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Pakistani parents give government three-day ultimatum to evacuate children from China

You're making it out to be nothing. These are news headlines everywhere.

"Pakistan refuses to evacuate its citizens while they plead..."

Absolutely fucking embarrassing. We have the facilities. Isolation wards, medicine, doctors, first class facilities in private institutes, testing kits, everything.

We just need to draft a plan with all the institutes on board, and execute it in waves. It's entirely a possibility.

Or you know what, just give the task to India, they offered it anyways, if that's the kind of low we want to reach!
It seems you are hell bent on spreading this deadly virus in Pakistan as well. Despite all the relevant reasoning provided to you by several sensible members here.
I mean you choose to abandon logic, you don’t wanna consider what Islam tells us about such a situation. You don’t understand how a case of coronavirus infected student from China almost spread the epidemic from Karachi to Islamabad. Even though he knew how contagious it is. I mean what do you want? Risk the lives of everyone in the country? That’s very selfish.

Understand this, We do not have the technical skills and experience to contain such an epidemic and in that case the government is taken the right stance.
It seems you are hell bent on spreading this deadly virus in Pakistan as well. Despite all the relevant reasoning provided to you by several sensible members here.
I mean you choose to abandon logic, you don’t wanna consider what Islam tells us about such a situation. You don’t understand how a case of coronavirus infected student from China almost spread the epidemic from Karachi to Islamabad. Even though he knew how contagious it is. I mean what do you want? Risk the lives of everyone in the country? That’s very selfish.

Understand this, We do not have the technical skills and experience to contain such an epidemic and in that case the government is taken the right stance.

My logic and arguments have gone through your head apparently.

Members of this forum are smarter and more capable than world. Masterchief mirza shoud probably be working in a bio lab right now.
Sabr should be prioritized over risking a contagious disease seeping into a densely populated third-world country of 210 million.
Sabr should be prioritized over risking a contagious disease seeping into a densely populated third-world country of 210 million.
The least the govt could have done is moved all the pakistanies at least from the epicenter to some other part of China which is safe and keep them in isolation before moving them to Pakistan . Embassy should keep in touch with every Pakistani and make sure everyone has food supplies ,water and not hoping things will get back to normal.
There is no plan B ,what if the epidemic gets serious .
You guys are losing the good will of next generation professionals.
Pakistan are idiots GOP Has established a facility in 1-14 Haji Camp Islamabad for quarantine first batch of Children are already there for mandatory 14 day Isolation. Pakistan is a poor country with very little resources GOP cant simply bring every one at the same time and keep them in Isolation we dont have any facilities for it we have way too many Students in China way more than any other country comparing us to Nepal and Sirilanka is not a good idea.

Have a little patience any mistake made due to these pressure tactics could have wider consequence and the ones most affected would be the family members and offsprings of these same people.
Stupid parents what will they say or do when their children or the parents themselves get corona virus because of evacuation in same aircraft from China . Even 1 patient in aircraft can contminante all and then parents will get corona in pakistan too. Use some brain cells.

I would like to say that you're missing several points at once by being emotional. Since Maybe you live in a foreign country, you're having trouble grasping the realities on ground here. First and foremost, Even our Islam says that whenever an illness epidemic runs amok, people shouldn't go to AND from the epicenter of the epidemic. Do you know better than Allah?

Next thing is, No we are not low as a people. If you know the attitude of people here, you'll quickly realize that the families of these potentially infected students would definitely use their connections to bring their children out of any sort of Incubation-Isolation period after a few days. If someone is affected, then they will definitely not reach out to the proper authorities for fear of being ostracized from the public and having their reputations ruined.

Wuhan is the epicenter of Coronavirus, therefore it is most likely that people coming from there could be infected. By being extra cautious, given the little realities at hand, we're not being low as people. We're being careful. While being responsible for the students in Wuhan, the government is also responsible for the Pakistanis living in Pakistan too. You may live in a second-first world country to feel secure, but the rest of us don't. The poor of this country would suffer the most.

That being said, if you look at India's example and feel betrayed then don't be. Take a look here:
Do you see Pakistan anywhere on the list? This is because we didn't evacuate students from the epicenter of the breakout. We're doing good so far.

Of course there's no real guarantee that people coming from other parts of China aren't affected with the virus. In cases like those, Allah knows best who's to die and who's to not. But through these precautions, we're being saved from a lot of unnecessary paranoia and panic. Those students are young, so even if they are infected they have a very high chance of survival. Their older, maybe sicker relatives, don't. If i was a student stuck in Wuhan, i'd probably stay put rather than risk getting my parents potentially infected.

Just my two bits
emotional ... stay calm and trust Chinese doctors. Don't rush and jeopardize the life of rest of nation. They are under observation. Pakistan has no resources to control such epidemic .

What resources did India or Bangladesh or Africa have?
Stop being hypocrite and unempathic.
I wonder how many of our Army men we would have left there if they were instead of these students who do not belong with the elite nor the Army.


