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Pakistani Oil and Gas will finish by 2025-2030, Dr Iqtidar Cheema

People often get confused by the rising threshold of economic viability of conventional fuel because they ignore the rising demand of the same in poorer countries. Even in US & China, steel production requires massive use of coal. Or tell me, if you didn't have coal or oil, but had sustainable amount of wood to burn in the power plants, would you use it or not?
There is no way we are getting shale gas investment till the time the crude oil remains below 75$ and Saudia has too much in its sight that it will give in to the pressure of other OPEC countries.
if the price falls below 45 USD for over 3 months than we can kiss good bye to the Shale gas investment and economic sense to the one already being produced in USA... and the oil from the alberta oil sands.
The cost of production in saudia is close to 10 usd which is one of the cheapest in the world. Saudia is doing this for various reasons
- USA and other western allies have agreed to talk to Iran and a deal looks in sight in 2015. Saudia is and was always demanding a swift action.
- syrian scenario
- USA is not oil dependent on Saudia anymore and saudia sees it as a reason for USA not tagging along on either Iran and/or Syria.

Saudia has the financial muscle and the strength to carry on with prices below 40 or 50 for quite a while where as the same can not be said for either Iran or Russia (read USA reasons for accepting this drop in price). Both Iran and Saudia has made their budgets based on crude oil prices of 100 +/- 5 $$.

So the bottom line is that Pakistan has huge potential for Shale gas but in the current oil scenario and the global game being played we can not expect any investment in shale gas unless or until government gives substantial subsidy or/and promises to purchase oil at a level which is sustainable for this investment.
It time our govt should start thinking about the future and plan some major energy projects so that we can be self sufficient in our energy requirements.
I have a suggestion that govt should install bio gas plants instead of importing LNG/natural gas from other countries.The question is,Is it viable???Can a bio gas plant be constructed on a very large scale.I m not so sure.Though England and some other developed countries have initiated some bio gas plants but they r not at a large scale.I m waiting for a sensible answer???
It time our govt should start thinking about the future and plan some major energy projects so that we can be self sufficient in our energy requirements.
I have a suggestion that govt should install bio gas plants instead of importing LNG/natural gas from other countries.The question is,Is it viable???Can a bio gas plant be constructed on a very large scale.I m not so sure.Though England and some other developed countries have initiated some bio gas plants but they r not at a large scale.I m waiting for a sensible answer???

Bio-Gas plants cannot be made on a large scale, they are only viable on a small/household scale. Bio-Gas has low calorific value, so is more relevant as a efficient waste-disposal method.
In fact, Solar and Wind energy exploitation is more worthwhile. Realistically speaking, fossil fuels like Coal, Gas and Oil have run out their course. No point in getting into fantasy-land.
Bio-Gas plants cannot be made on a large scale, they are only viable on a small/household scale. Bio-Gas has low calorific value, so is more relevant as a efficient waste-disposal method.
In fact, Solar and Wind energy exploitation is more worthwhile. Realistically speaking, fossil fuels like Coal, Gas and Oil have run out their course. No point in getting into fantasy-land.
No it can be implemented on larger scales.Check this out
World's Largest Biogas Plant Inaugurated in Finland | Energy content from IndustryWeek
Did you even read that report? Can you tell me how many Mega-Watt are being produced there? :D
Finland has lots of Forests, how much surplus Forests does pakistan have; to run such plants? :azn:
Stick to Solar and Wind sources, pakistan has plenty of that; just do not chase fantasies.

It is 140 MW. And such a project is not possible at that scale in Pakistan for the reasons you have described.
Did you even read that report? Can you tell me how many Mega-Watt are being produced there? :D
Finland has lots of Forests, how much surplus Forests does pakistan have; to run such plants? :azn:
Stick to Solar and Wind sources, pakistan has plenty of that; just do not chase fantasies.
Actually my question was not regarding producing electricity.It was about producing natural gas
Actually my question was not regarding producing electricity.It was about producing natural gas
You can use wood, husks etc for gasification. In India they have small scale power generation which run on this gas plus diesel. Read up on gasification.

Edit: One can use all sorts of waste products such as animal waste, poultry and household waste to generate power. Will and investment is needed.
You can use wood, husks etc for gasification. In India they have small scale power generation which run on this gas plus diesel. Read up on gasification.
We have plenty of husk for that matter.Its possible.We just have to take the first step
There are a great deal of things which can be done. Rather then having a generator in every house People can cooperate and set-up a back-up power generation for their own towns/cities to combat the power outages.
Actually my question was not regarding producing electricity.It was about producing natural gas

And then use the Natural gas for what?
If the answer is: for power generation; then that method is expensive as well as complicated. Direct exploitation of Solar and Wind sources is much more practical and viable for you....you have plenty of both.

Now coming to wood, husk, bio-mass etc. it is practical only on a small scale; therefore that has been the level at which it is being used in India. No chance for usage on Mega-Watt scales.
On thing that is being used very extensively is use of human waste and animal waste to make Bio-Gas. While it works well at House-hold/ Farmstead level only, it is an efficient method of waste disposal and the residue is very good fertiliser for farming. The gas is used to run cooking stoves in rural households or small generators. That is the scale at which it operates. Another method for Bio-Gas generation is by using a woody bush called Lantana which grows profusely like a weed in N.India and chokes cultivation. But even in this case; its usage is on a micro-scale.
Also look at Bagasse which is the Bio-Waste mass from Sugar Cane crushing in Sugar factories. This is being used extensivley in India too. But all of this has limitations in scaling-up.

All said and done; time to move away from Oil and Gas regardless of form or source.
Shale oil and gas will be mined before 2020 so relax. There is enough reserves to see Pakistan till 2080 at full capacity. By that time fossil fuels will no longer be required. Major powers will stop using oil by 2045.


3rd world countries will continue to depend on oil. And hopefully by 2050 developed world stop using oil, which will make oil for rest of the world cheaper.
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