disposition of the State of Jammu and Kashmir would be made in accordance with the will of the people expressed through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite conducted under the auspices of the United Nations. The people of Jammu and Kashmir await fulfillment of that promise.

The core issue of Jammu and Kashmir cannot be cast aside by empty rhetoric. It has been and will always be on top of the agenda of any talks between India and Pakistan. This is because durable peace and stability in the region depends on a just and lasting settlement of this dispute in accordance with the resolutions of the UN Security Council.

It is therefore disingenuous of India to ignore the serious peace initiative proposed by the Prime Minister of Pakistan from this august forum.

While proclaiming its willingness to talk, India has imposed pre-conditions, knowing that these would be unacceptable to Pakistan.

India's insistence on limiting the talks to a one point agenda proves that it is neither interested nor serious in engaging in a genuine dialogue. Using the terrorism bogey, India has not only stalled the bilateral dialogue but also vitiated the overall atmosphere between the two countries.

Pakistan's commitment, and its role and sacrifice in the fight against terrorism, including the success of our ongoing counter-terrorism operations, have been acknowledged and praised by the entire international community.

The entire world is also united in unequivocally condemning terrorism, except India. This country is insensitive to the tragic human dimension of terrorism. India seems to suggest that acts of terrorism in Pakistan are acceptable. By doing so, India in fact seeks to mask its own support and sponsorship of terrorism in Pakistan.

India has also failed to bring to justice the perpetrators of terrorism against innocent civilians in the 2007 Samjhota Express bombings. The decision of the Indian Government not to challenge the bail granted to Swami Aseemanand, the main accused in the case, raises serious doubts about India's willingness to convict its nationals involved in terror incidents against the Muslims. This is a continuation of the sad saga of the massacre of Muslims in Gujarat.

I would like to inform that Pakistan has today handed over to the UN Secretary-General dossiers containing evidence of Indian involvement in terrorism and fomenting instability in Pakistan. The dossiers include details of Indian interference and support for terrorism in Balochistan and Karachi as well as its security and intelligence agencies' link with the TTP especially in FATA.

Mr. President,

The international community supports dialogue between India and Pakistan.

Despite India's hostile attitude, it remains our desire to move forward in an open and constructive manner.

The Prime Minister's peace initiative is in line with his vision of a friendly neighbourhood that he enunciated immediately after taking office, two years ago.

We hope that India will respond positively in the interest of peace and prosperity, the cherished collective objective of our peoples.

Thank you Mr. President

New York
01 October 2015
Pakistani delegation might have got two hoots from their army of not emphasizing kashmir enough in the earlier draft and here is the result.

Looks like Pakistanis are not going to spare India, khoob ley raha hai.

The Indian terrorism, Water Terrorism dossier evidence and Kashmir issue should be passed to each and every country in the world and each and every media, internet channel they could find.

Pakistan should also prepare for short limited war.
And each every country in the world have dustbins in their offices.

I say involve india into limited war from time to time.
And when India escalates that limited war go back crying to UN...

really, India superpawa is innocent like a baby...India never started any war...India is Holy devi, everyone comes and rapes her.

India cannot ever defeat Pakistan, and to defeat Pakistan u have to take its nukes, missiles and cease Pakistan to exist...LOC is not international boundary anyone can act....but this time Pakistan is going to take Kashmir...
Sure the war maybe limited but in that war India would definitely cut off Pakistan from China by attacking Azad Kashmir and there goes your last hope your CPEC

Oh so u donot accept UN now....the same UN India is begging with full zoor to become permanent membership....India ran to UN/US/Soviets in 1965, India ran again for Kashmir when Pakistan took half of kashmir in 1947, India ran again in 1971 and then India ran to UN in Kargil ....u lie but the facts are facts....losers.

Pakistan should disclose the terrorist India and its terrorism to UN, correct approach....ley Pakistan ley aur India ki....Expose this pathetic terrorist India run by a terrorist Modi.
Heights of misinformation go check out youtube for the video of bhutto crying about his son saying not to come back home after surrender in the UN.
Research & Dev.. eh ?

Are you serious ?

Whats a ' limited war " and how do you keep it ' limited' ?

What if the adversary chooses to ' unlimit 'it ?
By keeping it limited he meant they would run to UN, UK, CHINA, US for help whenever India escalates it.
Lol Talking about supa hero's ..here's your's.. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

He would still kick your sorry @ss in a one on one at 60, internet warrior.
Yep unlike NM who would have cell phone full of Modfies for you people when he comes back home.
Nah, he's coming back with billions of dollars of investment, you know gujrati mentality flight ka kharcha bhi toh nikalna chahiye

Why is Kashmir so important to Pakistan? It is beyond me.
Just a revenge mentality for 1971
Doesn't matter.... whole world knows which country is the epicenter of terrorism... :)


The country supported militancy in East Pakistan.
The country supported militancy in Sri Lanka
The Country supporting militancy in Pakistan (TTP, BLA)
The Country supporting Hindu jingoism and killing muslims on eating beaf.

