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Pakistani people loves Indian films, serials and food

We know abt india.. and indian roads... so dnt try to fool us... at most indian roads r 4 laned and tht too are very few and small patches... while Motorway covers entire Pakistan and is mostly 6 laned while the ones which r 4 laned r being widened to 6....While more are being built!

As for metros.. Indian cities are more over populated/densly populated than Pakistani cities...While we have 3 under construction..in Lahore,Karachi,Rawalpindi...

We have also express way. It is nothing new to us. We have golden quadrangle which cover entire India. Our railway network is one of the largest in the world.
BJP led central government during 2000's invested in "Golden Quadrilateral" project which is a 6 lane highway connecting north to south, west to east.

After 2000, I think Highway infrastructure has greatly improved. but, ratio of good roads is still less. Transport business is hugely improved just because of the GQ project. The Roads are Rubberized and Widened these days.

But, Central States and Eastern(Chattisgarh eg),North Eastern States there is a lot more Highways to be constructed to improve connectivity. only about 16% of India's roads are four lanes or above.

So, Yes considering India as a large country We are not yet reached the Pakistani motorways or Highways concentration all over India. Quality of Good Roads are definitely World class. but, such 4/6 lane Highways are Less to be Frank.

First photo definitely seems not from India.
Why these sort of thread keep popping up every now and then-

I think its time to make a bollywood sticky-

btw when Don 2 is coming out?-
when talking about road..why are we indians comparing ourselves with pakistan at first place..and why are we arguing that indian roads are world class???i agree a lot have been achieved in 4 laning th roads but thats only concentrated to the roads connection majore cities..some national highways are still very pathetic..specially in jharkhand where i live!!!leave alone 4 laning,100 km stretch takes here 3 hours nowadays???i agree many indian roads are now in a good shape,but we cant achieve anything if our aim is to achive better roads than pakistan!!!
dear pakistany freinds let me tell you the hard facts about pakistanies as indians think of?
1: we dont care about pakistan&pakistanies(find it hilarious when some pakistani member says india wants to conquer pak) as we are more interested in our problems & how to iradicate them

2: indians think pakistan as a highly unsatble & anti india to bone country thats why as soon as a NRI comes to know that the other person is pakistani he tries to ignore him/her & keep away!

3: some old fools want indo-pak to be one again..but 99.9% younger generations thank god that we sepparated in 1947

so my pakistani freinds we come on this forum mostly to convey these points to you but at the same time want peaceful co -existance & for that want pakistanies to stop giving india so much attention & adopt a policy of live&lrt live , my oppoligies if someone thinks im too offensive believe me no hard feelings towards anyone , Thanks Again .
Pakistanis apreciate art no matter where it comes from......doesnt means tht the country where it is coming becomes the favourite:D OMG this indians in Karachi is a jerk really:D even when we sing songs like om shantiom we just love the music no matter wht lyrics says cz we apriciate better work...

hope indians will also learn it & making Pakistan MFN only on papers to make world fool will not work any more....:)
Don 2 was shot in a real Malaysian jail.

As per wiki :

In February 2011, the actors flew to Malaysia for the second phase of the shoot where a few scenes were shot in a real prison with real prisoners behind the jail and a complete section of the prison block was made available to shoot. In order to avoid any hitches, special crew t-shirts were made to differentiate crewmembers from the prisoners as it was a high security zone.[15] Filming in Malaysia lasted for a month and ended on March 20, 2011.


Am looking forward to it :D
Gr8 nothing wrong, its just that we feel ashamed of admitting it.
I like Pakistani comedians Rauf and Shakeel, are they popular in Pakistan too?

they are popular in Pakistan since 90's and shakeel siddique is known as "tilli"
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