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Pakistani response to Indian allegations in UN

Terrorist Modi is the head of biggest so called democracy of the world.
These are hindus killing muslim of India for eating beef in India not we.
These are hindus killing muslims of India, impostering them Pakistanis.
Certainly the blow back is there; U r suffering from ur bad deeds and due to ur terrorist head.
Terrorist Modi did not born year ago. Who was in Gujrat.

Ignorance is a bliss for persons like u; truth always prevails.
Modi is the Primeminster of democratic India and when did Pakistan or any country declared him as the terrorist.

There are some idiots who don't understand the sentiments of hindus to not eat beef, the indian law prohibit the eatting of the beef in india and in Uk the british law prevents the eating of beef in public. Is there any law related to eating of pigs in pakistan.

You need medication and special treatment to make your brain normal from the effect of the Zia-ul-haq reformatory drugs
Whats your age ?? I was in kashmir, srinagar during the kargil war kiddo. Tell do you feel shame when the illegal occupation of the vacant posts by the pakistan soldiers were shown as the act of mujahids, cutting the body parts and torture of the pow captain kalia, and when india started taking back its posts back from the most difficult terrain battleground your general musharaff running to china and then your pm nawaz shareef to bill clinton requesting to stop indian army. Tell do you feel ashamed of the act of the pakistan to even deny the dead bodies of the soldiers of the pakistan who layed their lives for the idiotic cause of the pakisani general to bring the war by backstabbing india disguised behind the lahore bus service and which also takes lives of our brave and country loving soldiers defending its country.

1 IAF fighter jet and one chopper was distroyed from the shoulder launched sam and one fighter due to engine failure but what you didn't know the firing of hundereds of these sams later with no sucess when iaf changes its tactics of high altitute laser guided pgm than the standard rocket and your Airforce PAF keeps itself away from the clash to protect himself, its what she always do and you praise it so much.

Leave aside scandal thats our internal matter and there are various good agencies like CBI in india to deal with it unlike your ISI which together with the army controls you and your govt.
You could see my age in profile.

Occupying posts is not illegal in War.

False accusations

They were Mujahideens who kicked your butt, not PA.

Brave & partriots soldiers die in a war? No shit sherlock.

2 Indian jets were downed with Anza

Yeah we saw those run away tactics of IAF when 2 jets got downed.

PAF didn't even enter the war lol nor got any orders.

I heard CBI also had a share in covering up coffin scandal.

What ever gets you sleep better at night.
They were Mujahideens who kicked your butt, not PA.[/QUOTE]

Do you claim that there was no pakistan regular army involved in kargil war.
]@GURU DUTT Do you agree with this !!! Thats a new story.

You could see my age in profile.

Occupying posts is not illegal in War.

False accusations

They were Mujahideens who kicked your butt, not PA.

Brave & partriots soldiers die in a war? No shit sherlock.

2 Indian jets were downed with Anza

Yeah we saw those run away tactics of IAF when 2 jets got downed.

PAF didn't even enter the war lol nor got any orders.

I heard CBI also had a share in covering up coffin scandal.

What ever gets you sleep better at night.

Do you agree with that there were only mujaheed and no regular pakistani army

Modi is the Primeminster of democratic India and when did Pakistan or any country declared him as the terrorist.

There are some idiots who don't understand the sentiments of hindus to not eat beef, the indian law prohibit the eatting of the beef in india and in Uk the british law prevents the eating of beef in public. Is there any law related to eating of pigs in pakistan.

You need medication and special treatment to make your brain normal from the effect of the Zia-ul-haq reformatory drugs

Yes, who denied that modi the terrorist is a PRIME MONSTER of a democracy. Everyone knows. :chilli:

In Pakistan, if hindus or chrstians want to eat pork; no one ristricts them in their homes. Openly selling and eating is prohibited. No one kill them after forcefully expelling them from their homes as in India.

Morons like u only beat drums of democracy without knowing anything about it. How could a ZEBRA know about human values. :P
Doesn't matter.... whole world knows which country is the epicenter of terrorism... :)
That is India. Wolf hiding in a sheep. All 57 Islamic countries know it and support Pakistan in the OIC. Pakistanneeds strong Anti-Venom to neutralize the Indian Venom.
Statement by Mr. Bilal Ahmad, Counselor Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations in Exercise of Right of Reply
(2015-10-01) Mr. President,

We have requested for the floor in response to India's statements in this debate.