So first take a look in your own house before looking out, rapes and graves in kashmir are a case which needs UN attention right now.
I firmly believe that was the plan. Indians were lured into big mouthing and they did exactly that! Aim was to pull the moral ground under them and it is what happened. Four point agenda for peace was intentionally mellow and was drafted carefully. Mild enough to show our desire for peace yet demanding enough to make India reject it. Pakistan knew they will reject it. They have trapped themselves by boasting in front of domestic audience. Accepting this reasonable agenda will loose them Bihar elections. Not accepting will loose them sympathy at world stage. It will especially hurt their bid for Security Council seat.

Nobody expected to bring Kashmir in a bag from UN. We only had to show our desire of peace and India as an obstruction to peace in the region. We did that quite convincingly.
Self boasting statements as if Pakistani knew what exactly Sushma Swaraj would say. I mean they would just pull out a rabbit out of nothing.
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We have talked in the shadow of terrorism for a long time now and it has neither stopped your state sponsored terrorism nor resulted in anything substantial. So this is our new policy. Stop sending terrorists to Kashmir and we will talk. Otherwise we won't. You can keep crying. We would rather spend our time killing the rats that you send to Kashmir.
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....Pakistan took half of Kashmir,...that is y kashmir is unfinished business of the partition.....All of Jammu and Kashmir banega Pakistan eventually. !!!!

Wrong information Pakistan took less then half around 40% of Kashmir then lost some land in Kashmir to India in the 1971 war &
again lost siachen glacier in 1984 plus Pakistan also ceded some land to China in 1963

right now Pakistan does not have half of Kashmir But less then half around 35% approx 30,000 sq mi

India has around 45% 38,000 sq mi plus saltoro ridge & siachen glacier 2,000 sq mi total of around 48% or 40,000 sq mi

China has around 15% 14,500 sq mi (aksai chin) plus large parts of the Shaksgam Valley 2% 1,500 sq mi total 17% or
16,000 sq mi

you re in U.K , so i suppose you studied the GCSE/IGCSE syllabus you should know this
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Thats a very good way for acknowledging that you have run out of gas .... when India was broken, divided and dismantled into pieces, you start smiling in admission on that very fact, while you know that it cannot be ever undone... Pakistan cannot be ever undone...and Indians know they can't do it...they are too weak compared to Pakistanis.

I have already given the history of Kashmir, how India illegally occupied it....donot want to repeat it.....the very fact remains, Pakistan took half of Kashmir in 1947, and the current business is that the rest part is to be rejoined with remaining Kashmir...the full Kashmir must be taken.

So if u do want to know, history, who ran to UN with its dhoti between its legs when the remaining Kashmirs was becoming part of Pakistan, and begged UN to stop the Pakistani invasion.....UN ordered you to do Plebiscite, a Referendum in the kashmir valley according to wishes of kashmiris....so if u r so confident, y stopping that to happen, I ll tell u because Kashmirs hate to be part of India....they hate to be called Indians....they never celebrate Indian independence of 1947, when India was broken by Jinnah and Brits.

It is a fact that India lost all wars, tell me when has India, which was divided so many times as actually be the same India before in 1947 ???? tell me did Bangladesh became same as before 1947 ??? what r they gains of 1947/48 kashmir war? what did u achieve in 1965? according to ur Indian General he wanted to have bear and lunch in Lahore?? where is Lahore since 1965 ? Does Bengalis want to be part of India ??? Bengalis hate you Indians to the core ? 1999 Kargil war, who owns the mountain peaks and valleys ? Has India got back A total of around 140 Indian Army posts in Kargil area of J&K which were taken by the Pakistan Army?

Come on just because through out 1000 year history muslims or Pakistanis do not talk or chest thumb to much about victories and wars, doesn't mean ur lies, r true and facts r lies, that you start to reverse history of Indian history like u r doing now in Modi rule....the history cannot be changed....

India for Pakistanis is one loser, divided and invaded land with some temples filled with rats and slums smell, with artificial makeup of shinny incredible Indian cloak...from inside Indians are weak, miser and empty...period.
Delusional mullahs cant be expected to put forward sensible arguments... 1947 your army had to withdraw from kashmir, agree you occupied half of kashmir but then Indian army was not present there, your objective of accession of kashmir remained incomplete means victory for India. 1965 you invaded kashmir but ended up defending Lahore again a fail, 1971 you lost your east Pakistan and surrendered shamelessly with 90000 troops fail here, 1999 you backstabbed India and infiltrated kargil in the guise of mujahideens there too you had to withdraw from your position. Not to mention Siachen debacle on your side, cant understand how you won a single time. Now go and scream from the roof top that we won we won no one cares.
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