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Pakistani Punjab must pay the price for terror

Who are you trying to kid here ???

I agree. The message and intent is very clear.

Pakistani Punjab is going to be on the radar of some very interesting people.


Yes it is----. .Both the parties have stern warnings from uncle Sam---to keep it down---.

Hi sir.


Richard Nixon.

USS Enterprise carrier group.

Bay of Bengal.

Indira Gandhi.

The creation of Bangladesh.

1974 Smiling Buddha.

Obama is no Nixon. Modi ji is a bigger better Indira Gandhi.

And with all due respect to the undoubtable US military machine's might, this is not 1971 India.
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in short what you sow is what you will reap .... ab dekhte hain bakrre ki amma kab tak khair manati hai :devil: :butcher:

Yes what you have been doing in Balochistan and FATA, you will reap what you sow.
Wow. Check the brave Colonel of Indian Army. Wants to target innocent civilians for some cr@p reasons.

For this brave and gallant suggestion this guy definitely deserves 3 param vir chakra, 4 maha vir chakra and 5 vir chakra, all of which should be heated and melted to form into a long metallic rod. And finally that metallic rod should be shoved in his as$ on 26 January by Shri Modi ji himself.

I too agree with you India should not stoop to level of Pakistan in attacking innocent people like you guys did in Mumbai attack
Yes what you have been doing in Balochistan and FATA, you will reap what you sow.
well arent we both declared enemy states and have fought 4 wars in owr 68 year history :azn:

your nation did attack us in 1948,1965 and Kargil + you supported punjab/khalistani and kashmirir sepratists movements against owr nation and always boasted of it then why are you expecting indians to offer you sweets and garlands in return :azn:

to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction ... brace yourself or change your policies against india and indians or we will make you do that ... peace :cheers:
Yes what you have been doing in Balochistan and FATA, you will reap what you sow.

The point of this thread is to state that wherever we see the water and fertilizer coming from of that fasal which we reap, we will return the favors multifold.

This is a cycle of violence where one populace is going to get beyond its threshold of acceptable hurt and cry momma first.

Knock knock knock!
Wake up, this is 21st century and you still believe in martial cr@p...

It is as it is man.

We are pretty clear in our mind about Pakistan.

What the rest of the country thinks is not going to change our focus.

There is a reason we are called Maharashtra.

We had completely routed you when the British came and saved you guys. Little wonder you never fought a war against them till 1857, and then too to regain the dead strings of Mughal dominance.

1947 was the biggest insult to Maratha blood that had been spilt for the land and its people. First against the Mughals, and then the British. And a chance rightly taken by your side to consolidate and claim something on behalf of a thousand years of strife and attempt to add this land to the list of civilizations fallen under the banner of Islamic conquests.

So we recognize the opportunism of a foe. But we do hope you recognize the resilience and ferocity of purpose of one as well.

Forgetting it in the maze of Hindu-Muslim India-Pakistan tu tu main main would be to our benefit.

If India has isolated and identified its enemy within your land, you should do the same?
I too agree with you India should not stoop to level of Pakistan in attacking innocent people like you guys did in Mumbai attack

Or Pakistan should follow India and shouldn't use terrorists like Mukti Bahini and LTTE.
Or Pakistan should follow India and shouldn't use terrorists like Mukti Bahini and LTTE.

There is increasing realization in India that its not enough to want Pakistan to do anything. To wait for Pakistan to do anything.

We control what we can.
Punjabi or Sindhi ,even pathan pakistani have nothing to do with Moghul empire expect they share the same religion with them ,but Maghul history gives them Khuji to mess with india which results in tight slap and cry sounds for the pakistanis .

Bro we have enough issues of our own. We cannot play nursemaid to Pakistan and cure them of their delusions.

But I can definitely tell you that take the Punjabi out of the picture and we will be able to come to an understanding with the Pashtun and the Baloch and the Sindhi.

The Kashmiri cannot and will not fight.
Sure, now that uncle SAM is gone, Pakistan is going to BURN you tit for tat. You hit our "population" we hit your "population".

What kind of barbaric desire is that. Can't we instead work towards peace?

In a national level publication an ex-Colonel in the Bharati army is advocating targeting ordinary people along with their families and going by the response in the comment section gets a thumbs up from the Indian people.

thats good, let the world see true Hindu nature

What kind of barbaric desire is that. Can't we instead work towards peace?

Peace with India, Billi key chichrey
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