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Pakistani protesters condemn Saudi aggression against Yemen


Well in Pakistan some people are Arabs carrying a Pakistani Passport and some are Iranians carrying the same Pakistani Passport..#NotReallyButBasically

What does this pic has anything to do with topic or my comments.
Zarvan is Pakistani Version of Indian RSS types organization supporter.

You are wrong buddy...RSS stands for nationalism...RSS has conflict with those Hindu and Muslims and other people who feels there religion is more important than nationhood..So please keep RSS out of the debate..Do not elevate the status of Zarvan by comparing with RSS like organization..
Shias in Pakistan need to keep there mouth shut on this issue otherwise they will loose the support and may even face more attacks.

This looks like an overt warning to our shia brothers and people like me will never accept this kind of behavior.

Shias are brothers to us. We cannot stay oblivious to the needs of minorities. Shias are part of Pakistan and having the largest population of shias we have a duty to protect their interests. It is the responsibility of every nation to build its policies not based on sectarianism but on the basis of mutual self respect and brotherhood. If you cannot accept shias as part of Pakistan then you do not deserve to be called a Pakistani. Stop your so called jihad against shias. I consider them friends and brothers in our country.

I am not a shia by the way but I respect all my people and I believe that the government has a duty to answer to all their needs. Also Jinnah was a shia too though he did not want to be recognized as one but just a Muslim.
Every country reaches cross roads,and future depends on which road they take.
Pakistan is also at the cross road just like after the russian invasion in Afganistan and after 9/11.lets wait and see if history will repeat itself.

What ever it desides ,these are intresting days ahead for Pakistan,will Pakistan concentrate on the home terrorists and make a better place or will they fight again someone else war.
What does this pic has anything to do with topic or my comments.
There is an interesting thing that when you make two posts and there is nothing between them, they merge togather #NotMyFaultDude
Ask 1 billion dollars from Saudi Arabia to invest in Karachi port in return of military support from Pak. Learn some business. This is the best way to call off the protest ;)
I have practically reached to a breaking point with your lunatic comments. The father of the nation himself was a Shia Muslim whereas your spiritual forefathers were supporting Congress. You have been posting on this forum for long enough to know what comments of yours might be outrageous and taken as offense by the others.
But no action will be taken against him. Is not it ?
Because he is not an Indian. That is why.
If that were the case then you wont any indians here, As for your expressing your displeasure at @Zarvans posts please do it so in a civil manner by reporting his hateful post and stating the reason
If that were the case then you wont any indians here, As for your expressing your displeasure at @Zarvans posts please do it so in a civil manner by reporting his hateful post and stating the reason
Reported several times no. action was taken. so I stopped reporting.
Reported several times no. action was taken. so I stopped reporting.
well you have to a reasonable reason for it and their are certain criteria that needs to be met before a person can be banned, Dont worry if everyone in the thread reports him i m sure by the end of the day the gy named Zarvan will be a history
well you have to a reasonable reason for it and their are certain criteria that needs to be met before a person can be banned, Dont worry if everyone in the thread reports him i m sure by the end of the day the gy named Zarvan will be a history
forget it. I dont mind now a days. Sometimes I remain quiet. Sometimes I reply them in their own language.
forget it. I dont mind now a days. Sometimes I remain quiet. Sometimes I reply them in their own language.
If you didnt mind then you woldnt even have bothered to bash the syetem of abniing here by saying he will not be banned since he is pakistani, Clearly shows you were more intrested in bashing pakistani side of accusation
Why not the protesters respect the democracy? They have ruled Pakistan for 5 years, without any opposition.
Now they are out in streets shows utter hypocrisy, should be arrested for spreading anarchy...
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