Pakistan’s government has so far ruled out evacuating the more than 1,000 Pakistani students in the province, home to the city of Wuhan, at the center of the coronavirus outbreak.

State Health Minister Zafar Mirza said on Twitter on Friday that he and other ministers would hold a meeting for parents in Islamabad on Wednesday and that his government was working with Chinese authorities to ensure students were taken care of.

But many students and their families have expressed growing frustration as the death toll in China mounts, pointing to other countries, including neighboring India and Bangladesh, evacuating their citizens.

“For God’s sake, we request from the government representatives please bring back our children, please listen to a mother’s grievance,” one protester, who declined to give her name, told media while bursting into tears.

The protesters chanted “bring back our children” and held up banners with the same message.

Earlier in the week dozens of families in Lahore held a similar protest outside the Chinese consulate.

A spokesman for Mirza did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for further comment.

He said on Twitter six Pakistani students in China confirmed to have had the virus had fully recovered and one was still receiving treatment.

Nonetheless, students in touch with Reuters from China over the past days said they wanted to leave.


Mir Hassan, a student whose father died of a heart ailment this month while he was stuck in Wuhan, said he had been told by Pakistani officials he would not be evacuated despite wanting to return home to his grieving mother.

“She is also begging me to come back home. Unfortunately, I haven’t any idea when I will go back home and see my mom,” he told Reuters.

Sahil Hassan, a PhD student in Wuhan, said he was finding it hard to receive scholarship payments, leaving them unable to afford food and bottled water from their university’s food delivery service while in lock down.
My logic and arguments have gone through your head apparently.

Members of this forum are smarter and more capable than world. Masterchief mirza shoud probably be working in a bio lab right now.

I believe in these kind of situations, the last thing we need is for emotions to dictate the decision making. How is bringing them back immediately going to help anyone? Think about it. They have better facilities there and it’s not like they’re stuck there forever. It’s just a matter of time.
Even if we had all the technical skills, the slightest chance for it getting out is even too great.
Grow up...

Why this comment? He is telling the truth.
Hilariously, your signature statement hold so true to the discussion we are having on this thread.

"We are not any Random Nation, We are Pakistan !!!"...sure you are Pakistan, because every random nation has brought their people home.

You know how many Chinese workers came back for CPEC after spending their new year from China (post outbreak of Corona Virus?). If your government cannot dare to stop these workers, why your own citizens? If these kids are not positive, keeping them there is a humanitarian crime. Get them tested by your dear Chinese doctors (whom your government trusts so much) and if they are not infected yet ...bring them home.

Today's data

In a month or so China can be the safest place from coronavirus with adequate resources and experience to treat this virus with new cases go down to zero. while in newly hit countries or regions outside China, with little experience and limited specialised resources in fighting this particular new virus, can become way more dangerous.
A suspected case of a fatal corona virus from China has surfaced in Karachi.

According to the Health Department of Sindh, a 22-year-old Pakistani student who returned from China a few days ago showed symptoms of the Nawal Corona virus, which doctors declared him suspected and admitted him to Dow University Hospital.

According to sources, preliminary medical analysis of samples obtained from the patient's body has left doctors worried. After that they kept the patient alone and sent the samples to the National Institutes of Health Islamabad for further confirmation.

Sources further said that after the report comes from the National Institutes of Health Islamabad, something to be said.

Until then, the patient will be kept alone and all precautionary measures are being taken in this regard.

It should be noted that Corona has infected 30 countries, including the US, UK, Japan and Thailand, while many suspected cases have been reported in Pakistan so far, but no deadly virus has been confirmed.
A suspected case of a fatal corona virus from China has surfaced in Karachi.

According to the Health Department of Sindh, a 22-year-old Pakistani student who returned from China a few days ago showed symptoms of the Nawal Corona virus, which doctors declared him suspected and admitted him to Dow University Hospital.

According to sources, preliminary medical analysis of samples obtained from the patient's body has left doctors worried. After that they kept the patient alone and sent the samples to the National Institutes of Health Islamabad for further confirmation.

Sources further said that after the report comes from the National Institutes of Health Islamabad, something to be said.

Until then, the patient will be kept alone and all precautionary measures are being taken in this regard.

It should be noted that Corona has infected 30 countries, including the US, UK, Japan and Thailand, while many suspected cases have been reported in Pakistan so far, but no deadly virus has been confirmed.

@Alternative, Your thoughts? Though I already know what you will say:

1. See, Pakistan has the capability to handle the virus.
2. So now since this is happening we should call back all our students.

This is just one case and it's sent the doctors scrambling, what will they do when all 11,000 citizens come back? Are they going to build a 2,600 bed hospital in 8 days?
Pakistan should tread with caution. China is its all weather friend. Any precipitate action may jeopardise Sino-Pak relations. I am sure Chinese Docs will be doing their best for Pak students stuck there. Chinese docs and medical facilities will be better than that of Pak anyway.

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