India's attempts to deny its illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir are a travesty of history. To perpetuate its occupation, India has deployed over seven hundred thousand security forces in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Only the occupier would oppose the implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions that promised self-determination to the people of the disputed State of Jammu and Kashmir. Over 100,000 Kashmiris have been killed, thousands of women widowed and raped, and children orphaned by this brutal occupation and the most egregious form of state terrorism by India. Independent human rights organizations have confirmed the existence of over 6000 unnamed mass graves in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

If India had respect for international law and moral courage, it would end its reign of terror, withdraw its troops and let the Kashmiris freely decide their future in the UN mandated plebiscite as promised to them by the UNSC resolutions.

UN Security Council Resolutions 47 of 21 April 1948, 51 of 3 June 1948, 80 of 14 March 1950, 91 of 30 March 1951, 122 of 24 January 1957 and the Resolutions of UNCIP of 13 August 1948 and of 5 January 1949 declare that the final disposition of the State of Jammu and Kashmir would be made in accordance with the will of the people expressed through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite conducted under the auspices of the United Nations. The people of Jammu and Kashmir await fulfillment of that promise.

The core issue of Jammu and Kashmir cannot be cast aside by empty rhetoric. It has been and will always be on top of the agenda of any talks between India and Pakistan. This is because durable peace and stability in the region depends on a just and lasting settlement of this dispute in accordance with the resolutions of the UN Security Council.

It is therefore disingenuous of India to ignore the serious peace initiative proposed by the Prime Minister of Pakistan from this august forum.

While proclaiming its willingness to talk, India has imposed pre-conditions, knowing that these would be unacceptable to Pakistan.

India's insistence on limiting the talks to a one point agenda proves that it is neither interested nor serious in engaging in a genuine dialogue. Using the terrorism bogey, India has not only stalled the bilateral dialogue but also vitiated the overall atmosphere between the two countries.

Pakistan's commitment, and its role and sacrifice in the fight against terrorism, including the success of our ongoing counter-terrorism operations, have been acknowledged and praised by the entire international community.

The entire world is also united in unequivocally condemning terrorism, except India. This country is insensitive to the tragic human dimension of terrorism. India seems to suggest that acts of terrorism in Pakistan are acceptable. By doing so, India in fact seeks to mask its own support and sponsorship of terrorism in Pakistan.

India has also failed to bring to justice the perpetrators of terrorism against innocent civilians in the 2007 Samjhota Express bombings. The decision of the Indian Government not to challenge the bail granted to Swami Aseemanand, the main accused in the case, raises serious doubts about India's willingness to convict its nationals involved in terror incidents against the Muslims. This is a continuation of the sad saga of the massacre of Muslims in Gujarat.

I would like to inform that Pakistan has today handed over to the UN Secretary-General dossiers containing evidence of Indian involvement in terrorism and fomenting instability in Pakistan. The dossiers include details of Indian interference and support for terrorism in Balochistan and Karachi as well as its security and intelligence agencies' link with the TTP especially in FATA.

Mr. President,

The international community supports dialogue between India and Pakistan.

Despite India's hostile attitude, it remains our desire to move forward in an open and constructive manner.

The Prime Minister's peace initiative is in line with his vision of a friendly neighbourhood that he enunciated immediately after taking office, two years ago.

We hope that India will respond positively in the interest of peace and prosperity, the cherished collective objective of our peoples.

Thank you Mr. President

New York
01 October 2015
Thanks for the statement, nobody really cares what you say. People have lost all interest in the repeated statements.
:rolleyes: if you feel like I am harassing you then report? Go on what is stopping you? and for quoting you again and again come on now you feel like you are the cutest poster on this forum that I am dying to interact with :man_in_love:, I must be high on something :drag:. My little victim of harassment use the report button it is there for some purpose, use it and make sure I don't play victim card.:wave:
I don't because you are not worthy of that kind of serious attention. You are just one among the many who talks a lot but says nothing. I have my eyes out for guys like fakremirpur who seem to be promising.
I'm extremely sorry, but I sincerely try not to be rude.
I don't because you are not worthy of that kind of serious attention. You are just one among the many who talks a lot but says nothing. I have my eyes out for guys like fakremirpur who seem to be promising.
I'm extremely sorry, but I sincerely try not to be rude.

And kaka you are not worthy enough that I will seek your attention be it serious or non serious. I never tried to be someone or the one, I know I am no one. Anyways who cares you are similar to the billion plus next door nothing less was expected. Excuse me now.
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